MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 8 Seven Zero Scientists (8)

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"The president of Jingcheng University?! Is that the Jingcheng University that Li Xiangxiang just said?"

"And the leaders of the county town, I haven't met them yet!"

"They are looking for Bai Zhi?! What's going on?"

"My God, there are so many great people, hurry up, hurry up, go and see!"

Immediately, the people who had just surrounded Li Xiangxiang's house all dispersed in an instant and ran towards Baizhi's house.

The educated youth is a little far away from Bai Zhi's house. If you enter the village, you can go directly to Bai Zhi's house without entering, so these people all ran in the direction of the sound of the car.

In front of the lively Li Dazhu's house, there were only firecrackers and everyone in the Li family left.

Even the three brothers of the Li family who had just been eavesdropping in the yard came out, blank and shocked.

Chen Guifang stretched out her hand to hold Li Xiangxiang in disbelief: "Did I just hear it wrong?!"

how is this possible? !

How could these big men come to Li Baizhi? !

"Did Li Baizhi cause something?!" Chen Guifang guessed.

Li Xiangxiang's heart was beating wildly, and a bad premonition suddenly rose.

"Let's go! Let's take a look!" Chen Guifang gritted his teeth.

Today is a big day for their family. Unless Li Baizhi is unlucky, she doesn't want anyone to steal their limelight!

She doesn't believe what good luck Angelica can get!

Li Xiangxiang was stunned for a while, and then hurriedly followed, but her heart was beating wildly, and she always had a bad premonition.

Even the three brothers of the Li family, who didn't want to go out, followed. Second Li walked by himself with a sullen face, and Mr. Li, who covered one eye, pushed Mr. Li to follow.

What exactly happened?

Yeah, what the **** happened.

The entire Lijia Village was full of stunned expressions, only when Bai Zhi heard the sound of the car stopping and the noise, her hand moved slightly, and then the corner of her mouth raised.


The president of Beijing University came with the president of the Academy of Sciences and others.

Principal Zhang didn't know much about scientific research, but the "half" letter he saw that day still shocked him.

Yes, half of the letter, he and the half letter from the Academy of Sciences are combined to make a whole letter, the whole envelope is a long paper, the title is simply shocking - on all the breakthrough points of current technology development.

When Principal Zhang saw the title, his brows instantly wrinkled.

If this was written by a student of his school, he would definitely call people over in an instant, and also all the breakthrough points of technological development? Why is it so whimsical, don't you know it's down to earth? !

But unfortunately, this is what the Academy of Sciences asked to find out.

The principal also watched along, and the more he looked, the more he felt that there was something to be said.

Especially the excitement of these experts and researchers of the Academy of Sciences made him even more ignorant.

Because of this paper, experts from the Academy of Sciences stayed at Beijing University for several days, and they have been discussing around this paper. The more the discussion, the more excited they are.

His friends at the Academy of Sciences told him that the content of the letter was worth digging into, and some of the content explained the kinetic energy part of their research, which gave them a lot of inspiration.

The person who wrote this letter must be a very good person!

Their country is trying to catch up with other countries, there are many foreign countries, and what they don't have makes leaders and scientists very anxious.

All scientists in the country are working hard for the development of the country, and no one will be spared.

What's more, the letter sent by this genius is enough to shock them and let them know that this genius is very, very powerful, and she will definitely contribute a huge force to the development of science and technology together with other scientists.

Originally, Principal Zhang was not used. Although he also wanted to meet this outstanding talent, the people from the Academy of Sciences obviously did not want to take him.

But the student Bai Zhi who sent the letter said on the last page of the letter that she could not take the college entrance examination because she did not have the admission ticket, but she really wanted to study at Jingcheng University, so she also sent half of the letter to Jingcheng University.

Hey, he is the president of Jingcheng University. Of course, what he has to do is to dig talents for the motherland all over the country.

How can you not come and see?

So, because of this sentence, people from the Academy of Sciences took him along.

However, as he went further and further away, he was still thinking, can such a remote village also cultivate such advanced talents? What if... it's just a waste of time for them?

No wonder Principal Zhang thinks this way. He has seen many students, and places with backward education and lack of learning awareness are always more difficult to produce talents than advanced places. This is a common phenomenon.

It's not discrimination, it's a rational and objective analysis and summary.

Just in Principal Zhang's wild thoughts, under the leadership of the villagers, the car stopped outside a yard.

The gate to the yard was closed.

"Baizhi lives here!" The captain suppressed the shock, let out a long sigh, and said politely.

He was about to go up and push the door directly, when an old expert pushed him away, "I'm coming!"

So, he knocked on the door, looking a little nervous and a little nervous.

"Knock knock knock." As if knocking on the hearts of everyone.

A voice came from the door: "Please wait a moment."

Immediately, the door made a "click" and the door opened automatically.

Everyone: "!!"

Yes, it's the sound of the door!

