MTL - I Conquered the Universe With Acting-Chapter 20 .Twentieth Performance (Revised)

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Water sleeve dance has a long history and unique style. It originated from opera and Peking Opera a hundred years ago, and later became a part of classical dance.

This kind of dance, as the name suggests, needs to be added to the sleeve of the dance suit, usually about 1.5 meters, and some will be longer.

Qiao Shan arrived at the venue early today, studied the dance question bank provided by the competition, and found that the most difficult thing was the water sleeve dance!

He asked Lena to try it out, even if her limbs were very advanced, she would be embarrassed to throw up her sleeves.

Did he get hit by the sleeve? On the face, he stepped on the long sleeve, not to mention dancing.

Flip sleeves, rely on skill, not brute force.

Even with smart technology, it is impossible to dance without a day or two of study time!

"It's up to you if you can..."

Qiao Shan protested and looked at Taichung Central.

But his voice got stuck with his neck, and his neck bones made a sour sound.

A piece of elegant lake green soft embroidery suddenly came!

As fast as a snake, and as light as a green feather.

As smooth as eel, and soft as blue silk.

Qiao Shan: "!"

No matter how stupid he was.

She flicked her sleeves, and she was an old man!

This soft, no-strength, and nearly one-person-high water sleeve, in her hands, was incredibly obedient.

Dance in a circle for a while, waves for a while, making people dazzled.

And swinging her arms, twisting her waist, loosening her knees, twisting her waist... Every inch of her muscles and bones seemed to be born for dance rhythm!

Feminine, Zhuoyue, just right, fluttering like a fairy.

Qiao Shan looked dumbfounded.

He thought that Lena's dancing ability was already excellent in the rookie circle.


[To be honest, this number 100 is an angel, right? Compared to her, Lena is in the world. 】

[No. 100, let you come to the competition, you TM directly sit on the judges seat? ! 】

[Low EQ: Lena is too bad? High EQ: Lena is good, you still have a lot of room for improvement. 】

Qiao Shan: "…"

Has been connoted!

In the live broadcast channel of the competition side, there are endlessly rewarding spacecraft with love, constantly swiping the screen.

All were given to No. 100 Liu Qingqing.

In the blink of an eye, the compliments to Qiao Shan and Lena were overwhelmed.

It seems that today is Liu Qingqing's solo performance!

[This is classical dance? hateful! The teacher didn't tell me, it's so beautiful! 】

[This exquisite long sleeve has been injected with soul! 】

[I seem to be sitting in the art auditorium of Capital Star, enjoying a top performance. 】

[She flicked her sleeves and pierced not the air, but my heart! Damn, it's broken...]

[No. 100 is really F-class? It is suspected that the testing agency made a mistake! 】

[If she is an F-rank, please allow me to be a dignified A-rank under her sleeve? A crushing defeat. 】

[Humans are classified into abcd, not fairies! 】

Rainbow farts are coming.

Visible to the naked eye, more than Lena's?!


Qiao Shan's legs were soft and cold sweat poured out.

'Liuxia? Hearing Yaoqin dancing and singing together, it seemed like a frightening shadow in the past. ’

The music played clearly on the stage.

With the graceful green body on the stage, the dance is graceful and moving.

After the song was over, Liu Qingqing retracted her palms, flicked her long and wide sleeves, and neatly folded them in her hands.

She smiled at the camera, bowed her head, and walked off the stage.

【I'm gone! 】

[Damn, did you take a screenshot, brothers?! I want to use the screen just now as a smart brain screensaver! 】

[Ask for screenshots. 】

[Fairy, do you lack a boyfriend? 】

[Jinghong, is she the explanation in the dictionary? 】

[Jinghong Yiwu, originally used ancient Chinese to describe beauty? So appropriate! Language, I want to study hard! 】

Qiao Shan took a deep breath and dared not look at the results of the vote.

But there is a faint fragrance.

Liu Qingqing touched the water sleeve, stood in front of him, smiled and praised.

