MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 396 schedule

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Not to mention that Huidong wears a pair of pants with Beiliang, she will definitely speak for Beiliang at the meeting, and she can't take advantage of it.

In addition, if this kind of thing is said, people will be laughed out of their teeth.

The Law Enforcer Federation of the dignified third-level civilized star system sent more than a thousand warships to the first-level civilized star system for support.

As a result, as soon as they arrived at the place, they were intercepted and wiped out by gangsters from the first-level civilized star system.

If it is known to the outside world, it may be spread in Kus for thousands of years, and it is not enough to be ashamed.

The deterrence that the Phobos system had finally obtained through years of fighting would be gone.

The planet that used to be on an equal footing with the Phobos system will overwhelm the Phobos system in terms of momentum.

Those planets that are afraid of the Phobos system will also become less afraid, and the overall impact is very large.

It's too late to cover up this kind of thing, how could it be possible to take the initiative to announce it.

Fortunately, Beiliang is also afraid of being encircled and suppressed by the law enforcement federation, so it will not tell the outside world.

Otherwise, it would be quite troublesome to be made a fuss about.

So after suffering this loss, Yin Disi still had to stand up.

"Understood, Lord Star Master." Wei Tu nodded.

Yin Disi's overall view is indeed much stronger than his, and she can see farther.

"By the way, why didn't our geeks forcibly interrupt Beiliang's public conference at Ata Starport last time?" Yin Disi asked suddenly.

She still remembered the time when Beiliang caused a commotion in the Tianhe system, and she received the news within a few weeks.

It was just that she was busy with other things at the time, so she ordered Wei Tu, who had not yet left the Phobos Department, to let the geeks remotely crack the Ata Starport.

They have the core codes of the security systems of all the starports in the Milky Way system, and it stands to reason that they can terminate all this very quickly.

But later, Bei Liang was allowed to successfully end the public conference. Afterwards, she couldn't care about this matter, and now she just had the opportunity to ask.

Wei Tu didn't respond to Yin Disi's question at once, and was stunned for a moment, after all, it was more than two months.

Two seconds later, he said with memories on his face: "Master Star Master, we followed your orders the whole time."

"I just don't know why, when the geek group invaded there, all remote behaviors were suddenly interrupted."

"Later, the security system codes of all Star Ports were modified, and now what we have in hand is useless..."

He is not a geek, and he doesn't know much about this area, so he can only pass on what the people below said to Yin Disi.

"Oh? Beiliang holds such a strong geek power?" Yin Dissi was more surprised than when he heard that his reinforcement fleet was wiped out, and sat upright slightly.

If the remote behavior is interrupted, there is a high probability that it was intercepted.

The geek team that can intercept the Law Enforcer Federation is not something that can be done by ordinary means.

Not to mention modifying the star port security system of the entire Milky Way system afterwards, which is also a big project.

The sum of all kinds is enough to show the strength of Beiliang geeks.

She knows how strong her own geeks are, and she has been cultivating them openly and secretly for decades, with a profound background, it is a bit incomprehensible that Beiliang is actually stronger.

She doesn't really care about the number of warships, because no matter how strong Beiliang is, it will not be stronger than the Phobos.

But the gap in geeks can do things that can't be achieved with battleships alone.

"Do you want our people to investigate?" Wei Tu asked tentatively.

"No need, I can't find anything, and the main problem at the moment is not this, and all problems will be clear after regaining control of the Tianhe system." Yin Disi shook her head, her fingers were still tapping rhythmically.

"Then should we continue to mobilize troops from the reserve army, or should I go here?" Wei Tu understood Yin Disi's meaning, that is, to continue to attack Beiliang.

Although the first wave of reinforcements sent out was wiped out, more than a thousand warships were gone, with some minor injuries.

However, the background accumulated by the Phobos system over the years is terrible, and this number of warships is only one percent of the main battlefield of the galaxy.

In addition, the factories on each planet are running non-stop for a while, so it doesn't take long to make up for it.

"We can't pass through the Phobos system anymore. They must have used some special means at the star gate, and they must be prepared."

"You're not very good there either. You need to use the stargate of the Gray Cave Law Enforcer Federation, which is easy to expose. Beiliang will also be notified in advance." Yin Disi squinted her eyes slightly and continued talking.

