MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 174 Mary Sue, who hunted the world (15)

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What's the meaning?

Why did she say she was an NPC all her life?

Old Qin murmured: "She is much better than us... It seems that she has tried, or has judged that our method is not feasible, no wonder she ignores us..."

Both the king and Wu Yan heard it, and their hearts sank immediately.

Inside the screen, Bai Zhi still lay calmly, closing her eyes slightly—

"Players and NPCs in the conscious world have two attributes. Although I don't know why I accidentally became an NPC, since I became an NPC and I chose to take over the hunting world, I became one with the hunting world. , hunting the world disappears and I disappear, hunting the world exists and I exist.”

Countless people were shocked by the barrage—

"What do you mean? So she will only be an NPC in the future?"

"Then how did she get cast as an NPC?"

"If that's the case... then why is she taking over the hunting world?"

"Yes, if she doesn't take over the hunting world, is it possible for her to come out?"

"If she doesn't take over the world, now hunting the world will not be chaotic, and she may not be able to come out!"

Bai Zhi suddenly opened her eyes and looked forward with a pair of sharp eyes, as if looking at everyone across the screen.

Just listen to her cold words: "Why should I take over the hunting world? Then let me show you what will happen if I don't take over the hunting world."

She raised her hand.

The scene of the screen has completely changed.

They seemed to be standing in Bei Baizhi's point of view, "saw" she became an NPC, saw Zhuo Yi kill her, and saw countless people torture her repeatedly...

Death after death, begging, identifying yourself as a player, begging for help telling the consciousness department, begging to the audience outside the screen, all to no avail, no one believed, or half-believingly didn't care.

They only regarded her as an NPC, mocking her pleas, and mercilessly beheading her.

After a million deaths, she went crazy.

In the end, the hunting world ended, and she and this world of consciousness were eliminated and completely perished.

In a short period of time, they seemed to see an NPC's complete, painful and desperate life!

The screens have high magnifications, but it's amazing - they feel long and clear.

Except for Old Qin who was in shock, who could sigh that Bei Baizhi's control over the world of consciousness was superb, everyone else was in shock.

The fear and collapse of death again and again are countless times more tragic than the players who are reincarnating inside now!

After a long while, someone slowly issued the barrage: "This is all hypothetical..."

The screen changed again, Bai Zhi was sitting on the reclining chair, surrounded by a flowery garden, she pushed the gold-rimmed glasses, her eyes were slightly cold: "Is it an assumption, you all know it."

Are they clear?

Many people were silent, and the barrage did not say a word.

Yes, if it wasn't for Wu Shoufu's own admission, even if Bei Baizhi was so abnormal, they would never associate her with not being an NPC.

If she said she was a player when she was killed, probably everyone would think she was lying to save her life!

This is because it is impossible for the player and the NPC to overlap, and this view has left a ingrained impression on them.

Also because of the intelligent consciousness of NPCs, they have the ability to think independently within a certain range, so they will deceive players in various ways...

They really won't believe it.

If Bei Baizhi does not have the ability to control the hunting world, then the above experience is inevitable.

Count on the consciousness department to find out and rescue her?

Liu Sun and Zhou Ming's repeated attempts to kill her have already demonstrated their attitude!

The Consciousness Department will make matters smaller, kill her to escape responsibility!

After the barrage was extremely quiet, someone finally spoke again—

"She's really miserable..."

"Yes, bring in myself, I'm dying of despair."

"Everyone doesn't know she's a player, and they want to kill her when they know she's a player."

"Fortunately, she's amazing, otherwise we probably would never have known that a player was mistakenly cast as an NPC, and she would have been killed millions of times just like she did."

"It's so miserable, it's so miserable..."

Everyone's mood is very complicated, even those who hate Bei Baizhi leaving players in the world of consciousness are a little speechless.

The expressions on the faces of Old Qin and the King were also moved.

Wu Yan was heartbroken.

- So, if Bei Baizhi can't get out, will she let other people go? !

Inside the screen, Angelica was still lying, and the rocking chair was slowly shaking.

She stretched out her hand, and a red rose appeared in her hand, she played with the flower and said softly: "I see all the letters you sent, but in my opinion, I don't any good."

Wu Yan's heart tightened. The benefit they promised her in the letter was to bring her out. Almost all the benefits came after she came out.

But she can't get out at all!

The king also changed his face, his expression tangled and complicated.

Bai Zhi took the flowers close, closed her eyes slightly, sniffed the fragrance of the flowers, and her voice was calm: "Almost every letter of you asked me to open the world of hunting... So, you asked me to let everyone out, and I was with the world of hunting. disappear?"

"No!" The king's voice was sharp.

Wu Yan also shook his head sharply, his voice hoarse: "Sorry, we didn't know you couldn't come out before."

The barrage also filled up immediately—

"No, it is absolutely impossible for the empire to obliterate you, all of us are watching."

"Yes, this is the fault of the consciousness department, and it won't make you disappear."

"If they dare to let you disappear with the hunting world, we will definitely call the shots for you!"

"Bei Baizhi's experience is already very wrong, why let her disappear? I will never agree!"

