MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-Chapter 2 soar

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"The little girl's surname is Cheng."

Cheng Qiyue's tone was a little more respectful, and he asked tentatively, "Do you know an elder in my family?"

'It turned out to be a girl, but I thought she was a big boss in women's clothing, why does she still look like an Adam's apple...' Lin Zhishui thought to himself, 'The last name is Cheng? Could it be Mr. Cheng's granddaughter? ’

Suddenly, there was a thud in his heart.

Old Master Cheng has already passed away, what is his younger generation going to do at this time?

Could it be... Is it because Mr. Cheng spent too much money to buy his characters. After his death, his younger generation found out about it and thought that the old man in the family had been cheated of money, so he came to the door?

After all, he is just a little-known folk calligrapher, and at such a young age, a single calligraphy can be sold for tens of thousands...

A little bit too much.

‘But anyway, I’m a dignified calligrapher, even if I’m not famous, selling for tens of thousands of dollars isn’t a big deal, right? ’

Lin Zhishui kept his surface calm, nodded lightly like an elder, and said casually, "It turned out to be Lao Cheng's junior. After he said goodbye to me last time, I haven't seen him for a while, my copybook. I like him quite a bit, and I plan to have the opportunity to give him this letter I wrote recently."

He wasn't sure what the poem meant, whether it meant that Mr. Cheng had passed away, so he just tried it out.

Otherwise, if Mr. Cheng didn't die, but he said that others had left, wouldn't that offend people?

With that said, there is a lot of room for turning around.

‘This person doesn’t know that the ancestor has soared? ’

Cheng Qiyue heard the words, and then she realized it. It seems that the person in front of him is really just a mortal, and I am afraid that the ancestor knew when he entered the world to practice.

She couldn't help laughing at herself, thinking that this mortal was a hidden master. It seemed that she was thinking too much.

"Excuse me."

Cheng Qiyue restrained her thoughts and said, "My parents passed away a few days ago, and now there is only one tablet left."

Even the cultivators spoke carefully, trying to use mysteries as much as possible to avoid being recorded by mortals' technological facilities. Naturally, she was even less likely to reveal secrets related to cultivation to mortals.

Otherwise, it will attract the invasion of foreign demons, and it will be asking for trouble.

Anyway, for mortals, leaving this world is equivalent to death, and the ancestor did leave a tablet before his ascension, so that this mortal thought that the ancestor died, but it was nothing.

"Old Cheng really died..."

Lin Zhishui sighed secretly, maintaining the indifferent demeanor of the master, and shook his head gently: "I know that Lao Cheng has left the world, but I just feel that there is some friendship, if this word is offered to his tablet, it will not be in vain. A meeting."

Cheng Qiyue glanced at the word on the desk.

Although from her point of view, this line of characters is reversed, but it can also be seen that it is 'reading to go, thousands of miles of smoke, the twilight is deep and the sky is wide'.

Yulinling · Chilling mournful.

This word really means farewell, but the original meaning and you are suitable for parting with a very long journey. There is a mighty atmosphere. If it is used on the deceased, it is a bit too forceful.

However, this character is indeed well written. Maybe the ancestor just liked the calligraphy of mortals?

Cheng Qiyue didn't think much, then withdrew his gaze and said indifferently: "It's enough to have this intention, do you have a deep friendship with my parents?"

Lin Zhishui noticed the change in the girl's attitude, and shook his head calmly: "It's not too deep, I just sold him two letters and gave him two letters, but before he left, he still left Send me a letter."

The subtext of these words is: I am a master of calligraphy, and I don’t get to know people easily, but Lao Cheng likes my copybooks very much. He is my fan, and he even left a letter to me before he died.

In this way, this young girl with a calm and high IQ temperament at a young age should be able to understand that he is not cheating money, right?

"Leave a letter?"

But Cheng Qiyue heard the words, but her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up. Could it be the suicide note of the ancestor?

Ascension could not take any items away. Before Ascension, the ancestors distributed all the treasures, but only did not decide the ownership of the treasure 'Qingyang Ruler', nor did he know the whereabouts of Qingyang Ruler.

The family members have always suspected that the ancestor had another suicide note, which may contain the whereabouts of Qingyang Chi!

She didn't care about the meaning of Lin Zhishui's words, and immediately asked, "You mean, my parents left a letter to you?"

