MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 144 Conquering the Son of the Demon King (eighteen)

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After establishing a contract with His Majesty the Lord, Aisi's heart was less shaken.

A bet is not bad for him or the empire.

He does not believe that Her Majesty will win. If Her Majesty wins, Her Majesty's guarantee will give him at least a period of freedom. If His Majesty loses, Leofil will be taken back to Purgatory.

In this case, why didn't he gamble.

Isi turned over the wall in the middle of the night and entered Yurian's residence.

Yurian was there looking at the notes made during the day, and when he heard the movement, he froze. He looked up at Aesie who had come in through the window.

Aisi didn't seem to change at all. She was still as flattering as a child. Aisi was cute, smart, and better than him.

Aisie was never jealous of him because he had nothing to be jealous of Aisie, but he was so jealous that he wished to make everything of Aisie his own.

In the moonlight, Aisie still looked so beautiful, like an angel coming to life.

Aisi is indeed the Son of God, with a sacred of radiance all over him, and she is perfect in words and deeds.

How could such an Aisi not be loved?

Every time I saw Ace, Julian wondered what she was doing.

But he has already started, how can he stop? Yurian looked at Aisi indifferently and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Isi said, "Jurian, I've always been envious of you."

He and Yurian both envy each other. Yurian admires him for everything, and Aisi admires Yurian for freedom. Now everything has changed.

Aisie stared at Yulian, her blue eyes full of sadness: "I always hope we can be very good brothers, I want to breathe and you can help me when you are lazy, and you want I can give you anything you want. "

Since he said the phrase "I hate you the most", Yurian has never met Isi again.

Hearing Aise's words, Yurian felt a little uncomfortable and a little dazed.

Aisi has never done anything wrong. To his brother, Aisi always loves as much as he can, because he has been reluctant to be close to Aisi.

His "hate" towards Aisi is more a result of the treatment of their father and emperor, and a hatred of the gap between the two.

If not, he has no reason to hate Aisi-even to say that, in the past twenty years, only Aisi has been sincere and unreserved to him.

Yurian always felt he liked Marcos very much.

But after knowing that Marcos had left the empire, Julian was angry.

Not because Marcos didn't say goodbye to himself, in fact he always knew that Marcos didn't like himself and even guarded him at all times.

Over the years of love, looking back is just his own wishful indulgence, Marcos has never looked at him squarely.

Yurian found that it was in fact that Marcos had left Acy in anger.

Did n’t you say you want to be loyal to Aisie all your life? Did n’t you mean to guard the empire all your life? What was said in the last triumph was still in the hearts of everyone, but Marcos himself had to leave the empire and return to the stronger Augustus empire-leaving all the vows he had made.

If Alley had everything so easily taken away, what was he obsessed with before?

Yurian was very uncomfortable.

Isi said, "Jurian, I'm leaving."

Yurian was shocked. He looked up at Ace, not quite sure what it meant. Going? What does it mean to leave? Isn't he robbing him yet? Yurian stood up and stared at Aisi tightly: "Enough! Aisy Alexander you're enough! Will you even give me that position? You're so generous!"

It was so generous that everything he did seemed ridiculous.

"You are annoying," said Julian.

Isi said, "I know," he agreed with Julian, "I'm really annoying. I always guess what kind of people others would like, and then pretend to be what they like and let them Trust me, love me, and love me, I'm really a hypocritical person, right? "

Yurian's heart fluttered into Aishy's dim eyes.

No, it's not like that. For a long time, he hated himself who was jealous of Aisie, because Aisie was so good and so good that it made him feel filthy. Even if it was all in disguise, Aisi did better than anyone.

Although the throne was left to Aisi by their father, but Aisi was able to sit in that position steadily as a teenager and deal with the old fox ministers with ease, relying on Aisi himself.

During this time, Julian has dealt with the old foxes a lot, and understands what Isi has paid more than ever before.

But Julian couldn't say a word.

He has done so many things and said so many words. What other position is there to comfort Aisi?

Yurian is silent.

Isi didn't care about Julian's silence, he said slowly, "Then the empire will take care of you."

Yurian finally couldn't help but asked, "Is it because of 'Leo'?"

Aisi was slightly surprised.

"Everything has gone wrong since Leo's appearance," said Julian. He looked at Aisy. "You are not the kind of person who will fall in love with anyone casually, let alone before you are sure. Everyone knows it. Who is he? "

Aisie reassured, "You have always been smarter than me."

Yurian continued to ask, "who is he?"

Isi said, "You don't need to know."

