MTL - I Have a System of Orcs-~ Chapter 20

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Leaving aside the matter of the stone ax for now, after all, the main purpose now is to make tables and chairs, and what Xiao Ke gave is of course useless, so Wei Changcheng had to follow his own ideas. Fortunately, both Daniel and Boris are smart people. After Wei Changcheng stuttered and explained to them the appearance of the table and chairs and the general process, the two of them started making it like a raging fire.

Daniel and Boris didn’t need a stone axe, so Wei Changcheng also helped with a stone axe. Since it was the first time to make it, it took a little longer, but it was only in the early two hours, and roughness was unavoidable. , but for Daniel and Boris who saw the table and chairs for the first time, it was already very exquisite.

"What is this thing called a table and chair for?"

Wei Changcheng pointed to the table: "This is the table. We can put stone bowls and spoons on it. In short, we can put small things. Of course, the most important function is to eat." He pointed again Pointing to the chair, "This is a chair. Let's sit on it and eat." After a pause, he said, "I don't think so now, but when the snowy moon comes, no matter how much fire is lit in the cave and how much food is eaten, I will still think about it." It’s very cold. With tables and chairs, at least it won’t be cold when eating, and we will make wooden beds later, put animal skins on the wooden beds, and sleep on wooden beds when the snowy moon comes. Much better than the stone bed. By the way, the pregnant female sits on the chair, and then lays a layer of animal skin to avoid catching cold."

"Really?" For tables and chairs, Daniel is obviously more interested in wooden beds. You must know that in the cold snowy moon, it is difficult for females with weak bodies to bear it. Every year, females die due to the cold, and every female that dies It is a huge loss for the tribe, "Xiao Cheng, teach us how to make a wooden bed. I don't think this table and chair are very important. After you have a wooden bed, you can also eat on the wooden bed."

Wei Changcheng choked on Daniel's words. How would he explain to Daniel that the wooden bed is for sleeping, and the tables and chairs are for eating? In the end, Wei Changcheng had no choice but to yell: "I said there is no rush, but I am not in a hurry! The most important thing now is to make the table and chairs! Make another set!"

So under the pressure of Wei Changcheng, Daniel and Boris spent time making another set of tables and chairs.

Oh, by the way, it is worth mentioning that Wei Changcheng discovered that this latex is a treasure, it is too sticky! Natural rubber with such a high viscosity can be obtained without a series of synthesis with chemical substances, but Wei Changcheng is so happy that he can’t hold his mouth from ear to ear, and then he thinks that it will be enough to use this latex to build a house in the future—it will be a matter of time before the house is built. Son, Wei Changcheng said that he doesn't want to live in a cave all his life. As for building a house, I think Xiao Ke will not let him down.

Compared with the first set of tables and chairs, the second set of tables and chairs has obviously improved. Looking at a rough set and a slightly rough set of tables and chairs, Wei Changcheng pointed at the rough set without guilt: "Daniel, You take this set home, and the other set is at Uncle Boris's."

Daniel had no objection, but the two sets of tables and chairs could not be taken back by Wei Changcheng and the three of them at once, so they had to take them back several times, so the male standing guard today saw Wei Changcheng and the three of them carrying strange things. The strange thing came in and out of the tribe several times, and everyone was puzzled.

The three of Wei Changcheng tossed the tables and chairs back to the tribe, and the hunting males also came back. Wei Changcheng was so tired that he lay on the table and refused to move, and waved his hand: "Daniel, the task of getting food will be given to you." Here you go."

Daniel went out to get the food without any complaints. When Daniel came back and saw the meat in Daniel's hand, Wei Changcheng was a little puzzled: "It seems that there is too much meat?"

Daniel smiled and said, "It was my father's order. You have contributed to the tribe, and the tribe will naturally not treat you badly. Your food is as much as our males."

Wei Changcheng said "Oh" and stopped talking. Boris's food has always been a normal amount for a male. However, Boris did not participate in male activities due to his disability. Logically speaking, he should only have a little food like Wei Changcheng. Food, but the fact is not like this. Wei Changcheng also had doubts, but Wei Changcheng is a person who is careless in appearance but still very delicate in heart. He sees something hidden in the depths of Boris, so he naturally don't say anything.

Daniel handed the fetched meat to Boris: "I'll send it to my father, you guys eat first."

"Don't worry, just eat together later." Wei Changcheng thought for a while, and finally stood up, "I'll help you too, or you'll have to run twice more." Although Daniel has a lot of strength, But you can't take a lot of things with such a large area as tables and chairs at a time.

"Then I'll be in charge of cooking." Boris pointed at the stone pot with a smile, "It will take time for me to cook, so don't worry."

Wei Changcheng and Daniel agreed, Daniel hugged the table, Wei Changcheng took a chair—forgive me, he said that walking with two chairs would be unstable.

