MTL - I Copy Under One Punch-Chapter 315 Dragon Kingdom Lugnica

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  Chapter 315 Qinlong Kingdom Lugnica

  In the white snow forest, a caravan is moving slowly.

Ge Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead, panted upstream, came to the largest carriage in the middle, and said respectfully: "My lord, it's almost noon, why don't we rest for a while and have a meal first? "

   "Yes." Aomori lifted the curtain of the carriage, glanced at him and said, "Gerang, you can decide this kind of thing yourself, there is no need to ask me."

"Yes, yes, I understand, my lord." Through the slits in the curtains, Ge Lang saw his daughter holding her cheeks in her hands, her eyes were blurred, and he couldn't help sighing inwardly: "My stupid daughter, why are you still so stupid?" No progress at all? '

   Light blush capable hammer?

  The convoy stopped, Aomori and Elsa got out of the car first, and Fania followed behind.

   At this time, 5 days have passed since the commotion in Aomori last time.

  The mansion was wrapped in black mist, and passers-by thought they were under attack and called the guards. Grand used the excuse that his daughter's friend, an elf warlock, was experimenting with magic, and managed to dispel their suspicions.

  Gron's daughter, Fania, is a trainee elf warlock, which is well known.

  Aomori didn't expect the magic he used at will to be so powerful. While apologizing to Grand, he was willing to teach Fania for a while.

  Daughter became a student of Aomori, Ge Lang bluntly said that this wave is not a loss, at any rate, the relationship with Aomori has become closer.

  The frozen meat was thawed by the fire. Grand, Ralph and the others got together and talked with Aomori.

   "My lord, there are still two days until we reach the border of Lugnica Kingdom." Grand said.

  Different from the southern empire, the relationship between the Holy Kingdom in the north and the Qinlong Kingdom in the east is not particularly tense, as long as they pay enough tariffs, they can pass.

  However, most people in the Holy Kingdom think that the cold environment is the test of the Holy Spirit, but they are not interested in the warm and comfortable Qinlong Kingdom. Probably only caravans will pass through the border to purchase supplies.

   "Okay." Aomori nodded, looking forward to the scenery of Lugnica Kingdom.

  He turned his head to look at the two cozy girls, and said, "Elsa, Fania, you have been resting in the carriage for so long, now continue to practice."


  Elsa immediately jumped up to do physical training, while Fonia, following Aomori's request, worked hard with the micro-elves to control Mana in the atmosphere and enhance her manipulation proficiency.

   "Aha, your lord is really strict." Ge Lang said with a smile.

   "Diligence is the easiest way to become a strong person." Laffer said.

  He also wants to practice hard, but he is responsible for the safety of the caravan, so he can't consume his physical strength at will, so he can only watch enviously from the sidelines.

   Not long after, the delicious broth was cooked, and the entire caravan cheered immediately.

  During the boring journey, only food can comfort the soul.

  The Kingdom of Lugnica is called the Kingdom of Pro-Dragon because it signed an alliance with the dragon Bolkenny and was protected by the dragon.

  The fate of the kingdom is closely related to Shenlong.

   As a result, the history of the entire kingdom revolves around Shenlong.

  However, the kingdom that relies too much on Shenlong and lacks core spirit has become extremely weak without knowing it.

  Two days later, Aomori and his party, who traveled without incident, crossed the border and arrived at the first city of the Kingdom of Lugnica—the industrial city of Koszyl.

  After entering it, everyone immediately felt a completely different atmosphere from the Holy Kingdom.

  The prosperous streets, dense crowds, and noisy voices make Elsa and Fania feel excited and excited when they go abroad for the first time.

   "Brother, I want that." Elsa ran into a blacksmith shop, and saw a dagger that was shining with silver light.

  After getting acquainted with Fania, for some reason, Elsa omitted the word "five" in the address, and called "brother" directly.

   On the other side, Fania took a fancy to the beautiful dresses in a clothing store. When had she seen such bright and beautiful clothes before?

   "Oh, you two little ladies, don't run around, what if you get lost?" Ge Lang panted after Fania.

  Aomori and Raph went into the blacksmith shop, glanced at the dagger Elsa was pointing at, and shook their heads: "These are too ordinary, and they are easily broken at first sight."