"You left me to face him, but didn't tell me who he was, didn't you fear that I would be killed by him?"

Isi froze. He always felt that Julian was on Leo Ophir's side, so he considered Marcos' safety, but did not think about Julian's safety. Hearing what Yurian said, he suddenly realized how bad his brother was.

Just because Julian was bewildered by Leofil, he became angry with Julian and never considered it. Isi said, "Sorry."

Yurian stared anxiously angrily: "I don't want to hear I'm sorry!"

Seeing Julian's angry look, Aisi suddenly felt a little happy, inexplicably happy. He couldn't help but hugged Julian: "I feel you haven't changed," Isi tightened her arms. "You were so serious when you were younger, more sensible than my brother. I always thought Out to play, and you always help dad stare at me ... "

Yurian had a sour nose.

Isi said, "Sometimes I always think, if we haven't grown up, it's just fine. Julian, if we have been so small, wouldn't it be like now?"

Yurian felt Aishy's warm tears slipping around his neck.

Yurian stood still. He knew that Aisi was naive, but not as naive as he seemed. The induction between the twins let him know that Aisi was actually a very complicated person.

At least Isi never showed his fragile side in front of him and Marcos.

Aisie smiled cheerfully at them every day, as if they would like him.

But what's the use of this? Marcos hasn't left Aisy yet ...

He is not ...

Hasn't he never really regarded Ace as a brother ...

Yurian said, "Who is Leo? You tell me, who is Leo? He is so terrible, terrible that you and Marcos will both leave the empire? You will go to the Augustus Empire to find Marcos "He already knows Marcos's whereabouts and whereabouts from the" confidant ".

Isi said, "No, I'm not going to the Augustus Empire." Isi quickly controlled her emotions, wiped away her tears, and looked at Julian seriously. "Marcos will be an ally of the Empire, Julian, You have to believe him. "

Julian and Aisie looked at each other and said coldly, "Maybe I'll send the whole empire in order to be with Marcos?"

Isi said, "No, Jurian, you won't." He hugged Jurian again, "You always wanted to get approval from your dad, didn't you? You always worked hard." Even by Leopold The people were puzzled, and Julian was very serious about learning how to govern the empire. Even the teacher was very satisfied with Julian.

Yurian pushed away Aisie: "Do you know if I want to steal your stuff!"

Isi stared at Julian with a quiver.

Yurian said, "Marcos is yours, so I want to grab! The empire is yours, so I want to grab! As long as it is yours, I want to grab! But every time I grab it, you But tell me that it's something you don't want at all-something you can just let out-so I hate you-Ace, so I hate you. "

Isi looked at Yulian's painful face, wondering what to say for a moment.

Julian glared at Aisy: "If you don't tell me all the truth, I'll go with you, and I don't care about it all-why should I take over what you don't want!"

Assy listened to Julian's angry words, her heart was inexplicably warm. He handed a messenger stone to Julian: "This, leave it to you."

In the palm of his hand, Yurian looked cold, and saw a rock that looked unattractive lying in his hands, exuding a faint black and dark, not dazzling, but inexplicably captivating. Yurian asked, "What's this?"

Aisi said: "This is a messenger stone that can summon His Majesty the Demon King. It can be used once. If you are in danger or the Empire is in danger, you can summon His Majesty the Demon King. He has made an oath and will definitely help us. "

Yurian jumped back and asked, "Why do you have this thing?"

Aisi said: "I went out the other day and met His Majesty the Demon King. He made a bet with me and gave me a messenger stone. He assured me that the Empire would not be encountered by any means. trouble."

Yurian pressed the uneasiness in his heart, and said a terrible guess almost dumbly: "Is Leo a demon?"

He sent a demon to Aisi? Did he let Aisi fall in love with a demons? How much of what he did during this time was deceived by the demons?

Isi didn't speak.

Yurian said, "You're leaving because of him?"

Aisy said: "His name is Leo Phil, his youngest son of Her Majesty, and her favorite son of Her Majesty." He stared at Yulian, "Sorry, Yulian, I--"

Yurian said, "I'm sorry, what did you say!" He held onto Aisi's collar. "I'm sorry, what did you say from childhood to age! It's never your fault, you always love to apologize first! You Think you are great like this! Do you think others like you will be happy! "

Isi shouted, "Yurian--"

Yurian said, "I'm not happy at all!" What did he do, and he sent the one who should be closest to him to the Devil ---

Thinking of the rumors of this period, it is not difficult for Yulian to imagine how Isi survived this period. If it wasn't true, how could Icy leave the empire and leave-if not, how could Marcos choose to return to the Augustus empire-

What he did.

