MTL - I Love Farming-Chapter 15 Food Evaluation

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If Xiaobai can see the barrage on the show, it will definitely agree with it. It is really a dark Shennong. This big devil actually surrounded the yard behind the cafeteria and raised ducks.

Cui Qichao himself ran to the farmer's market to select dozens of ducklings, each of which was a tender yellow, and was a combination of meat and eggs. The duck was born early and the number of eggs was high, and it was not fussy about the environment.

These are all vaccinated ducks that have also been eaten, but for the time being they can only be kept in captivity.

As for where the water goes? Of course, the school's landscape lotus pond.

Cui Qichao hugged the cat to see the ducks, and said to him, "There are no sheep, but there are ducks for you. Shepherd cats do not manage the chickens and ducks in the house in a well-organized manner." Don't talk about shepherd cats. Dogs, it's not limited to sheep.


Why, why should you farm it!

Now Xiaobai only has one idea: would it be better to learn to jump through the circle of fire?


The courtyard of the cafeteria is a concrete ground, and there is no grass to feed the ducklings. During the captive period, it is mainly fed.

Cui Qichao and the employees did it themselves, pulled the nylon net, and built the enclosure. Beside the shack, the soil was sandy, and some late-ripening varieties of watermelon were planted. When it matures, it will be summer vacation.

I heard that Cui Qichao was raising ducks, and the school's teachers found them all, and wanted to order duck eggs in the future, as well as the whole duck at the end of the year, so as to make New Year's goods.

Unconsciously, everyone already trusts Cui Qichao.

Although Xiao Cui didn't know what stimulus he was stimulated by, he was serious and rigorous in his work. He was full of spirit. The most important thing is that the vegetables are so **** delicious ...

Hey, where can Cui Qi ’s ducks go? It is also obvious to the naked eye that nothing will be eaten.

In the past week, Cui Qichao looked at the proposal in the suggestion box and asked a lot of questions: Is the new corn in the cafeteria sweet or glutinous?

Cui Qichao didn't notice this. He recalled it before telling the staff of the cafeteria to let them answer the students.

It's all sweet corn.

This has led to the sorrow of some students who prefer to eat waxy corn. Compared to sweet corn, they prefer the soft and sticky texture of waxy corn.

Cui Qichao doesn't pay much attention to the taste dispute among students. His recent work has focused on crop improvement.

Before Cui Qichao had this idea, he got on his mind, checked his accounts, and found that the testing equipment and field equipment were affordable, so he decided to make a few points in Houshan and test first.

After he came here, the first plant he planted was pepper, and now he wants to improve it, and he also chose pepper.

First, select the best pepper varieties from the market as the parent material for the new breed, and then formulate and combine them, that is, test which pepper is used as the parent and which pepper is used as the mother to cross.

It usually takes three to four years for a new breed to be born, starting with the selection of parent material and being able to produce a demonstration.

In four years, one student graduated, and Cui Qichao should go back after recording. Not to mention the process of production demonstration also takes several years.

But Cui Qichao is not an ordinary person in the end. Shennong's blood makes him have a natural sense of smell in this aspect, and there is not much land to cultivate seedlings here. For example, in the formulation, he does not make many combinations, but chooses some combinations that he considers feasible, which can save him a lot of experimental time.

This is also Cui Qichao's first attempt to improve the variety, and he himself is looking forward to what the final results will be.


"Xingshiji" is a self-media for the production of food topics. It consists of a team of fifteen people. It started with a homemade food tutorial. After the number of fans increased, they also searched for special or high-level restaurants for various reasons. Write a tasting review for the readers—it's for sure with some ads.

After seeing the article published by Weihe on Weibo, the editor of Xingshiji also reported a cafeteria as a topic.

Finally, during the discussion, this item caused a little controversy.

Whether it is a street stall or a star restaurant, they have done evaluations, and even have a period, went to others to do it, causing fans to scream, which makes them how to eat. In short, the scope of evaluation is not wide.

Even with such a self-media team, they have never evaluated the cafeteria.

The cafeteria, the university cafeteria, the university cafeteria are all cauldron dishes.

After some controversy, because of Huang Weihe's article and considering that if the level is really good, it may be novel and eye-catching. The selection of the topic passed. The two editors of Sesame and Rice Ball were sent to Nanhai City.

Because they are unwilling to disclose the shooting plan in advance, after all, some businesses will deliberately prepare them. They privately looked for students of University C and paid for renting campus cards.

Sesame and rice **** are pen names written by the editors. They are also used to call them internally. They stood on the third floor of the C freshman cafeteria, feeling a little bit sad. Gourmet topics made in the past are either shabby to street cars or beautifully decorated.

And in a cafeteria, the blue long dining table and the same-colored bench, the off-white floor tiles, and the plate are all stainless steel. All are adhering to the unique style of Huaxia campus, simple and simple.