   "Hey, distinguished guest, this dagger is made of the most advanced industrial machines, and it is already a unique masterpiece." The boss came over and explained with a smile.

   "It's good for ordinary people, but it's still something for ordinary people." Saying that, Aomori took Elsa's little hand and walked out the door.

"Wait!" The boss hurriedly called Aomori, who seemed to be a master, and said in a low voice, pretending to be mysterious: "I still have three family treasures, which are generally not shown to others. You are an extraordinary guest, and you are a person who knows the goods. Do you want to buy them?" have a look?"

   "Sorry, no need." When entering the store, Aomori had already scanned it with [Mind Eyes], where there is no treasure, it's just a gimmick used by the boss to attract customers.

  The three of Aomori left the blacksmith shop and went to the clothing store. Fania just changed into a long red dress, making her look ten times more beautiful.

   "It's so beautiful." Elsa's eyes lit up, and she also joined the selection process, but she has a soft spot for black clothes.

   Finally, even Aomori bought a few suits.

  Holding a cane and wearing a top hat, he looked like an aristocratic gentleman, attracting the attention of many mature girls on the street.

  Fanya had already entered a **** state, her face was flushed.

   "My lord, I'm going to get down to business first, and I'll ask you to take care of my little girl." After playing for a while, Ge Lang offered to leave, and the caravan still needed his arrangements.

   "Go." Aomori nodded, and said, "Ralph, you're going too, you're more needed there."


  The three people in Aomori were left, they walked around casually, browsing this bustling city.

   After a while, they walked to the bank of a canal and watched the slowly flowing river.

   "The flowing river looks like this, so beautiful." Fania sighed.

   "Yeah." Elsa held Aomori's palm tightly, feeling so peaceful.

   "If you see the sea, you may be even more shocked." Aomori said with a smile.

   "The sea? What's that?"

  Aomori forgot that there is no sea in this world, so he explained: "The sea is a huge lake with many lakes gathered together."

   "Is it bigger than the Holy Kingdom?"

   "Larger than an entire continent."

   "That, that's really surprising. I really want to take a look, brother, will you take me there?" Elsa raised her head with expectant eyes.

   "Me, I want to!"

   "Well, if there is a chance." Aomori patted the heads of the two girls.

   After standing still for a while, Aomori suddenly said: "Are you hungry? I'll go and buy you something to eat, and then enjoy it here."

   "Okay, okay!" Fania said happily.

   "Brother, I'll accompany you." Elsa said.

   "No need, I'll go faster by myself." Aomori smiled and said, "Besides, I'm not very relieved to leave Fania alone."

"Oh well."

   "Two ladies, please wait a moment." Aomori straightened his top hat, bowed slightly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  After seeing Aomori disappear, Elsa felt very sad.

  Speaking of which, since the day I met Aomori, this is the first time the two have separated.

  While feeling melancholy, she heard Fania let out a small sigh, so she turned her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

   "Just now, I seemed to see our shadow moving."

   "Shadows can move?" Elsa said suspiciously: "Isn't it your body that moves?"

   "No. Well, it might be an illusion."

  On the dark trail, Aomori hid in the darkness, with a serious face, scanning the dozen or so frogs in front of him.

  They were all disemboweled and died violently without exception.

  However, according to what he observed with the [Mind Eye] opened earlier, the dozen or so frogs were actually transformed into a well-dressed man.

  ‘This ability to transform others at will is power. ’ Aomori recalled the abilities of those witches, and guessed: ‘It should be the priest of **** and sin of the Witch Cult. '

In addition to the envious witch who swallowed half the world, there are six well-known witches: arrogance, laziness, lust, gluttony, lust, and anger, as well as two villains, the false witch and the melancholy devil, who only appear in the characters' memories .

   Except for these two who are still alive, the Witch of Envy is sealed, and the rest of the Witches are dead. After the Witch Factors in them are obtained by others, they will have the corresponding powers.

   These people are generally the Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult.

   Their powers are very strange, even if Aomori is not paying attention, he may be killed by Chu Jian, so he will open the [mind eye] from time to time to stay vigilant.

   Today, I happened to meet someone who is suspected of being the priest of the great crime of lust. She was a pure image before, but Aomori has reason to believe that she is like a ditto who can change her appearance at will.

