MTL - I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)-Chapter 482 5 lines Yu Jianzong

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482 Five Elements Imperial Sword Sect

But do these matter?

This is something that Xiaodao needs to consider, and the cheap mouth doesn't need it at all.

As long as this person said what he said, he felt good, and he could find ten thousand reasons to flatter him.

The treasure of the great world is warmed here.

If you don't take it out, it doesn't mean you can't use it.

Only the lord of the big world, the cheap mouth, can use it.

It can be said that this piece belongs to him and is equal to his accompanying treasure.

An innate perfect fit.

Today, the Shuren Great World is still relatively weak. Relying on this treasure, it will take a hundred years to conceive a drop of six-level juice.

It will take 10,000 years to really make up a portion of six realm juice.

It's very long, mainly because the big world is still relatively small.

Moreover, the energy required to conceive the ultimate recovery psychic liquid of the six realms is extremely terrifying.

At present, there are nine terrestrial poles in the world of tree people, but unfortunately they are all half-step six realms, and they need to grow to truly reach six realms.

Overall, the knife is very satisfying.

In particular, the nine worlds merged into the big world, and no moths appeared.

As described in the task, the first option is to follow the task step by step.

For the second option, the key is to make up nine small worlds.

Of course there are dissatisfaction.

Breaking through the six realms in this way is bound to become one with the big world.

It seems that he is invincible in the big world, but in fact, when the big world is destroyed, he himself will die.

That's the limit.

You can never be free and free.

Fortunately, Xiaodao's personal space has its own backup.

Although the second world cannot appear at the same time, if one dies, the other can come out.

Also because of the special isolation of personal space, it will not be a problem to consume a lot of energy to restore the other one.

This is invincible.

Don't hesitate anymore, even if you have obtained first-hand information, then get ready to start.

So in the personal space, the Tiandao mode fully analyzes it.

As for the Five Elements Yujianzong, ever since Xiaodao reached the sixth realm, it has shaken the above.

These days, after discussion, a decision has been made.

So Xiaodao Daozi's avatar received a letter from the suzerain.

He, who is in the sixth realm, enters the second world as a natural entity, but Daozi's avatar is integrated into it, and he doesn't worry about being discovered.

After all, he is the real Taoist.

At this time, he was wandering around Little Knife Peak to relax.

Now this place is very prosperous, the disciples of Little Knife Peak, including players, the elite natives of the small world, and some fellow disciples, the natives of this world and so on.

There are many, and the development is not bad.

However, apart from him, there is still no one in the sixth realm, after all, the background is still lacking.

In the past, Daozi only had five realms, and the prosperity was only thousands of years old, and some big forces would not invest.

But now it is different, Daozi has reached the sixth realm, and his real strength has the possibility to match his identity.

The form is naturally completely different.

However, Xiao Dao did not publicize it, and outsiders still did not know that he had made a breakthrough.

This is a decision made after meeting with the head last time. ,

There is no way, even if the breakthrough in martial arts is to catch the blood essence of the six realms, it is still a matter of body training.

Such a body that does not leak or break is of great value outside.

Even fairies can be tempted.

In the five-day world, no one dared to do anything.

But if you go out.

At this time, Xiaodao received a letter from the head of the sect, and hurried away.

The suzerain smiled and motioned Xiaodao to sit down.

He admired this young man very much.

Of course there are secrets, but so what.

Not to mention obtaining the status of Daozi, it is because of making a life-and-death contribution to the Five Elements Yujianzong.

Although the small world that was taken out was a transaction, it also benefited the Five Elements Yujianzong a lot.

After all, transactions also need to be divided into people. In addition to the transaction itself, there will also be human relations.

But now, this seedling has grown up, it's a pity that he chose a path of narrow escape.

Warrior, peerless warrior! Invincible.

But that Wushuang physical body, the immortal will be moved, the value can be imagined.

"My sect master, the great elder, and several immortals, others don't know that you have broken through the sixth realm of martial arts, but don't be careless because of it." Taking a sip of tea, the suzerain said slowly.

Telling the value of Wu Wushuang's physical body in the eyes of those people, and the role it can do.

Immortals want one, let alone other strong ones.

Xiaodao doesn't care, after all, it's different now, this body is dead, and only need to throw a drop of blood in the personal space to be reborn.

But on the surface, he has a serious expression and a cautious attitude.

"However, the danger is that after leaving the five-day world, if it is in the world, it will be completely unharmed, and the six-level martial arts, with a lifespan of a million years, is a hundred times longer than other transformation gods.

