MTL - I Became the Favorite of Big Bosses-Chapter 489 Mrs

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Chapter 489 Mrs.

Yanyi flicked his cigarette ashes and said, "There have been reports of reservoir bursting in Province H before. You should have heard of it."

“I’ve heard of it.” Dr. Sun nodded, “The floods washed away many people and crops.”

 Then he wrote down everything he said about Yanyi in his notebook.

Yanyi blew out a puff of smoke and squinted his eyes to look into the distance, "She was washed here by the flood."

 Doctor Sun frowned, "What about her family...?"

Yanyi did not answer the question and asked: "Will you tell her?"

 The implication is very straightforward.

  The angry man in front of me has not yet told the female comrade these things.

 Perhaps it’s because of difficulties.

Dr. Sun paused and finally shook his head, "We only care about the patient's condition and never get involved in personal feelings."


Dr. Sun roughly learned about Wei Lan’s past in Yanyi, and quickly communicated with the psychologist in the hospital to consider and formulate a treatment plan.

 The plan has not been determined in general, and only one preliminary confirmation is that Wei Lan needs to stay in the hospital for observation.

However, even this preliminary one failed to get Wei Lan to nod.

In the ward, Wei Lan shook her head slightly, grabbing Yan Yi's sleeve and shaking it without letting go, "Yanyi, don't... go home, let's go home, okay?"

 Closed space, unfamiliar faces, the smell of disinfectant and alcohol that is hard to get used to...

 Any of these made her feel uneasy.

"I am obedient, I listen to you... I will wait for you to come back at home, okay? Is that okay?"

 Don't, don't leave her, don't leave her here.

Wei Lan was hesitant and at a loss, her big and slightly slanted peach blossom eyes blinked, and two strings of tears could not restrain themselves from falling.

 Looking really scared.

 But...she has to stay.

Realizing this, Yanyi squatted down and held her shoulders to comfort her patiently, "Wei Lan, staying here will help your condition. Just be obedient, okay? When I come back, I will pick you up as soon as possible, okay?" ?"

Wei Lan was still crying in front of her. When she heard these words, her lips trembled and her face flushed suddenly. She was about to burst into rage in the next second. However, Dr. Sun intervened in time, "You don't have to be hospitalized. You can go home and rest." , but you must take medicine in conjunction with it, eat three meals a day regularly, and maintain a good mood."

Yanyi turned back in shock and saw Dr. Sun nodding. He was slightly relieved and turned to pat Wei Lan behind him, "Okay, then let's go home. Did you hear what the doctor said? Eat well and take medicine well." "

The blush on Wei Lan's face faded and she nodded obediently. She looked completely different from the person who was about to burst into anger a second ago.

 After packing his things and asking Wei Lan to wait in the ward, Yanyi came out to talk to Dr. Sun.

Dr. Sun glanced at the girl sitting obediently in the ward, turned around and said: "First-level mental illnesses generally include anxiety, depression, nervousness, and occasionally symptoms of talking to herself, but these symptoms are not It won’t be serious. If the patient doesn’t want to be in the hospital, you can take him back. Be more obedient and patient every day. The patient can maintain a good mood, which will help his condition improve.”

Dr. Sun said, then raised his index finger and nodded, "Although the symptoms of first-level mental illness are not serious, they cannot be ignored. The second, third, and fourth levels behind them all become worse because they ignore the root cause. .”

Yanyi nodded and remembered everything in his mind. He took Wei Lan home as if she were a treasure. He was obedient to everything. He would let Wei Lan sit but would never let her stand, for fear of bumping into her.

On the second day of this time, the sun was shining brightly in the small courtyard. Wei Lan had a dry towel under his neck and was sitting against the corner of the wall with his head tilted, while Yan Yi had the cuffs of his white shirt rolled up and a ladle of water in his hand. Take half a ladle of hot water and wash her hair with careful and gentle movements.

This area has sunshine and can block the wind, so Wei Lan doesn’t have to worry about getting cold in the wind.

 “Is the water hot?”

 “Not hot…”

Yanyi said softly, "Hmm", and gently massaged her head with his fingertips, "Is it strong?"

"It's not big, just right." Wei Lan shook his head and said after a while: "I'm not a child... I can wash myself..."

Yanyi chuckled: "Then next time, I will let you wash it by yourself?"


She answered quickly and seriously, making Yanyi chuckle.

At this time, there was a knock on the door from the patio, followed by a burst of footsteps, "Is anyone here? Please, is it Mr. Yan's house?"

It was a female voice, young and immature, and she didn’t sound too old.