"Your smart artist? The dance is beautiful."

Qiao Shan: "…"

I suspect you are mocking me, and there is evidence!

He glanced at the number of votes and wanted to go over - Liu Qingqing had 134,063 votes, and Lina had 13,236 votes.

ten times!

A full tenfold difference!

"I lost." Qiao Shan gritted her teeth.

Liu Qingqing lowered her eyes and smiled lowly.

When she laughs, her seemingly clear eyes, the ends of which are raised, the clouds are light and the wind is light, and there is a kind of beauty and beauty.

There is also a strong self-confidence to look down on the younger generation!

Qiao Shan was stunned.

"Come on next time." Liu Qingqing reached out and patted Lina's shoulder, "If you want my autograph in the future, I can give you one more."

Qiao Shan: "…"

She usually faces the camera and suppresses a lot.

The real her, in private... Really arrogant!

Liu Qingqing walked to the corner and sat down quietly.

The PK of the other groups was not over yet. She sat upright and looked at Zhinao.

"Have you studied water sleeves before? But I think you still have the ballet foundation?" Qiao Shan caught up, and asked with a pale face and gritted teeth.

He has to lose clearly.

F-level, learning ability, body control, should be much worse than the average level.

How could she possibly be a smart entertainer?

Liu Qingqing poked the screen and paused the movie she was watching.

"Normal. I'm an actor."

In her previous life, she was born in a scientific class?

He studied classical dance at the age of eight and ballet at the age of thirteen.

After college, he joined the crew one after another, and followed the crew to learn the skills needed by various characters.

Once, in order to play the world-famous oiran, she spent a year picking up the classical dance figure again. She changed three sets of sweaty clothes every day, and she couldn't even lift her arms before going to bed.

In terms of dance professionalism, she is definitely not as good as a dancer who has been training for many years.

But compared to newcomers? Actors,…

"Never?? watch an actor."

Liu Qingqing continued to play movies and study the performance of modern intelligence.

Joe Shan frowned.

His brain was beeping, the light screen jumped out, and his face quickly turned pale!

[How many times have you been defeated by F-rank citizens, and the business evaluation has failed. Gao Yu will automatically terminate the contract with you. 】

[Notice from the Human Resources Department: Please move your personal belongings out of the laboratory as soon as possible. 】

Gao Yu doesn't need waste!

He lost again and again, to an F-rank, he was clearly a waste!

Qiao Shan staggered, holding onto the back of the chair in a hurry, unable to stand still.

He studied hard for many years, squeezed time to eat and drink, stayed up more nights than others, and fought his life to get into Gao Yu!


It's all over.

Those who have been dismissed by Gao Yu? The other three major companies will not admit them either!

His way of researching intelligent artists has completely collapsed!

So many years of hard work are in vain.

Qiao Shan lost her soul, her eyes were dull, "I'm a cripple?..."

Liu Qingqing frowned.

She doesn't like meddling in other people's business, but she doesn't like other people's sobbing like this in front of her.

Especially a big man?.

Spicy eyes.

"There are no incompetent wastes in this world. There are only short-sighted, self-righteous incompetent wastes!"

Liu Qingqing stood up?

Joe Shan: …

Shot in the chest, doublekill!

"Isn't it unexpected that what you despise will eventually bite you back?"

Qiao Shan's hand against her thigh trembled violently.

"I despise? How much? How much effort did I pay? You know?!"

Liu Qingqing chuckled lightly, "Could it be that someone else? Didn't make any effort?"

Qiao Shan's anger froze for a moment.

"Acting skills are not something that can be digitized by you?"

Liu Qingqing got up and quit the movie video.

Qiao Shan was stunned, "The Liu family doesn't—"

Liu Qingqing left the field towards the door and waved her hand casually.

Qiao Shan suffocated, "Stop, speak clearly!"

After two steps, he staggered to a stop.

He was crazy and almost believed what she said?

Can't acting skills be digitized? Doesn't that mean that in the past two or three hundred years, everyone's research direction on intelligent artists is wrong? !