How to choose is up to you.

"Of course I'm going to the battlefield outside the territory." Xiaodao said without hesitation.

Above five realms, in the big world, without enough background, it is almost difficult to make progress, and life is wasted. Only going to the battlefield outside the territory is full of various opportunities.

Even if it is a top-notch sect, the resources of all sects are gathered, and at most it is enough for a six-level practitioner, but it is impossible to attribute all of them to Xiaodao, not even the suzerain.

Therefore, the suzerain is not surprised. After all, there are very few people who retire for special reasons like him.

So, after the Taoist made his choice, he took out two items.

This is the sect's reward for Daozi breaking through the five realms and reaching the sixth realm.

Xiaodao is still very satisfied with Five Elements Yujianzong.

They have their own set of rules of operation.

Although, there are quite a few immortals in the sect now, that is, the strong family, and the resources they have may exceed that of the sect.

However, the sect's resources will not be eroded by the powerful ones. Instead, they will cultivate the next generation in a relatively fair environment.

The rules in the big world, it is obvious that those heavenly beings have mastered the authority as the master of the world, so they can set the rules to a certain extent.

Even the owner of the small world can't do it with a knife, but the big lord of the cheap mouth, the current owner of the big world can already do it, but it is not easy and requires a very high price.

The authority of the big world is not comparable to the master of the small world.

It is not just the authority of the master of the world, but the great world has been integrated with the master of the world.

Life is connected, life and death are shared.

But setting rules like this is the foundation for a big world to avoid civil strife and prosperity.

Can learn from.

Today's treant world is still very fragile. Even if the master of the big world, Cheezy, wants to set some rules, he needs to provide extra energy.


Xiaodao sighed.

However, this was just a thought in my heart, and it didn't show up.

Instead, he picked up the reward brought by the suzerain, congratulations to Daozi for reaching the sixth realm.

Xiaodao was a little taken aback, and quickly saluted.

Two things, one is a spirit weapon, it is relatively sideways, a jade pendant that hides the aura and conceals the aura.

Wearing it can hide one's physical cultivation, which cannot be found by immortals and below.

This is the ability to hide breath.

To cover up the breath, you need to take the initiative to open it. It's time for battle.

It formed a domain that was ten times larger than the size of the small world. It had no other function, that is, to block the fighting breath, so it was not easy to be discovered.

Otherwise, once he does something outside the world and is discovered by other people, it is easy to discover his unparalleled cultivation and arouse greed.

This method cannot be said to be absolutely safe, at least it can block 99% of passers-by.

There is no weak person in the void outside the territory. It can even be said that the leaders are all immortals.

Without a fairy town, it's like throwing out meat buns.

So although this spirit weapon has a single function, its value and rarity are even more rare than other spirit weapons.

It is also suitable for the small knife at this time, it can be said that the Five Elements Yujianzong has a heart.

The other thing is just a secret book, but it is made of well-known animal skins, which is completely different from the jade slips that are commonly used now.

It exudes an ancient and barbaric atmosphere, and this animal skin knife can't see through it, but it is at least the sixth level.

Pick it up and have a look.

Xiaodao was moved again.

Because this is what I urgently need compared to the first spiritual weapon.

Relying on the essence and blood of Wushuang Wudao of the Six Realms, he broke through and reached the Sixth Realm of Wushuang.

This method makes him not weaker than the orthodox unparalleled six realms.

But tricks are tricks.

Martial Dao will can't go any further, the unparalleled six realms are the limit.

However, this nameless exercise is suitable for the current knife.

It seems that the road I have traveled has already been traveled by others.

Looking at the exercises, Xiao Dao's path became clear.

When you reach the peak of the sixth realm, you can take the strong body of wild beasts in the seventh realm, or the blood of a special bloodline monster with extremely strong physical body, and form a special primordial spirit according to the exercises.

Merge with the martial arts will that takes shortcuts, wipe out its own consciousness, and finally go further.

This is still a tricky method, killing Gao Yijing still requires the existence of the top physical body.

Because Wushuang warriors are physically strong, but they are not the only ones. These existences are not weaker than Wushuang warriors.

Those who meet the conditions are basically Peerless in the same realm, let alone those who need to be in a higher realm.

This step is extremely difficult, and to wipe out his essence and blood will, an immortal can do it, but the skills need to be fused, relying on the fusion of the impure martial arts will and its obliteration to generate the primordial spirit and use it to break through the realm.