The table is in the shape of a square. Wei Changcheng can’t make a round one as specified by Wei Changcheng. However, due to technical reasons, the table’s table top is quite ugly. It is made of long strips glued on with latex. Yes, where can I see it? Wei Changcheng thought about waiting until he had free time to see what could be used as a tabletop, but he had no choice but to use thinner animal skins as tablecloths. The chair is also an ordinary chair, a rectangle. If it is longer, it will be a bench made in elementary school. When we arrive at Daniel's house, Jeffrey is not there, but Pei Ji is there. Putting down the things in our hands, Wei Changcheng and Daniel I went back and moved the remaining three chairs back.

Jeffrey, who had just told Pei Ji the usefulness of the table and chairs, went to distribute food to the clansmen, and came back. Seeing Wei Changcheng in his home, Jeffrey said: "I still want to find you, but I didn't expect you to come here first." Then his eyes were attracted by the table and chairs in the corner of the cave, "What is this?" ?”

"Xiao Wei told me that these are tables and chairs, and also told me their purpose. I'll tell you later." Pei Ji said aside, "By the way, this one is a stone axe."

Wei Changcheng simply told Jeffrey and Pei Ji about the stone axe. Both Jeffrey and Pei Ji looked interested and excited. What I said to Wei Changcheng.

"I have already told the tribe about what you brought back, and the tribe is very happy, and the tribe who has never seen you also wants to meet you." Seeing Wei Changcheng's cheeks flushed, Jeffrey couldn't help being a little amused, He added, "Of course, this kind of thing is up to you. But what I'm talking about is another thing, that is, where did you get those onions, ginger, garlic, strawberries and watermelons?"

"Onion, ginger, and garlic were discovered when Daniel and I came back all the way. I haven't found them here yet, but I have brought back the seeds. At that time, as long as the seeds are planted, you can get onions, ginger, and garlic. As for strawberries and watermelons Found outside the tribe, but not far away."

"Seeds? What are seeds?"

Seeing Daniel and the others with blank faces in front of them, it took Wei Changcheng a while to realize, yes, he is not unaware of the primitiveness of this place, presumably farming has not appeared yet.

"The fruits we eat are all picked from the outside, so why not think about it from another angle, if we can move these fruits to the tribe, so that the females can directly pick the fruits in the tribe, and save them from going out It's dangerous, and not only will there be fruits this year, but there will be fruits to pick next year, so how do we move the fruits to the tribe? This requires seeds." Wei Changcheng said in detail, and the three members of Daniel's family could hear It is also very serious, "The reproduction of animals requires mating, and the reproduction of plants requires seeds. The seeds can be the pulp of the plant, or it can be the inedible part of the seeds. We keep these seeds and plant them in the soil carefully. Take care of it until it sprouts and bears fruit, which we can eat."

"This is good, this is good." Jeffrey's eyes were full of excitement, and his usually calm person suddenly seemed to be a different person, "Then when can we plant that seed? By the way, there is a large area between the north and south mountains. Tomorrow, I'll have someone pull the grass out and plant that seed."

"No." Wei Changcheng shook his head, "The grass needs to be pulled out, but it's not used for farming. I have other uses."

"What's the use?" Jeffrey asked.

Wei Changcheng’s idea is that the geographical location of the eastern tribe is very good. On the east side is a wide north-south river. On the west side of the river are two north-south mountains. There is a large grassland in the middle. That forest is quite large, and the dividing line between the eastern tribe and the forest is the westernmost end of the two mountains, which is clearly separated from the forest.

As mentioned earlier, no matter sooner or later, Wei Changcheng will build a house. Especially recently, Wei Changcheng has often heard Daniel and Boris talk about the coldness and difficulty of living in Xueyue, so he has strengthened his determination to build a house. After all, it is different from a house. In Xueyue, what is the use of burning more fires in the cave? How is it possible to keep warm like that? Therefore, Wei Changcheng's idea is to pull out the grass between the north and south mountains and build houses there. As for the land needed for farming, he can only cut down trees and expand the territory of the eastern tribes.

Moreover, the population of the eastern tribes is quite large. Wei Changcheng thought that the open space between the north and the south might not be big enough, and he might have to occupy the forest area by then, so that the territory would have to be expanded further. It's just that now it's the end of Fengyue, Yanyue is only a short three months, and after that is Yuyuexueyue, Wei Changcheng knows that even if houses can be built, there are only a few of them, so he waits After this year's snowy moon has passed, we will build a house on a large scale.

However, these are also Wei Changcheng's thoughts, so he hesitated for a while. After all, Wei Changcheng still didn't say anything about setting aside an open space to build a house, but said: "I have to think about this, but the open space must be left down."