MTL - I Became An Ace Broker-Chapter 245 wise man's game

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Seeing Cui Yongyong again, he still looks so righteous and Lingran, and even said such righteous words, Yin Xiaozhong grinned, "Brother Cui is still so straightforward."

When he arrived at Cui Yongyong's office, he sent his assistant out and was busy pouring water for the three of them himself, showing enthusiasm.

Finally, after pouring the water, he sat down, looked at Duan Jingxi with a smile, and asked, "Miss Duan, how is your rest these past few years?"

Duan Jingxi responded with a smiling face, "It's a good rest, life is very peaceful."

Cui Yongyong nodded, and said with a little emotion, "Such a good actor has been entrapped by those bad guys. If you are still making TV series these few years, you don't know how many excellent roles you can perform."

"Brother Cui won the award, those are things in the past." Duan Jingxi responded modestly.

"Brother Xiaozhong must have told you, what are you thinking about? Come to our program, and I will disclose all the process of your fraudulent donation incident on the program, and return your innocence. The ratings of the show are not bad, and you will definitely gain the understanding of the public, and you will be able to make a comeback immediately." Cui Yongyong asked.

Duan Jingxi had already made a decision when he was downstairs, so he nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Duan Jingxi nodded, Cui Yongyong clapped his hands happily, stood up and went back to his desk, took out a thick document, and handed it to her, "Look, these are all the documents I have collected over the years. material."

Duan Jingxi saw such a thick document, picked it up and opened it carefully, opened his mouth in surprise when he saw the first one, and then looked at Cui Yongyong with an incredulous expression, "Brother Cui, where did you find these documents?" of?"

"Friends, friends inside and outside the circle." Cui Yongyong replied lightly.

Seeing Duan Jingxi's surprised expression, Yin Xiaozhong asked, "What's wrong? What kind of information is this?"

Duan Jingxi flipped through a few more, nodded in admiration, "It's not incredible, these are all the people involved in the fraudulent donation incident, the company, and all the details of the transaction, and even photos and Image." She randomly picked up a photo sandwiched in the middle and handed it to Yin Xiaozhong.

This photo is exactly the photo of Wang Guohua, the director of Jincheng TV Station at the time, instructing others to drug Duan Jingxi at a party. Wang Guohua's ugly face was clearly captured.

And the person in charge of prescribing the medicine at that time was the boss of Yansheng Entertainment Culture Media and Wang Guohua's brother-in-law Jin Dong.

Xiao Hai also saw this photo and gritted his teeth angrily.

Yin Xiaozhong returned the fraud to Duan Jingxi, frowned, and asked with a little worry, "Brother Cui, these materials are all about the corruption of Jincheng TV Station. If it is exposed on the program, it will have a huge impact on Jincheng TV station." Huh? The current director Liang Deren may be driven crazy by you?"

In fact, Yin Xiaozhong's question is also a pun, and he first reminded Cui Yongyong that this matter involves important local departments. The second is to explain that Fengxing Tianxia Company is still cooperating with Liang Deren, the current director of Jincheng TV Station. If the matter is exposed, and Duan Jingxi will be the guest, it will definitely have a great impact on them in the future.

Hearing what Yin Xiaozhong said, Cui Yongyong grinned and patted him on the shoulder, "Xiaozhong, don't worry, since Miss Duan is here to do this show, other things are arranged, and I told you You, most of these materials were provided by Director Liang."

"Ah?" Yin Xiaozhong didn't expect this. He didn't understand Liang Deren's intentions. After all, after this program was broadcast, it was Jincheng TV station that directly smeared it. Isn't this putting **** on his head?

Duan Jingxi and Xiao Hai naturally didn't understand why Liang Deren would do this, and looked at Cui Yongyong with puzzled eyes.

Seeing their expressions, Cui Yongyong leaned closer, "Everyone is not busy today, so I will tell you about the mystery in the middle."

The three nodded together. They really wanted to hear why such a smart person as Liang Deren would be willing to do this.