"Don't worry, the Empire can't do this!"

Bai Zhi smiled, and when she laughed, even the red rose in her hand trembled.

After laughing, she looked ahead, her eyes dark as ink: "Oh, won't let me disappear with the hunting world? So what? Take them all out, and leave me here to spend my time alone Eternal years?"

The barrage went blank again.

Wu Yan opened his mouth, but was speechless.

If they want to bring everyone out, she will be the only one left...

The king was also silent for a long time before he murmured, "Is she really unable to come out?"

If Bei Baizhi can't come out, how can they satisfy her?

It is impossible to obliterate her, can it be possible to leave her alone and hunt the world to exist forever?

Everyone was silent at this moment.

-Because they have nothing to do.

From the day Bei Baizhi became an NPC, it was destined that she would not become a human again, and all this was a disaster!

When everyone was silent, Bai Zhi suddenly sat up.

She looked at the screen, her eyes were dark, and her eyes were cold. Her hand clenched the rose that she had just held. Immediately, the rose turned into a red mist. After she let go of her hand, it gradually disappeared into the air.

At this moment, it seemed that the air became chilled.

The corners of her mouth curled into a sneer, and she slowly spit out a sentence—

"Want me to let me go? You are dreaming."

Everyone was startled.

"Stop spying on me, I'm in a bad mood right now." After speaking, the screen suddenly went black.

The suddenly black screen made many people panic for a moment, they immediately switched to other scenes, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Switching to other scenes can also see that the hunting world is still in their viewing.

It's just that Bei Baizhi's name has disappeared, unless she wants to, they can't take the initiative to see her anymore.

Wu Yan: "…"

He was just thinking about Bei Baizhi's misfortune, but he ignored—

This is not just a gentle, pitiful woman, she is also the devil who leaves all players in the hunt and kills the infinite reincarnation of the world!

Thinking of the provocative video for a few seconds, thinking of the dark and cold eyes just now...

She is not friendly to them at all!

Her response this time was to tell them - she wouldn't let them out now!

Bei Baizhi, she is no longer a citizen of the empire, but the controller of the hunting world, an NPC inside.

Even if she wants to keep all the players in the hunting world, can they still judge her as an NPC? !

Her consciousness is human, but she is also an NPC!

And even if they could judge her? How else could they judge her not?

Although the screen was black, the barrage filled the screen again—

"What does she mean?"

"Obviously, she won't let anyone go."

"Fuck, it's a bit too much!"

"I think it's normal. She is actually an NPC now... It's different from us after all."

"Yes, and even if we are, I'm afraid we can't do it without a disaster, and we are willing to be eliminated, or stay in a false world forever..."

"Ah, ah, I just want to know, how is my son going to come out?!"

"Bei Baizhi, do whatever you want. Let my family members go! Just let one go."

"We still have to let the empire figure out a way, or do we really want our children to stay in it forever?"

"I don't care. I must let my wife out as soon as possible. If she stays here, she will have a psychological problem!"

There are various voices on the barrage, Wu Yan switches scenes, and no longer reads those words.

He looked at the king: "Your Majesty, we are now..."

The king didn't speak, and kept his eyes on the screen.

Wu Yan followed his line of sight and found that two gangs were confronting each other.

Unlike the others, they did not start the fight directly as soon as they met, although the atmosphere was tense, although everyone had weapons in their hands and looked alert.

But they really didn't fight.

Wu Yan was a little surprised, but he also looked at it seriously.

Yi Chen gasped, they had been fighting for many days.

They united with the Scorpion Gang and wanted to be strong, but when they got the divine equipment, the Scorpion Gang turned their faces and plotted against them.

If it wasn't for Yi Chen's vigilance, they might have been wiped out by now.

But that's it, the battle between them and the Scorpion Gang still suffered heavy losses, and several teammates died.

Although their teammates are now resurrected, their strength has also been greatly reduced.

Fortunately, they have a divine outfit and can continue to persevere.

However, at this time, they met the Red Sun team.

Hongri also has a divine outfit, Yi Chen and the others have been in trouble, but now they can't beat Boss Hong and the others.

Originally, they were about to start fighting as soon as they met, but Yi Chen suddenly said, "Boss Red, let's cooperate."

So, the two sides confronted each other.

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with him. They can't beat us now. As long as we win against them, even if we make some sacrifices, we will still make money." One of Boss Hong's subordinates said.

Yes, even if the Red Sun team and Yi Chen are over, there will only be a few people left, but as long as Yi Chen and the others are dead, the huge points on their heads will go to the Red Sun team.

At that time, the resurrected teammates will be retrieved. With the help of powerful teammates, their team will soon have higher points and stronger strength than before.

Yi Chen's team just finished fighting the Scorpion Gang, if it wasn't for the leader of the Scorpion Gang and a few others running away, their current combat effectiveness would not be weaker than Red Sun!

It's a pity that Yi Chen didn't win that battle, so now he will lose against Red Sun.

The people in Yi Chen's team were even more alert.

Boss Hong clenched the hand that held the divine suit, obviously it was intentional.

