MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 12 Seven Zero Scientists (12)

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The voice fell, and the faces of the two people in the same city were a little ugly.

They all come from the same place. Li Baizhi is a hillbilly, so what are they?

Li Xiangxiang really became too complacent when she arrived in the capital. She even changed her previous gloom and began to feel complacent. She and Bai Zhi came from the same village, but they all claimed to be from the capital?

Bai Zhi ignored her, kept walking, and the expression on her face did not change at all.

Li Xiangxiang didn't see envy on her face, she gritted her teeth and hated.

She really can't wait to step on Li Baizhi's proud face under her feet and trample it hard, to see how proud she is!

Bai Zhi didn't pay any attention to Li Xiangxiang's clamor, and always walked out calmly, her eyes slightly absent-minded.

System 444: "...Host, what are you thinking?"

Bai Zhi: "my country's train engine upgrade and traction kinetic energy increase."

System 444: "...?"

After a while, it spoke again: "Did you hear what Li Xiangxiang said just now? She said that Gu Xinchen would come to pick her up later, and Gu Xinchen would still take action against you, and now you can't resist Gu Xinchen's power, when you arrive in the capital, It's the other party's base camp."

Bai Zhi didn't speak.

System 444 thought that she recognized herself, and her voice also contained condemnation: "Host, you offended Li Xiangxiang to death and rashly came to the capital. This is a very unwise decision, and according to the original owner's request..."

Bai Zhi interrupted it: "System."

"Huh?" 444 stopped babbling.

Bai Zhi sighed, and then continued: "Didn't I tell you? When your creator built you, there was obviously a bug."

"Ah?" 444 was still blank.

Bai Zhi: "So, please stop showing me your bugs and show your worrying IQ."

444: "…"

Bai Zhi: "Otherwise I think, I can't help but name the next topic - fix the bug of system 444 and significantly improve its IQ."

444: "...?"

After a long while, it suddenly made a sad sound of "woo".

Then, it connected to the network of the system world, covered its face, and ran back crying.

The post bar in the system world was quickly followed by a post - #Today is also a day when the host was angry and cried, so angry! #

Below is more of the owner's own reply -

2L [Wish System 444]: The host is crying again! Tongsheng is difficult, I want to strike!

However, Wish System 444 was the lowest existence in the system world, and the post did not attract any attention from the system, and it quickly continued to sink to the bottom, fully weighing its physique.

There is always only an occasional message from the system on the first floor from nowhere—

1L [Female Support System 1132]: ...what good host can a garbage system have? No name on the list, deliberately posting to attract attention? Slightly slightly.

444: "…"


More angry!

After leaving the station, many people came to pick up relatives and friends outside, many of them holding signs.

No way, traffic is not developed these days, and there is not much contact between people from all over the world. I don't know how many twists and turns I have to go through if I want to meet another person.

There are many people outside, and from a distance, you can see cars parked on the side of the road, but the number is very small.

Even if Bai Zhi is very disdainful of the structure and efficiency of today's cars, cars are still very rare in this era, and even in the capital, it is not common. No wonder Li Xiangxiang is so proud.

Li Xiangxiang took the lead and ran in the direction of the parked car.

The two people in the same city looked at each other and looked at Bai Zhi again. At this moment, Bai Zhi also went in that direction.

- That's where the pickup is.

The two were stunned and quickly followed.

Carrying so much luggage and being unfamiliar with Beijing, it is indeed a very timely help to be able to have someone deliver it.

"Xinchen!" From a distance, Li Xiangxiang saw Gu Xinchen standing next to a car.

The pace quickened, like a mandarin duck that had not been seen for many years, rushed over, and the two hugged each other tightly.

This behavior is still a bit outrageous these days, and as a result, many people around him are paying attention, and some even show a look of disgust.

"Cough cough." The driver who came along reminded.

Gu Xinchen was busy before letting go.

Li Xiangxiang also blushed and let go. When she moved her eyes, she saw Bai Zhi also coming in this direction, and immediately said: "Li Baizhi, don't you want to ride in our car? Why did you follow me again?!"

Full of sarcasm.

Since she fell into the water that day, this was the first time she was so confident, and the hatred in Bai Zhi's eyes was reduced by two points. Of course, this did not mean that she was friendly to her, but it meant—

She feels that it is too easy to clean up Angelica!

Bai Zhi glanced at them.

In the original owner's memory, she had already met Gu Xinchen, but it was probably because she had returned to the capital and the college entrance examination was quite good. Compared with her memory, now Gu Xinchen is more energetic, her brows and eyes are full of arrogance and smugness, and her whole body is full of It exudes a unique breath of Lao Tzu.

Bai Zhi raised her eyebrows.

She has seen a lot of people like this. If they don't have the strength to be arrogant and proud, such people usually fall hard.

"Li Baizhi, did you bully Xiangxiang?" Gu Xinchen looked at her, frowning instantly.

"Brother Xinchen, can you help me send these two classmates to school later?" Li Xiangxiang didn't want Gu Xinchen and Bai Zhi to talk, so she waved his hand and begged.

"Of course no problem!" Gu Xinchen immediately said gently.

After a pause, he lowered his head, with a bit of malice at the corner of his mouth: "But I only send people who have a good relationship with you and bully you. Find a way to go."