 Wei Lan frowned slightly, pursed her delicate lips and then pursed her lips. She stretched her neck to look at the door. The foam flowed into her neck with this movement, making her twist uncomfortably.

"Don't move." Yanyi hugged her, wiped away the foam carefully, and then raised his voice and said outside: "Yes, come in."

 Having received news before that people were coming today, Yanyi probably knew what was going on.

A girl with long braids walked in through the second door. She was pretty but had dark skin. She was wearing a light blue floral gown and black wide-leg pants.

 The outfit is very new, but in front of Wei Lan who is wearing a "Hong Kong style" dress, it becomes an extreme contrast.

 One is in the forefront of fashion, and the other is just pastoral and fresh.

The girl hugged the soft package tightly, circled the two people in front of her, and timidly shouted to Yanyi, "Mr. Yan?"

Wei Lan looked at the girl curiously with his peach blossom eyes. Yanyi grabbed her short frothy hair with his big hands and glanced sideways at the girl, "Cui Cui?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, then she was obviously relieved and nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes! I am Cuicui! Cuicui is me!"

"There's Mazha, sit down first, we'll talk about it later." Yanyi responded softly, lowered his head and explained to Wei Lan, "She is the sister of a former comrade, and her brother..."

Glancing at Cuicui, who was sitting in detention under the eaves, Yanyi avoided the word "death" and said, "Her brother entrusted her to me. He used to send her a monthly allowance. You are not in good health now, so let her Come take care of you and have a companion, eh?"

"Okay." Wei Lan nodded. When he turned to look at Cuicui, the curiosity on his face faded, and a gentle smile appeared in his eyes, "How old are you?"

“Ten, fifteen!” Cuicui replied nervously.

In Cuicui’s eyes, Wei Lan is a stranger, but also a very beautiful stranger.

 His skin is as white as snow, and his eyes are big and round, like the translucent stones seen in small streams before. He also feels very gentle, especially when he smiles...

 It makes people feel like the swaying magnolias on the branches in March.

Cuicui blushed and did not dare to meet Wei Lan's eyes.

 “Only fifteen years old? Have you ever gone to school?”

 “No, never…”

Cuicui answered truthfully, and Wei Lan sighed with emotion, and slapped Yanyi on the leg with her backhand, "The child is so old, how can she not know how to read without going to school? You take the time to buy some books, and I will teach her in my free time. Something simple.”

 It’s better than being blind and knowing nothing.

Having one child at a time, she is obviously only seventeen years old. Yanyi shook his head helplessly and agreed softly, "Okay."

After washing his hair, Yanyi wrapped Wei Lan's hair with a dry towel and moved a rocking chair in the yard for Wei Lan to lie down and bask in the sun. Afterwards, he asked Cuicui to familiarize himself with the home environment and introduced him as he walked.

“This is the bathroom. This is also where you go to the toilet. Remember to flush after use. Wei Lan loves to be clean.”

"This is the main room. It's big. Wei Lan sleeps inside. I arranged a bed for you outside. This is it..."

“Wei Lan doesn’t like humidity. It’s cold and hot, so she takes her out to bask in the sun at noon even if she has a thick quilt or a thin quilt.”

"The water well is behind the main house, and you can go around the path next to the wing... There are vendors selling vegetables at the intersection at the foot of the mountain every morning at seven or eight o'clock and at five or six o'clock in the evening. Wei Lan likes to eat vegetables. If you meet something you like, you can buy more. , by the way, fruits too..."

Yanyi explained the layout of the house and where everything was placed, while giving endless instructions.

Cuicui followed him. Every time he told her, Cuicui would turn around to take a look at the slim girl in the courtyard.

 “Do you remember everything?”

Yanyi didn't wait for an answer and looked back, just in time to see Cuicui secretly looking at Wei Lan.

Cuicui was caught by him and felt a little embarrassed. She couldn't help but asked, "Mr. Yan, who is that lesbian?"

Cuicui is not sure of Wei Lan's identity, so she has been unable to decide what to call her.

Yanyi was stunned for a moment, then said: "It's my lover."

"Ah! It's Madam!" Cuicui exclaimed, covering her lips nervously, and nodded hurriedly to ensure, "Remember, remember, I have remembered what Mr. Yan said just now!"

Yanyi sighed, "Cui Cui, you know something about my relationship with your brother... From now on, this will be your home. You can live here safely without restraint..."

Cuicui shook her head and said firmly: "Mr. Yan, your relationship with my brother is that of my brother and has nothing to do with me. I have used some of the allowances you have sent me in the past few years, but I have kept most of them. I will pay you back in the future, and when I am older, I can make money and pay you back."

 It’s not just repaying money, it’s more of a kindness.

