MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 7

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He really helped himself, and Tony could feel it, so why did he give the drawings to others?

Lu Yuan sighed: "I am helping you identify the enemy, as long as he is willing to accept this blueprint and take action, then he is the one who really wants to kill you. That trap and attack was someone who wanted to kill you. Damn Tony, we have to get him to the surface before we can fight back and beat him to death."

"Don't look at how long I've been here, but I'm not stupid. There are such a group of people who not only know all your itineraries, but also prepare deadly traps in advance, and even use your family's weapons to kill you. This must be There's a ghost inside."

Lu Yuan is not wronging people, because he has a plot advantage.

"So who are you going to give to? Who are you going to give the drawings to?" Tony continued to ask.

But Lu Yuan avoided it again: "I can't tell you directly. If I tell you directly, I'm afraid you will investigate now, and that will only expose the truth. But don't worry, I will definitely be on your side. of."

That's right, Tony said in his heart, or you can just squeeze me to death right now.

Tony was so sincere in retaining Lu Yuan at that time, not because he was worried that he would be hired by the enemy to hurt himself, so Tony would not have the confidence to resist.

So when he heard Lu Yuan assure himself, Tony was a little relieved.

But he was still dissatisfied: "Won't you make my enemy stronger?"

Lu Yuan said indifferently: "I'm your bodyguard, what are you afraid of with me protecting you? Besides, I also reminded you to further update the armor. If you can't beat it, then it's not your problem. ?"

Tony's anger, has become my fault? I really thank you.

As a result, Lu Yuan continued to say earnestly: "Tony, I'm helping you find out the enemy, and the sooner the better, the better. If you continue to delay like this, it will be too late if he masters these core technologies of yours. ."

Tony also knew this was true, but he was more worried about....

Tony stared deeply into Lu Yuan's eyes. In fact, Lu Yuan was much taller than him, so he had to look up.

"Tell me, are you my enemy?" That's right, there was only one person Tony worried about most, and that was Lu Yuan.

In the end, Lu Yuan laughed: "You are an idiot. If I were an enemy, why would I give you the blueprints? Wouldn't it be better to just give the blueprints to others? Do you really think I can't draw the blueprints?"

"Then you draw one?"

"Hurt each other right? Believe it or not, I'm going after Little Pepper?".

12. Was approached by S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Little Chili is really beautiful, but Lu Yuan didn't really want to pursue her, because Little Chili's attention was only on Tony alone, so he wouldn't be so ignorant.

In addition, Tony finally printed out the drawings of the Mark generation and handed it over to Lu Yuan.

After some discussion, he also agreed with Lu Yuan's statement.

Now it has been revealed that there is an inner ghost, and he wants to harm Tony and wants to kill him.

Lu Yuan obviously already had a target of suspicion, otherwise he wouldn't say that he would give the blueprint to that person.

But, for now, it's just suspicion, there's no evidence unless that person actually does something.

So Tony gave the drawings to Lu Yuan, and at the same time he started to update the Mark generation according to Lu Yuan's instructions.

The first-generation drawings were big and bulky iron bumps, but after some improvements, Tony removed the dross and added new things, and finally revealed the classic, the Iron Man suit we know well.

But this is just the beginning, how to develop it, it still needs to experiment little by little.

At this time, Lu Yuan had already come out alone.

With drawings in a suitcase, wearing a black suit, tie, and sunglasses, he came to Stark Industries alone.

As a result, before going upstairs, he was stopped by a person on the first floor.

"Sir, are you Mr. Lu Yuan?" A man also wearing a black suit blocked Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan had no choice but to stop, nodded and replied, "It's me."

The man immediately said: "We are from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau. Now there is one thing I want to ask you to come with us."

"Huh? What? Could you say it again?" Lu Yuan was taken aback.

It's not that he really didn't hear it clearly, but this mess is too convoluted, right? Are you talking about tongue twisters? So I want the other party to say it again and see if he can say it again.

The other party opened his mouth, but finally gave up: "Anyway, please come with us."

Lu Yuan shrugged and muttered, "Why don't you call S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

The other party froze, looking at Lu Yuan in disbelief.

