MTL - I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group-Chapter 8

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When passing by Yile Noodle Restaurant before, Hinata thought she had made a mistake.

It wasn't until she followed her all the way here that she could finally be sure that the person she saw before was Bai Ye.

For this person in front of her, she was also excited.

"Haha, Xiao Hinata is different from before!"

"Brother Bai Ye..."

The blush on Hinata's face became even worse, her little face almost fell into her arms, and she didn't dare to look at Bai Ye again.

Chapter 10 - Rewards for Lagangshou joining the gang!

"Xiao Hinata is also a ninja now, but speaking of it, you..."

Bai Ye was a little surprised in his heart.

At first glance, Hinata still feels a little weird.

Isn't this the appearance of Hinata in the monthly reading?

She looks like a big sister, but there is still some shyness on her face.

"Well, because of your words, Big Brother Bai Ye, I also tried my best to change myself!"

Because of what Bai Ye said back then, Hinata's character changed.

And Bai Ye didn't think of it.

Hinata's change was actually because of herself.

"Brother Bai Ye, thank you for the previous incident. If it weren't for you, I feel that I might..."

Maybe I didn't feel it when I was a child.

But after growing up, Hinata realized that it was thanks to Bai Ye.

If he was taken away by Yun Yin.

Maybe I will be regarded as the target of research.

"At the beginning, it was just a matter of raising your hands, and there was no need to promise with your body."

"Brother Bai Ye..."

Hinata's face was a little rosy.

Although the character is a bit different from the original, it is more biased towards Hinata in the infinite monthly reading period.

However, facing such words, she was somewhat shy in her heart.

"Is Hinata alright, we are going to do the mission."

In the distance, Kiba shouted, the mission is about to start, is this Hinata's friend?


Hinata responded, and then said to Bai Ye: "Brother Bai Ye, I will go to the task first, don't leave these few days, let's go have dinner together tonight."

"it is good."

Bai Ye didn't refuse either.

Girls are good.


Not like Tsunade either.

A young girl needs a man, and a young woman needs a soul.

In the evening, I had dinner with Hinata.

Facing Tsunade's scrutinizing gaze, Bai Ye felt a chill in his heart.

this look...

"I heard that you hooked up with a little girl from Hyuga's family, and invited her to dinner at night?"

This is probably not what I heard.

Facing Tsunade's eyes, Bai Ye didn't panic.

"I knew that little girl before, so we had a meal together. I came to you today because I wanted to talk to you about something."

He and Hinata didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

He doesn't need to feel guilty at all.

After finishing speaking, change the subject.


Tsunade didn't bother, after all, people really just had a meal, so what else could Tsunade do?

But we still have to be on our guard against the little girl from the Hyuga family.

When I was not with Bai Ye before, I also ate normally.

As a result, it didn't take long for the opponent to take it down.

"I want to work with you to create a truly peaceful world!"


Are you kidding me?

Tsunade felt that Bai Ye was joking with himself.

Seeing Tsunade didn't speak.

Bai Ye continued: "Since the establishment of Ninja Village, the struggle in the ninja world has not only not weakened, but even more cruel than before, from wars between ethnic groups to wars between villages, and the key to all this is the lack of Strong combat repression and a unified transition."

"Was there ever been a war when your grandfather Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara were around?"


Tsunade was silent for a moment.

Then he shook his head and said, "No."

When my grandfather was still alive, there was no war.

As soon as grandpa died, the first ninja world war began.

"But if you want me to be like grandpa, I'm afraid it's impossible. What my grandpa couldn't do back then, I certainly couldn't do it either."

Although I don't know much about the fighting power of my grandfather Senshouzhujian.

But it can be called the God of Ninja.

Tsunade also knew how much he weighed.

Compared with her grandfather, she must be incomparable.

Even Mu Dun can't awaken, how can he surpass his grandfather?

"No, I just want to know if you want to!"

Bai Ye stared at Tsunade closely, under such a solemn situation, Tsunade also fell silent rarely.

She knew that what Bai Ye cared about was her own attitude.

Are you willing to stand by his side.

"Of course I am willing, as long as it is your decision!"

For Tsunade, if Bai Ye could really achieve the so-called peace, of course she would.

She will always stand by Bai Ye's side.

"it is good!"

As long as she wants to.

【Ding! Successfully invited Senshou Tsunade to join, rewards: Immortal Body, Wood Dune, Yang Dun, Immortal Mode (only for shared use by Senshou Tsunade, and can also be withdrawn)]

This! ?

It turns out that pulling people into one's camp is not only a behind-the-scenes point, but also rewards.

Tsunade can be said to be the first one he pulled into the camp.

If this is the case, then if Nagato can pull in, it seems that he can also get a reward.

Although compared to him now, these abilities are not very strong, but it doesn't matter if he has more abilities.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Tsunade looked at Shiroya strangely and asked.

Could it be that you were moved by yourself?

Why don't you... work harder today to conceive this child first?

"It's okay, Tsunade will give you some abilities."

Now that Tsunade has joined his plan, of course he will not be stingy about sharing his abilities with Tsunade.

Immortal body and wooden escape are all dedicated to Tsunade.

At this moment, Tsunade, who was still a little confused, suddenly felt that his body was full of vitality.

Majestic power is emerging.

And more importantly, there is a powerful force awakening in the body.

This is! ?

Chapter Eleven - Nagato: I can't make decisions about my Akatsuki organization?

A small sapling grew out of Tsunade's palm.

She was so shocked that she couldn't speak at the moment.

How could he know grandpa's wooden escape?

in mind.

Suddenly, various usages and explanations of Wood Dun, Immortal Body and Yang Dun appeared.

The sudden change also made Tsunade a little confused.

"Mu Dun, you still need to practice, but before that, I hope you don't reveal your ability, and I will train with you in the next few days."

"how come?!"

Tsunade couldn't believe it either.

Suddenly he has the ability of his grandfather.

It's like dreaming.

And all of this seemed to be done by Bai Ye for himself.

"If you don't want it, I can take it back for you."

"do not!"


How could she not want such a powerful force?

And there is still the power of fairy art in my mind.

How powerful this is.

No wonder my grandfather used to be able to suppress the ninja world.

With such a strong power, she can **** her!

"How did you give it to me, can you give it to others?"

If it is fully armed.