MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 170 Mary Sue, who hunted the world (11)

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Hunt the world.

All the players have left, and all of them can't beat the NPCs in the wheel battle. How could some teams still stay to challenge Bai Zhi?

She didn't kill them, they had already saved their lives and hurried away, one ran faster than the other.

Some of the audience left with the player, some stayed here and continued to watch. Their attitudes were very different, and they were divided into good parts and good parts.

Part of it is excited—

"Ah, ah, so handsome!"

"I was so handsome by an NPC, and her strength is too strong!"

"You can't beat her in the wheel battle, this is the last big boss!"

"Hahaha, she really deserves to be the 'Tantas who hunts the world', I really like her so much, I force the king to be the king."

"And she doesn't kill players, she's really handsome!"

And there's a bigger part, they're very disgruntled and opinionated—

"She is really terrifying, so terrifying that she shouldn't exist."

"I thought before that she shouldn't be on the leaderboard. Although she is conscious of the world, it is actually a game. NPCs are directly controlled by the conscious department. They can cheat and let players compare with them? Isn't this bullying?"

"Yeah, why did the consciousness department set up such a powerful NPC? They can't beat the wheel battle, and they will certainly not be able to beat them in the future. Is this fair?"

"They have been unable to beat the NPC Bei Baizhi, who is supported by the Consciousness Department. Isn't she the king of hunting?"

"If you want to play, play it fairly and fairly. Why does the Hunting World want to do this? Are they putting a prank here so that the players don't win?"

"If that's the case, why don't you start hunting and killing the world at the beginning. These contestants have spent so long in the hunting world, not to lose to an NPC!"

"It's not fair! I feel sorry for these players now. If the consciousness department hadn't opened a plug-in for Bei Baizhi, how could she be so pushy?"

"Oppose NPC's listing! Oppose Bei Baizhi!"

Mixed in these two groups of people, there is also a part—

"Speaking of which... has no one noticed that Bei Baizhi accepted everyone and gave them eternal life?"

"Fuck, I seem to be thinking of someone..."

"I thought of that too! That person has died several times!"

"Damn it! Isn't it too psychedelic? Does the hunting world give NPC such great power?"

The players had heated discussions, and most of them were dissatisfied with the awareness department and NPC Bei Baizhi.

They felt that Bai Zhi should not have such a powerful power given by the hunting world. They felt that the consciousness department got an NPC like Bai Zhi out to bully people. They were the loudest and almost became the mainstream voice.

Those who are excited are a small number of people, and even fewer are those who notice that Bai Zhi accepts disciples and bestows eternal life.

There are too few such people, and in the voices criticizing the consciousness department and hunting the world, they do not appear to be outstanding at all.

So much so that the barrage seems to have only one voice at the moment - dissatisfied with the power of NPC Bei Baizhi.

When they were discussing intensely, Bai Zhi calmly instructed the NPC to clean up the surrounding area, the trees regenerated, and the grass grew green again.

After everything was done, she waved her hand, and all the NPCs who came from all over came back.

Outside the cabin, everything is quiet.

She made herself a cup of tea, sat on the reclining chair, squinted her eyes slightly, and looked comfortable.

444 couldn't help it and asked, "Why do you want to give them control again? You can take over this world long ago. I don't believe they can take management away from you..."

The consciousness technology of this world is quite powerful, and even Bai Zhi was amazed.

But obviously, it's not difficult for her to figure it out, not to mention that she has already done research in this area, even if she doesn't know anything, she can do better and more powerful than them after researching it.

The control has been in her hands, and it is impossible for anyone to take it away!

It's not that those experts are not powerful, but this devil is too terrifying!

She is an old monster who has researched all aspects of science for thousands of years, traveled through countless worlds, and stayed in the plane of immortality for thousands of years...

She was countless times scarier than when 444 first bound her!

So 444 never felt that those experts could take control from her, she could only give them to them on purpose.

In my mind, Bai Zhi's voice sounded, with laziness: "444, you have become smarter."

444: "..." For a while, I didn't know if I was praising it?

Bai Zhi said lightly: "I gave it to them on purpose, let them operate, I have never done anything, and be my NPC honestly."

