MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 304

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what's going on?

"The second apostle? How could this be?" Some people mistakenly thought that Lu Yuan was an apostle.

Only Misato Katsuragi and Ritsuko Akagi exchanged glances tacitly.

They had begun to believe that Lu Yuan might really be a god.

On the other hand, Ikari Yuandu sat in his seat silently, no one knew what he was thinking, including Dongyue Gengzao who was standing beside him, could not guess what he was thinking.

Look at the battle on the ground.

The fourth apostle seemed to also feel the threat. Under the white mask on his face, his eyes reddened and a light wave burst violently.

An enormous force might well be enough to destroy a city.

Although there are no ordinary residential buildings around, those military equipment will not be distressed even if they are destroyed. Naturally, someone will pay for it.

But Lu Yuan still shot, raised his hand and pressed the fourth apostle's face, forcibly blocking Xiaoshui's light wave in his palm.

"I said, are you planning to provoke me?" Lu Yuan was on Susanoo's forehead at this time, and he flew there with his arms folded. Every move you can.

Lu Yuan grabbed the fourth apostle's head like this, and snorted coldly, "I want to kill you, it's easier than squeezing an ant."

These words were also conveyed to the NERV channel, everyone was silent, and they understood more that Lu Yuan was not an apostle, but he was obviously more terrifying than an apostle...

It's terrifying when someone shows up and claims to be able to crush the apostle to death.

A person, at least it looks no different from an ordinary person, but possesses incredible power that can crush an apostle to death. Could he be a god?

It really is.

It's just that Lu Yuan didn't kill the fourth apostle, but turned around and said to Ikari Shinji: "I said, how long will you be silent? By the way, isn't there an S2 mechanism on the apostle? Or is it the fruit of life? You Come over and eat it, and you'll have unlimited energy, and you don't have to be plugged in to run around anymore."

Although EVA is defined as a living thing, EVA still needs power to be active. Once the power is disconnected, it can only use the built-in backup power supply, which can only last for five minutes at most.

Inserting the bolt is safe, however, and can sustain the driver's life for up to sixteen hours.

The S2 mechanism is considered to be an infinite power device, and it is also considered to be the fruit of power. Once it is applied to the EVA body, it will no longer need to be limited by electricity.

But who would have thought that Lu Yuan would help him capture the fruit of life on the fourth apostle in the first battle between Ikari Shinji and the first aircraft.

This time, even Ikari Yuandu showed a surprised expression. He was not only surprised that Lu Yuan knew so much, but also why he helped the first machine and his son so much?

Dongyue Gengzao couldn't help but mutter: "Does he know Wei?"

He couldn't even think that Lu Yuan 2.0 was for Ikari Wei.

But in fact it is not, he is just for the sake of Shinji Ikari in front of him.

However, Ikari Shinji swallowed, did he really want to eat the apostle?

At this moment, the fourth apostle began to struggle, maybe even he felt a huge threat?

The apostles just don't have the fruit of wisdom, and they don't have the active thinking of humans, but it doesn't mean that they have no thoughts at all, they just act more according to their instincts.

They also feel fear.

The poor little four felt a fatal threat after coming out so soon, and as a last resort, he had to get close to Lu Yuan and choose to blow himself up.

And Lu Yuan was also quick-witted, pulled out a bright red fruit like an apple from the fourth apostle, and then opened a few AT positions to wrap the fourth apostle tightly.

The poor fourth apostle couldn't even hurt Lu Yuan, so he was blocked and exploded by himself.

553、I’m so excited about it (Happy New Year!)

The poor fourth apostle, who was originally the eldest among the apostles in the old lineage, was also the first apostle to appear.

However, in the New World Department, not only did he become the third child (not counting Lilith, Zhu Xun was the first, and the third apostle was the second), what was even worse was that he encountered Lu Yuan.

This shameless person, completely disregarding that he is the supreme being, actually went down and forced the fourth apostle to death.

Although the apostles did not have the fruit of wisdom, they did not have the flexible thinking of humans.

But they are also instinctive.

When the fourth apostle felt that he could not break free from Lu Yuan's shackles no matter what, he simply chose to self-destruct.

But Lu Yuan still found the existence of the Fruit of Life at a critical moment, or maybe it was the S2 organ?

In short, Lu Yuan flipped his wrist and hid a red thing that looked like an apple.

As for the fourth apostle who blew himself up, he was surrounded by four transparent AT positions.


The fourth apostle turned into a red rain and exploded.

But only with great momentum, but actually did not cause the slightest damage.

Even the buildings around 06 were not affected.

Lu Yuan's AT position is absolutely impossible for him to break, or even shake.

Lu Yuan's AT position is the real absolute field.

He also turned his head and asked through the communication device of the first number: "How to deal with this thing?"

He was talking about the massive amount of blood that erupted after the fourth apostle's self-destruction.

With the huge body of the apostle, the blood spurted out is comparable to a flood.

I don't know where the blood came from.

And what surprised Lu Yuan was that the blood of the apostle was also red.

By the way, the apostles are actually brothers with humans. Whether it is according to the setting of the old lineage or the new world line, the whole human being is one of the apostles.

Therefore, the battle between humans and the apostles is more like 'the prince's succession'. In the end, only one may have the opportunity to complete it and become a complete, even god-like existence.

This is actually a war between brothers.

But the ending is also very tragic, the loser will die and lose everything.

So Lu Yuan didn't think too much, the apostle must die, he was on the side of mankind.