Aisy is the only person who treats him well in the world.

Yurian calmed down: "Do you want to go somewhere?"

Isi said, "I haven't figured it out yet," he paused. "The best 'escape' route, maybe it's just not thinking about it."

Any planned "escape" will leave traces.

If he didn't even know where to go next, Leofil wouldn't be able to find him.

Yurian said, "Then you go, leave tonight."

Isi froze and looked at Julian.

"If he doesn't leave, he should be back," said Julian.

Isi said, "It shouldn't be that fast."

Yurian said, "No, he should already be on his way back. You won't be able to do it before you leave." He had more information about Leofil than Ace-after all Leofil Go out from him.

Isi was relieved to see Yurian's calm look. This is his younger brother. When he was a kid, he always protected his younger brother, and they can still be the same as before.

Isi grabbed Julian's hand and asked him to hold the messenger stone in his hand: "If there is danger, you must remember to use it."

Yurian wanted to say "what about you", but he didn't say a word. He and the empire really needed this stone of communication, otherwise Leofil would easily threaten Ace with him and the empire-then no matter how far Acy went, he would return by himself.

Julian silently put away the stone of communication. He said, "Let's go." Yuli settled, and pulled Aisy to the window, "I watch you go."

Isi said, "I will come back to see you."

Julian put aside his face: "I won't miss you again."

Isi said, "I'll think about it." He hugged Julian and kissed him on the cheek. "I'd miss you so much. I'll come back later and you'll give me a prince, When you become the emperor, I will rely on you to go to Huhuweihuwei, do whatever you want, and bully whoever you want. "

Isi finished, jumped out of the window, and walked over the wall along the same path. Yurian stood by the bed until Aisie's figure disappeared into view, and her eyes remained open.

I don't know how long it took before the sky finally shone.

Yurian stood still.

He finally got what he wanted to grab, but he wasn't happy. Because of his stupidity and ignorance, his brother was forced to leave the empire-before leaving, his brother gave everything to him, but he naively thought he had snatched them over.

The day after Ace's departure, many people noticed anomalies. Yurian was logically pushed out, and temporarily took charge of all affairs.

Leopold got the news right away.

News of Marcos and Aisi leaving the empire in succession.

Leofel dropped the rest of the Royal Legion and hurried back to the capital.

Originally seated in the position of Isi, replaced by Julian.

Leopold yelled at Julian coldly and said, "Where has Isi gone?"

Yurian's words were stingy: "How do I know? Maybe he's gone with Marcos, His Royal Highness Leopold."

Leopold's meal. He instantly understood: "You know everything?"

Yurian said, "No, I didn't know anything until Isi Alexander fled. He should know, otherwise he wouldn't intentionally push you away and escape with Marcos himself." He snorted A cry, "This kind of irresponsible, greedy for life and death is terrible!"

Leofil exudes coldness.

Yurian wasn't afraid at all: "You're angry at me and it's no use. Isn't it what you do that you want me to do?" His tone was extremely sharp. It doesn't matter at all. "

Leofil turned and left.

The moment he learned that Isi disappeared from the Alexander Empire, he didn't think about threatening Isi with the Alexander Empire and Yurian, but he quickly dispelled the idea.

There is no need for that.

He has already concluded a contract with Aisi, and no matter where Aisi is, he can easily find Aisi.

If Isis was really with Marcos Johnton, he would kill Marcos Johnton and teach the guy who dared to betray him.

Of course, even if Icy wasn't with Marcos Johnton--

It should also be a hard lesson!

In retrospect, everything is not without its doubts.

Since the "superior man" around Aisie can destroy his Rose Mirror, wouldn't he remind Aisie his existence? How could someone like Aisie so easily accept the courtship of a fallen nobleman?

The only possibility is that Aisi knows his true identity, fears that he will not be good for the Alexander Empire, so he treats him in disrepute, and quietly transfers the power of the Empire to his brother Yurian Alexander who wants to fight for the throne.

After arranging all this, Aisi set him aside and quietly fled from the empire.

Leofil was expecting to rush back from the south, hoping that Aisi would give him a warm kiss after hearing the news that the rebellion had subsided.

But now his expectations are completely extinguished.

Leofel found that there was no anger in his heart.

Only the pain of heartbreaking.

It turned out that his Ace didn't love him at all.

It turned out that his Aisi had been thinking about how to escape from him.

The sympathy he felt for it was nothing but his wishful thinking.