MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-v2 Chapter 173 it

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After a moment of silence, You Da Neng replied:

"Perhaps, I will also make the same choice, whether it is for personal vendetta or to cut off the malignant tumor like Myriad Snake Cave Heaven."

The indifferent voice said again: "I said, everything has its own position, what happened to Wan Shedongtian, why did it become such a cruel and sinister sect, how can you judge it?"

You have a great answer: "If there is no cause, there will be no effect. If the opportunity is not taken, there will be no effect. Everything is a cause and a result."

"In such a world, it is natural karma." The indifferent voice said: "However, any fault has its source, and there is always a reason for everything."

Many great powers could not help but think silently.

The indifferent voice said softly: "In ancient times, there were also many great men who were so compassionate and caring for the world.

"One of them, after being enlightened for countless years, finally thinks that it is the human heart that is wrong. All sins are due to people's desires, longing for longevity, longing for power, longing for status, longing for freedom... This is the original sin that cannot be washed away. Therefore, that almighty incarnates as a demon. , trying to cause the flood of the Tianhe River to submerge the world, and even break the pillar of heaven after being stopped, trying to destroy the world and bring everything back to chaos."

Many great powers naturally understand who this outsider Pangu is talking about.

The indifferent voice added: "There is another great master who believes that human desires are infinite, and the heaven and earth are limited, and they can never be satisfied unless it is a dream, so that great master created the dream method that covers the three realms. All beings from the three realms are drawn into his dream, and the dream is infinite, and the infinite desire can be satisfied."

The Almighty also know who this is talking about.

"There are also great experts who think that the reason for such a chaotic world is that there is no one who has the absolute right to speak in the Three Realms."

The indifferent voice said: "The ancient Heavenly Palace rules all spirits, and the ancient Heavenly Court controls the Three Realms, but it is not comprehensive enough. Fang Tiandi has a new owner."

"From the birth of heaven and earth to the present, there are not a few great powers who have the same idea as mine."

The indifferent voice said: "But, no one has ever succeeded, are they wrong? No, I don't think they are wrong, it's just... After all, people's hearts are people's hearts, they will change after all, and when manpower is exhausted, If you look at it from the standpoint of all beings, the sky above your head… is wrong in itself, and if the rules of the sky don’t change, all changes will be in vain.”

Many great men understand this.

However, the sky is the sky after all, except for this Pangu in front of him, who else can change the rules of the sky?

The indifferent voice said softly: "The rules of heaven need to be changed, so the 'it' in your mouth was born."

The next moment, the world engulfed by darkness suddenly changed.

This boundless darkness begins to evolve and reproduce history.

In the beginning, in the boundless chaos, a supreme being born in the primordial chaos, named Pangu.

After an unknown amount of time, Pangu woke up, opened up the heavens and the earth, and the turbid and turbid two qi turned into heaven and earth, but he died of exhaustion due to excessive consumption, and finally his body turned into a rich and beautiful world, called the land of the beginning.

Pangu's mind fell asleep at the source of the world, and the primordial spirit was the first creature to be reincarnated in the world, named Taichu.

In the Primordial Era, the Land of Absolute Beginning spawned many creatures, sowed the seeds of life, and established a prosperous kingdom. In the end, the Land of Absolute Beginning unified the Land of Absolute Beginning and became the oldest Heavenly Emperor.

Countless years have passed, and the instinctual expansion of the land of Absolute Beginning has gradually extended out of the three worlds of heaven, earth and human.

After hundreds of thousands of kalpas in the vast Three Realms, the imperial family in the beginning of the universe declined, the human race became the ruler of the three realms, and the land of the beginning of time began to wither and become abandoned.

Pangu, as the most supreme being in the chaos, naturally would not die easily. After countless years and absorbing the essence of the land of the beginning, Pangu also began to recover gradually.

In the process of recovery, Pangu's mind is also comprehending a new way of heaven through chaos.

I don't know how long it took, Pangu's consciousness finally escaped from the land of the beginning, and through reincarnation, he became a living being in the human world. The name is Lin Zhishui.

The memory and realm of Pangu are too terrifying, and the body of a mortal cannot bear it, so Lin Zhishui does not know who he is.

And the world he created was not as beautiful as he imagined.

In the first life, he died at the hands of practitioners.

Fortunately, as Pangu, the supreme being, even reincarnation cannot erase his memory, he can carry his memory and reincarnate, and under the potential influence of his mind, he was successfully reincarnated in the Daxia world in his second life, but he still did not. With the aptitude for cultivation, he wanted to find Xiaochan when he was still young, but on the way to Wanshe Mountain, he was accidentally killed by the fighting practitioners.

The third generation…


Fifth generation…

Every time he was reincarnated, he remembered the experience of the previous life, but every life was just a mortal, because as Pangu, a new heavenly way that was different from the existing heavenly way was hidden in his mind, and he was rejected by the heavenly way and could never practice.

Until the seventh reincarnation, he happened to be reincarnated near Wanshe Mountain. After growing up, he finally successfully came to Wanshe Mountain.

However, the Ten Thousand Snake Caves have been destroyed.

According to legend, there is also a vicious snake demon entrenched on Wanshe Mountain.

Lin Zhishui had died many times, so he was not afraid of death, and still went up Wanshe Mountain.