In the NERV headquarters, everyone looked at each other, looking at Lu Yuan who was in the middle of Susanoo, and seemed at a loss.

Ikari Yuandu crossed his chin with his hands, posing in his classic shape, because wearing sunglasses made people unable to see his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Katsuragi Misato quietly exchanged glances with Ritsuko Akagi.

They had already begun to believe that Lu Yuan was a god.

God of desire? Can you help people make their wishes come true? Is it true?

Katsuragi Misato was secretly excited, and unconsciously raised her hands and quietly held a cross necklace at the collar.

It was given to her by her father. During the second impact, she quietly joined her father's expedition, and it was the dead expedition that discovered Adam and Lilith for the first time in Antarctica.

The second shock was actually caused by this expedition.

And she was there at the time.

At the last moment, it was her father who escaped by shoving her into a sealed device that would later become the plug for the Qualified.

There are also estrangements between Katsuragi Misato and her father, as well as problems with each other.

But in the end, her father gave her the last chance, and the only relic left was this cross.

Katsuragi Misato's life is full of regrets. Since she was a child, she thought that her father did not love her, let alone her family and mother. She grew up with her mother crying day and night, which made her childhood full of hatred for her father.

But after that incident, she realized that her father's love was not so simple. She was saved by her hated father, and only then did she know that she still loved her father.

Later, she didn't speak for three years, and after that she became a noisy person.

She used to live with Kaji Ryoji and didn't go out for a week. She had unforgettable years.

Etc., etc.

But today, she stared at Lu Yuan's image on the screen, transmitted back to the headquarters through the first number and nearby equipment.

Maybe some of her ambitions and extravagances can be realized?

At this moment, Ikari Shinji in the first machine was even more dumbfounded.

Lu Yuan smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled the No. 1 machine from the ground.

Such a huge body was pulled up so easily by him, and the picture alone was shocking enough.

"How is it?" Lu Yuan asked Shinji Ikari: "How did it feel to drive an EVA for the first time?"

Ikari Shinji calmed down and muttered: "I knew you were so powerful, wouldn't it be enough for you to solve it?"

Lu Yuan smiled: "Haha, you are still complaining. But you have to be clear, I am a god, and I am not someone who obeys any organization. I can protect you according to my own interests, or I can watch you perish. After all, the human beings in your world are not my believers, and your life and death actually have nothing to do with me. "

Lu Yuan's words were ruthless, but reasonable.

In fact, for gods, especially for those gods who see the power of faith as extremely important, Lu Yuan's behavior has already crossed the line.

Not only will he not be thanked for what he has done, but if the earth really hides the existence of a **** now, it may be a fight at this time.

Are you robbing the power of faith? Are you fighting for luck in this world? What are you doing? Doing something?

It's like fighting for a turf 767, no different from a gangster on the street.

The power of belief is the protection fee, and luck is the weapon in the hand, all of which are indispensable.

Of course, Lu Yuan's heart is on the side of humans, but he must make it clear that he protects humans because of his own willingness.

People who heard this acted differently.

In NERV, someone exclaimed: "He actually said he was a god?"

Some people said in a helpless tone: "Just in terms of the power he shows, he can indeed be called a god."

If pinching an apostle with one hand is not a god, then what is an apostle who is regarded as a **** by them?

Lu Yuan ignored what the people at the NERV headquarters were saying, and just smiled face to face with the first plane, and exchanged his experience with Ikari Shinji about driving the first plane.

"Although my Susanoo is not an EVA, it is almost the same as a whole. We control our actions with our own thoughts. So don't think too much, just control it like normal activities, that's all. "Although Lu Yuan has never driven an EVA, he understands the details with his super cosmic awareness.

Anyway, things like power all come to the same destination, and in the end it's the same thing.

Including science, the final will be immortality and superhuman strength.

(PS: Happy New Year.).

554. The Ridiculous and Sad Ikariyuandu

In any case, the fourth apostle has been resolved, and mankind has ushered in a true god.

Because Lu Yuan prevented the fourth apostle's self-destruction, so that the aftermath work would not waste too much human and financial resources, Lu Yuan even kindly helped them deliver the fourth apostle's legacy to a laboratory in NERV safely.

As mentioned earlier, NERV is also studying the apostles, including the third apostle, which was almost made into a new EVA. Even the insertion bolts were fixed, so you know how miserable it is.

It's just that NERV people don't know, and everyone doesn't know that the fourth apostle's fruit of life, that is, the S2 organ, has been quietly taken away by Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan also wanted to study what happened to this thing and what the principle was.

That thing hides a huge power, and if it is eaten by ordinary people, it is likely to become an apostle on the spot.

Even humans who have been divided into countless individuals can become apostles again.

You can see the power of the fruit of life.

Legend has it that the Fruit of Life symbolizes Kabbalah, the power and immortality of the gods.

The fruit of wisdom symbolizes the right of wisdom to distinguish between good and evil and to define good and evil, which is also the right of God

Therefore, when a certain life obtains these two kinds of fruits at the same time, it is equivalent to a god.

With God's power and eternal life, and God's wisdom and power, isn't that God?

Of course, this was nothing to Lu Yuan at all, so he just studied it carefully, and then packed up the fruit of life.

With a casual smile, Lu Yuan walked towards the interior of NERV.

This time, the people they met didn't dare to stop Lu Yuan, but they were also paying attention and hiding on both sides of the corridor to peek at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan didn't take it seriously either, with his hands behind his back, he continued to walk forward as if there was no one else around.