444: "…"

Are you honest? ?

Honest: Are you polite?

"Am I being dishonest? They cast me as an NPC, and I'll be an NPC; they ask me to accept apprentices and give them artifacts, so I accept apprentices and give them something better than artifacts..."

She chuckled, her voice low, and that laughter made 444 feel creepy.

Just listen to her continue: "I didn't do anything, so no matter what the result is in the end, it has nothing to do with me."

444 blinked his nonexistent eyes and fell into thought.

She said it very innocently, but 444 wouldn't think she was innocent at all!

- This ah has always killed people without paying for their lives!

After a long while, as if thinking of something, 444 widened his eyes and raised his voice: "You want them to do something in person that they will regret?!"

Bai Zhi's voice is lazy and gentle: "Yes, I will give them the control and lure them into taking the bait, just to see if they will be so stupid..."

444: "..." You can do this because you are sure that they will do what you want!

Still not hooked?

Don't think about it, it is estimated that the fish has already bitten.

444 believes that he already knows this devil very well!

Sure enough, Bai Zhi seemed to sense something, suddenly opened her eyes, sat up, her eyes were shining—

"It seems that I didn't underestimate these people at all. It's really stupid."

Yichen team.

They are quite fortunate to be able to escape from the dead again. You must know that this time they not only did not have an accident, they even had a piece of equipment!

The team members calmed down and immediately began to discuss—

"I only know how strong Bei Baizhi is today. Before we beat her, we felt unfathomable. It really is, the blood bar is so long!"

"I was dumbfounded when I saw the blood bar."

"Me too, haha, when I saw countless NPCs surrounding me, I thought it was going to end today, but luckily it hasn't!"

"What does she mean by accepting apprentices? What is 'hunting the eternal life of the world'?"

"I do not know."

Yi Chen has been sitting next to him, looking quite silent.

Someone asked him: "Boss, what are you thinking about? Why is it so quiet?"

Yi Chen pursed his lips: "I'm thinking about immortality and infinite loops..."

A person suddenly flashed in his head - Zhuo Yi.

He has been killed by them twice, but he is still alive!

"Did you say that she gave us the gift of apprenticeship? I don't feel anything, immortality, did she let us not die? Is there such a good thing?" The beast touched his chin.

The magician thought for a while and said, "If Bei Baizhi has always been so strong, it is impossible for us to win this game at all. It is a waste of our feelings to continue."

Mecha Warrior: "Yes, she is simply unscientific. Is there something wrong with the setting of the consciousness department?"

Alien Beast: "In other words, is it possible for us to hit her in the future?"

The magician shook his head: "Impossible, unless all of us' combat power has been greatly improved, or her combat power has been greatly reduced!"

Witch: "As long as the points we get can improve, we can improve our combat effectiveness."

Several people continued to discuss.

Yi Chen frowned slightly, with inexplicable fear in his eyes, he thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Maybe I'm wrong, I always feel wrong, this is not a good thing..."

"Why do you say that?" someone asked in surprise.

Yi Chen frowned, with a tangled face, as if he didn't know how to explain it.

It's a feeling, it's like something flashed through my head, but I couldn't grasp it.

While he was tangled, the other team members looked at him suspiciously...

Suddenly, all of them received news of the hunt for the world—

[From now on, the points earned by contestants for hunting each other will increase by 20 times, and the probability of dropping equipment will increase by 50%. 】

The points of hunting each other have doubled twenty times? !

This is too exaggerated!

The equipment drop probability was originally 50%, but increased by 50%, doesn't it mean that as long as they hunt each other...they will get 100% equipment drops? !

- Is this encouraging players to start hunting each other now?

Witch: "I just said that unless our points have been greatly improved, it is impossible for us to beat Bei Baizhi. As a result, we are now given a point increase? Haha."

The alien beast's eyes also lit up, and he rubbed his hands expectantly: "Then we just need to kill more contestants, can we get higher and higher points, and then kill Bei Baizhi?"

Mecha Warrior: "Hey, I'll just say, she's so powerful, if you don't give me more points, how can she beat me?"

Of course, they didn't fight Bei Baizhi not because they didn't want to fight, but because they couldn't fight!

