MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-v2 Chapter 114 I have already won the outer demon 1 side

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In the dark and dark demonic realm.

City night scenes, high-rise buildings, stars in the night sky... In this world separated from reality, everything is gray, white and black, without the slightest bit of anger.

On the roof of a building on the top floor, there are dozens of figures.

On the edge of the rooftop, there was a beautiful woman in white clothes like snow standing barefoot, her head fluttering like black silk in the night wind, but her weak temperament exuded terrifying coercion, and her eyes looked down at the city below with pity.

Impressively 'save the world'!

And behind her, stood a woman with closed eyes 'Guan Shiyin' who looked exactly like her, as well as a group of true demons.

The woman in white looked at the night scene below for a moment, then turned to look at everyone, and said indifferently: "When you're all here, let's start... Today, the adult from the upper realm passed on to me, and asked me to contact him as soon as possible. It seems that There are results."

Many true demons did not dare to make a sound, and all waited respectfully and respectfully.

After contacting the 'Lord Thousand Eyes' who was in charge of ruling the real demons in the world last time, the Lord Qianmu found out that there was a reincarnation of the Supreme Immortal in the world, so he decided to report to the Demon Venerable to see if the Demon Venerable was willing to intervene, and even the Demon Venerable still I intend to serve the great beings who are the rulers of heretics, and let them, the real demons in this world, wait for news honestly.

It's only been seven days now, and there is actually a result?


In the night wind, a black lotus suddenly appeared in the hands of the woman in white 'Savior' and gently threw it into the night sky.

I saw the black lotus spinning and floating in the air, and it turned into a height of several meters in an instant. A huge black flame burned in the lotus seat. The center of the flame gradually became transparent, revealing a huge man's head with disheveled hair. It is the 'Thousand-eyed Demon Lord'.

"Lord Thousand Eyes."

The woman in white and Guan Shiyin bowed their heads slightly.

And all the true demons knelt down and greeted in unison: "Sir!"


The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord responded lightly and said, "A few days ago, after I reported all the things in the world to the Demon Venerable, the Demon Venerable also gave this matter to a great being above the sky."

Everyone listened with bated breath.

Above the high dome of the heavenly realm, that is the highest place of the three realms, the place where the origins of all the Taoist traditions, the high-ranking immortals who touch the heavenly way, the place where the rulers of outsiders sleep, and the great powers of outsiders who serve the rulers of the outside world... all fight on the high dome. , there is the supreme battlefield of the three realms of immortals and external demons, which is countless times more important than the heavens and the human world, so the great power seldom pays attention to the following things.

"And today, there is finally a result."

The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord swept across the many true demons, and said softly: "The Demon Venerable told me that the great existence has a little interest in the struggles of the world, and decided to help you a little while waiting."

When many true demons heard the words, they immediately looked at the Thousand-eyed Demon Lord in shock.

They thought that even if the Demon Venerable was on the high dome, there would at most be an outsider expert to calculate the world and give some pointers, but they didn't expect that there would be an outsider who would be willing to take action?

"Next, that great existence will descend upon a trace of divine sense."

As the Thousand Eyes Demon Lord spoke, a dark golden scale suddenly floated in front of him.

I saw that the scales bloomed with a faint dark golden light, which seemed to be faintly connected to the high dome. In the roaring and trembling of the heaven and the earth, a huge dark golden human-shaped phantom suddenly formed, as if it was even taller than the heaven and earth, ancient and ancient. The eternal breath permeates the heaven and earth, and even comes from across the border, filling this magic realm!

Many true demons knelt down tremblingly, not even daring to raise their heads.

Under this supreme pressure, Savior and Guan Shiyin also knelt down involuntarily.

This is the great existence that serves the ruler of the heretical and is comparable to the power of heaven!

It's just a projection of divine sense, but the terrifying aura of the Thousand-eyed Demon Lord appears incomparably insignificant under the phantom of this stalwart!

"Great ancestor..."

The voice of the Thousand Mu Demon Lord is also trembling.

The gap is too big, even though he is a demon king who can kill even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but in the eyes of such a great being, he is just a small ant.

"I heard that there are reincarnations of external demons beyond the real demon level in the world? Is it true?"