Li Xiangxiang's eyes lit up in an instant, and out of the corner of the eye glanced at Bai Zhi, the corners of his mouth raised high: "Xinchen, it's not good? They are all from the same town..."

"Why didn't she think that you were a fellow countryman when she bullied you?" Gu Xinchen asked back, when he looked at Bai Zhi from the corner of the corner, he looked at Bai Zhi with contempt, and she was as easy to clean up as an ant.

"That... I heard a letter from a senior who was studying in Beijing saying that every university has organized students to come to welcome new students. This... this student Gu, do you know where the new students at Beijing University are?" One of the fellow villagers couldn't bear it. Live and ask.

Along the way, they had a very good impression of Bai Zhi, and they really couldn't bear to leave her behind.

However, when Gu Xinchen heard the words, he said coldly: "I don't know, since you are so worried about her, let's accompany her to find her."

He didn't really want to hear them mentioning Beijing University. After all, he already knew that Bai Zhi was specially recruited by Beijing University.

Even he had to work very hard to be admitted to Beijing University. Even a talented person like him was admitted by himself. Li Baizhi, a country girl, was specially recruited?

Or the principal himself recruited in!

This makes Gu Xinchen, who has always been proud, a little unacceptable, so when he sees Baizhi, he has a natural disgust.

How can a country girl be able to ride on the heads of these proud people?

After speaking, Gu Xinchen pulled Li Xiangxiang and turned around: "Let's get in the car."

The corners of Li Xiangxiang's mouth raised higher and higher, and she looked back at Bai Zhi, the corners of her eyes and brows were all proud.

Look, it really is different when you come to Beijing!

When she came to the capital, she would no longer have to swallow her anger, and she would no longer have to be angry with Li Baizhi!

The other classmate was in a dilemma, but in the end, he still stood there, and only talked about the classmate who helped Bai Zhi to ask Gu Xinchen, and lowered his voice: "Then what should we do next... If no one leads the way, can we find the school?"

"There is a car." Bai Zhi turned her head and answered him.

The voice just landed, and a loud greeting suddenly came from not far away—

"Classmate Baizhi! Classmate Baizhi!"

Several people looked over, and even Gu Xinchen and Li Xiangxiang, who had just opened the door, followed the sound.

I saw two cars driving over, with a head sticking out of the window of the first car, greeting Bai Zhi excitedly.

The man was not young, but he was waving his hat, obviously very excited to see Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi also slowly revealed a smile.

Afterwards, Gu Xinchen and Li Xiangxiang saw the car driving in front of Bai Zhi, and there were many people in and out of the car, most of them were older, but they all had one characteristic, they were very excited.

The person in the car behind did not show up, but from the rolled down car window, a person in military uniform could be faintly seen.

The two were stunned at the same time.

Those people were already in a daze between the two, excitedly helping to load the salute into the car, the two classmates in the same city went to the car behind, while Bai Zhi was pulled into the car in front.

Soon, the two cars disappeared from their sight.

"What's going on... Li Baizhi still has acquaintances in Beijing?" Gu Xinchen frowned.

The driver suddenly said, "Xinchen, that's the car of the Academy of Sciences. The person in the car behind should be the security guard of the car in front..."

Thinking of Gu Xinchen's temper, he added: "I can't afford it."

The Gu family is a bit powerful, but can it be compared with the country?

Experts of the Academy of Sciences, that is the key protection object of the country!

Especially now that it is different. Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, it means that the country attaches great importance to talents.

If Gu Xinchen goes to provoke those scientists, no one else needs to do anything, the Gu family will beat him down first!

Hearing this, Gu Xinchen frowned tightly and asked Li Xiangxiang, "Why did she get involved with the people from the Academy of Sciences?"

"It seems like someone I know..." Li Xiangxiang said subconsciously.

Just now, she could hear it from the driver's words - they didn't dare to move the people from the academy.

And Li Baizhi is about to enter the Academy of Sciences!

Li Xiangxiang concealed this subconsciously, she didn't want Gu Xinchen to know Li Baizhi's power, what if... what if he put his eyes on Li Baizhi because of this?

At first, Gu Xinchen pulled Li Baizhi and said "I want to marry her", but now both of them are students of Beijing University, Li Xiangxiang subconsciously didn't want Gu Xinchen to know.

- Of course, there is also a little element of her inferiority complex.

Compared with Bai Zhi, she was instantly compared to the dust. It was like this in Lijia Village, and she didn't want to be like this in Beijing!

However, when Gu Xinchen heard what she said, he immediately made a contemptuous voice—

"It's just people who know the Academy of Sciences, don't take it seriously."

He looked at Li Xiangxiang, held her hand, his face full of affection: "Xiangxiang, it's great to see you, don't worry, I won't let anyone bully you!"

Li Xiangxiang looked shy, but her heart was full of joy.

- As long as Gu Xinchen supports her, what else is there to be afraid of?

System 444: "Host, Gu Xinchen and Li Xiangxiang will definitely take action against you."

Bai Zhi: "Well."

"..." It can really choke the system.

So, 444 asked again: "Host, what are you thinking about now?" And he wanted to say a bunch of things he couldn't understand?