MTL - I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group-Chapter 730

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He started to hesitate right away.

"Of course, this time, since no one has any opinions to say.

I definitely don't have any opinions.

Of course, there is no need to worry about this! ".

Chapter 992 - I don't understand! ?

Ace also said hastily at this time.

If you really look at it that way.

Since everyone has no opinion.

this feeling.

It seems that there is really nothing wrong with it.

In short

If you really look at it that way.

This feels like it's true.


It felt like this time, he was fine.

"Just the same as before.

As long as Ace obeys what he said earlier.

Here I feel that I am also acceptable.

After all, if you really look at it that way.

I don't think it's a big problem.

So be it! "

Facing the current situation like this.

It feels like there is nothing wrong with that.

Marco also thinks that as long as it is according to what Ace said.

Don't be biased.

Then, I can accept the words here.

Of course, after this,

You must have the initiative.

if not.

If you don't have the initiative.

It's obviously impossible here.

"However, since you have reached such a point in the last sentence.

Well, there is a very serious problem here.

That means...

Here, if we all have no problem.

Final words here.

It seems that there is no mistake.

In short.

Although this has been said so far...

You can just say '々'! "

Looking at the current situation.

Since they are all fine.

So, at this time, it seems that we can start talking directly.


So be it.

Anyway, it's already reached this point.

Why continue to watch it! ?

"Okay, then Ace, just tell me the solution!"

Since it is such a situation, then.

Suddenly, a problem was discovered.

Since there are no problems here.

Do you want to say.

Let's think about the problem directly here.

"Of course, since you have already thought so.

So at this time, I feel that there is no need to say anything else.


You all have no problem words.

Then of course I can say it! "

Facing the current situation like this.

Ace nodded and said slowly.

If you really think so.

It feels like there is nothing wrong with that.

"'~ Overall speaking.

Anyway, in the end we can all think about one thing.

That means...

It seems that a conclusion can indeed be drawn.

Here, in fact, what I think is also a very simple thing.

That means.

We don't need to say anything here.

Instead, I will give this opportunity to you.

Next (Qian Zhao) words.

It is up to you to clarify this topic.

Faced with such a kind of words.

Generally speaking.

You should know it here! ? "

Ace finished.

Looking at the somewhat puzzled expressions of the crowd.

A trace of helplessness flashed across his face.

If you look at it this way.

It feels like I didn't think wrongly.

It seems that what I said is a little hazy.....

Chapter 993 - I don't want to see it!

It looks like.

It seems because.

What I said here seems to be a little hazy.


In fact, I don't even know what I'm talking about here.

Think about it this way.

It seems that there is no big problem.


Really think about it.

It feels like it's really not a big problem, isn't it.

"However, I didn't think about it here.

I thought.

As long as it is said so.

They will definitely know too.

Here is exactly what I'm saying.


In the end, it is directly like this.

Obviously it was beyond my imagination.

at last

It turned out to be such a mess directly.

Think about it now.

In fact, this 487 points.

It seems that there is really nothing else to say! "

In the face of the current point of view.

It feels like there is nothing wrong with that.

After all, before.

In fact, I didn't think about it at all.

It's all been said.


In fact, if you really want to look at it that way.

They actually don't know a little bit.

"That's what it said though.


You don't feel it.

Is this of yours really, really too much? ? "
