MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 190 Super Species are White Dough Dough (8)

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The Federal Police Chief was startled, and after a while, he hurriedly said, "Oh, that's right, out of respect for you, so we named you Eliza Xiaobai."

He was also afraid that she would not understand, and explained one more sentence: "Except for human beings, if you are such a powerful existence for us human beings, we will name you, which is respect for you. Eliza Xiaobai is The name the federation gives you means that you are strong and powerful. Everyone in the federation has widely accepted this name.”

The director didn't want to make this high-IQ group unhappy, so he said everything nicely.

What it means to be powerful and powerful, what the whole federation recognizes this name, recognizes her power and power, etc., are all the director's nonsense on the spot.

However, after he finished speaking, the other side was silent.

The dumpling wearing gold-rimmed glasses looked at him quietly, without saying a word.

The director was a little confused, so he touched his head and continued what he just wanted to say—

"Eliza? Xiaobai dumpling, I'm sorry that we took the lead in taking action against you just now because the kid couldn't control his emotions, so he did it, and you also cut off one of his hands, so it's a cleanup? I hope you can forgive me. , He also made an impulsive move when he heard the news that you released the monster."

After a slight pause, the director continued: "Eliza? Xiaobai dumpling, you are a dumpling and don't understand the rules of human beings. Before you took things from major research institutes privately, you have violated human laws and regulations. ... Blow up three research institutes, which is a provocative act on the human side."

Many people only knew at this time that Bai Zhi had just blown up the three research institutes, and suddenly looked at the director in surprise, and then looked at the white dumpling in shock.

Did you blow up three research institutes at will? !

That's a research institute!

What the **** is this guy? !

However, even with the stormy waves in their hearts, they still didn't open their mouths and listened to the director quietly.

The director said a lot, but the other side didn't say a word as if the sound system had just broken.

Bai Zhi has been looking at him quietly, the dark black bean eyes have no emotion, and the light reflected by the glasses lenses becomes more and more cold.

Director: "…"

Always say something, right?

He opened his mouth and said: "You are very powerful, and we humans are very willing to live peacefully with any species that does not harm us, but if you have been in human territory and do not follow the rules, then we will also be welcome. You know , Human's technological level and weapons are far from comparable to other species, which can directly destroy an entire planet..."

This is a threat.

Human beings are willing to get along well with dango, but if you dango go too far, and then do something that violates laws and regulations by blowing up the research institute, or taking away the things of the research institute, then...

Humans also have to use force!

And the shootout they just had with the group was just a small fight. When humans really use lethal weapons, they can directly destroy the entire Lexing.

The threat of the Secretary is very powerful.

Of course, he also believed that what he said was a courtesy before a soldier, and he couldn't pick out a single problem.

He made a good gesture first, apologized first, and then started threatening her!

Even if it was a threat, it gave her enough steps.

- They can ignore the things she did before, after all, she may not know the rules of human beings at that time.

As long as she is still smart and says that she will obey the rules of human beings in the future, she will go down this level, and they will not pursue her previous affairs.

The director doesn't believe that this dumpling really wants to be the enemy of humans!

Unless her head is broken.

Once a human weapon is used, not to mention her Eliza Xiaobai, even the entire group of dumplings will not be able to escape!

- Even if it's a pink dumpling.

The power of pink dumplings is only individual, only to a certain extent, they can bounce bullets, what about explosives? What about nuclear bombs?

The power of human beings is the confidence of the director, far from being comparable to other species.

After the director finished speaking, he looked at Bai Zhi, his expression relaxed a little, and his waist straightened, obviously quite confident.

And this scene was all filmed by drones in the sky and posted on the Internet.

Netizens who follow the real-time attention of the whole federation are discussing again—

"Oh my god, he actually threatened me Xiaobai!"

"Hahaha, Xiaobai is so frightened that he doesn't say anything."

"Don't bully the dumplings like this, cute creatures like them should be pets, so why threaten others?"

"I feel sorry for Xiaobai, Xiaobai, come here and give me a hug!"

"I think the director has done a great job! Didn't you read the report just now? Three research institutes have been bombed! Fortunately, because of the theft of the institute, there are very few people in the institute today, and none of them are working, otherwise it may be serious. Casualties!"

"Same! In our human territory, we must abide by the rules of human beings, and dumplings are another species after all. If you think about the bugs who did these things, you must all scream and kill them. You can't just because they are cute. So forgiving!"