That's right, this messy Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, despite its long name, it is actually the famous S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is not a predecessor, because according to the setting, SHIELD was established as early as the 1980s and 1990s, when Tony's father Howard was one of the founders.

So, the full name of S.H.I.E.L.D. is this, but it was later changed and started to be called S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maybe they also know that such a long name is difficult to remember.

But the other party was puzzled. Why did Lu Yuan know about S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Because the current S.H.I.E.L.D. is not so famous, and it has not yet decided to start claiming S.H.I.E.L.D.

Lu Yuan just shrugged, he also knew that the guy in front of him was Coulson.

Agent Coulson, whose full name is Phil Coulson, is the person most trusted by S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury, and one of the few agents with the highest authority.

It was him who came to Lu Yuan at this time.

"I still have something to do, can't I do it another day?" Lu Yuan asked tentatively. He also planned to send the blueprint to Obadea, so that he could get the Iron Overlord out as soon as possible.

That's right, although Lu Yuan didn't tell Tony the man's name, he knew very well that Obadiah was doing the trick. He was the Iron Overlord and Iron Man's original enemy.

But Coulson would not give in and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it won't take too long."

It's a ghost to believe in you, you're a bad old man, there's already a bunch of agents waiting in the car outside, and Nick Fury is watching everything here from upstairs not far away, apparently in person The commander is here.

Even the heavily armed Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye Clinton have been quietly lurking nearby.

All this can't escape Lu Yuan's eyes. Others don't know that he has super vision and super hearing.

Even Lu Yuan heard Nick Fury's order. He had already given instructions to Hawkeye and Natasha on the radio: "If he has any changes, shoot him directly and take him down with anesthesia."


Natasha and Hawkeye agreed together.

Then Natasha couldn't help but asked again: "Boss, is he really an alien? It doesn't look any different from us."

Hawkeye is also curious: "There really are aliens? It's really new."

Only Nick Fury is the oldest god, and he said that I had dealt with a group of deformable Skrulls more than ten years ago, and even met the Primordial Beast, you can believe that there are such dangerous guys in the orange cat ?

But he didn't say it, because it belonged to the worldview supplemented by the later Captain Marvel movies. At least for now, so far, maybe Lu Yuan is really the first alien that the earth of the Marvel world has come into contact with?

After hearing these exchanges and conversations, Lu Yuan already understood in his heart that those soldiers must have betrayed him in the end.

That's why SHIELD was provoked, and they had to take themselves for questioning.

It seemed impossible to escape.

"Okay, I see," Lu Yuan can only obey, mainly because he doesn't want to cause too much trouble, otherwise, let alone the weapon of the earth today, it is the one that can hurt him in the entire Marvel universe. Weapons are very limited.

Even including a full set of Infinity Stones together, it won't work either.


It's not an exaggeration, the reason is that Thanos of the Infinite Gloves once fought against Darkseid, and the result was that Darkseid abused Thanos, and since the concept of Darkseid's ontology appeared, all previous Darkseid's strength was automatically reduced by a large level.

And Lu Yuan had just confronted Darkseid himself. Although Lu Yuan lost in Superman state and died once, but after resurrection became Doomsday, even Darkseid was defeated by him. .

Especially now that Lu Yuan has stayed in the core of the sun for 100,000 years, and now even Darkseid is not enough to see, let alone Thanos?

Lu Yuan had been amazed before, in the Marvel world without kryptonite, wouldn't he be invincible?

Unless OAA comes out in person.

How did that sentence come from? I'm not targeting anyone, but everyone in this universe, garbage.

It's just not necessary now.

Lu Yuan obviously wants to stay on the earth in the Marvel universe for a while now. He doesn't want to be the enemy of the world. That would be too troublesome. Don't end up conquering the earth, and then he has to manage it with all his heart. It's annoying. .

So Lu Yuan obediently followed Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D.

By the way, before leaving, he did not forget to hand the suitcase in his hand to a nearby person, and asked him to give it to Obadiah, and explained: "Tell him that if he wants to know the mystery of the contents inside, he has to pay more. ".

