MTL - I Became the Pet of the Five Bosses-Chapter 507 something is wrong

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Sooner or later, Mu couldn't taste it, and the air was sour when he opened his mouth: "Did it come over well?"

Su Ce looked proud: "Isn't it my lovely girlfriend?"

Mu Zizao: "…"

Fortunately, in the next second, there was also the sound of a message arriving on his mobile phone. It was a message from his sister: "Brother, I will be back later tonight, you should rest early."

His face just got better.

Wang Jun, who was driving, hesitated to speak when he heard the content. In the end, he could only sigh, and said, "You guys are just getting popular. It's best to keep your girlfriends secret, and don't let people take pictures."

Su Ce chuckled softly, noncommittal - he finally managed to hold his girlfriend openly and honestly, he would hide it if he was stupid.

Sooner or later, Mu also snorted. He was quite satisfied with Su Ce's reaction, and muttered, " know each other."

The ignored Wang Jun: "..."



The wine party was set at a private high-level club, and when Su Ce and Mu arrived sooner or later, it had already started.

There are not many people in the box, only a dozen or so. Except for the big director and the male and female lead actors who have been confirmed, the rest are all investors. She looks like a few years old, well-maintained, slightly blessed, and looks like a rich woman.

Wang Jun nodded and bowed in greeting. Finally, he focused on the woman and brought the two teenagers in front of her, saying, "Hurry up and call someone, Sister Xia."

With a strong smile on his face, he said, "This time it's the two of you that Sister Xia recommended to the director team..."

Barabara said a lot of compliments.

Su Ce and Mu shyly didn't look very good-looking, but they could barely hold back.

Sister Xia is not stingy with praise, and bluntly said that they are both good seedlings. The entertainment industry has been deeply affected by the Korean wave, and many artists are too feminine. It is not easy to find such a clean and handsome male star.

Wang Jun smiled as he should, and greeted the other big bosses in a similar manner, and then withdrew out of interest. He knew that in such a situation, a small agent like him was not qualified to be there.

After Wang Jun left, the atmosphere in the box was more relaxed, the smell of tobacco and alcohol was strong, and everyone's eyes were on the two teenagers, and the assessment was the same.

Su Ce couldn't hold back and got up.

He moved a little faster, which caught Sister Xia's attention, and the other party was very concerned: "Xiao Su, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Su Ce felt a little nauseated. He frowned and said patiently, "The air is not good. I'll go out to get some air."

When the words fell, he turned around and left, walked out of the box, and scolded in a low voice, "Grass."

Talk to Ji Qinglin in your body: "When can you be capital?"

Ji Qinglin: "You have the funds to buy your company now."

Su Ce let out a sigh of relief: "I can't bear it anymore, the young master has never seen anyone's eyes since he was born."

The so-called Sister Xia just now, inside and outside of her words, is how much she has become popular.

In the past, who would dare to say such things in front of Su Ce?

So much so that he didn't react at first.

After getting out of the box, it gradually came out that something was wrong. Su Ce's face turned green, and she was disgusted to the point of disgust - is that mother-in-law wanting to sneak into him and Mu Chi?

Depend on!

He was physically nauseous, he pressed his stomach, and it took a while for him to recover.

However, when he entered, he saw Sister Xia sitting beside Mu Chi Zao, reaching out to hold the boy's hand.

Mu Chi Zao's face was a little abnormal, and even his reaction was slow.

Su Ce rushed over and grabbed Mu Zhan Zai, without talking nonsense, turned around and left.

Sister Xia followed two big men and came out to stop them.

The box was quiet, only the voice of Sister Xia came: "Young man, don't be too loyal, backbone is the most important thing in this circle, I have seen you like this a lot, and in the end, not all of them will come back obediently. already?"

With her impending attitude, Su Ce couldn't bear it any longer, and kicked the big man directly: "I'll go to your mother!"

He got rid of the big man blocking the road in three or five times, and looked back at Sister Xia with a stern look in his eyes: "You **** wait for me!"

Others didn't expect him to be so arrogant and do things so absolutely.

You must know that there are too many dirty things in this circle, even if they don't want to, a newcomer like him would not dare to offend the management.

Someone like him who directly offended the capitalist was the first time they saw the old fried dough sticks.

The scene was extremely quiet for a while. Su Ce looked at Mu Zhan Zao, who had obviously drank something he shouldn't have, and pointed at Sister Xia.



On the other hand, Mu Haohao was in the flower shop. She came to help almost every day these days and got along very well with Chu Qin Chu’s mother. Occasionally when Ji Qing came over, Chu’s mother left knowingly and handed over the flower shop to the three young people. .

This evening, when it was almost time for dinner, when Ji Qingqi and Mu Hao were about to say goodbye, Song Jiayue ran in and excitedly said that today was her birthday and that everyone would have a cake together.

Shou Xing spoke like this, and Mu Hao Hao and Ji Qingqi stayed.

When eating and cutting cakes, Song Jiayue and Chu Qin had an average or even bad relationship, and the whole process was very cold.

Chu Qin didn't understand why this step-sister didn't go home to spend time with her father, but wanted to come here, but Song Jiayue didn't feel embarrassed, and the others didn't say anything.

But when she was blowing the candle to make a wish, Song Jiayue looked at Chu Qin and apologized sincerely, saying that she was wrong in the past, but now that she has grown up and is sensible, she apologized for her former self, hoping to get her sister's forgiveness.

Then he brought the first piece of cake cut to Chu Qin.

Who won't talk about the scene? Chu Qin took it, took a few bites, and then Song Jiayue burst into tears. She couldn't cry with Chu Qin in her arms, saying that she really knew she was wrong and would definitely be a good sister in the future.

She cried so badly that Chu Qin's head was so big that she couldn't persuade them, Ji Qingqi wanted to drive them home, Song Jiayue cried and said no, she had a lot to say to Chu Qin, she wanted to apologize , she wanted to be alone with her sister for a while.

Chu Qin had no choice but to send Song Jiayue home first, and let Mu Haohao and Ji Qing look at the flower shop at first, and she would come back later.

After she left, Mu Haohao helped arrange the table for dinner, and Ji Qingqi was embarrassed to stand and watch her work, so he came to help.

They are very familiar with each other, Ji Qingqi is very grateful to Mu Hao Hao for saying things at the beginning, although he doesn't know where she got the news, it doesn't prevent him from sincerely thanking each other.

"I haven't thanked you for the last time." Ji Qing said, if it wasn't for her, his relationship with Chu Qin would not be so harmonious.

Mu Hao smiled: "You're welcome."

After that, there was no more talk, Ji Qingqi packed up the garbage, and Mu cleaned the table.

His eyes inadvertently fell on the girl's fair and slender neckline. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little thirsty.

Then came Mu Haohao. She stood up straight and looked at Ji Qingqi. Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked too delicious. She reached out and fanned: "Do you feel so hot all of a sudden?"

Ji Qingqi vaguely realized that something was wrong, but his eyes began to get out of control, falling on the girl's red lips.

Mu Haohao only felt that it was too hot, so he crossed the boy and wanted to find the remote control of the air conditioner.

Passing by Ji Qingqi's side, the teenager suddenly reached out and grabbed her fair and slender forearm.