"By the way... Am I the only one who thinks Xiaobai doesn't seem to be frightened?? Her expression doesn't look like she's frightened!"

There is a heated discussion on the Internet, and the leader is finally about to arrive.

And here, Bai Zhi, who thought she was frightened, finally spoke up—

"You go on, there are three minutes left."

The director was stunned for a moment, and then said: "What, what?"

Bai Zhi didn't explain, but narrowed her eyes slightly: "Why can't I take the things from the research institute? Didn't you get the consent of your humans? Then you sold us from Lexing to the Federation, did you get our permission?"

"This..." The director was suddenly choked.

He wanted to say that the dumplings didn't communicate with them at that time. At that time, they didn't know that dumplings were also high-IQ creatures. They only thought that dumplings were low-level creatures, so they didn't pay attention...

Of course, he also knew this, and once said it, Eliza Xiaobai would definitely be angry.

After all, who wants to accept the title of "lower creature" on their back?

Bai Zhi didn't give him a chance to speak, and continued: "I think your wanton sale of my race is a provocation to me, so when I went to remove some useful things last night, I made some by myself. little things."

The chief looked at her blankly.


What little thing?

"Later I thought about it, maybe it's only small things in the research institute, you don't care, so let a robot go to the place you care about the most and put ten times the amount. Oh, that place you call - the Federal Palace of State ." White dough face was expressionless, and his voice was flat and unwavering.

Chief: "!!"


And it's a very powerful bomb.

They all felt the recent explosion of a research institute. The explosion of the research institute at such a distance could be felt here. It can be seen how powerful the bomb is!

The director's pupils shrank, and he suddenly thought - ten times!

She just said that the Federal Palace of State had been bombed ten times as many!

Bai Zhi: "I calculated it before, ten times the amount will cause the explosion point as the center, all collapse in a radius of five kilometers, and within one kilometer of the central area, no creature can escape."

She looked at him, and the mechanical female voice was still flat and unwavering: "It takes a little time for a small thing to complete a huge destruction mission, a full five minutes. But I'm not worried at all, because you stupid people will definitely not be able to find me in five minutes. things to do."

"You—" the director looked terrified.

She even planted such a powerful bomb in the Federal Palace of State!

And obviously, the superior leader has not removed it yet, because inside the headset, the leader has been roaring—

"Hurry up! Hurry up again!"

The director knew that he was urging the pilot to open the spaceship. He must be very anxious, so he urged him.

"Eliza? Xiaobai!" The director couldn't help shouting loudly.

Bai Zhi still looked at him with a slight smile—

"I, very, no, like, like, this, one, name, character."

"Originally, I didn't intend to blow up the little things in the Federal Palace of State. After all, I only released it once. If I blow up the Federal Palace of State, I have nothing to threaten you."

"However, the name you gave me... I hate it very much. So, if you are tired, just destroy it. I have activated the little thing of the Federal Palace of State."

She blinked Heidou's eyes, expressionless: "There are still one minute and nineteen seconds."

Chief: "!!"

Around, everyone looked at the dumpling in horror, and some people looked at him at a loss: "Director!"

They can't believe the guess in their hearts!

The chief is also trembling!

At this moment, he seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat, the frantic throbbing, the anxious and shocked fear, all made his hair stand upright and his back shivered with chills.

It was the countdown!

After he said her name, she directly activated the explosives of the Federal Palace of State!

After he threatened her, she said "there are still three minutes", then the countdown is already on, and now, there is only more than one minute left!

The director was dumbfounded and immediately raised his voice: "Eliza? Xiaobai! No, no, Tuanzi, what are you doing?! If you dare to blow up the Palace of State Affairs, our federation will definitely blow up Lexing!"

Bai Zhi was expressionless: "One minute and three seconds."


The drone was concentrating on recording, and the federation online, which had been discussed lively just now, has completely fried the pot—

"Fuck you!"

"This is **** horrible!"

"Real or fake? You won't lie, will you?"

"It's not a lie, you'll know in a few minutes..."

"Wori, I'm within five kilometers now!"

"Don't hurry up and run? What if it's true?!"

"Impossible, the Federation can't be restrained by a group, they will definitely find the bomb immediately."

"Moreover, there are strict regulations around the federation, and there are even radar detections. It is impossible for any bomb to approach. It must be fake."

"Fuck! I thought it was fake, so I didn't run, but Mom, there are a lot of spaceships running out of the State Palace and the Royal Palace on my head!"

"Everyone in the Palace of State is running? That must be true!"

"Is this a **** cute thing? It's a monster!"