An incomparably grand and indifferent voice echoed in the Demon Realm. It was just a voice from across the border. It actually made the world of this Demon Realm tremble, and many true demons didn't even have the courage to raise their heads.

"Return to the great ancestor..."

The woman in white knelt down on the ground, trying her best to remain calm, and said: "The reincarnation of the outer demon in the world, only the cultivation level of the second day, can threaten the real demon with demonic consciousness, it must be an outer demon beyond the real demon level. reincarnated."

After a long silence—


In the vast and indifferent voice, there was a hint of interesting playfulness: "I can't even calculate this seat? Youchan... Could it be that you went to the world?"

Many true demons heard the words, and they were even more shocked.

It sounds that the reason why this great ancestor became interested in human affairs was not because of the reincarnation of the Supreme Being in the world, but because of the girl who was reincarnated by an external demon?

Even the reincarnation of the supreme cannot interest this great existence, so the girl who is reincarnated by the outer demon is so special?

The vast voice that shook the world sounded again: "No matter how small the possibility is, you can't miss it... You wait to kill her and let her return."


The woman in white responded respectfully, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "But beside the reincarnation of the outer demon, there is a human fairy who is suspected to be the reincarnation of the Supreme Being.

"Just a human fairy."

The indifferent voice that shook the heavens and the earth sounded: "Even if you have the realm of Hunyuan Wuji, you are at most comparable to Daluo Jinxian. I think that your current Primordial Spirit Realm is a demon, not inferior to Daluo Jinxian. If you become a real demon, you can strike It is not difficult to kill the supreme reincarnation."

"Great ancestor, can you help me break through?" the woman in white asked.

The upper limit of the human world is true demons. Could this great ancestor have other ways to bypass this limit?

"If you are in the heaven, this is naturally a trivial matter, but... the upper limit of the human world is the true devil. If you want to break this limit, only 'it' will reward it in person."

The vast and indifferent voice said: "However, this seat has calculated that there have been three reincarnations of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the world. With your savings, as long as you dedicate one of the primordial spirits to 'it', you can not only become a demon , the realm can go further, comparable to the Primordial Primordial, and you can kill the Supreme Reincarnation at the click of a finger."

The woman in white hesitated for a moment and said, "However, the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is far beyond me, I can't find them, and Qingcheng has already established all the laws to return for a while, and then the Supreme Reincarnation will take action, I... I'm afraid not Chance to kill any reincarnation of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

"This seat has its own way."

The indifferent voice sounded like the sound of heaven and earth.


With a cracking roar, the space suddenly tore a huge gap, dozens of feet high, dark and deep, and extremely dark. At the same time, a strange and mysterious terrifying breath also passed through this passage. Came slowly.

The next moment, I saw three streamers flying out of the huge space channel.

The three streams of light stagnated in the Demon Domain and turned into three strange objects suspended in front of the woman in white.

The three strange objects were a golden red vertical eye, a pale flower waiting to bloom, and a silver-white hair.

"These three strange objects are 'The Eye of Darkness', 'The Flower of No World', and the 'Hair of the World God'. The specific functions can be known by your spiritual sense."

The grand and vast indifferent voice said: "However, your subordinates seem to be too weak."

Immediately, dozens of drops of blood and dozens of illusory flames suddenly flew out of the huge space channel that had not yet been bridged.

I saw a drop of blood exuding a powerful breath, and illusory flames floated up, all fell on the bodies of many true demons except the savior and Guan Shiyin, the blood instantly penetrated into the bodies of the true demons, illusory. The flames also drilled into the heads of the true demons.


Numerous true demons let out painful roars, trembling and rolling on the ground. Both the breath and the pressure of the primordial spirit were constantly rising, as if they had suffered a huge transformation.

"There are many limitations in the world, and this seat can only help you so much." The incomparably grand voice said indifferently: "Don't let this seat down."


The woman in white replied respectfully, and then whispered: "But my second primordial spirit bears the imprint of the supreme reincarnation, and even the Thousand-eyed Demon Lord can't detect it. I wonder if the great ancestor can..."

"No imprint."

The vast and indifferent voice interrupted her words directly.

"No?" The woman in white and Guan Shiyin were both stunned.

