MTL - I Heard You Are an Alien-Chapter 87 Promised kiss

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She didn't think there was a problem, but Cecil was shy. Although most mimics don't need clothes (jelly and pinball in clothes are too weird!), But you can't be naked when you become a human? In particular, after he was almost undressed in front of Xiaoti's face and was taught, he checked it. This is undoubtedly very bad. But if Xiaoti really wants to do this ...

In the tangled state, he blushed and lowered his head, pulling at the corner of his clothes. The little daughter-in-law said, "Is it necessary?"

Yi Ti: "Eh ..." She found out what she said just now, and suddenly became embarrassed. She coughed several times in succession, and she also blushed and tilted her head. After that, she shoved her clothes into Cecil's arms. "You can change them and show them to me!" After thinking about it, I gave him another piece of paper, "This is the dressing instructions."

"Oh." Cecil couldn't tell if he was disappointed or nodded in relief, holding his clothes and walking obediently to the bedroom.

Yi Ti behind him touched her chin, and she found that this guy always ran to her bedroom habitually, and her belongings were also placed in her room. She did n’t realize when she did n’t realize it, but now she realized It turned out that he started to invade her life very early, or in other words, became a part of her life.

how to say?

Thinking this way, it seems a little embarrassed, but a little happy.

I thought and thought, she hummed the song, and picked up the packing bag on the coffee table. Her two sets were not mailed together. At that time, the seller mentioned that the women's clothing she chose was temporarily out of stock, so she said at the time that men's clothing could be mailed first, and women's clothing could be mailed later. Seeing the letter of apology enclosed by the boss in the parcel, the fabric is still late, and it seems to be waiting for a while.

It's a pity that she wants to take a photo with Cecil.

After a while, the bedroom door opened, and the youth came out of it. As I walked, I pulled on the slightly wide sleeves uncomfortably and looked at her with a daze, saying, "Is it right?"

Yi Ti silently lifted up the phone that had been prepared, and took a picture with "Kad Card", Hanfu Cecil-get!

Although someone is an alien, in the traditional clothes of the heavenly dynasty, it really feels like a gentleman like a jade. Unfortunately, today's Hanfu is not the same as before. It ca n’t really be made up of underwear, middlewear and outerwear as before. It can only be said to be a simplified version. It's different, it's just what it takes. That house has different styles according to the length of the 裾, Yi Ti helped Cecil choose the deepest and most elegant style of deep clothes she thinks.

He is wearing a white model, but the hem and belt are blue, with bamboo leaf patterns. Long light blue hair with faint fluorescent light fluffed out, and a few strands slid down the shoulders on both sides, and more smoothly spread behind him. For some special reasons, his hair has almost dried, but still exudes the unique moist breath after washing. The whole person looks watery, and is still using blue eyes with the same moisture. Looked at her courageously ...

Yi Yiti covered her nose silently, "turn around."

Although Cecil was not embarrassed, she turned around obediently and allowed her to continue shooting.

"Face to me!"

"Ka 嚓 Ka 嚓 ..."

When she was happy, Yi Ti thought that she must create a special file to put it on ... wait, why is this behavior so familiar?

Brother ... Brother?

Her smile froze. Isn't this the hobby of her own brother? She used to spur herself secretly, but now she has become like this ...

Should we say that the power of inheritance is huge?

Still, a beast named "Stupid Man" has been hiding in her heart, and only then did she send a terrible growl-"I want to shoot ... I want to collect ...", ah, so tired, I feel I can't love Already.

Cecil looked strangely at the woman who had become depressed for a moment, and asked in confusion: "Little Ti, what's the matter with you?"

"... nothing." TAT

He was even more puzzled, but she looked completely okay, obviously she was very energetic just now, and suddenly became like this.

The young man thought for a while, then stepped forward, hugging her carefully with one hand, and patted her back gently with the other. At the station, she comforted Xiaoti so much that she didn't cry anymore. Should it be useful now?

Yi Yi stunned initially, but immediately rested on his chest in peace, at this moment, she had a strong sense of peace and belonging. It was like the moment I traveled outside, and the moment I got home.

She took a deep breath, and naturally laughed: "Cecile, you smell milk." There are obviously two bottles of shower gel at home, but he always uses this smell.

"This way you can have the same taste as Xiao Ti." He said half, thinking about it, and replied rigorously, "coarse news is the same, but you will find out when you read it ..."

"You're enough." Yi Ti rubbed his abdomen with little effort, begging him not to always destroy the "atmosphere"-the first half of the sentence sounded very touching. Suddenly she noticed something, "Cecile, you hugged me warmly." Not only this time, many times before, it seems to be the case, "Is the body temperature adjusted?"