Cuicui had no education and could not get into a popular job like the supply and marketing cooperative. She could only work with the brigade in the countryside. She was so busy that she could not save even one or two yuan a year. Otherwise, she would never use the Yanyi mail. Money from the past.

Her brother was loyal to the country, not to exchange his life for her supplies. Cuicui knew this very well.

Yanyi wanted to persuade her again, but when she saw that Cuicui was really determined, she stopped talking.

His ticket back to Province H was bought tonight, and he still had half a day left. According to Wei Lan, he went to the other side of the port in the afternoon and bought some books, teaching textbooks, and pencils.

Before leaving, Yanyi called Cuicui into the house and gave a bunch of instructions, "Wei Lan is not in good health. She should take it more often. This is the medicine she needs to take. If you don't know the words, I put a mark on the bottle."

“The ones with white strips are for eating after lunch. Eat them half an hour after a meal. You should take two pills.”

 “Taking black is to be taken at night, and half an hour after a meal, take half a pill.”

"You have to remember, don't forget to mess around." He handed the bag containing the medicine to Cuicui and put it away. Yanyi touched his pocket again, "It will take half a month at the earliest for me to come back when I leave. You take it and use it first, and make up for whatever is missing immediately, so you don’t have to worry about it, especially when it comes to Wei Lan.”

 Three great unity!

Cui Cui squeezed in his hand and only felt that his palms were hot, and he was not pushing.

She has money. Yanyi sent her about thirty yuan before. After excluding the used ones, there are still twenty-five or six yuan left.

 A few cents a month is already a luxury, but now, you have to give her that much in half a month?

Cuicui wants to say too much, but she is afraid that big cities are different from small counties, and she is afraid that the expenses will not be enough when the time comes.

 If there is too much, keep it; if there is too little, she will make up for it.

Cuicui accepted the money and put it carefully. She was going to have some free time at night, so she sewed a separate bag to put the money in.

Cuicui was hesitant here, Yanyi had already picked up his luggage and walked out of the courtyard.

I came back in the afternoon and bought two roasted sweet potatoes. Wei Lan sat obediently under the eaves, eating the sweet potatoes in small bites with a spoon.

 “I’m leaving.” He stood next to Wei Lan.


Wei Lan looked up at him, with a bit of sweet potato still stuck to the corner of her lips. It was yellow and orange, confused and hazy, and it was so charming and naive that it hurts.

"Ticket for the evening. I'll be back soon." Yanyi bowed and rubbed the crumbs off her hair with his thumb.

 “Is three days enough?” Wei Lan asked.

Yanyi frowned slightly and said nothing.

Wei Lan was a little disappointed. She lowered her head and scooped out a spoonful of sweet potatoes. After a while, she raised her head and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, four days is fine."

Yanyi still didn't answer. He just gently rubbed the soft hair on her head, "Wei Lan is good, eat well, okay?"

 “Yes!” Wei Lan nodded seriously.

When Yanyi walked outside the door, although she hesitated, she still trotted to follow him.

Seeing Yanyi walking down the mountain along the curve, she raised her voice and said, "Come back early. When the time comes, let's go catch the sea!"

  She heard that you could pick up small fish and crabs, and she had long wanted to take a look.

Yanyi did not look back, but strode forward, then raised his hand and waved.

The scene seemed familiar, as if this scene had happened before.

Wei Lan didn't know what happened to her. She only knew that when she reacted, her face was already covered with tears.

"Madam, Mr. Yan will be back soon." Cuicui rushed over soon. Seeing Wei Lan crying sadly, she hesitated for a while, then stepped forward to help Wei Lan go into the house.

Wei Lan was stunned for a moment, "What did you call me?"

 “Mrs.” Cuicui frowned, a little confused.

 Mr. Yan, Mrs. Yan, is there anything wrong?

 When she came, she met a large family at the foot of the mountain, which is also what they were called there.

Wei Lan was stunned for a moment, then shook her head slightly, "No, no."

The wife is the wife.

Although she is a little uncomfortable, she said early on that she would be a good Mrs. Yan...

Even though you are not married, you should get used to it in advance.

Cuicui takes good care of Wei Lan. Not only does she take care of Wei Lan, but she also takes care of the whole family very well.

The front patio is prone to water accumulation and moss. After she knew that Wei Lan was pregnant, she had to clean that area carefully every day. Whenever she saw any green spots, she would use a broom made of thin bamboo branches to wipe it clean. , I was afraid that if it was a little slippery, Wei Lan would fall if she didn't pay attention when she turned around.

Cuicui is very careful, and it takes most of the morning just to tidy up every day. Wei Lan has a hard time teaching her how to read.

 (End of this chapter)