Even in the era of the earth, there are intelligent artists of the Yuanzu level, and they are very popular among netizens.

This direction can never be wrong.

It's just that he himself is too useless, and his skills are not as good as others.

Qiao Shan closed his eyes, he didn't develop his talent, it's time to go back to his hometown to inherit his father's business and become a safe and secure resort owner!

"Qiao Shan lost again?! She's an F-rank, and she also won in dancing?!"

Midsummer Entertainment's strategic general manager's office.

Liu Hong's face was ugly.

The Qiao family is a tycoon in the resort industry, but since Qiao Shan's grandfather's generation, they have a dream of being a research and development home.

When Qiao Shan was six years old, the Qiao family spent a lot of money to hire experts like Liao Xianji and Liu Mingzhen as teachers to train him.

When Qiao Shan enters Gao Yu, she will have the opportunity to communicate with the children of the Gao family.

But now... he was competing against an F-rank, and he lost so badly.

The gap between the votes was dozens to one.

"Send me the video of No. 100." Liu Hong shook the coffee in his cup.

He still believed them before? He said that this No. 100 must have won it all the way through unpopular means.

After all, her surname is Liu.

It is also possible that the Liu family wants to save face and blatantly provoke the authority of Jin Lens.

Liu Hong wanted to turn a blind eye, increase the difficulty of the game, let the Liu family gradually let go after the top 100 game, and let Liu Qingqing be eliminated automatically.

But now, not only has she not been eliminated, she has also stood on Gao Yu's head? Dance!

"Could it be? As Li Mo said, she is very talented?"

Liu Hong was heartbroken.

He read the magazine and thought it was just an ordinary dress-up game.

Better than retro.

But after the secretary sent him the video of the Easter match—


Liu Hong directly knocked the handle of the coffee cup on the table.

It fell to pieces!

The coffee turned him over? It was so hot that he jumped up on the spot!

[This dance was originally for the Jade Emperor, right? She is a fairy, a fairy, she went down to earth today and was seen by us. 】

[After all, Lina was created by human beings, how can she compare with fairies? 】

The two barrages with the most likes from netizens fully express Liu Hong's wishes.

Just watching Qiao Shan's Lena Ballet is also smooth and moving.

But compared with Liu Qingqing, it is really touching the porcelain with the gods in the sky!

Liu Hong didn't even have time to wipe his pants, "Contact Li Mo! I've agreed to the contract on the 100th, let him talk!"

The secretary's office received it, and the AI ​​feedback came only after half-pay.

"Li Mo has resigned this morning."

Liu Hong: "!?"

After Liu Qingqing finished the game, she returned to Liu's house.

As soon as I went back, I received a phone call from Li Mo who laughed three times.

"Shuangweiwei, you are too good for me, hahaha!"

"Midsummer Entertainment woke up today and wants to sign a contract with you. He also asked me why I resigned, and asked me to go back and sign you for a raise! Come on!"

In her previous life, Liu Qingqing was the ace artist that several brokerage companies competed for?

After all, she has the reputation of box office harvest Ji.

In the eyes of those companies, she is like a cash cow, whoever grabs it will get rich.

She has long been used to it, and she is not shocked by pampering.

"Well. Brother Li is happy."

She was just halfway through when she saw Liu Yingming poking his head, holding a golden cake in his hand.

There is a dancing girl??people? on the cake.

Liu Qingqing blinked.

"By the way, Wen Ran contacted me again this morning with a new job."

"One is the last nutritional supplement campaign 2. The product manufacturer is very satisfied with you and wants to continue to cooperate with you. The other is the ancient culture Hanfu Association, they? After seeing your water sleeve dance, they want to find you to promote Hanfu."

"But when there is a time conflict, you can only choose one of the two—"

Li Mo's voice came out halfway.

Liu Yingming coughed heavily, and walked into the room through gritted teeth, "Liu Qingqing, I have something to tell you."

The author has something to say: Liu Yingming: I have something to ask you.