  ‘It’s really troublesome. ’ Although Aomori has no conflicts with the Witch Cult at the moment, considering that the group of people are all lunatics with anti-human tendencies, it may be that he wants to act first and eliminate harm for the people.

   Moreover, the witch factors and powers in them are things that Aomori is interested in, and he really wants to use them for research.

  Thus, Aomori began to think about the plan to hunt the chief of **** and crime: "Although it will be deformed, the fluctuation of mental power will not change too much, which can be used as a basis for identifying identity." Possesses the ability to change the physical body of others, and cannot fight her in melee. Then, we can only lure her to an open place, use powerful long-range skills, and destroy the enemy with one move! '

  ‘As for the bait, I have plenty. '

   "Hehehe, stupid man, even as the boss of the Chamber of Commerce, he is just an existence that I can play with at will."

  A little boy carved in powder and jade was bouncing around on the street, but his pure eyes revealed a chilling malice.

   "The next target is his partner, Viscount Fournier. I don't know what kind of woman he would like? Hehehe."

   Just as he was about to return to his temporary residence to see where his next target would be, suddenly, an unusually handsome gentleman stopped him.

   "Little friend, why are you walking alone on the street? Could it be that you got lost?"

  The little boy was startled, and then showed a pure smile: "Big brother, how did you know? I'm looking for my mother?"

  ‘Before enjoying the main meal, let’s have a delicious dessert. ’ The moment the little boy saw the gentleman, he had the idea of ​​how to torture him until he could not survive.

   "Aren't you afraid when mom is not around?"

   "Because my mother said, boys should not cry, but keep smiling."

   "That's great, you're such a man." The gentleman smiled and took his hand and said, "Let's go, I'll accompany you to find your mother."

   "Okay, thank you big brother."

  Aomori smiled and said, "You're welcome."

  Under the intentional guidance of the little boy, Aomori accompanied him to a remote grove outside the city.

   "Little brother, don't you remember wrongly, is your home really here?"

   "Of course my home is not here, but the grave of my elder brother is here." Seeing that the time had come, the little boy tore his face.

   "What do you mean?" Aomori frowned.

   "That's what it means!" The little boy snapped his fingers, and Aomori's body squirmed, turning into the appearance of a big fat pig.

  However, before he could laugh, the big fat pig in front of him suddenly turned into a mass of electric current and dissipated, making him tremble uncontrollably.


   "Yeah, why?" Another Aomori appeared in front of him, and said with a smile on his face, "It's our first meeting, hello, Bishop of Lust and Sin."

   "Huh?" The little boy's eyes suddenly became sharp: "Do you know my identity?"

   "I guessed, but looking at you like this, I should guess right."

   "So what if I know? I am the archbishop of **** and crime, Capela Emeralda Lugnica!" The little boy said indifferently: "If you dare to come to the door alone, you will die!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly expanded, turning into a giant black dragon, with hot black flames hovering around his body.

   "Die under the burning of my black dragon flame!" He spewed a large black flame towards Aomori.

   "What dragon? A monitor lizard." Aomori shook his head, neither dodging nor dodging, covered by black flames, turning into a ball of electric current.

  'A clone again? ’ Capella’s heart skipped a beat, with a bad premonition, he looked up at the sky, and a huge bright ball of light had appeared above him at some point.

   "[Broken Way No. 88: Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon]!"


   "No!" In Capella's desperate cry, a beam of Optimus light towered above the ground, slowly obliterating the black dragon's figure.

   After the dust settled, Aomori appeared again, looked at the wreckage on the scorched earth, and was in trouble: "Oops, how should the witch factor be recovered?"

  He himself didn't want to **** this strange thing into his body in a daze.

   "Forget it, just in case, let's disinfect it first." Aomori opened the Holy Light Barrier, covering the entire scorched earth, allowing the Holy Light to fill it and purify everything.

   After waiting for more than ten minutes, Aomori stopped when he saw that there was no movement, wrapped up the few remaining wreckage with his thoughts, put them into a temporary wooden box, and sealed them layer by layer with his thoughts.

   "In this way, it should be safe." Aomori nodded with satisfaction, turned and left.

   A while later, Koszil's guards arrived late, and they were all shocked and inexplicable when they saw the scene of disaster in front of them.

  (end of this chapter)