"Not bad." Lin Zhishui nodded slightly.

"That letter... can you lend me a look?" Cheng Qiyue asked.

Even if she doesn't borrow it, she will find a way to peek at it with spells. After all, the Dharma Body of the Taiyin Divine Sovereign that she inherited is also good at hiding.

"It's just a poem, it's okay to show it to you."

Lin Zhishui opened the drawer under the desk, took out the letter, put it on the table and pushed it to Cheng Qiyue.

He mentioned this poem because he planned to show it to the girl, so as to dispel the doubts in the girl's heart.

Cheng Qiyue took the letter and opened it.

The familiar handwriting on the letter and the familiar Dao rhyme contained in it are undoubtedly left by the ancestors.

She couldn't help but feel a little strange, the ancestor actually left a letter to a mortal?

"I heard yesterday that I am leaving now, and all the things in the world will disappear... Qingshan will meet in the morning and evening. Would you like to be honored in the sky?"

Cheng Qiyue silently recited word by word, and when she read the last sentence, she couldn't help but startled: "May I be in the sky... Hou Zunyan?"

Since she was a child, she has been familiar with the classics of hundreds of schools of thought, and under her eyes and ears, how could she not understand the meaning of this poem?

The first two lines of this poem undoubtedly refer to the ancestor's ascension and departure from this world, and the second two lines obviously refer to the green hills remaining, sooner or later there will be a time to meet, and the ancestor is also willing to wait in the sky until he sees him again. people.

But... once you ascend, you will be separated from each other!

If we can't fly to the heaven, how can we meet?

Unless the person in front of you...

Cheng Qiyue couldn't help looking up at Lin Zhishui, her eyes filled with uncontrollable shock.

Before the ascension, the old ancestor also deliberately passed the book with the flying sword, and left such a letter to the person in front of him, obviously it will not be fake.

She suddenly glanced at the words on the table 'Yu Linling·Hanchan' !

One question after another in his mind, like clouds and fog, suddenly became clear.

I see!

At this moment, Cheng Qiyue completely understood.

It's no wonder that before she entered the store, she didn't notice the existence of this seemingly mortal person in front of her. It turned out that this 'mortal person' was actually a hidden master!

Moreover, the ancestors valued it so much, and his cultivation might not necessarily be much inferior to that of the ancestors!

Cheng Qiyue couldn't help feeling nervous for a while.

She actually said "you you you" to such a senior, without any respect and humility. The other party is so generous, I am afraid it is because she is a descendant of the ancestors...

Cheng Qiyue swallowed her saliva, and didn't dare to think about it, she clasped her hands together in a salute, and said respectfully, "The younger generation doesn't know about your relationship with the ancestors, if there is anything rude, please don't take it to heart. superior."

'It's done! ’

Lin Zhishui secretly breathed a sigh of relief, showed a gentle smile, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, you are still young after all."

Cheng Qiyue also breathed a sigh of relief.

Also, he is only thirty-seven years old, and his cultivation time is less than half a year old. How can such a senior who is about to soar, an old guy who has lived for at least hundreds of years, care about her little girl?

"You came to me to find the suicide note left by Lao Cheng?" Lin Zhishui asked.

"Yes, I can't hide it from your eyes." Cheng Qiyue didn't hide it, and nodded directly.

'As soon as you hear me talking about the letters left by Lao Cheng, your eyes light up like a light bulb. Lao Cheng has passed away again. What else can you do if you are not looking for a suicide note? ’

Lin Zhishui secretly slandered, and said calmly: "Unfortunately, I only have this letter here, and there is only one poem in the letter."

Cheng Qiyue sighed and said, "It's the junior who disturbed me, please forgive me."

Lin Zhishui glanced at her and asked casually, "Why are you looking for Lao Cheng's suicide note? Since you are his descendant, he should have distributed his family property before he died, right?"

Lao Cheng didn't die suddenly, and he could still leave a letter to him before he died. Obviously, he still had the self-consciousness to distribute the inheritance, right?

Cheng Qiyue nodded lightly and said, "But before my ancestor passed away, there was a very important treasure that was not distributed or taken away. I don't know where it was hidden, maybe its whereabouts are in the suicide note."

