MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-Chapter 11 wash basin

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the next day.

Early in the morning, the morning sun rises.

Lin Zhishui stood at the door of his calligraphy and painting shop, stretched out against the blue sky, and comfortably enjoyed the cool morning air. It seemed like another happy day.

I don't seem to have anything to do today, just practice ink painting.

In calligraphy, he is considered a master, even without his beloved brush.

But as for ink painting, he has only been learning it for a few months, so he can only be considered to be of a small level. Even if he uses a brush, he is only at a high level in the technique of changing ink colors, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

However, calligraphy and painting are also interlinked, and at his level, progress is also rapid.

Lin Zhishui turned around and opened the store door, put his satchel on the table, took out the pencil case in the bag, opened the pencil case, and was about to take out the brush, but was slightly startled.

The tip of this beloved writing brush is made of unknown animal hair, and it is pure and flawless.

At this time, traces of ink could be seen on the pen.

"Strange... I clearly washed it yesterday, why is there any ink?"

Lin Zhishui felt a little weird.

He cherishes this brush very much, and washes it carefully every time after use.

But there are often weird situations. As long as you haven't looked at it for a while, you don't know where the ink oozes from the tip of the pen, and the color of the ink is very dark.

He guessed that maybe the barrel of this brush is hollow, so every time the brush is washed, ink seeps into the barrel, and it will seep out again after a long time.

Or, in fact, there is a solid piece of ink hidden inside the pen barrel?

However, it is impossible for Lin Zhishui to disassemble and study his beloved brush because of this speculation, and his career as a calligraphy master will also come to an end.

This kind of brush often happens to him, and he is used to it, so he is too lazy to think about it, and decides to wash the brush again.

He first moved a small table and placed it in front of the store, then walked into the bathroom, took out a gray iron basin from under the sink, took half of the water, and then came to the door with the iron basin. Before, put the iron basin on the small table.

Immediately, a stool was moved from the side, and he took his beloved writing brush, swayed it gently in the iron basin, and carefully cleaned the tip of the pen.

Although this iron basin looks gray and unremarkable, it is very convenient for washing pens.

Because the space in the iron basin is divided into two areas by an S-shaped curved metal partition, just like a Tai Chi two-meter diagram, both areas can hold water, and one can be used to wash the pen, and the other Wash it again with clean water, so there is no need to change the water again.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen that dead face for a long time."

While Lin Zhishui used this iron basin to clean the brush, he was also thinking of people, and unconsciously remembered the guest who gave him this iron basin.

Although the middle-aged guest who claimed to be 'Lu Mou' looked very aggressive, with very straight eyebrows and a stern look, like a dead face, he seemed very difficult to approach, but when he saw his calligraphy and painting, he was also very close to him. The other guests were no different, and they were still unavoidably stunned on the spot.

After spending 86,400 yuan to buy him a copybook with a book titled 'Three thousand guests in full house, fourteen states in frost with a sword', the guest surnamed Lu seemed to see that he did not The container for washing the pen was also very thoughtful and gave him this iron basin.

Even though the guest surnamed Lu still pretended to be cool and didn't speak when he brought the iron basin, Lin Zhishui knew at a glance that this old man... is old and arrogant.

Beneath his seemingly indifferent exterior, he is actually very attentive and warm.

It wasn't anything precious anyway, it was just a gray iron basin, and he happily accepted it.

Although it is not beautiful, it has a very high practical value. With the structure of this iron basin, let alone to wash pens, it is no problem even if it is used to make a mandarin duck hot pot.

After a while, the water in the gray iron basin became half black and half clear, and it looked very clear, which just reflected the complete picture of Tai Chi.

That old man deserves to be a lover of traditional culture, and a basin for washing a pen is so particular about it.

Lin Zhishui secretly sighed in admiration. When he was about to wash the second time, he heard a gentle and respectful female voice behind him:

"Mr. Lin good morning."

He turned his head to look, and saw a tall and slender woman with long hair and a friendly temperament in a brown formal suit, standing not far away, looking at him respectfully.