"If there is a mark on your second primordial spirit, this seat would have discovered it long ago."

The grand, trembling voice said indifferently: "It's just deceiving you. If there is a real imprint, but this seat can't detect it, then the other party is the Great Master of Heaven, and the Great Master of Heaven is reincarnated into the small world? Heh..."

In the laughter, the voice was too lazy to say much, the stalwart black golden phantom disappeared without a trace, and the supreme coercion also disappeared.

Only then did the woman in white stand up, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she said softly, "It turned out to be deceiving me?"

"Then Lin Zhishui's behavior doesn't seem to be deceiving me..." Guan Shiyin was a little dazed.

"I understand."

And the Thousand-eyed Demon Lord in the black lotus flame finally regained his composure, and said, "The Supreme Reincarnation deliberately behaved like that in front of you, I'm afraid it was just to make you think... He really put a mark on you, right? He probably guessed it long ago, if the savior can't find it, he will ask me to check it, and if I can't find it, maybe he will ask the Demon Venerable to check it."

"Heh..." He suddenly sneered, "It really is a good plan, if we can't even find the Demon Venerable, we will think that his realm is unfathomable, even more terrifying than the ordinary Supreme Lord, and we are more afraid of him, and the more Dare to act, it will check and balance us invisibly."

The woman in white nodded lightly and said, "It's really amazing."

"It's amazing." The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord sneered: "But I guess he didn't expect that there would be a great ancestor intervening in the world, no matter what kind of plan he has, in front of the great ancestor, it has no meaning. "

It's like the gap between humans and immortals, even if it is the Supreme Being, the Buddha Lord... in front of the Great Master of Heaven, it is only a relatively powerful ant.

Under Heaven, all are ants!

Outsiders, the same is true.

The woman in white shook her head slightly, and glanced at the many true demons around who were still rolling on the ground.

The aura of these true demons is still skyrocketing, and the power of the primordial spirit is also increasing. However, how powerful the primordial spirit and the source of the true demons are, yet it is so painful. Obviously, the transformation is too great, which will lead to this result.

"The great ancestor's shot is really unusual."

The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord sighed: "The human world can only withstand the upper limit of true demons, but even Demon Venerable can't do that. That blood concentrates a lot of the origin of first-class true demons, and there are also a large number of first-class true demons. The essence of the primordial spirit flame can at least raise these true demons by two or three levels, of cannot exceed the upper limit of true demons."

"Two or three levels?" The woman in white showed a hint of surprise.

The Thousand-eyed Demon Lord also put a lot of effort into training the cat breeder, but he only raised the cat breeder from the third-class true demon to the second-class.

This is not an empowerment. Across the boundary between heaven and man, even if the Demon Venerable makes a shot, the effect will not be much better.

And as soon as the great ancestor made a move, he could easily raise these true demons by two or three levels?

"However, although these blood and primordial spirit flame essence are precious, they are certainly not comparable to these three strange things bestowed on you by the great ancestor."

The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord sighed: "I have heard of the Eye of Darkness, but the Demon Venerable doesn't have it there, otherwise it would have been given to you long ago, there is no world flower and the hair of the world god, I have not even heard of it. However, although the human world cannot accommodate items with power beyond that of true demons... But since it was given to you by a great ancestor, it must be extraordinary."

The woman in white didn't say anything, she waved her hand and took the three strange objects suspended in the air into her hands.

Immediately, the divine sense penetrated into these three strange objects, and three messages came.

"The Eye of Darkness, although it can only be used once, it can search for the Primordial Spirit in a radius of thousands of miles. Watching the light of the Primordial Spirit in the darkness, the stronger the Primordial Spirit, the more obvious it is, which is enough for you to find the reincarnation of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. ."

"There is no world flower, a single-piece suppression treasure, motivated by your realm and the power of true demons, can form the power of the world to suppress all things, even the reincarnation of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can't destroy the primordial spirit, enough to make you Yuan Da Luo Jinxian's Yuanshen is dedicated to 'it'."

"The hair of the world god, the space shuttle treasure, may be helpful for you to break the great formation of the eternal dragon."

After receiving the information on the efficacy of these three strange objects, the woman in white couldn't help showing a touch of shock.

Dark Eyes?