Lin Zhishui couldn't help muttering to himself.

take away?

Do you mean funeral objects?

Hidden treasure... Lao Cheng is indeed a rich family, and he still plays with collectibles. No wonder he was so happy to buy a piece of writing for tens of thousands of yuan, and even looked suspicious. Now that I think about it, maybe it's because I think it's too cheap?

No wonder when receiving money, Lao Cheng's eyes always made him feel like an expert from outside the world who treats money like dung.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that he won't bother him for this money.

"Is that treasure precious?"

Lin Zhishui was a little curious.

"For the family, it may not be so precious, but..." Cheng Qiyue hesitated, feeling that she couldn't hide it from such a high-ranking person, so she told the truth: "Actually, the younger generation wanted that treasure, so he looked for it. come here."

"Do you want it?" Lin Zhishui looked at Cheng Qiyue.

This little girl, looking at her young age, quite understands how to profit.

Cheng Qiyue didn't hide it, nodded and said, "Junior doesn't have much status in Cheng's family, and he doesn't enjoy many resources, but if he can find that treasure, it may open up the future."

She didn't dare to say that it was the famous treasure "Qingyang Ruler", so she could only vaguely say.

And she also noticed that there are cameras installed at the door of the calligraphy and painting shop, and she didn't know whether the technology of these mortals could record, so it's better to be cautious.

"I see."

Lin Zhishui nodded invisibly, suddenly in his heart.

He has already made up a **** plot of a contemporary wealthy family. Cheng Qiyue may just be a family descendant who has been neglected and undervalued. For a brighter future, he worked hard to find the collection that was hidden by old Cheng. , as long as you find that collectible and sell it, you will have the first bucket of funds to start a business, and you will have the opportunity to usher in a new future!

However, as a son of a wealthy family, even if he is not valued, he is much richer than a poor man like him?

Thinking of this, Lin Zhishui suddenly moved.


Isn't this a real business opportunity?

It's a door-to-door business!

So, Lin Zhishui looked at Cheng Qiyue kindly, smiled and said, "You have some ideas of your own, but you have to understand that you are always the younger generation of Old Cheng, and if Old Cheng is still alive, you probably don't want to watch it. When you have a rift with your family, do you think so?"

Cheng Qiyue was slightly startled, nodded silently, and said, "What you said is true."

Yes, although she was neglected by the family, she was disappointed by the family because of her lack of aptitude. In fact, she also wanted to be recognized by the family and to regain the care of the family.

When Lin Zhishui saw this, the small smile on the corner of his mouth became more gentle, and he said, "I think... what you need more is the recognition and affirmation of the family elders, am I right?"

"You really are brilliant. UU reading" Cheng Qiyue bowed her head a little ashamedly.

"Unless you are blind, no one can guess..."

Lin Zhishui complained in his heart, but still said with a smile on the surface: "Since you need the approval and optimism of the elders of the family, then I think... maybe I can help you."

Cheng Qiyue froze for a moment, then looked at Lin Zhishui in surprise, and asked, "Would you like to help me?"

"Did I say so?"

Lin Zhishui stared at her, the faint shadow of the sunset reflected in his eyes: "Everything is destined. The acquaintance between Lao Cheng and me also created the acquaintance between you and me. This... is fate."

This kind of nutritious nonsense, this little girl who likes ancient styles should be acceptable.

Sure enough, Cheng Qiyue was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and said, "Thank you very much."

The word fate is elusive and elusive.

Not to mention the masters of cultivation in the world, from ancient times to the present, even if they are immortals in the sky, they must believe in fate and dare not believe in fate.

"Just a little thing."

Lin Zhishui shook his head slightly indifferently, and secretly felt a play in his heart, stood up and said, "You come with me."

After that, he bypassed the screen blocking the middle of the room, and took Cheng Qiyue to the back of the screen.

The space behind the screen takes up about half of the room, and when you bypass the screen, you can see a framed copybook hanging in the air, including a few ink paintings.

Each copybook is written with the ink characters of dragon flying and phoenix dancing, and each ink painting contains a unique and profound artistic conception. Even those who do not understand calligraphy and painting can see the high level of these paintings.

When Cheng Qiyue saw these calligraphy and paintings, she was completely stunned, looking at these calligraphy and paintings almost dully, her eyes full of shock.