"There is something we can discuss, as long as you are willing to stop, we-" The director stepped forward, his voice was hurried.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and at this moment he could not wait to pounce on her immediately, grab her, and force her to stop.


She was flying in mid-air, and there was that inhuman "monster" protecting her.

The director is so anxious to collapse, this countdown is simply hopeless!

At this moment, in the sky, a spaceship rushed over.

That spaceship is the official spaceship, a customized model of the Federation. Only the leaders of the Federation are eligible to ride, and the leaders always travel very smoothly.

This was the first time that the spaceship drove like an escape.

The spaceship flew to the front, and immediately stopped, and the whole spaceship swayed several times in the sky.

People can't help but worry that the spaceship will fall down in the next moment.

Fortunately, the pilot's skill in driving the spaceship is very good. Although it stopped suddenly, although it kept shaking, it never fell.

Before the spacecraft stopped, a person appeared at the hatch.

At this moment, the people of the Federation who saw this person opened their eyes slightly. This is one of the leaders of the Federation. Although he is not the royal family or prime minister of the Federation Empire, he is also the first person under them!

- Zuo Xuan.

This person was actually dispatched.

At this moment, all the federal people knew that the threat of "bombing up the Federal Palace of State" was real.

It seems impossible, but it is real.

The director was a little relieved. Zuo Xuan was the leader of his leadership. Now that Zuo Xuan is here, the difficult task of stopping Eliza Xiaobai can be handed over to Zuo Xuan.

And he didn't have to worry about being held accountable after the Federal Palace of State was really bombed.

Zuo Xuan didn't care about anyone at all. He stood at the door of the cabin before the spacecraft had stopped, holding a loudspeaker and shouting loudly—

"Please stop! As long as you are willing to stop, we can discuss everything! Eliza? Xiaobai!"

Bai Zhi looked at the person coming and smiled: "Thirty-one seconds."

"If you don't like the name Eliza? Xiaobai, we'll change it for you. No, we won't name you, you can call it whatever you want!"

Bai Zhi: "Twenty-two seconds."

"We will provide you with everything you want, experimental equipment, food, resources, etc.!"

Bai Zhi: "Seventeen seconds."

"We will return all the dumplings to Lexing!"

Bai Zhi: "Thirteen seconds."

"We will never occupy Lexing in the future, and we will always coexist peacefully with Lexing!"

Bai Zhi: "Nine seconds."

"What do you want? What exactly do you want?!" Zuo Xuan roared in a frenzy.

Bai Zhi: "Six seconds."

"Her Majesty Queen Eliza!"

Bai Zhi: "...It's a good name."

"Her Majesty Queen Eliza! We promise you everything you want! Stop it!" Zuo Xuan was sweating profusely, as if he was about to fall from the spaceship.

The Federal Palace of State was bombed within a five-kilometer radius?

That was a nightmare!

The drone is no longer ordered, and it is still circling in the air dutifully, and now it even hovers in front of Bai Zhi because no one has ordered it.

As a result, it clearly recorded the scene where the small schoolbag behind "Her Majesty Queen Eliza" turned into two robotic arms on the short hands of Yuan Jiu Jiu.

Holding a small remote control on the robotic finger, she pressed a button at this moment.

So, the numbers above stop.

one second.

Stopped at the one-second number.

The drone is very high-definition, thanks to the fact that it is very close at the moment, so it also clearly records the remote control, and clearly records the paused numbers on it.

One second, only one second left.

It simply played the heartbeat of everyone in the Federal Empire!

- but fortunately it stopped.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, and the director on the ground also let out a sigh of relief.

Zuo Xuan supported the hatch, barely standing still, and it was at this time that he felt his clothes soaked through.

On the Federation Online, everyone has recovered from the tension just now, and they are discussing again—

"It's terrifying! I was so frightened just now that I was within a kilometer. Everyone was running just now. I knew that I couldn't run out in a few seconds, so I was stupid and stood there in a daze!"

"Me too! I'm still shaking, it's really scary."

"Why is Zuo Xuan so humble? Although the Palace of State may be blown up, you should be tougher, take out powerful weapons, and aim at these dumplings! If you dare to bomb me, I will kill you immediately!"

"The front is stupid. At this time, the barefooted are not afraid of wearing shoes. You said that compared with the federation leaders, who wears shoes? Who is barefoot? They are also afraid of accidents!"

"Yes, and the palace is within one kilometer of the Palace of State. In such a short time, it is impossible for everyone to run away, so I can only ask her to stop."