In the past, she has been unable to kill the reincarnations of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian lurking in the world, because the realm gap is too large, she can't find the other party, even if she encounters it occasionally, the other party can easily escape by relying on the transcendent realm.

With this dark eye, it is equivalent to cheating to locate the reincarnation position of those Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. With her strength, isn't it easy to capture?

No world flower?

With her strength, it is not difficult to kill the reincarnation of those Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it is difficult to prevent the other party from destroying the primordial spirit, just like the old monk who was reincarnated by the Buddha.

But with this worldless flower, the power of the world formed out of thin air can completely suppress the primordial spirit directly!

Even if the other party wants to destroy the primordial spirit, she can easily dedicate a primordial spirit of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to 'it', so that she can easily break through to the devil, and even the realm can be comparable to the devil!

Such strength is much stronger than that demon dragon. Even if the supreme reincarnation is reincarnated, she can kill it in a turn!

World **** hair?

She found out early this morning that the 'All Dharma Returning Formation' was already prepared in Qingcheng. If it cooperated with the reincarnation of the Supreme Being and the Great Formation of Fulong for All Ages, it would be difficult for her to break it directly. Difficulty!

Of these three treasures, any one is extremely precious, and the practicability is even more amazing. As long as any one of them exists, it can be a decisive factor in changing the result in the world!

What's more, three?


Seeing her stunned expression, the Thousand Eyes Demon Lord couldn't help but ask.

The woman in white was silent for a while, and said softly: "In this world, my demon side has already won, and the eternal dragon formation in Qingcheng... is about to collapse."

"Breaking soon?"

The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Okay! Even a cautious person like you is so confident. It seems that the effects of those three strange objects are really extraordinary."

The woman in white said softly, "Even if it's just me, it's not difficult, let alone them."

While speaking, she glanced at the many true demons lying on the ground, and saw that the true demons had stopped shaking and rolling, and the pressure and aura of the primordial spirit had also stabilized. Obviously, the transformation had ended.

The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord glanced at all the true demons, and said with a light smile: "The great ancestor's shot is really extraordinary... The two first-class true demons, and all the others are second-class true demons, very good."

The fifth-class True Demons in the past have all risen by three become the second-class True Demons, comparable to the cat breeders of the past.

The fourth-class True Demon in the past has also been upgraded by two levels, and it is a tyrannical existence among the second-class True Demon.

In the past, the third-class true demon 'journalist' has also been upgraded by two levels, which is the first-class true demon!

The second-class true demon 'cat breeder' in the past has been raised a level, which is the limit of the first-class true demon!

And the saviour of the world is in the realm of the demons, which is comparable to Da Luo Jinxian!

"With such a lineup, how can practitioners in the world resist?"

The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord smiled, glanced at Guan Shiyin again, and said, "I need your help to break the Great Array of Fulong Dragons, and the Demon Venerable will give some treasures later, among which is the Heavenly Night Spirit Mountain Dao Lineage. The treasures, as well as two Buddhist Tianbao, should be of great help to you."

"Tianbao?" Guan Shiyin said, "Tianbao doesn't belong to the human world, can't he come down?"

"Tianbao can't be introduced into the mortal world because he has an artifact spirit."

The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord was in a good mood, and explained with a smile: "But as long as you strip away the artifact spirit, you can introduce Tianbao into the mortal world. Although the power of Tianbao that has been stripped from the artifact spirit is greatly reduced, it is still half a Tianbao. The Supreme Treasure is much stronger, but unfortunately the preparations were rushed, otherwise, if the Artifact Spirit is reincarnated and merged with Tianbao, the full power of Tianbao can be restored.”

Guan Shiyin suddenly realized that Tianbao was enough for her realm that even Da Luo Jinxian could not reach.

"When the Great Formation of Fulong for All Ages is destroyed, we will destroy the cultivator's Taoism in the world, and slowly crack the other formations." Thousand-eyed Demon Lord smiled.

The woman in white was silent for a while, but said: "It doesn't matter if the cultivator is wiped out, but... it must not affect the worldly mortals, and the situation that happened hundreds of years ago must not be present."

The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord glanced at her, was silent for a long time, and said with a smile, "Of course I understand this."