Cecil nodded slightly.

Summer has passed, and let Xiaoti hold him cold, she will catch cold.

"It's really amazing." But how could such a thing scare her after her life turned upside down?

Yi Ti, who regained her spirits, stretched out her hand happily: "I'll help you comb your hair!" She wondered, this time to give Cecil a higher pony tail, or to tie her hair loosely ? But it ’s also very good to slide the side beam from the right shoulder. If you want to come, then ...

"Hmm." Cecil, obedient and "obedient," didn't know that he and his hair would go through a lot of trouble. Don't forget, there is another set of Chinese clothes with black and red clouds on the sofa.

Alas, even if he knew it, it didn't matter.

This kind of thing will not consume him much physical strength, and if Xiao Ti is happy, he will also be very happy.

So, Yi Ti ’s “New Document” had nearly a G content on the first day of its appearance. Keke, it ’s really “blue is better than blue”! This was also based on the premise that she was not mental enough to ride in the car during the day, and when she found out that she had yawned for the first time, subsequent yawns continued to "visit".

"Little Ti, rest when you are sleepy." Cecil took the digital camera she had deliberately turned out from Yi Ti (she even thought about going to buy a DSLR) and set it aside. Although he didn't care about being photographed, but for so long after being photographed, he also had a slight psychological shadow about this kind of thing, as well as the voice of "Ka-Ka-Kai".

"That's what I said." Yi Ti yawned again and wiped the tears that overflowed from the corners of her eyes. "I'll go to sleep then." After turning, she turned and rubbed her eyes as she walked towards the bedroom. . When she reached the door, she pushed open the door and fumbled for the light that had been turned off by Cecil (he had amazing talents in being a "housewife" and knew to save electricity and water!). To find someone actually behind her. Frightened for a moment, she had a bit of bad taste in her heart, "What? Do you want me to coax you to sleep?"

He looked at her expectantly, "Can you?"


Bowed his head.

"Even if you pretend to be pathetic!" Yi Ti is very firm on the issue of principle, but she also knows that this simple guy is unlikely to have any care and asks curiously, "Why are you following me?"


不 "Don't say I went in."

Cecil finally heard his words and looked up. It seemed as if he had done some psychological construction. Then, he stretched out his hands to hold her cheeks, and touched her scalp with her hot fingers, revealing her forehead.

He leaned down slightly.

Ji Yiti only felt the good smell spreading out of her. The whole body's atmosphere became very hot for a moment, and then a warm touch was felt on her forehead.

好像 This seems to be the second time he has done this, but not as hastily as before, Cecil's lips stayed on her forehead for a moment, and it seemed to rub slightly twice before leaving reluctantly.

After doing all of this, a guy didn't hold his head as hard as he did last time, trying to hide himself. Although his face was still blushing, he blinked and looked at her softly.

"What is this?" Yi Ti stroked her forehead as she did last time, but she wasn't as distressed as before. She just smiled and asked, "Is it comforting again?"

Cecil shook her head, her perfectly shaped soft lips moved slightly, and spit out a word: "Good night kiss."

Yi Yi Ti laughed out, "Are you the way to chase people?"

"Hmm." He looked at her carefully, this time, as if she didn't hate it?

An alien is always taking notes in his heart, Xiaoti hates giving money for checks, hates singing poetry, and likes to be backed and kissed good night ...

"Okay, good night."

Yi Yiti said, stepped back into the room, waved his hand at him, and closed the door.

Cecil: "..." QAQ

He reached out his hand in disappointment, trying to pull the sliding door in the air again, almost tearfully thinking: Xiaoti, you forgot to give me ...

At this moment, Yi Ti, who had penetrated into the bed, seemed to feel this sad resentment, shook his body, looked around nervously, and immediately felt funny. There is a master's formation in the room. Generally, the weak alien species of ghosts cannot get in at all. What is she worried about?

Suddenly, she closed her eyes safely.

After a few minutes, she bounced off the bed: Oops! I forgot to call my brother!

After Yi Yiti rummaged on the bed for a moment, she patted her forehead and immediately jumped out of the bed and rushed out the door.

Seeing her coming out, Cecil immediately regained her spirits, but saw that she ignored her, and rushed to the sofa, rummaged for a moment, took out her mobile phone, and quickly dial Then shouted quite charmingly-

"Brother ~~"

咳 "Cough, no, of course I didn't forget to call you ~~ I was too tired when I came back, so I fell asleep on the sofa and just woke up."

"Of course it is true ~~~"

* 'S wavy line represents her strong guilty conscience!

Cecil: "..." Please don't ignore me. TAT