MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 59 heaven and hell

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Walking to the second floor, Xia Xiqing saw a bathroom at the corner. I wondered if it was because of Jinxia. He felt a little stuffy and was about to go in and wash his face.

But as soon as he closed the door, he felt something was wrong.

Most of the symptoms of nausea subsided, but now he has a fever all over his body.

He leaned against the bathroom door, took a deep breath and adjusted, then walked to the sink, splashed cold water on his face, his neck was red in the mirror, his body was burning, his mouth was dry, The temples also followed suit. He looked down at his hands, fingertips trembling.


Although he didn't want to believe it, but calmly analyzed these anomalies, he must have fallen.

When he was abroad before, those rich second-generation nightclubs often stocked these nasty things, some were pills, some were liquids, the weak ones were just for breaking pieces, and the heavy ones were not necessarily so. . No matter how stupid Xia Xiqing was, he never bothered to use these things. A lot of people rushed to post this face alone, and he didn't need these things at all.

But he didn't expect that this kind of thing would be put on him one day.

Oh shit.

His legs started to feel weak, Xia Xiqing supported the sink, his chest was burning hot, and sweat started to ooze from his forehead. He thought of the cigar from before.

It must have been put in a cigar.

He tried his best to stand still, but his legs became weaker and weaker, as if he was useless. He immediately thought of Zhou Ziheng. He fumbled in his suit pocket, and finally took out his mobile phone, but there was no signal.

Hold. Xia Xiqing's back was drenched, the medicine started to take effect, his voice became hoarse, and the strange fire was about to melt him.

Everyone is wrong.

Ruan Xiao, find Ruan Xiao.

Xia Xiqing grabbed the sink with all his strength, managed to get up, and opened the door with heavy steps. After taking two steps, he felt a dull pain in the back of his neck. It feels like being forcibly erected by two people, but I can't see anything clearly.

The last second before losing consciousness.

Zhou Ziheng's name was actually on his mind.


When Zhao Ke and Ruan Xiao went downstairs, they saw Xia Xiqing entered the bathroom and couldn't follow them in. The two could only chat outside while waiting, but they didn't expect to see two men in black suits carrying Xia Xiqing straight to the elevator Walk.

"Damn it, don't Zhong's family care?" Zhao Ke rushed up quickly and closed the elevator door before he even touched it. He cursed in a low voice and called Zhou Ziheng while going down the stairs. Ruan Xiao took off his high heels and ran down with Zhao Ke barefoot.

"The Zhong family doesn't care about Wei Min. They recently cooperated on a real estate project."

"Hasty, answer the phone, big brother." Zhao Ke was sweating so anxiously that he called three times before Zhou Ziheng answered the phone.

"My brother Heng, you finally answered the phone, where are you right now!"

"Drive, we'll be at Zhong's house soon." Zhou Ziheng's tone was very bad. Zhao Ke didn't hear it at all, and didn't think about why he came here, and told him the scene he saw just now, "Xia Xiqing was picked up by two men for some reason, Everyone fainted. I just saw him walking to the bathroom with my own eyes, and I don’t know what happened..." As he spoke, Zhao Ke would come over. After all, he is also a member of the circle, and he has been in contact with People who love to play like this, "Hey, maybe they were drugged..."

A string in Zhou Ziheng's mind was torn in an instant.

The gas pedal is at the bottom.

"Stop him for me."

Zhou Ziheng almost said the last sentence through gritted teeth. Zhao Ke has never seen this kind of performance from this young boy who was full of positive energy since he was a child. No matter what, Zhou Ziheng was so anxious, he couldn't just let it go.

"Zhao Ke, just now I asked my driver to watch from below." Ruan Xiao frowned, "They've already boarded the car." She lowered her head and forwarded the photo sent to her by the driver to Zhou Ziheng.

"I asked him to follow the car, did you come by car?"

Zhao Ke immediately understood Ruan Xiao's meaning, he grabbed Ruan Xiao's wrist and went downstairs to pick up the car, "Let's chase that car, you let the driver connect to the navigation," he felt scared when he remembered Zhou Ziheng's tone just now, "I I'm afraid Zhou Ziheng will do something terrible if he loses control."

Ruan Xiao didn't think Zhou Ziheng was that kind of person, "How come, Ziheng..."

Zhao Ke started the car, "You don't know him." Seeing that Ruan Xiao wasn't wearing a seat belt, he quickly went over to help her fasten it without saying a word, and then took off the suit jacket and handed it to her, "You know that standing on the side of morality What does it look like for someone who has commanded the heights to bottom out?"

"I'm afraid now that he came with a sniper rifle."

After following the location for five minutes, Zhao Ke finally found Wei Min's car. He shared the location with Zhou Ziheng all the way. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and Wei Min was on the road with a red supercar.

"What do we do now?"