The door also opens automatically!

Automatic door!

These experts didn't even want to go in, they just started researching from the door to the door.

This door is the same as the previous door, but the lock has been changed, and a black box is locked. It can be seen that this is the thing that controls the opening and closing of the door and makes the sound!

Seeing that some experts have itchy hands, they are ready to dismantle it.

Principal Zhang hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Cough, experts, shouldn't you...go and say hello to Li Baizhi?"

"Hey, that's right!"

"Yes, you should find classmate Bai Zhi first!"

"I still have a lot of questions to discuss with Bai Zhi!"

The crowd rushed in.

There are various parts and semi-finished products in the yard. Among the piles of parts and tools, there is a girl squatting.

She looks slender and thin, her face is also pale, her hair is flush with her ears, pinned behind her ears, she is also wearing the simplest blue cloth, her hair is washed white, and there are even a lot of patches. He has tools in his hands and some mechanical oil in both hands.

This is a pretty girl who doesn't care much about her image.

But her eyes were firm, and when she saw them, she smiled lightly, her brows and eyes half-bent.

She remained in a squatting position all the time, smiled and said to them, "You are here."

Principal Zhang obviously did not expect that he would see this scene.

But the dean of the Academy of Sciences has already taken the lead, rubbed his hands, stepped forward, and squatted down: "Student Baizhi, hello, I'm Xiang XX, the dean of the Academy of Sciences..."

He held out his hand.

Bai Zhi also stretched out his hand, one disregarded the oil stain on his hand, and the other didn't dislike the oil stain on the other's hand.

Shake hands.

Then soon, other experts who didn't give the dean face squeezed away to the dean, and shook hands with Bai Zhi one after another.

After shaking hands, these experts immediately asked—

"Student Bai Zhi, the paper you sent earlier said..."

"Is XXX really a breakthrough for improving the engine?"

"Also, you said about..."

"Student Bai Zhi! I'm even more curious about the device on the door?!"

"Classmate Bai Zhi, you have this..."

A group of experts gathered around Bai Zhi, and the discussions were in full swing, and some people even took out their notebooks and kept recording something.

When you get tired of squatting, you just sit on the ground without anyone else.

Whether it's these experts or Bai Zhi, they don't pay attention to Principal Zhang and the others. They only care about their own communication. From time to time, Bai Zhi takes out tools to demonstrate, no matter how many people are watching.

Principal Zhang looked at the captain, and then at the county leaders who were following, and they looked at each other in dismay.

Angelica and these words from the experts...

They don't understand!

"This..." The captain just said.

Principal Zhang immediately showed a polite smile, raised a finger, put it on his lips, and said silently, "Quiet."

He is not engaged in scientific research and can only understand half of it, but he knows that these people are the future of the country and the hope of development, and he respects them.

The captain was even more confused.

He looked at the leaders who came from the county seat. All of these leaders were quiet, just standing here and listening, daring not to approach or to interrupt.

The captain also quieted down and didn't say a word.

But at this moment, when he looked at Bai Zhi who was integrated into the experts, he suddenly felt awe.

There was a commotion outside, Principal Zhang frowned, and the captain went out immediately. Soon everyone outside became quiet, but they didn't leave. They stood at the door curiously and looked inside.

Soon, the low voices of these villagers rustled—

"I can't understand what Bai Zhi is talking to those big men inside!"

"Me too, it seems to be some kind of research..."

"Oh my god, Bai Zhi is really amazing!"

"Yes, I also saw that some expert is still asking her for advice!"

"What the **** is going on? Is Bai Zhi so powerful?"

The low voice of discussion did not affect the people in the discussion at all.

Dean Xiang sighed quickly and said, "The conditions here are still too rudimentary, classmate Bai Zhi, it's really amazing that you can make these things with such rudimentary things!"

"Dean, let's take Bai Zhi back to the Academy of Sciences. I can't wait to put into practice the advice that Bai Zhi has just given!"

"Yes, the conditions of the Academy of Sciences are much better than here. Bai Zhi will definitely be able to contribute better to the development of our country's science and technology."

"Yes, Dean, let's take Bai Zhi back quickly!"

Hearing this, Principal Zhang finally interjected: "Don't worry, classmate Bai Zhi will of course go to the research institute to do scientific research in the future, but classmate Bai Zhi is still young, I see classmate Bai Zhi said in the letter that she wants to come to our Beijing University. study?"

Bai Zhi smiled: "Yes."

Principal Zhang was slightly excited, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became higher and higher: "Then I am willing to issue an admission notice to Bai Zhi on behalf of our Beijing University."

Such talents must be from Beijing University!

The sound was not too loud, but because of the silence, it could be heard in and out of the courtyard.

"Impossible! She didn't take the college entrance examination, how can she get the admission letter from Beijing University?!" Li Xiangxiang's voice was a little sharp and out of control because of shock, and she could hear it clearly inside and out.