13. Facing S.H.I.E.L.D. boss Nick Fury

Lu Yuan still followed Coulson out. Of course, he was not afraid of the threat of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the dark, and vaguely guessed what S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to do.

Now that Nick Fury and the others knew that they were aliens, it was obvious that they were going to interrogate themselves.

Lu Yuan is not afraid of these, but is looking forward to how he will be treated.

Will he be served with a severe punishment? Or did Natasha come to use the beauty trick? Did he eat it? Or pretend to be a gentleman?

Oh, it's so hard to choose, after all, it's not a real superman, even if he becomes a Kryptonian, Lu Yuan still has the mentality of an ordinary person, not a saint.

So sometimes, he also has a black belly.

Under the leadership of Coulson, the two walked out of the gate of the Stark Industrial Building, and there was a car ready in advance outside the door.

Coulson opened the door for Lu Yuan and let him in first.

Lu Yuan pretended not to know that he took the opportunity to make a few insignificant movements around him. This was to convey a signal that someone had already picked up and cooperated very well, so he didn't need to prepare any more arms.

Lu Yuan just smiled and sat in the co-pilot, as if he really didn't know how many agents were around and how many weapons had been aimed at him.

Coulson came to the main driver's seat, and he was the only one on the surface, and he had to continue acting.

With a kick of the accelerator, the car started, and Coulson took the landing and drove away.

Lu Yuan didn't even ask if Nick Fury was in the hotel room next to him. Wouldn't it be better to just go there?

He just watched Coulson take himself around in a big circle, buying enough time for Nick Fury and his party, until Nick Fury took the agents, especially Hawkeye and Natasha on the other side to prepare Alright, let's take Lu Yuan slowly and leisurely there.

Lu Yuan felt amused, but he never broke it.

Finally, they came to a secluded residential area. There was a room here that belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D., which was usually used as a safe house, but it was activated today.

It seems that this place will be changed in the future. The safe house is activated at the most dangerous and critical time, and even one's own people do not know the location. Once activated, it will be abandoned.

It can be seen that Nick Fury still values ​​Lu Yuan very much, and does not want to be known that he has met Lu Yuan and brought him to such a mysterious safe house.

Following Coulson, Lu Yuan came.

But as soon as he entered the door, four hands suddenly stretched out from both sides behind the door, meaning to grab Lu Yuan's arm.

Lu Yuan was also unequivocal, grabbing the door handle and closing it hard.

The door opened outwards, which allowed two people to hide in advance on both sides of the door, and also allowed Lu Yuan to close the door.

If the door opens inwards, it will be difficult to close the door with two people standing in front of the door, and they will also be brought out.

Hearing a 'bang', Lu Yuan outside the door turned to look at Coulson, who was pulled out by him, and asked, "Did you go to the wrong place?"

Coulson was already sweating on his forehead, because he didn't know that Nick Fury would suddenly shoot, different from the plan?

At this time, I heard a hearty laughter from the door: "Hahaha, that guy is very powerful, you don't believe it, do you suffer?"

It turned out that when Lu Yuan closed the door, the four hands inside the door were the first to be hit.

It's just that the agents here are all elites, and this pain can still be endured.

The door was opened again, and the black big man Nick Fury appeared in front of Lu Yuan.

And beside Nick Fury, Natasha and Hawkeye were each holding the other hand with their own hands, with painful expressions on their faces.

Obviously, what Lu Yuan bumped into before closing the door was their four hands.

It turns out that Natasha and Hawkeye are also the elite of the elite, and even become two of the six giants of Marvel in the movie universe.

Now he was retrieved by Fury with an emergency order, and he heard news about aliens, and even Fury highly praised the power of Lu Yuan.

I don't know what Fury knows, maybe everything, about everything Lu Yuan did in the desert before.

But Hawkeye and Natasha didn't know the details, so they were a little unconvinced and wanted to try Lu Yuan.

That's why there is this section all of a sudden, to grab Lu Yuan's arm when he is defenseless, it's not too hostile, maybe it's just a show of power?

Fortunately, they didn't have any hostility, otherwise Lu Yuan wouldn't be as simple as closing the door.