"Ms. Han, it's quite early." Lin Zhishui smiled.

The person who came was Han Suxin who had only met yesterday.

Yesterday, I had agreed to send her a letter and asked her to come pick it up, but I didn't expect her to come so early, and she was too impatient. It seemed that she couldn't wait.

"Su Xin didn't dare to keep you waiting, so I came here earlier." Han Su Xin continued.


Lin Zhishui glanced at her with a smile and said, "I'm still washing my pen, you wait a moment."

"You are busy with your work, don't worry about me." Han Suxin nodded slightly, not daring to urge, but just stood quietly watching Lin Zhishui wash the pen.

As expected of an immortal **** who lives in seclusion, she can pretend to be exactly like a mortal. She also observed it yesterday. This senior Lin has never come and gone, or has used the legendary teleportation magical power, just like He walks and rides like a mortal, without the slightest impatience, he doesn't seem impatient.

I am afraid it is also because of the extremely long lifespan and the same lifespan as heaven and earth, so I don't care about wasting this time.

Even when washing the brush, he didn't use mana for convenience. Instead, he washed the brush carefully and carefully.

Perhaps... this is the legendary return to basics.


Suddenly, Han Suxin was stunned, staring at the gray iron basin that Lin Zhishui was using to wash his pen, looking at the clearly defined Taiji diagram in the basin, and an uncontrollable shock gradually appeared in his eyes.


This water basin... isn't it... Shouldn't this water basin be the treasure?

There are some magical treasures in the cultivation world that can be called "treasures".

She has seen clear pictures and materials of those treasures that are widely circulated.

And the style of this gray iron basin in front of me is exactly the same as that of the 'Two Instruments Concentrator' which is one of the Ten Great Treasures under the Infinity Heavenly Court Dao Lineage!

Just a lookalike imitation?

Or... is this the real thing?

Han Suxin couldn't help but said, "Mr. Lin, the shape of your basin is quite strange, where did you get it?"

"Oh, this water basin was given to me by an old guest surnamed Lu." Lin Zhishui said casually: "Although that guest is cold on the surface, he is actually very careful and warm."

Your surname is Lu? Cold?

Hearing this, Han Suxin was completely certain.

According to the rumors in the cultivation world, the two-meter magic pot is the portable magic weapon of 'Lu Jianxian', but Jianxian has always been able to break through all methods with one sword, and it is rare that Lu Jianxian uses other magic weapons.

It seems that Lu Jianxian gave Senior Lin the two-meter gathering pot in order to repay the kindness that Senior Lin gave him. UU reading

"What? Do you know him?"

Lin Zhishui glanced at Han Suxin, these people are all lovers of traditional culture, maybe they are in the same circle, and their understanding is normal.

"It's not really, I just heard about it." Han Suxin shook her head.

That is Lu Jianxian who is aloof, the peerless master who saved the world many years ago, and can be called an idol in the cultivation world, she has never even seen it before.

Lin Zhishui didn't care, he just said, "He is very considerate. This basin is really convenient for washing pens."

Han Suxin was speechless for a while.

Such a precious treasure, just used to wash the pen?

But yes, after all, Senior Lin is an immortal god, and the treasure in front of him is no different from a toy.

Moreover, she used her spiritual sense to observe carefully, and only then did she find that the ink in the two instrument pots was actually a high concentration of spiritual energy that was almost materialized. It must be the mana injected by Senior Lin when he wrote .

That wonderful and precious copybook, the ink used should be the same.

"All right."

After Lin Zhishui finished washing the pen, he picked up the gray iron basin and dumped all the ink in it into the pine tree soil circle next to the shop door.

He didn't know if the ink could water the tree, but he accidentally overturned the water basin once, causing the ink to spill on the soil of the pine tree next to him. After a few days, he found that the pine tree couldn't help but have no effect at all. grow better.

So, from then on, he washed his pen at the door every time, and after washing, he directly watered the tree with ink, which was more convenient.

'This pine tree... is really blessed to be able to enjoy such a spiritual liquid. ’

Seeing this scene, Han Suxin couldn't help but sigh.