Look at today's menu. It's also plain, braised potatoes, scrambled eggs with loofah, fermented condiments, eggplant with minced meat ...

With a subtle mood, sesame and rice **** were served in different dishes. Instead of rice, the improved dishes were almost played.

In fact, the moment they hit the dish, the two of them had a new understanding of the cafeteria, and they began to wonder if Huang Weihe, who was excellent in writing, would not fully describe the flavor of the dish, otherwise he would have tasted so many food How could they be salivating.

The rice ball turned back subconsciously, stopping one person behind the team: "Wait, I forgot to cook, I still have to cook."

Auntie said, "Don't you want to eat?"

"I want it, I just forgot it." The rice ball looked like there was no place to fill the plate. "Excuse me, please get a packing box."

Seeing Sesame, he said busyly: "Two bowls!"

There are several meals here, you can't choke without a meal!

If you are hungry, you have to work first. The two took out a SLR camera from their bags to shoot. This move attracted the students' eyes, but there were no strange people on the university campus.

After taking the picture, Sesame was refreshed. He picked up the chopsticks and turned to today's new dish.

It is also a stir-fried pak choi grown in a cafeteria. Compared to fermented condiments, its method is simpler. It is stir-fried with only oil, salt and garlic. Pakchoi leaves are oval, and some places are also green and Shanghai green.

Because it is a cafeteria dish, it has not been cooked very carefully. There is no segmentation. The garlic has only been taken a few rough shots, but the color is green and bright, and the green leaves are connected to the white and tender stems.

Sesame simmered a whole piece of cabbage and put it in the mouth. The first part was the full part of the stem. He chewed only one bite. After a crisp click, he tasted the sweet vegetable juice, which was so sweet that sesame felt himself. I used to eat fake cabbage!

Like a rabbit, he bites and eats the fresh and tender vegetables. The vegetables are not as juicy, but they are smoother and can taste the right salty taste.

Sweet and sweet. Sesame almost felt that he was possessed by herbivores, otherwise he would be so fascinated by the leaves.

I've been simmering the cabbage before Sesame had time to see the rice balls. Onigiri ate faster than sesame seeds. They cooked different dishes. The vegetables of the onigiri were made of fermented condiments, and now they are tasting the green pepper fragrant. Just two words, taste.

The green pepper fragrant dried with spicy watercress sauce is oily yellow, and the outer part is relatively dry, but the inside is very tender and tender, but it won't break with a poke like water tofu, as if each slice is full of soup The green pepper seeds on the top make the taste a little spicy. Even the long green peppers that have been cut into strips are fried soft and savory.

This is definitely a standard meal. The rice ball directly poured the fragrant soup on its own rice. The yellow sauce has a little dried crumbs and green pepper seeds. It slides a few tracks on the rice and dips them. Into the same color as themselves.

Sesame was jealous, and he couldn't help but simmer a few slices of dried fragrant from his plate, and beside it, there were fish and shredded pork, burdock stewed radish and other dishes.

... After half an hour, the two editors who ate up all the food in the plate had fallen into a state of slight loss.

Just because they have eaten a lot of foods, they are more beautiful when they taste these appetizing home-cooked dishes.

Generally, they are full of food and have not felt this kind of support for a long time. They feel the fullness from their stomachs and do not know that they have to go to the gym for a few hours to find it. It is simply upset and happy.

"... I like pakchoi the most. My appetite is full when I finish eating, and I can't stop."

"I love spinach. I heard that these two vegetables are grown by themselves. Huang Weihe is not exaggerating!"

"Trust me that their boss took care so carefully. This dish is so **** sweet. I think I used to eat grass."

"I can write ten thousand words for this issue."

After a half-hour rest, they slowly got up and went to Cui Qichao.

Speaking from Huang Weihe's article, the two said that they would publish a special topic after their identities, and according to their practice, they would give fans some benefits. I hope that a cafeteria can sell them a few bottles of chili oil for the lucky draw.

-Before the manuscript was published, they were determined to be able to publish it. In their opinion, this period of evaluation must be done, and it must be done with color and sound. Of course, the presence of chili oil is the icing on the cake.

Fortunately, the number of fans of Fortune Foods does not mention the promotion. Generally, although the businesses they actively seek do not need to give money, they will provide things for free in the case of publicity.

However, because I know from Huang Weihe that the owner of a cafeteria is special, they are very kind and willing to pay.

Who knows that the canteen, a handsome boss who really does not look like a cafeteria operator, said coldly, "No, I don't lack money."

Contracting a cafeteria is like he promised ljj company, not for money.

The two were happy. Is this to be provided to them for free?

Cui Qichao: "The chili oil in the cafeteria can only be eaten for free by our students. In fact, the C cafeteria is not open to the public at all."

The implication is that he is not rare in publicity effects, and he is not satisfied with the fact that they pretend to be students, which is a share of students!

Onigiri, sesame: "........."

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