MTL - I Became An Ace Broker-Chapter 2 scare little girls

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Hearing his tone so bad, Liang Jieying was a little unhappy, "It's not that I won't pay you back, what's your attitude?"

"Then what are you doing to pay back the money? After four months of delay, eight years ago, I would have thrown you into the brothel as a young lady to pay off the debt." Yin Xiaozhong's words were true.

Liang Jieying stood up abruptly, pinching her waist with both hands, "Oh, who are you scaring? I was afraid that you would fail. If you are capable, you will send me to a brothel."

Monkey hurriedly comforted Liang Jieying, "Don't be angry, he can really do it."

Hearing what the monkey said, Liang Jieying was taken aback.

Yin Xiaozhong also stood up, his eyes were already burning, and he was about to grab her, but was stopped by the monkey on the side.

"Brother Zhong, Brother Zhong, don't be impulsive, someone is watching."

Hearing what Monkey said, Yin Xiaozhong looked at him suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Monkey pointed to his number badge, "There is a camera on it, Brother Hudong is using it to monitor our service attitude."

Yin Xiaozhong waved his hand, "What kind of **** attitude, call Brother Hudong, and I'll tell him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Monkey's cell phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, Monkey said tremblingly, "You don't need to call him, he is calling."

When Yin Xiaozhong heard that it was Hu Dong who was calling, he took the phone over.

After taking the phone, Yin Xiaozhong walked aside, "Brother Hudong."

"Xiao Zhong, you have studied there for eight years, why do you still have such a bad temper?" Hu Dong on the phone said jokingly.

"Brother, you don't know me yet. I was born with this temper all my life." After Yin Xiaozhong answered, he asked directly, "Can you collect the debts like this?"

"Boy, it's different now. Who dares to do illegal things? You haven't stayed in the study class enough? Now that you're out, let's work hard and make money."

"But this stinky girl, she can pay back the money she earns, but she still picks and chooses. It doesn't matter to her, but our money has to be delayed?"

"As long as she can pay it back, just delay it. Anyway, interest and late payment fees are charged at the bank's interest rate every day. We are not in a hurry. She will pay back slowly. The derived interest and late payment fees are all ours. Income."

"It's really Buddhist debt collection." After all, Hu Dong is his elder, and Yin Xiaozhong can't say too much.

"Not bad, you even know the trendy word Buddhism?"

"The Jinxi study class is in Jincheng. Except that you can't come out, you have the same contacts. You watch TV every day, and you have time to surf the Internet. It's not like throwing me into the mountains and old forests."

"You boy, it hasn't changed at all, it's alright, we are a regular company now, don't make things difficult for other girls, come back early, I will wait for you to clean up the dust." Hudong can hear that he has graduated from the study class very good mood.

Yin Xiaozhong curled his mouth and took a long breath, "Okay, you said you don't want to embarrass her anymore, of course I listen to you."

"Well, we are not like before. We rely on debts to make a living. Now we are not short of that little money. Come back quickly and comfort the little girl. Look at scaring her."

After hanging up the phone, Yin Xiaozhong turned his head and returned the phone to the monkey. He glanced at Liang Jieying who was still pissed, and thought, **** it, she would feel aggrieved if she didn't pay back the money. What's wrong with the world?

"How is it? Brother Hu Dong advised you not to embarrass her?" Monkey had already thought of what Hu Dong would say.

Yin Xiaozhong nodded, and the resentment in his stomach had not yet been vented, and he walked in front of Liang Jieying aggressively.

"What do you want?" Liang Jieying looked him up and down and asked.

Monkey didn't stop him this time, because he knew Yin Xiaozhong's temper, Brother Hu Dong had spoken, and he would never do it again.

Yin Xiaozhong pointed at her, "While I'm still listening to him, go to these two production crews to interview female No. 4 tomorrow, or I'll really send you to a brothel."

Liang Jieying rolled his eyes at him, "I won't go, I won't act in a small role that doesn't even have a name."

"Which actor became popular right away? Zhou Axing came out of acting, and you still pick and choose. Haven't you read "The Master of Comedy"? People still read the book "Actor's Self-cultivation" every day." Well, no wonder you can only be a small Internet celebrity, without any artistry."

Yin Xiaozhong suddenly said a bunch of things that didn't fit his identity, but these words were all correct and reasonable.

Because what he said made sense, Liang Jieying didn't know how to refute it.

"You go to Hengcheng to see, you go to the capital city to see, how many people are not as good as you, starting from group performances, didn't they also produce big stars like Wang Baoqiang, just want to be an artist, and want to be famous, you You can also just be an Internet celebrity who hides behind the computer and sells his little face, saying that Internet celebrities are flattering you."

"You know my classmates, how do you girls who play live broadcasts call this industry a cloud platform, do you know what a cloud platform is? If you get a lot of gifts, you will come to meet by plane, just like a lady. The only difference is that you sell online for money, and the customer base is wider and more high-end. UU Reading”

"You..." Liang Jieying almost cried when she heard Yin Xiaozhong say that about herself.

"What are you? Let me tell you, little girl, if you don't pay, I'll send you to a kiln. If you sell it online, it's still for sale. If you sell it on KTV, it's still for sale. I'll let you know the cruelty of society." After all, Yin Xiaozhong has been around for many years, no matter in society or in study classes, he has seen all kinds of people, and it is easy to scare a little girl.

Liang Jieying was indeed frightened and suppressed her emotions, but she still shed two lines of tears.

"Keep your tears. If you don't pay back the money, you will cry later." After saying these harsh words, Yin Xiaozhong pushed Liang Jieying's head with his fingers.

Seeing that it was time to scare the monkey, the monkey also frightened, so he came up and pulled Yin Xiaozhong over, "Okay, okay, brother Zhong, let's go, everyone is still waiting."

Yin Xiaozhong followed the monkey to the door, turned his head and glanced at Liang Jieying who was standing there sobbing softly, "Go to the crew to interview female number four tomorrow, do you hear me?"

Liang Jieying gasped for breath, staring fixedly at him without answering.

With a bang, the door closed. Liang Jieying clenched her fist and kicked the swivel chair beside her to one side, and sat on the sofa angrily.

But thinking about it carefully, everything the man said just now was correct.

Whether it is a well-known Internet celebrity or a simple anchor, it seems that the reputation among the people is not very good. Why do I want to use the fame of the Internet celebrity to join the crew? In fact, it is to get rid of this bad Fame, and then prove that he is not just a vase in front of the camera through acting.

Liang Jieying sat cross-legged on the sofa, took her mobile phone, found a number and dialed it.