MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 7

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Sauron looked at the fallen people in front of him and felt a little bored.

With my current strength, maybe it will be boring for a while?


At this moment, two figures rushed down the hillside at an extremely fast speed, and they came out of the boat.

Zoro stepped forward: "Luffy, leave it to me."

"it is good."

There are two figures, one thin and one fat, they are cat brothers, Sam and Buji, both have cat-like hands and cat ears.

The bounty offered by these two people is seven million Baileys.

"Pirate hunter, Roronoa Zoro, we know. But, against our cat brothers, even you will lose."

Sam is full of interest, and feels that defeating this well-known pirate hunter in the East China Sea will give him a sense of accomplishment.

Boogie glanced at Luffy, surprised.

"He is very powerful, but let the boss solve it."

"Yeah, let's take care of this guy."

The situation is not good now, so the Catman brothers directly fight together, one left and one right, the speed is extremely fast, sweeping to the left and right sides of Sauron, slashing out with sharp claws, even a boulder can be shredded.

The catman brothers looked at Sauron and laughed inwardly. Seeing that Sauron didn't seem to react, he didn't draw his sword, not even a single one.

They knew that Sauron was a swordsman, so it was obviously because they were too fast to react.

However, Zoro didn't draw his sword because he didn't think it was necessary.

Just when the Catman Brothers thought they could tear Sauron apart in the next moment, they saw Sauron's arms suddenly raised and spread out, spinning and waving suddenly.

"No knife flow, tornado!"

Suddenly, a tornado whizzed, with great power, after all, it was Sauron now.

The catman brother's body was suddenly rolled up uncontrollably, spinning continuously, screaming, and tearing apart.



Soon, the catman brothers were torn to pieces by the tornado, and the tornado soon dispersed.

This stunned Usopp behind him: "It's amazing..."

"It took so long to get it done, so it turned out to be in trouble."

At this time, a figure rushed over, and a deep voice sounded.

He wears a black suit, wears glasses, combs his hair back, and has sharp claws on each of his hands and five fingers. It is Crowe, and the reward is 15 million Baileys.

Luffy looked at Crowe, and said easily: "If you get rid of you, it's over."

This made Crowe laugh back angrily: "Hahahaha, don't you underestimate me? Wait, I will carefully chop you up now!"

Although angry, Crowe also knew that these guys in front of him were not simple.

After all, his crew members were all down, and the cat brothers were easily dealt with.

But, I am Crowe, in this sea, no one is better than me, so let me solve them by myself.

Crowe didn't try, and went all out, using his ultimate move.

Under Usopp's and Nami's surprised eyes, Kloe seemed listless, with his hands lowered, his head lowered, his body slightly downward, and as he walked, his hands began to sway from side to side.

Nami was puzzled: "What is he doing?"

Usopp was a little uneasy, and reminded: "He is the Black Cat Pirates Crowe, you have to be careful."

Although he has seen the power of Luffy and Zoro, Usopp is still worried.


With a low shout from Crowe, it suddenly disappeared, as if it disappeared out of thin air and did not exist.

Nami knew that she must be nearby, but she was surprised because she couldn't see her figure or hear any sound.

Usopp was worried, and Sauron frowned slightly.

Luffy naturally knows that this is the combination of silent steps and indiscriminate attacks, Crowe's strongest ultimate move.

Because it is silent, fast, and indiscriminate, Crowe doesn't know who he is attacking.

Now that the crew is down, it doesn't matter. He'd do it even if the crew were still there.



Suddenly, there were continuous screams, all coming from those who were stunned.

Because he felt the pain and was attacked, he screamed.



Blood splattered everywhere, and Nami looked over in shock.

"How come there are wounds on their bodies out of thin air."

Usopp is also puzzled, why? They obviously didn't see anyone attacking them, but there were cut wounds on each of them, blood splattered everywhere, and bones could be seen.

Sauron narrowed his eyes and kept moving, explaining: "It's because the speed is so fast that you can't see, and you act silently, as if there is nothing."