Ruan Xiao analyzed calmly, "Either go up and intercept the person now, or follow him to the end." He glanced at Zhao Ke, "Is it inconvenient for you, if something goes wrong, Director Zhao..."

"It's so annoying. I hate these rich second generations the most." Zhao Ke cursed in a low voice, thinking of Ruan Xiao next to him, too, "Sorry, I talked nonsense when I was in a hurry, and opened the map cannon."

"It's okay, I'm annoying too."

Just as he was talking, a black car drove over in the opposite direction on the road. Before Zhao Ke could figure out what was going on, the car suddenly drifted sideways and ran straight in front of the fast-moving red supercar. The supercar ahead slammed on the brakes.

"Fuck." Zhao Ke also stepped on the brakes, and said in a daze, "Zhou Ziheng is here."

Sure enough, I guessed right. Zhao Ke watched helplessly as a man got in and out of the black car. He was wearing a black swallowtail suit and seemed to be holding a stick in his hand. When he closed the car door, he did not know how hard it was, and even the car body shook violently.

With that figure, who else is it not Zhou Ziheng.

He felt that he was hallucinating, and felt that Zhou Ziheng's body was on fire.

Zhou Ziheng stepped on the hood of the red supercar, staring fiercely at the people inside.

"Open the door."

Wei Min in the driver's seat was cursing the idiot of the owner of the black car, but he never expected that it was Zhou Ziheng who got down, and his posture frightened him even more.

He can't afford Zhou Ziheng's background, but what the **** does this have to do with him, isn't it just acting on a TV show together, so **** serious?

"What are you doing?" Wei Min pretended to be calm, "If you want to find someone else on the social news, what the **** are you doing with me!"

With a blank expression on his face, Zhou Ziheng raised his right hand and pointed at the windshield in front of Wei Min with a baseball bat.

"Open the door."

'"You can't **** understand..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a loud bang, and Zhou Ziheng smashed the windshield to pieces with a baseball bat. Shards of glass splashed out and embedded in Zhou Ziheng's arm. Still expressionless, he walked to the car door coldly, smashed the driver's window with a flick of his arm, reached in and grabbed Wei Min by the collar , pulling his head out of the car window, Wei Min's neck was only a few centimeters away from the shards of glass, Zhou Ziheng shook those shards with one hand and they could penetrate directly into his neck.

crazy. This man is absolutely insane.

Zhao Ke was shocked when he saw this scene. This was not the Zhou Ziheng he knew at all. He hurriedly took off his seat belt and got out of the car. Before closing the car door, he told Ruan Xiao, "Don't get out, wait for me in the car." After speaking, he ran over there.

Wei Min himself is a coward, he dare not argue with lunatics, life is the most important thing.

He pushed a button and all the doors opened.

"I opened it, opened it, you can let me go."

Zhou Ziheng let go and walked to the back seat. The fire in his chest made his heart beat like crazy. Seeing Xia Xiqing fainted in the back seat with his shirt ripped open, he felt that the last bit of reason had been burned away.

"Ziheng," Zhao Ke ran over and saw Xia Xiqing lying in the back seat, "Take him away quickly, and someone will be photographed if you pester him on the road. I'll interrogate this **** for you."

He lowered his voice, "During the recent sensitive period, don't make any trouble."

Zhou Ziheng glanced at him, and that stare made Zhao Ke feel hairy. He even doubted whether it was a wise decision to let Zhou Ziheng take Xia Xiqing away now. .

Taking off his coat, Zhou Ziheng bent down and carried Xia Xiqing out of the car. The coat covered him to cover his exposed chest.

"Ask what medicine it is."

Putting down these chilling words, Zhou Ziheng hugged the unconscious Xia Xiqing and got into the black Lexus.

The moment Xia Xiqing was carried out, the street lamp hit his face, and Zhou Ziheng saw the abnormal flush extending from his neck, not only his neck, but also his chest, but Xia Xiqing could hardly smell alcohol.

His scalding temperature came through the thin white shirt and burned on Zhou Ziheng's body.

Seeing Xia Xiqing like this, Zhou Ziheng really wanted to beat Wei Min to death right now, regardless of his life or morality.

He just wanted to kill him.

Kill everyone who has unreasonable thoughts about him.

Opening the co-pilot's door, Zhou Ziheng gently placed Xia Xiqing on the seat. The seat was lowered so that he could lie down. The unconscious Xia Xiqing kept sweating, his chest heaved and heaved, like a tail that was about to suffocate after landing. fish. Zhou Ziheng closed the car door and sat in the driver's seat by himself. He found that his hands were shaking, not entirely because of anger, but also fear, and regret.

If he didn't arrive in time, if Zhao Ke wasn't at the banquet today.

He didn't even dare to think about what happened next.