In fact, she has thought about going there in person and bringing her flagship with her. This is the safest way, and she is currently in the Phobos department.

It's just that the journey is too long, and it will take three months to go back and forth.

As the consul of the Phobos Department, and in the war period with the Gray Cave Department, there are too many things to do and not so much time.

Besides, Bu Ben had just passed away, so there must be something in Beiliang that she didn't know about, so there was no need to touch it head-on.

Otherwise, if she suffered a disadvantage, it would not be a matter of a fleet.

Not to mention Wei Tu, people are in the Huidong department, and it is more convenient to send troops there, and it is faster than the Huowei department.

It's just that every move will be watched by the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Gray Cave Department, and the behavior will definitely be exposed, so that Beiliang can know in advance again and be prepared.

Weitu didn't speak, he knew that Yindis hadn't finished speaking.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, Yin Disi, who had thought for a while, opened her mouth slightly: "Well, let the reserve army of the earth beasts pass by."

"There's no gray hole staring over there, and Beiliang won't be too defensive. No matter what you do, it will be much easier."

"You have to issue this order yourself, and contact the consul of the earth beast department directly to prevent the news from leaking."

"In addition, in terms of military strength, it must be stronger than our first wave of reinforcements, and the enemy must not be underestimated. There must be no more accidents this time!"

When she said these words, Yin Disi's eyes gradually turned dark.

Combined with her face with many scars, it looks even more vicious.

The Earth Beast system is also a third-level civilization star system. Although it is not as good as the Huowei system, its overall strength is not bad.

Even if a large number of troops were invested in the Gray Cave Department, there were still quite a few fleets, which were more than enough to deal with Beiliang in the past.

She didn't believe that Chen Han could still take precautions when no news was leaked, and he would definitely be caught off guard.

"Understood, Lord Star Master, I will arrange it." Wei Tu nodded quickly, already knowing what to do.

"What happened to that matter?" Yin Disi suddenly changed the subject and asked inexplicably.

"It has taken effect, Lord Star Master, some planets in the sky-blue matter area have already begun to experience turmoil."

"And I have carried out multiple launches according to your requirements, and it should be effective in the near future." Wei Tu obviously understood Yin Disi's meaning, and his eyes lit up when he talked about this, as if he was very excited.

"Well, this is just the beginning, and it will get worse and worse in the future, until they can't control it at all." Yin Disi nodded and also showed a creepy smile.

"Master Star Master, it's just that thing, are you sure it won't affect our galaxy? In case of a large-scale eruption..." Wei Tu seemed to have thought of something terrible, and his face immediately sank again.

"As long as you do what I say, then it won't be." Yin Disi took a deep look at Wei Tu, "I won't let the gray hole department become too serious, I just want to further weaken their strength."

"When the time is right, it will end all of this and occupy the entire gray hole system."

"And this is only our experimental period. When the relevant technology is mature, not to mention the gray hole system, other galaxies can also be touched."

"At that time, maybe there is no need to go to war like now, and it may not be possible to directly destroy all galaxies."

When she said these words, Indis's eyes revealed endless ambition, and she clenched her fists tightly, as if she wanted to hold the whole Kus in her palm.

Since taking down the Tianhe system and the Earth beast system twenty years ago, she has been cultivating her health and rest for a long time, and her goal is of course not just a gray cave system.

"How did those things come about? Lord Star Master, I checked the relevant information. A long time ago, they seem to be..." Wei Tu tried to ask something.

But Yin Disi quickly interrupted: "These are not what you need to know, child, I often teach you, don't get entangled in the past, and focus on the future, have you forgotten?"

By the end, Indis began to be stern.

This also made Weitu, who had just relaxed, shiver, knowing that he asked something that shouldn't be asked, and immediately lowered his head: "I understand, Lord Star Master..."

"Well, go get busy and report to me in time if you have any news. You don't need any more large-scale actions on your side. Just defend according to the plan and wait for the time to change." Yin Disi leaned back on the recliner, her expression relaxed .

"Yes, Lord Star Master." Wei Tu nodded obediently, then immediately hung up the communication, and the virtual projection disappeared.