Yi Chen took a deep breath: "Boss Hong, you'd better listen to me. I know why everyone fights as soon as they meet, because they all want to be stronger and not be killed before they go out, right? ?"

Boss Hong looked at him: "Don't play tricks."

Yi Chen: "I didn't play tricks, Boss Hong, don't you think it's strange? What is the purpose of our endless fight?"

Boss Hong didn't speak, just looked at him.

Yi Chen's eyes were full of red blood. He hadn't slept well for a long time, and he fought with the Scorpion Gang again last night, so his mental state is very bad now.

His voice trembled slightly: "Boss Red, there may be something wrong with the hunting world."

Everyone in the Red Sun team was stunned, including the Yi Chen team.

All of them looked at Yi Chen.

"What do you mean?" Boss Hong frowned.

He is a smart person, and he has long felt that he violated the agreement, otherwise he would not be crazy to accumulate points.

Yi Chen smiled bitterly: "Although this is a hunting world, it is no longer a normal hunting. I can't take it anymore, let alone other players?"

He paused, then said, "If our situation is still being broadcast live, it is impossible for our family not to make trouble. If our situation is not broadcast live, it is impossible for our family not to make trouble..."

They don't know what's going on outside, so they can only analyze.

It has been several days. If there is no live broadcast for several days, it is absolutely impossible for the citizens of the empire not to cause trouble, and the setting of this world is that live broadcast is required, so most of them are still live broadcast now.

But if the live broadcast is still happening, can people outside not be anxious in their situation?

But after so many days, the hunting world still hasn't stopped, and they still haven't received any news, it can only mean that something is wrong.

Boss Hong's voice was hoarse: "This is just your guess..."

Yi Chen is firm and firm: "But do you have any other explanation? There is definitely a problem in the hunting world, and there is a problem that the empire has not been able to solve so far! I don't even know if it can be solved in the future!"

"So what?" Red Boss asked.

His hands tightened, and it was obvious that the emotions in his heart were not as calm as the surface.

Yi Chen took a deep breath—

"There is no team that will win forever. If this fight doesn't end, you can't always be the winner! If ten people can't beat you, there are still a hundred or a thousand people. There is a problem in this world, and I don't know what the problem is. We can't keep fighting, I want to work with you, with all the big gangs, to stop fighting."

Boss Hong's subordinates were worried and stared at him: "Who knows if you are playing tricks? Are you trying to deceive our trust and then take the opportunity to kill us?"

Yi Chen put down his weapon: "I don't know how to convince you, but I can only say that fighting can't solve the problem. Since a few days ago, no one has been able to leave the hunting world. This is the fundamental problem!"


Isn't the biggest question no one can leave this world of consciousness?

Is that possible...

Will they never leave? This fight will never end?

Thinking of this, the two teams shuddered.

"This..." The members of the Red Sun team looked at Boss Hong.

Yi Chen's words made them very confused, and they could only look at the boss at a loss.

Boss Hong closed his eyes slightly, opened them again suddenly, and looked at Yi Chen: "I believe in you, and I also think there is something wrong with this world. It's okay for a short time, I'm afraid it will continue like this, and I'm even more afraid that we can't live without this. the world."

Yi Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he immediately found that the red boss's weapon was placed on his neck.

- This is to kill him!

Boss Hong said softly: "Yi Chen, I believe what you said is true, and I am willing to cooperate with you. But the world is too scary right now. Once I die, I will lose all my efforts. I don't worry."

After he finished speaking, he exerted force, and Yi Chen was killed by a sword.

When Yi Chen's body slowly disappeared, Boss Hong said, "I'm still here waiting for you. I promise that as long as I don't die, no one can kill you again."

"Do it."

So, everyone in the Red Sun team started together and attacked the people in Yi Chen's team.

It was probably Yi Chen's death that stimulated them, and the members of Yi Chen's team were soon defeated and killed.

-To cooperate, but the Red Sun team also has to clean up the strength of each other.

The world is really crazy, and even cooperation must be based on fighting.

Seeing that there was only one team left on the screen, the king took a long time to open his mouth and said, "Shoufu Wu, is there any other plan to satisfy her? Tens of millions of players must be picked up!"

- Can't let this crazy world go on any longer!

Things got more and more troublesome at this point.

The hunting world was out of control, and the control was taken away by a player who turned into an NPC. Now this player will always be an NPC. She cannot do without the hunting world. Her attitude towards them is very unfriendly...

In this case, in order to solve the problem, it is obvious that Bei Baizhi must be satisfied.

Because, tens of millions of players, they must be picked up!

If tens of millions of people stay in the hunting world forever, then he, the king, and the first assistant, Wu Yan, will not be able to sit still!

This is not a small problem. It involves tens of millions of people and their relatives. Almost the entire empire citizens are paying attention to this matter, and they are all related to this matter!

Wu Yan took a deep breath: "Your Majesty, I will try my best to find a way..."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Mr. Qin: "Elder Qin, in this situation, we don't have many choices. I don't know if I can think of a way to satisfy Bei Baizhi, but tens of thousands of people must pick them up! So I beg you all. Continue to work hard and find a way to take back control of the hunting world from her!"

Qin Lao was silent for a while, then nodded slowly.