He had never driven such a fast car in his life. He looked like a firecracker, the fuse was burned at the last end, and he was only a short distance from being blown to pieces.

The phone rang suddenly, Zhou Ziheng connected the phone and heard Zhao Ke's voice.

"Ziheng, I just asked about it. The medicine is from abroad. I checked and found that it is prohibited in the United States. The medicine is very powerful. It's not as simple as being in a coma, and it will..." He suddenly stopped talking, and Zhou Ziheng fully understood He meant it.

"Is it harmful to the body?" Zhou Ziheng didn't realize that his voice was trembling.

"There are sequelae, and it may cause coma in the future. Moreover," Zhao Ke was also very angry, "and this scum is put in a cigar, and the inhalation is faster than the medicine taken directly. This scum was originally It is used to deal with others, and when I saw Xia Xiqing having a wrong thought for a while..."

Zhou Ziheng couldn't listen anymore, and wanted to hang up the phone, but Zhao Ke said again, "Ziheng, this medicine has no cure, and it's specially used on straight men who don't have that kind of sexual experience, you... why don't you find someone to help him ..."

Originally, these words were enough to make people unspeakable, Zhao Ke hid Ruan Xiao and lowered his voice, his eyelids were twitching, who knew that Zhou Ziheng hung up the phone before he finished speaking.

It's all about.

When he drove the car into the garage, Xia Xiqing finally woke up from the dull pain. His eyes were blurry, and everything in his vision was dimmed. He turned his face weakly, and what he saw was Zhou Ziheng's profile.

"Zhou Ziheng..."

The sound of his mouth was wrong, hoarse and sticky, completely out of his control.

Zhou Ziheng stopped the car, held Xia Xiqing's hand, and touched his forehead anxiously.

It's really him, it's really Zhou Ziheng.

Xia Xiqing breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, the little bit of reason left made him want to run away again. Now this lack of dignity, anyone can see it, but he just doesn't want Zhou Ziheng to see it.

Seeing Xia Xiqing turn his face away, his ears were abnormally red, Zhou Ziheng got out of the car and directly hugged Xia Xiqing out.

"You...let me go..."

Zhou Ziheng acted as if he didn't hear anything, and strode towards the elevator. Xia Xiqing tried his best to make himself look normal, and pushed Zhou Ziheng's chest with his hand with little strength left, "Let go..."

The elevator was narrow and quiet, Xia Xiqing's abnormal breathing was very clear, Zhou Ziheng's arms were filled with his scent, the light perfume he used to use fermented a beautiful scent at this moment, tightly, like a tight The airy net entangles Xia Xiqing, only those unspeakable desires overflow from the net, like sticky honey.

And he has nowhere to go.

His eyes were burning. Seeing Zhou Ziheng preparing to take him back to his home, Xia Xiqing almost begged in a tone of pleading.

"I want to go back to my own home..." His hands firmly grasped the shirt on Zhou Ziheng's chest, his voice trembling, "I... I was drugged... let me go..."

"I know." Zhou Ziheng opened the door of his own house, and carried him to the sofa without saying a word.

He knew that Zhao Ke said those words for his own benefit, and it was not that he had never imagined that he would make further progress with Xia Xiqing, but it was definitely not like this.

But if, as Zhao Ke said, just imagining that scene, Zhou Ziheng felt that he would go crazy and completely collapse. He had accumulated too many dark emotions, and the thought of losing Xia Xiqing at any time tormented him day after day. Every time Xia Xiqing approached him and kissed him, there would be a dagger on his chest, stabbing his heart one by one.

Xia Xiqing's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, his lips were dry and red from burning, and he was slightly parted. He didn't seem to want to see himself, and he put the back of his hand on his eyes, and his chest heaved violently.

Zhou Ziheng took out ice water from the refrigerator, unscrewed the lid and handed it to his mouth, "Drink some water."

Xia Xiqing, who was extremely thirsty, turned his face and grabbed Zhou Ziheng's hand with his hot hands. Ice water flowed out from the corner of his mouth, soaking the white shirt on his collarbone. Zhou Ziheng recognized it at a glance. This was the shirt he was wearing when he and Xia Xiqing met for the first time.

He quickly drank a bottle of water. Xia Xiqing's symptoms didn't improve much, but he regained some strength. He tried to sit up from the sofa, but the medicine was too strong, and his hands slipped off the edge of the sofa just as he stood up. Going down, the whole person fell into the arms of Zhou Ziheng who was half squatting in front of the sofa, and his lips pressed against Zhou Ziheng's neck.

Like a conditioned reflex, he trembled all over, trying to push Zhou Ziheng away, but he didn't have any strength at all, he was going crazy, he was going to die.

"Let go of me...Zhou Ziheng..." Xia Xiqing felt that there were two selves tearing apart in his body.

One has become a believer in desire, and the other is afraid of being seen by Zhou Ziheng in his final ugly appearance.