Nami suddenly felt that Sauron and Luffy could be captured, so it was Crowe's fault.

"What a cold-blooded guy, he is constantly killing his own crew." Nami was disgusted, and couldn't help but think of the dragon, which was just as cruel.



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Chapter 010 The Golden Merry

Silently and constantly cutting, Usopp was a little worried.

Luffy said: "Nami, Usopp, stay away."

Usopp and Nami nodded, which means that Luffy can't solve Crowe in a short time?

Sauron was surprised. Luffy's strength can naturally be captured. After all, he must be as superb as himself if he is knowledgeable and domineering.

Therefore, Sauron will not have the same idea as Usopp.

The screams continued, and Luffy walked down the broken road.

And, close your eyes.

This made Sauron understand: "I plan to use this guy to hone his knowledge and arrogance."

This is indeed Luffy's idea. Although the domineering power of knowledge and knowledge has been mastered to a high level, there is still a little distance from being able to see the short future.

So, not to be missed.

After closing his eyes, Luffy started to feel.

whoosh whoosh…

They came cutting immediately, but they were all dodged without any injuries.

Usopp and Nami watched from a distance, and Luffy was dodging left and right with ease and style, as if he was dodging something.

They knew that Luffy was dodging silent attacks.

Although they couldn't see it, the stone walls on both sides were cut and traces emerged, which let the two know that Crowe's attack was still going on, but it couldn't hurt Luffy.

Just like that, half an hour passed.

Crowe, too, was exhausted and ready to stop.

With this speed, he attacks indiscriminately, and he doesn't know who he has attacked.

But, never mind, after so long, everyone here must have died.

"It's over, I'm about to see the pieces of their bodies."

Crowe stopped, out of breath, while looking forward.

Suddenly, Crowe's eyes widened in disbelief.

Luffy stood in front of him, and he was unscathed, and his clothes were not damaged at all.

" is it possible..." Crowe couldn't believe it.

Glancing at the others, the three in the distance were all fine.

Lu Fei smiled and thanked: "Thank you, let me hone my sense of domineering a little bit."

"Informative and domineering?"

Although Crowe didn't know what it was, he couldn't tell, but he could tell that he was using his killer move just now as a training partner! Whetstone!

This made Crowe's anger rise, but he was also afraid.


Exploding with the last strength, Crowe moved quickly, silently, trying to escape.

However, Luffy flew in front of him in an instant, his fists were black, and he slammed out fiercely.



Crowe flew upside down, his abdomen sunken directly, and a mouthful of blood mixed with broken internal organs spurted out.

Flying hundreds of meters, smashing through many big trees and rocks along the way.

After stopping, Crowe was pale and dying.

This made him unacceptable. The Black Cat Pirates himself was instantly killed by a boy. Why, why is the gap so big.

Crowe tilted his head, unwilling to die.

Usopp adores so much, so it's over...

Nami was very happy, she ran to the black cat pirate ship immediately, and she was even happier because there were a lot of treasures.

Usopp looked at the vast sea and made a decision.

"I have been hesitating, but after seeing you, I decided. As a man, I should go to the wide sea. Therefore, I want to leave the village, become a pirate, and join the Straw Hat Pirates!"

Luffy was happy: "Welcome to join."

Afterwards, Usopp went home to clean up.

Knowing that everything is over, Keya is very grateful and wants to do what she can.

Seeing that Luffy's boat is still a small wooden boat, he decided.

Three days later, on the coast of Xiluobu Village.

A light sailboat was docked here, and Luffy and others came.

Looking at the sailboat in front of him, Luffy sighed in his heart: "The Golden Merry."

Ke Ya expected: "I hope you will accept it, this is my thanks to you."

The person in charge of designing the ship said: "Although the style is a bit old, it is a light sailing ship with a skeleton structure and a central rudder with a triangular sail at the stern. It is called the Golden Merry."

The designer continued: "Let me talk about the operation method, first of all, in terms of power start adjustment..."

Nami interrupted: "Just tell me."

Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp started admiring the ship.

Luffy praised: "What a great ship, especially the bow, so cool."