MTL - I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group-Chapter 709

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Good guy!

this one.

Ace himself exposed his flaws.

Then don't blame yourself for this.

Now think about it.

He actually discovered one thing.

That is to say...

Next, maybe it's another chance for me.

"Say it now.

In fact, the last words have already mentioned this point.

That feeling seems to be right.


If so.

It’s all come to this point, why bother to see so many things that are not there.

In essence.

This is just such a point! "

In the face of the current situation, we should look at it.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it may be clear.

Anyway, that's how it is here.

Then why do I have to find so many explanations for the other party! ?


"Yeah, Ace, shouldn't you think about it at this time, what will happen next!?"

"Although you shouldn't stand in line at this time, I feel that what Marco said is not wrong!"

"That's right. Essentially speaking, there's nothing wrong with this!"

"But if you really think that way, in fact, at this point, I feel that it is really true!"

"If you're in such a hurry, it won't be true!?"

this time.

After what Marco said.

Everyone also said hastily at this moment.

0····Ask for flowers···0

Look at Ace here.

Suddenly, he was so anxious and started to talk about it directly.

Now it seems.

It feels like there really isn't anything wrong with it.


This time, there must be something to do.

Otherwise, who would have thought of the kind that will be faced next.


What is it that can be seen specifically?

"Look, I said before that I have independent thinking!

If you look at it now, I see, there is no such thing here!

After all, if you really look at it that way.

I just said that here.

You just can't wait to jump out.

If so.

I really don't know what to say, you just jumped out of it.

This is what I didn't think of.

That's it! ? "

Good guy!

I also said that I have the ability to think independently.

Now suddenly it's like this! ?

Ace widened his eyes.

I can't believe it right now!

Really have you! talent.

Chapter 960 - Something must be done!

To put it this way.

It feels like I didn't think wrongly.

After all, if you really want to look at it that way.

In fact, one thing can indeed be thought of.


Really think about it.

It's really unthinkable.

Just a little over here.

Then they just started to say something like this! ?

If you really want to say that.

For a while, I really couldn't think of "470".

Although the words are such a word.

But between each other.

That's as simple as that! ?

"However, if you really say so now.

I really didn't expect that you would think so.


If you really think about it.

In fact, it is just a point that neither of us thought of.

After all, sometimes.

That is indeed not the same as what I saw!

In short

That's it.

Anyway, here, you said before that you have independent thinking.

That's it! ? "

Ace really wanted to know at this time.

What the **** did they say.

If you really want to look at it this way.

It felt like I was really right!

After all, if you really want to think so.

That's it! ?


Really have you!

In the end, it will be directly changed to such a kind.

I also said before that I have independent thinking!

As a result, it turned out to be like this at this time.

Think about it now.

that feeling.

All of a sudden.

I really don't know how to say it better.

"No, aren't we just talking about our guesses!

Did not say anything else.

If you really want to look at it this way.

It feels like I really didn't think wrong, didn't I.

Really want to see it that way.

That's what I said.

I don't even know how to say it would be better!

This is speculation, not conclusive! "


Is this inappropriate just to quibble! ?

Looking at the current situation.

How could Ace not know.

This group of people will directly come up and make something like that.

Now think about 0....

It seems that I really need to understand it.

Here they have the nerve to say that!

I'm too embarrassed to say anything else. ,

Think about it now.

That's what I said.

For a while, since it was more or less so, I was speechless.

After all, these people actually have the nerve to say that.

Think about it now.

Couldn't even say a word.

"Haha, Ace, Ace, we were really just guessing before!"