Hehe, the difficulty can be imagined, and there is a high probability that it will be taken away by the will of a more powerful monster.

Even if it succeeds, the next time you break through the realm, you still need to find a stronger monster or something.

But no matter what, this is the only way out after Xiaodao can't think about it.

In the past, when I searched for the materials of the Five Elements Yujianzong, there was no relevant information at all. This was obviously found by the sect for myself.

Not to mention the records, the value of the animal skin alone is not lower than the sixth realm, maybe even higher.

The knife was picked up.

"The Five Elements Yujianzong will not fail me, and I will definitely not fail the Five Elements Yujianzong." Xiaodao said with emotion.

Whatever the reason, or because of its own potential, is mystery.

These are not important, what is important is that what the Five Elements Yujianzong has done is already interesting enough in my opinion.

The suzerain smiled and said: "But at this point, the help that the sect can give has come to an end, and it will be up to you in the future."

"Enough!" Xiaodao nodded, he shouldn't be too greedy, this is enough.

Knife left.

The attitude naturally shows.

Wushuang warriors cannot reach the six realms, and have a lifespan of more than a hundred years, just like ants. Once they break through, their bodies will be immortal, and their lifespan will be a million years, which is a hundred times that of the other six realms. Naturally, he will not shrink back into the five-day world. pursuit.

The next time, the five-day world is sent to an extraterritorial battlefield, Xiaodao will follow.

As a rule, for each batch, the five-day world-class sect must send manpower.

If it is said that becoming a first-class sect in the five-day world and obtaining the coordinates of other great world trading points can bring huge wealth, this is a benefit.

Then, every batch of out-of-territory battlefields set off, as the first-class sect in the five-day world, it is necessary to send people, which is an obligation.

Today's knife is qualified to know this.

For the new batch, the Five Elements Yujian Sect will inevitably send manpower.

However, the Five Elements Yujianzong is still relatively weak, and will only send one fairy city.

This is also the minimum requirement.

Every time they set off, all the first-class sects of the Five Elements Yujianzong must send at least one six-level fairy city of the spirit weapon level.

This is just the most basic formation on the battlefield outside the territory.

Although it is not weak in the eyes of Xiaodao, it can only be used as the base of the formation to protect itself in the field outside the territory.

As a new first-class sect, Five Elements Yujianzong only needs to meet the minimum requirements, and the main force is all on the five elements Void Battleship transaction side.

Xiaodao just wanted to know about these, because although the distance to the next battle outside the domain was not far, it was not too short for Xiaodao.

There is still plenty of time to prepare.

Zombies and the like are on sale all the time, and knives are less of a concern.

After that, he was busy for more than a year, UU reading www.uukanshu. com to collect resources from all aspects.

While ensuring the smooth execution of the plan without affecting the development of the players, he finally earned enough spirit stones for recovery.

At this moment, in front of him, the spirit stone fly ash slowly dissipated.


He stretched his waist a long way, and every cell in his body was moaning comfortably, because he was finally full at this time.

Every cell is full.

It's really not easy, just myself, even in the five-day world, ordinary families can't afford to support a Wushuang warrior.

However, Wushuang Warrior consumes a lot, but if there is no battle, he will be very hungry.

The small knife that is full now is considered to be the pinnacle of the six realms.

You can find a way to break through the seven realms.

Of course, he doesn't care about these at the moment.

Breakthrough in your own small world is the key.

These days, not only the physical body is full, but also the limit of the six realms has been reached, the soul has also been fully recovered, and the limit of the five realms can also be broken through by cultivating immortals.

Compared with the physical body, the consumption of the soul is much smaller.

Even if he breaks through, he is not a one-punch opponent in Wushuang martial arts.

It doesn't matter.

Immortal Dao is about many means, not combat power.

Xiaodao Daozi's avatar was closed again.

All the power of the soul is in Yuan Wu's small world, which is the foundation of his plan to break through the limit of the small world and become the big world.

After careful consideration, the Yuanwu small world was chosen as the core of the world.

Mortal land, one hundred years, no longevity, unless a breakthrough in martial arts.

One hundred years is the most in line with the rules of the world's growth and evolution and herding all living beings.

Every hundred years.

Want to live forever, simple.

As long as you have the possibility to break through the six realms, Xiao Dao will give you the opportunity.

Other carefully selected phantoms of the eight worlds gradually emerged, making the small world of apes seem to have eight phantoms, hazy.

(end of this chapter)