MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 180 Conquer the Wolves Master (4)

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Conquer the Wolves Master (4)

First appeared in Jin, Jiang, Wen, Xue and Cheng

Before Wei Tingjun arrived at the Tiger settlement, he heard a cheer. The Tiger warriors who had gone to the Sanchuan Canyon came back, headed by the bearded Theodore. The bearded Theodore has shaved off his beard, revealing a smooth chin, and the whole person looks more than ten times handsome.

It was just that Wei Tingjun looked far away, but felt something wrong. No, it should be said that it is particularly wrong. If it really is the bearded Theodore, will you stay here and be cheered and praised by people?

Theodore would not.

With Wei Tingjun, he won't. If he had to leave for such a long time, then there must be only one destination in his heart at the beginning of the return journey: there is a place for Ji Jinrong.

The bearded Theodore would definitely go back to see Guy immediately if he returned.

The figure in front of him hasn't changed, his facial features haven't changed, and his breath hasn't changed, indicating that this body is indeed a bearded Theodore. But this man's eyes and movements are completely different from the bearded Theodore.

There was an abomination in this man's eyes.

Wei Tingjun was surprised. He watched the hide and ale walked past.

The cheering tiger people noticed the arrival of the foreigners, and they calmed down. They turned to look at Wei Tingjun, and their eyes were alert. There is no way, the Tigers have suffered from enemies on all sides in these years, and their relations with all ethnic groups are not particularly harmonious, and they have to mention the spirit of twelve points.

Wei Tingjun said, "Uncle Guy asked me to send the gift back."

"Theodore" glanced. He looked up and down Wei Weijun, his eyes full of pride and coldness: "Are you a male?"

Wei Tingjun is unknown, so he nodded and said, "Yes, I am a male."

"Theodore" said, "Have you lived with Guy for the past six months? Just the two of you?"

Wei Tingjun determined that the person in front of him was indeed not Theodore. If the bearded Theodore would never ask such an aggressive question. Because if he wanted to explain that it wasn't just him and Guy who lived together, he must say the existence of Ji Jinrong.

The Tigers are not a "friendly" race.

This man is definitely not Theodore!

As an outsider, Wei Tingjun could vaguely guess what happened: The bearded Theodore was taken away!

I just don't know if the soul of the bearded Theodore is still in this person's body.

I don't know what world this person is from.

Wei Tingjun said calmly, "Why do you ask that?" In fact, Wei Tingjun probably guessed the intention of the person. In front of so many people asking if their partner is living with another male, this person obviously wants to take the fact that Guy and her are "adult-adult".

Obviously, this man wanted to break Guy away.

Sure enough, "Theodore" wore an extremely hypocritical anger on his face: "That female who doesn't care about women! Even if you can't have children, you can still find other males in poppies!"

Hearing the angry rebuke of "Theodore", other Tigers immediately scolded them. There was a moment of turmoil, and it was very likely that they would directly kill Guy's posture in the past.

Wei Tingjun sighed in her heart when she saw this.

It seemed that Guy was destined to be sad. This man captured the body of the bearded Theodore and did not know what he would do in the future.

Wei Tingjun looked at the angry "Theodore" coldly.

I wonder if there is a way to get this man away from Theodore's body.

"Theodore" didn't know that he had been seen through. He saw that he was almost done, then he slightly aggravated the anger on his face, and became sad and sad. He persuaded: "Don't do this. After all, I fell in love with Guy. Even if he betrays me, I don't want to hurt him. I hope everyone will not bother him. Since he falls in love with others, I will let go Come on, I will fulfill them. "

The eyes of "Theodore" were reddish, and his expression was full of sadness, so that people around him were also affected by his emotions, and he felt that Guy was simply unforgivable.

Seeing Wei Tingjun, who was just an adult, they were full of hostility: "You dare to **** our Tigers' companions!" Although they were reluctant to admit the relationship between Guy and Theodore, this incident still made them angry.

In other words, the melancholy in the chest of the Tigers has been suffocated for a long time, and now when the vent is found, it immediately erupts-there is a lot of tearing Wei Tingjun's preparations on the spot.

"Theodore" is not prepared to let things go in this direction. On the way back, he accidentally heard the wolf people talking about Wei Tingjun, knowing that the young wolf master lived with a tiger female. Listening to their tone, the wolf teenager seems to be in favor of a tiger female, and no one is persuaded to return to the wolf.

Listen carefully again, the female is his cheap companion!

From the sympathy of others, Theodore knew that his partner was unable to have children. Hearing that his cheap companion had been living with other males for so long, "Theodore" felt completely unbearable!

So Theodore decided to knock the cheap companion.

By the way, the seeds of suspicion are buried in the hearts of the tribe, so that they can stand up with the enemy. In the future, he is going to sweep all the ethnic groups, and he must win the support of the majority of the ethnic groups.

Today's "wife hate" should be enough reason?