As long as they have the fighting power to win the NPC Bei Baizhi, will they not do it?

how is this possible!

Thinking of the possibility of winning Bei Baizhi next, everyone rubbed their hands expectantly.

Yi Chen suddenly changed his face.

He stood up suddenly: "I understand what's wrong, I understand!"

Everyone looked at him blankly: "What?"

Yi Chen's eyes were frightened, he closed his eyes, not letting the fear in his eyes frighten others, his voice trembled—

"I think the immortality of hunting the world means that we will be resurrected immediately when we die, just like Zhuo Yi, I absolutely don't believe that he has two pieces of equipment that can be resurrected!"

"Ah?" Everyone was stunned.

Yi Chen opened his eyes and looked at them, his voice trembling more and more: "Just think about it, we are hunting the world reincarnation, which means that we can't do without the hunting world, and it is impossible for us to return to reality! Combined with the notice just now ...This is forcing us to reincarnate in the hunting world, killing each other again and again..."

"Impossible! How can it be possible to do without the Hunting World?! It's impossible for the consciousness department to have such a bug!" The alien beast didn't believe it.

Yi Chen raised his foot sharply, leaving only one sentence—

"Look for Zhuo Yi!"

Everyone gritted their teeth and quickly followed.

Zhuo Yi is hiding in a place in a daze.

Seeing them find him, he subconsciously wanted to run.

Even if you know that you can be resurrected, how can you feel the taste of death?

The alien beast rushed over and knocked him down: "Roar—"

"Ahhh!" Zhuo Yi screamed.

Yi Chenjian faced him: "I ask you, were you given the 'eternal life of hunting the world' by Bei Baizhi from the beginning? What does that mean?"

Hearing this question, Zhuo Yi was stunned, and then his expression became frightened: "Devil! She is a devil, I don't want eternal life, I want to leave this world, let me go!"

He began to struggle desperately.

Yi Chen didn't say anything.

Zhuo Yi died, and his body gradually disappeared.

The others stared blankly at Yi Chen.

Yi Chen took a deep breath and looked at the witch: "Look for Zhuo Yi!"

So, a day later, they found Zhuo Yi who was hiding in another place.

"Ah—" As soon as he saw them, he called out immediately, turned around and ran away.

This time, they didn't chase him.


Absolutely quiet.

The sword in Yi Chen's hand fell to the ground, he squatted down and looked at the lawn without saying a word, as if the whole person was integrated with the lawn, motionless.

Others also acted after a long time...

The magician looked at him: "Boss... The consciousness department can't keep us reincarnated. There are tens of millions of people here, and countless audiences are watching, they dare not!"

After a long while, Yi Chen said in a hoarse voice: "If there is something wrong, so they can't do anything about it? Or they themselves have a problem... Otherwise, how can they increase the points of the players fighting each other?"

Everyone was stunned and speechless.

The alien beast, who has always been rampant, said at a loss: "Boss, boss... Then what should we do?"

Yi Chen raised his eyes, with a hint of red in his eyes: "Murder!"

"What?" The others were taken aback.

"Murder, kill a lot of people, accumulate points, let us be invincible!"

Yi Chen gritted his teeth: "Before the problems in the hunting world are resolved, we must make it impossible for others to kill us, otherwise... if we die once, we will become weak, like Zhuo Yi!"

Think like Zhuo Yi...

Everyone shuddered.

Like Zhuo Yi, he was killed again and again!

Every death weakens the strength, and once they die, they will be weak again in reincarnation.

And the weak are in this hunting world where everyone must desperately accumulate points, for fear of becoming weak, there is only infinite death!

If you don't want to die indefinitely, you must try your best to accumulate points and kill people desperately.

And there are countless others who think like them.

They are caught in a cycle of terror!

—This world is going to be a world of mutual slaughter.

Everyone shuddered, holding their weapons in fear and fear.

After being stunned for a long time, the audience who followed Yi Chen's team exploded—

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"How could Yi Chen's guess be right? Isn't that torturing these contestants?"

"Yes, the conscious world can never do such a thing!"

"But... Zhuo Yi is real, he really has been reborn."