"Even if everyone runs away, the palace and the Palace of State are the core of the federal empire. If this is bombed, the federal empire will be destroyed immediately, and the Zerg will definitely take advantage of the fire."

"So... you can only be coerced by her? Then whoever goes to the Federal Palace of State with powerful explosives can make any demands?"

"The front is stupid, the Federal State Palace has a radius of five kilometers, no, at least ten kilometers are very strictly controlled, and the highest precision radar is monitoring in real time, those dangerous goods are impossible to approach! The bomb made by Eliza Xiaobai is close. Now, let them be helpless, this is the prerequisite for her to blackmail the Federation! And others obviously can't do it, so Eliza Xiaobai's strength is shown, and Zuo Xuan can only be humble!"

"And call her Eliza? What about Xiaobai? It was just that name that annoyed her and wanted to destroy..."

"A name almost caused the biggest crisis in the history of the Federation!"

"Should call her now... Her Majesty Queen Eliza? Fuck."

The discussion on the Internet is indeed true. The reason why Zuo Xuan is so humble is because he received calls from the top officials of the Federation and the royal family on the way, all asking him to stop Eliza Xiaobai at all costs.

The Baili royal family is even more angry and angry, but the top priority is to let Eliza Xiaobai stop, it is absolutely impossible for her to blow up the Federal Palace of State and the palace!

They have already detected dangerous objects at the Federal Palace of State, because the dangerous objects are still moving, so they have not been able to find them yet, let alone dismantle them.

And time waits for no one, Zuo Xuan can only coax her to stop at all costs.

Well, it's finally time.

After Zuo Xuan stood firm, his head became clearer, he looked at Bai Zhi, and took a deep breath—

"Eliza... Her Majesty, can we have a formal peace talk?"

He tried his best to make his voice softer, even if he was extremely angry at the moment, he still suppressed it and let himself pull out a fake smirk.

The royal family and the top officials of the federation said that they should stabilize first, and after the danger is eliminated, they must make this guy look good!

The Federal Empire also has a temper!

Eliza Xiaobai made the Federal Empire lose such an adult, and they certainly couldn't let it go.

- Even if an entire planet is blown up, the face of the Federal Empire must not be lost!

However, even if the prominent figures in the Federation pulled out a smile, Bai Zhi did not appreciate it at all.

She glanced at him lightly, and the mechanical voice sounded: "No need, just return our Lexing dumplings first. As for the details of the compensation resources, I will send it to you when I return to Lexing."

Zuo Xuan: "…"

Details? !

He clenched his hands into fists, feeling his anger surge.

After Bai Zhi finished speaking, she patted Baili Tian.

The boy's wings shook, and Bai Zhi and him both returned to the cabin door.

In the half-dark and half-bright light and shadow, her body is half bright and half dark. The bright half of the glasses reflects the dazzling light, making people dare not look directly, and the dark half of the glasses seems to emit light. The dark gleam sent chills down the spine.

On the ground, a robot dragged three people out from behind a spaceship.

The three were apparently still alive, but were seriously injured.

Zuo Xuan and the director frowned slightly, a little dazed.

"They are the people who went to my Lexing to catch the dumplings, and dozens of dumplings died in their hands. From now on, I hope you take them as a warning."

Bai Zhi's robotic arm held up a picture: "I, Lexing, still have a lot of dumplings in the federation. I hope you will treat dumplings kindly. I have come up with the distribution map of all dumplings, with specific positioning on it. One dumpling is missing and one is injured. Tuanzi, I won't let you go!"

She released her hand, and the picture fell, slowly towards the director.

He subconsciously reached out to catch it.

In the semi-darkness, Bai Zhi pushed her gold-rimmed glasses, and the mechanical voice seemed to be extremely indifferent—

"From today onwards, killing my dumplings and injuring my dumplings will all be dead. If you can't escape from all over the world, even if you die, I will dig up the grave!"

After that, there was a "bang-" sound on the ground.

The director subconsciously raised his hand to block it, because he stood in the front position, and then opened his eyes, countless blood splashed on his body, and even blood beads on his cheeks.

He stared at the bright red on the ground in front of him in astonishment.

At this moment, the spaceship that the group was riding on had closed the hatch and disappeared from everyone's sight.


Absolutely quiet.

Both the scene and the citizens of the Federal Empire who were watching online were silent.

After a while, someone said on the Internet—

"What about...the person who said he wanted to raise Eliza Xiaobai?"