"It's okay, Xi Qing." Zhou Ziheng kissed the top of his head and held him tightly in his arms, "I'll figure out a way, it's okay."

The two split people stood at the two ends of the saw, holding the handle tightly, fighting for the dominance of this body, and sawing cruelly in Xia Xiqing's heart.

"I'm so hot..." Xia Xiqing's voice was wrapped in heat, spraying on Zhou Ziheng's chest. As time goes by, the party occupied by desire seems to have absolute dominance. Xia Xiqing was about to lose consciousness.

Zhou Ziheng could feel that the person in his arms twisted his hot body, like a deformed beast, whimpering unfocusedly, fragile and exposed. From vague words, it gradually changed to Zhou Ziheng's name.

Xia Xiqing licked and kissed Zhou Ziheng's neck without any rules or taboos, from the side of his neck to his chin, and then kissed Zhou Ziheng's lips as he wished, and let out a sigh of fulfillment.

"Xi Qing, Xi Qing..." Zhou Ziheng pulled him away, stood up almost impersonally, trying to hug Xia Xiqing, "I'll take you to take a shower. You're not sober now."

The effect of the medicine has reached its peak. Xia Xiqing had completely lost his mind. Like a snake that was about to be roasted, he curled up limply on the ground, stretched out his hand with great effort, and grabbed Zhou Ziheng's trouser leg.

"Ziheng...can you..."

"No." Zhou Ziheng said decisively, not knowing who he was rejecting, whether it was Xia Xiqing who had lost his mind at the moment, or the other self who was so despicable that he was eager to take advantage of the fire.

Hearing these two words, Xia Xiqing let go of his hands and fell over, half-closed his eyes and looked at the ceiling. His severe panting made him unable to complete a sentence. He really wanted to, he wanted to be like usual Said to him in that indifferent and even mocking tone, but now it can only be intermittent, embarrassing and ugly like a famine who is not picky about food.

"Then I...I'll go find someone else...I...I don't want to see you..."

Anyone can see my worst side. But you can't.

You see so much, you are so good.

"I'm going..." Xia Xiqing reached out and touched his trouser pocket, as if looking for a mobile phone.

Zhou Ziheng was finally driven crazy. He grabbed Xia Xiqing by the collar, his eyes were red, and he had to grit his teeth to speak every word.

"you dare."

"Xia Xiqing, I told you that if you dare to go to someone else, I will kill you." Zhou Ziheng could no longer control his trembling hands, and only what Xia Xiqing said just now remained in his mind, "You only have me, you Have you seen it, whether you want to see it or not, you are only me!"

He no longer knew what he was talking about, those despicable and vicious genes seemed to explode out of his blood, completely dominating his body.

"Do I have something to do with you..." Xia Xiqing's eyes were also red, his neck was so strangled that he couldn't breathe, "Zhou we have a relationship?"

The dagger was finally about to cut off his heart.

"Who are you to me..." Xia Xiqing felt tingling all over his body, "We were just playing around in the beginning...I am now..." His brows were tightly furrowed, the fire had burned him through, "I've had enough of you …let me go…"



"Xia Xiqing, you only have me in this life, you have only me."

I love you so much that I dare not approach you.

"Look at me." Zhou Ziheng pinched his chin fiercely, "No matter what relationship you think we have, you are my Zhou Ziheng's."

Hearing this sentence, Xia Xiqing sneered weakly and cruelly, "Oh, really..."

All the shaky sense of morality was shattered by this smile. Zhou Ziheng kissed Xia Xiqing like crazy, like a beast thirsting for the blood of its prey, tearing everything apart with instinct, trying to swallow him into his body piece by piece, and become one with himself.

Xia Xiqing didn't have the strength to resist at all. His bones, which were almost scorched, were almost crushed into powder in Zhou Ziheng's arms.

This would be great, he'd better be able to melt into Zhou Ziheng's skin, his blood, so that there would be no need to struggle, and no one should resist.

The damp and hot lips and tongue tried to hook Xia Xiqing's soul out, but he was held hostage by the medicine and hung in the air. Every attack by Zhou Ziheng was vindictive, and the turbulent tide was about to overwhelm him. In every gap where he could breathe, Xia Xiqing called Zhou Ziheng's name with a trembling voice, full of enthusiasm and desire.

"Ziheng...Ziheng..." His hand grasped Zhou Ziheng's chest feebly, trying to touch his warm skin, but his fingertips couldn't exert any strength. This kind of scratching was really exhausting, Zhou Ziheng frowned and kissed him, while grabbing his restless hand and pressing it on his waist.

"Hold me." He gasped twice, lowered his head and kissed Xia Xiqing's neck, every touch was like kissing with fire.

He is now standing on the edge of heaven and hell.

Jump down, embrace and die.