With this in mind, "Theodore" deliberately persuaded everyone, stepped forward with a sad face and said to Wei Tingjun, "You must treat him well in the future." He has a deep affection that others can see immediately Even if he won't have me in his future life, I hope he can live a good life. If he suffers any wrongs, I will never let you go! "

The Tigers couldn't help feeling worthless when they heard "Theodore." As for those sentimental Tiger girls, they have tears in their eyes and clenched pink fists secretly resolved: "Go back and woo the Lord Theodore! Lord Theodore deserves a better partner!" Wei Tingjun looked nauseated. This guy is a bit scary and a bit hateful.

If you want to dump Guy, dump him, and you need to put a cheating hat on Guy first. Even if you put a cheating hat on Guy, you still have to be in such an affectionate style.

This man is definitely an aspirant!

Wei Tingjun dropped the animal skin and said to the Tiger patriarch: "Old patriarch, do you mean the same? You also decided to dissolve the marriage relationship between Theodore and Gay?"

The Tiger patriarch had this intention long ago. Theodore was his preferred heir, and of course the idea that best matched his thinking was that Theodore married his daughter. But Theodore liked Guy from an early age, and chased behind Guy's **** from day to night, and no one else had the chance to walk into Theodore's heart.

Now that Theodore has decided to dissolve the partnership, the Tiger patriarch naturally wants it. Now Theodore is sad, and he has his daughters take turns playing, there is always one who can move Theodore?

Even if his daughters are n’t working, there are others who can make up. Theodore is the most powerful warrior of the Tigers, and there are numerous people who like Theodore. Since Guy can't have a baby, of course, he should give way early.

The Tiger patriarch said: "Since Theodore thinks so, of course I respect Theodore's opinion."

Wei Tingjun wanted to ask him "What about Guy's opinion", but seeing that the Tigers have a tendency to demolish him, he was uneasy to bring Guy and Ji Jinrong over.

He can stand it, Guy can't stand it.

Wei Tingjun threw down the animal skin that was carried over, and then smashed the jar wine in his hands to the ground.

The scent of mellow alcohol floats in the air.

The Tigers who were close by were all at a loss, feeling that they had never smelled such a scent. what is that? Water in an earthen jar? But how could the water taste so fragrant?

So fragrant and so fragrant--

Even the Tiger patriarchs were a little lost.

Wei Tingjun sneered with lip sneer: "This is what Guy asked me to always give to the patriarch. But now it seems unnecessary. You never treat Gay as a tribe. Even his marriage, you only listen to this guy's opinion I didn't want to ask Guy. Now that you've all decided, I'll promise him! "

The Tiger patriarch also thought of what was wrong with him. But he didn't regret it. He said, "Since Guy can't have children, isn't it normal to dissolve the marriage relationship? It's not normal for them to stay together for more than ten years."

Wei Tingjun said, "I didn't say anything abnormal." Wei Tingjun glanced at them lightly. "What you say is a witness for all the Tigers present. Remember, don't regret it later."

"Theodore" could not stand Wei Tingjun's natural and powerful momentum. He stood up and said, "Don't be too arrogant!"

Can't hold your breath? Wei Tingjun didn't bother to care about him and turned around.

He had to go back and tell Guy about it.

Wei Tingjun's figure quickly disappeared into the deep forest.

After a while, Wei Tingjun returned to the cave where they lived for more than half a year.

Guy is humming for Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong lay down in Guy's arms with a sense of sleepiness.

Such tranquility and beauty are about to be broken.

Wei Tingjun felt a little bit reluctant.

Guy noticed his return.

Guy said, "Come back?"

Wei Tingjun said, "Here you are." He glanced at Guy and offered a suggestion. "Uncle Guy, you and Ajin go to our wolf family to visit, first go to our wolf family to play for a while. My family is very enthusiastic and will definitely welcome you very much. "

Guy was always attentive, and he heard something unusual from Wei Tingjun's tone. He stood up holding Ji Jinrong and said, "Is something wrong?" Guy guessed the possibility of being closer to the facts, "Is something wrong with Theodore?"

Wei Tingjun said, "Have you heard of it? There have been a lot of weird things over the Sanchuan Canyon. Some people have completely changed after entering the canyon-this situation is similar to the evil spirit invasion."

Guy's heart was pounding.

Wei Tingjun felt that his next words were cruel, but he could not hide from Guy.

He told everything that had happened just now.

Guy felt dizzy in his head.

Wei Tingjun shouted, "Uncle Guy?"

Guy chattered: "I'll go back."

Wei Tingjun embraced Ji Jinrong from Guy's arms: "Can you go back alone?"

Guy said, "I can." He even smiled and leaned down to kiss Ji Jinrong's forehead. "If what you said is true, I'll go to the wolf with you."

Wei Tingjun was slightly surprised.

Guy's smile became bitter: "I promised Theodore would wait for him to come back." His eyes flashed a little tear. "If I don't take care of myself, Theodore will be angry when he returns."