But what he didn't expect was that the so-called vicious snake demon turned out to be the extremely yin spirit python 'Xiaoyou' that he found with Xiaochan in his first life, and now it has grown into a vicious giant python.

And Xiaochan is no longer there.

When he questioned Xiaochan's whereabouts to the snake demon, and was about to be buried in the snake demon's mouth, the snake demon suddenly turned into a human shape, and it turned out to be the appearance of Xiaochan.

But after he questioned the snake demon, he learned that after the old lady in black was taken to Wanshe Mountain, Xiaochan was locked in the cave, and she devoted all her energy to support her practice, and did everything to feed the extremely yin spirit python. It seems that be nice to her.

However, Xiaochan remembered Lin Zhishui's words and had to be careful with others, so she concealed her cultivation with the help of the extremely yin spirit python.

Sure enough, decades later, the old woman in black finally showed her true colors and planned to take her away.

Fortunately, her cultivation level was much higher than what the black-clothed old woman expected, which caused the black-clothed old woman to fail to seize the house, but her last fight before her death also shattered her soul. Extremely intimate, with the help of the method in the Ten Thousand Serpents Mantra, she made a trace of her soul become one with herself, and this barely saved Xiaochan's soul.

The snake demon is the combination of the human girl 'Xiaochan' and the extremely yin spirit python 'Xiaoyou', so he calls himself 'Youchan'.

Youchan thought that she had become a snake demon and was no longer a human being. She was unwilling to delay Lin Zhishui and wanted to drive him down the mountain, but Lin Zhishui did not give up, nor did she think so much. After being comforted again and again, she was finally moved After meeting Youchan, he was allowed to live together on the mountain, and later became a husband and wife.

Ordinary people are born, old, sick, and dying. Lin Zhishui has always wanted to practice, but because of the existence of the new heavenly way in his mind, he has always been repelled by the heavenly way, and he has never been able to practice, and he can't even get started.

The body of a mortal can only grow old day by day. In the case of being close to the snake demon, the body becomes weaker and the life span is extremely short.

However, Lin Zhishui didn't care, because he knew that he could be reincarnated and would not lose his memory, even Meng Po Tang could not blind his memory.

After each successful reincarnation, Lin Zhishui would go to Wanshe Mountain to find Youchan.

After so many lives, one day, a master of Taoism suddenly came to Wanshe Mountain and wanted to capture Youchan to become a spirit beast, but under Youchan's strong resistance, the master of Taoism killed Youchan.

As a mortal, Lin Zhishui could not resist at all, and it was even just the aftermath of the battle that caused him to die.

Life after life, he was just a mortal in every life.

I don't know how many reincarnations he has experienced. He has become more and more deeply aware of the gap between mortals and practitioners. Sometimes he hates the existence of practitioners, and sometimes he is saved by practitioners and falls into conflict. After countless years, he finally understands .

Practitioners are not wrong, what is wrong is the way of practice without rules and restrictions.

Maybe it's a change after countless reincarnations, or maybe the time has come, or maybe it's because he should wake up, anyway...

"It" finally woke up, and Pangu's real body revived between heaven and earth.

He is 'it'.

As the reincarnation of Pangu's mind, Lin Zhishui instantly mastered the new way of heaven after his memory awakened, but he must also become one with his true body in order to truly wake up and truly change the heaven's rules.

But Lin Zhishui is only a mortal after all. Even if his memory is awakened, he is only a mortal body. How can he see his true body?

Fortunately, he could control his Pangu real body in a dream like sleepwalking.

He sensed his true body in the dream, and based on the experience of countless reincarnations, he supplemented the existing rules of the heaven with the new rules of heaven.

First of all, he intends to set up a 'calamity' for practitioners. As long as practitioners cause harm to, sins will be formed, and sins will attract a 'demon robbery' that does not exist in the Three Realms.

He changed the chaotic primordial reality with the real body of Pangu, condensed the sinful souls of the three worlds into it, used the sinful souls as the primordial spirit of the robbery, and condensed the body of the robbery with the spiritual power formed by the new heaven. Jie' was born in the primordial chaos.

Then, he used the new rules of the heavenly way, so that the calamity can travel through the three worlds space, and can come to any place in the three worlds, and through the new heavenly way rules, he created a dead and gray shadow space of the three worlds. The person will be pulled into the shadow space, even the war will not affect the mortals, it can be called the demon domain.

He doesn't hate all cultivators, so he doesn't plan to increase the thunder punishment, fire robbery, wind tribulation, etc. of the robbery. The robbery is only used to eliminate weak cultivators, but many weak cultivators have no sins. It shouldn't bear the stronger heaven, not to mention that the catastrophe can easily affect mortals, and it will consume more power of the three worlds.

And the magic robbery itself is the soul of sin. As a 'hard worker', killing other practitioners who are guilty of sin is also a process of redemption.

Once the atonement is completed, the heaven rules will also erase their memory, return their freedom, and let them be human again.

And in the demon domain, it will not affect mortals.

In this way, mortals can get the protection of the new heavenly rules, and the sinful practitioners will become demons after death, and the demons will kill the sinful practitioners, and so on and so forth—

There will be fewer and fewer practitioners with sins in the world, and there will be no more robbery, and the consumption of the Three Realms will be lower and lower.

Lin Zhishui thought this idea was perfect.

However, just when he was about to integrate the new Heavenly Dao rules into the existing Heavenly Dao, he discovered... the current Heavenly Dao will actually has a self!