Cui Yongyong took a sip of water and said, "It's the end of the year, and every TV station is calculating the year-end general accounts. The TV station is a local organization, so the Central Propaganda Department will invite audit centers from other regions to intervene to cross-check the financial status of each other, but last year Because of Wang Guohua's series of operations, Jincheng TV Station has made a big hole. After Liang Deren came to power, he had no funds to use. These big holes were too late to mend, so that's why you got "Hey! Old Man" The script, but there is no reason for financial support, so he used the approved money to make up the bill."

Only then did Yin Xiaozhong nodded understandingly, "I thought they picked it up by themselves, so that's what happened."

Cui Yongyong continued, "But the hole left by Wang Guohua is too big, he Liang Deren can't make it up at all, and he Liang Deren is not an upright official, he himself has a problem, now the audit team has settled in, even if he can't find out his The problem, but it will definitely find out the problems left by Wang Guohua before, what if the Central Propaganda Department takes advantage of Wang Guohua's problems to find out? He will not be able to bear it when he comes to Liang Deren."

Several people nodded.

"Liang Deren is not an incompetent person who immediately found the higher-ups through people. The higher-ups also wanted to calm down this matter, so they temporarily opened a special topic on the legal system here. Isn't it obvious that they want to give Liang Deren a chance to clean up? He provided most of the information at that time, together with the documents I collected, this program came out." Cui Yongyong continued, "When the program is broadcast, anyone will talk about the economic hole in Jincheng TV station. Detain Wang Guohua, who is dead, so that even if the audit team finds out problems, they can be directly attributed to Wang Guohua. If there are any mistakes or details that do not match, there is no one to corroborate. In this way, Director Liang Deren You can let go of your own problems."

Hearing this, everyone really understood Liang Deren's intentions. The purpose of smearing Jincheng TV station was to dump the blame on the dead Wang Guohua, and the Central Propaganda Department would never pursue Jincheng TV station because of a dead person. Let Liang Deren make the TV station better and try to restore the impression in the hearts of the people. This move is really powerful.

"This Liang Deren is too powerful." Xiao Hai felt dizzy and said with emotion.

Cui Yongyong snorted coldly, "Someone gave me some pointers, found me, and asked my opinion. After I heard it, I think it's okay. It can not only expose the fraudulent donation incident back then, but also expose Wang Guohua's crimes and return them to the common people. A right to know, the most important thing is that I know that Miss Duan is Xiaozhong's brother's girlfriend now, and we are brothers again, so taking this opportunity to help her clarify the facts and restore her innocence can be regarded as a multiplicity of actions."

Yin Xiaozhong nodded gratefully, "Thank you Brother Cui for still thinking of me, it seems that Jingxi can really be innocent this time."

After listening to all this, Xiao Hai let out a long breath and muttered, "It seems that the entertainment industry is really a game for smart people. How can people like me understand it?"

"That's right, it's because you can't understand that's why I want you to understand, and the general public to understand." Cui Yong said righteously.

Yin Xiaozhong suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Brother Cui will not want to mess with Liang Deren in the future. I just heard you say that he is not a clean official, so he must have many problems, right?"

Cui Yongyong grinned, "Things have to be done one by one. Now he is doing well. Give him a chance first. If he wants to follow in Wang Guohua's footsteps, God will punish him at that time, just like Just like your brother punished Wang Guohua, all this is not accidental, in my opinion, it is a cycle of cause and effect."

Yin Xiaozhong turned his head to look at Duan Jingxi again, and grabbed her hand, "After listening to Brother Cui, I feel relieved, otherwise I have been worried that you will offend Liang Deren when you appear on this show. Now it seems that my worry is unnecessary of."

Duan Jingxi actually breathed a sigh of relief, "Yeah, brother Cui thought more comprehensively than we did." After a pause, he looked at Cui Yongyong, "I'm really grateful to brother Cui."

Cui Yongyong waved his hand indifferently, "Miss Duan, you are too polite, how can you say that you are also my younger brother and sister now, I still have to help with this small favor, even if it is not for you, it is my responsibility to help the national audience get back a good actor did it."