"I'm going to see other teams. I'll see if everyone has to be reborn when they die!"

So they went to various places to continue watching.

The hunting world is a world where everyone fights, but that kind of fighting is to return to reality after death, and the winner in it just keeps killing other people's existence!

The essence of existence in this hunting world is decompression.

If everyone is immortal, then everyone will be cycled through countless killings and killings!

That's not decompression, it's torture!

Someone ran to the other contestants, and they saw—

Because of the notification from the system just now, some players want to preemptively kill to gain points.

As a result, some unsuspecting players were killed.

They quickly switched followers and continued to watch from the perspective of the dead player.

- They didn't see the notification that the player lost and left the hunting world, but followed him to life.


The resurrected player himself was stunned for a long time, and then he thought of something, and said in surprise—

"It's actually true that Bei Baizhi accepted an apprentice?! It's really possible to live forever? Then, can't I go and take revenge? Damn it, chops, you dare to hurt grandpa, see if I don't take care of you!"

After that, the man hurried out with the unfinished equipment.

The netizens who are watching at the moment can't wait to rush in and shake them to wake up—

"Calm down, you can be reborn, and others can be reborn too!"

"Why do you want to kill so impulsive? And if you want revenge, why are you secretly killing other innocent people?!"

"He kills you, you kill her, she kills him, you are all in a nightmare!"

"Ahhh, you're going to get caught in a horrible cycle like this!"

The audience is going to panic, but these people actually did not think of it.

But they're people in the hunter world, and they've got to think about—

If I don't take action, what if others keep taking action?

Wouldn't it mean that everyone else has become strong, but I'm still weak, and everyone can kill me?

- Obviously everyone wants to be the one with the knife, rather than being the fish on the chopping board.

From Angelica's victory, granting immortality, to Zhou Ming asking them to change the rules and issuing an order of twenty times the points.

From the audience's dissatisfaction that the NPC is too strong, to the player discovering that he can be resurrected and start the fight.

From the dissatisfaction of the players in the hunter world and the audience in the real world, to the fear on their faces...

As if it didn't take long!

As if it was just a split second!

Zhou Ming and others, who were always paying attention to the Hunting World, noticed it immediately. He saw the players resurrected, and saw that they were all afraid. He cursed the Hunting World and the Consciousness Department...

He clutched his chest, feeling a little breathless.

"Zhou Ming!" Liu Sun roared, and he rushed in.

His eyes stared at Zhou Ming as if spitting fire: "Are you crazy?! Why did you issue an order to hunt players for 20 times the points?! What the **** are you thinking?!"

Zhou Ming stammered: "I, I, I... I just want to improve their points, so I can kill..."

"Shut up!" Liu Sun growled.

If there is no infinite reincarnation, if they can really kill Bei Baizhi, Zhou Ming's doing so is an appropriate choice in his situation, Liu Sun will not be so angry, at least not in his heart.

But with "hunting the world's immortality", his order is simply fueling the flames, and it is simply beyond stupid!

Liu Sun ignored him and turned around and ordered the technician—

"Hurry up and withdraw the notice just now, no, no, first cancel Bei Baizhi's "hunting and killing the eternal life of the world", it must not be resurrected forever!"

He tried to keep his head clear to deal with the follow-up.

This is a big trouble. Now that we have reached this stage, it is not whether Zhou Ming's life can be saved, but whether his Liu Sun can end well!

- It's just that Bei Baizhi stayed in there alone, and the citizens made a fuss. The introduction of a Zhou Ming might be able to quell the anger.

But now there are millions of people in it!

I don't know how many are their relatives and friends. Seeing them being killed again and again, how could a Zhou Ming calm the anger of the contestants and these people?

The Empire and the Consciousness Department are both targets of anger.

He, the chief in charge, will also be finished with him!

Liu Sun grabbed his head and urged them.

However, when Zhao Ping'an, Chen Gang and others went to operate, their expressions all changed.

At that moment, Liu Sun had a strong foreboding.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

All were silent, not daring to speak.

Liu Sun roared: "Speak!"

Zhao Ping'an's voice trembled: "Hunting, hunting, hunting the world... It's out of control again! We, we can't operate..."