As the surroundings light up slightly, the thoughts of Yin Dissi, who is sitting on the main seat of the flagship, are gradually drifting away.

Seemingly remembering something, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but move up, revealing a weird smile.

There are a large number of male law enforcement officers in uniform below, standing up from time to time, or walking outside.

But even with thousands of people, the entire main control room seemed unusually quiet.

Apart from the rustling of footsteps, almost no one dared to let go of the conversation.

No matter what he was doing, he didn't dare to raise his head to look at where Yin Disi was.

A few seconds later, a blue figure without a face suddenly appeared out of thin air like a molecular recombination. It was the strong artificial intelligence on the flagship, Bang.

"Star Master, the No. 57 parasitic variant has completed hatching."

"From the temporary data, it is obviously more energetic than the previous generation, and it is also harder to detect or detect." It has an intelligently synthesized male voice, without very special emotions.

The voice didn't scare Yindis, but she immediately came back to her senses, with an interested expression: "Oh? Bang, show me."

Half a second later, a virtual screen appeared in front of Yin Disi.

It can be seen that there is a larva-like thing inside, as thin as a hair, and when it is magnified several times, it can be seen that the body is squirming crazily.

"Very good, immediately take a sample and test all the data, if there is no problem, start large-scale incubation and send it to the front line."

"The personnel in charge of this item should pay attention to protection. They should have physical examinations as required every day. If any abnormalities are found, they should be dealt with immediately." The smile on Yin Disi's face became even brighter.

"Yes, Star Lord." Bang disappeared after leaving such a sentence, leaving only Yin Disi whose thoughts drifted away again...

In this way, as Yindis issued a new round of orders, Weitu was in charge of the operation, and the Earth Beast Department quickly dispatched troops, rushing towards the Tianhe Department in a menacing manner.

Chen Han didn't know that stronger enemies had come, and he was still busy cracking the planetary fortress.

When the cracking lasted for ten days, the progress of Zero reached 78%, still maintaining a speed of about 8% per day, and it would be completely cracked in another three or four days.

Of course, the consumption of energy is also huge, and more than 40,000 Gorts were lost in ten days, which made Chen Han's scalp tingle.

He can only comfort himself that the end is coming soon, and it is nothing to exchange tens of thousands of goths for a planetary fortress.

However, at this point, the geeks in the planetary fortress also discovered the remote intrusion, and repaired many loopholes and changed the code many times that day.

It only took half a day, and the progress of zero was reduced by more than ten percent to 63%.

The sudden drop in data startled Chen Han and Mu Qianye. This was their progress in a day and a half, so it was too fast.

If you don't do something, as the geeks of the Tianhe Law Enforcer Federation change more things, the progress will continue to drop to 0%, and their efforts during this period will be in vain.

Although they can start from scratch, the lost energy will not be returned, and they will lose nearly 50,000 goths in vain.

And the biggest problem is that they can't replenish so much in a short period of time, and the planetary fortress will also have precautions. It is not that simple to crack it again, and it is estimated that it will be delayed again and again.

Fortunately, Zero didn't have to worry about anything at this time, the cracking speed was at full speed, and the overall efficiency was about 40% higher than before.

When it lasted to twelve days, Zero pulled the progress back to 73%.

Although the energy consumption has already exceeded 55,000 goths, as long as it can be won, it is not a problem even if all 100,000 goths are really consumed.

However, after returning to the original progress, the speed slowed down significantly, and the two sides began to pull.

Zero also seems to have encountered a big obstacle. Every time he chases 4% of the progress, he will lose another 3%.

At the beginning, Chen Han was very anxious. If it increased by 1% by 1%, it would take years of monkeys to complete the cracking, right?

Even if there is time the stored energy will not last.

But Mu Qianye explained that this was only temporary.

Because the geeks in the planetary fortress have obviously tried their best, and Zero still has spare strength.

Most importantly, geeks need rest, and they can't sleep for days.

No need, it will be fine even if it works continuously for several years.

The further you go, the more advantageous the confrontation between zero and geeks will be, and the progress will soon have new changes.

Sure enough, on the fifteenth day of cracking, the speed of updating the code on the planetary fortress was a lot slower than if there were no geeks.

They really couldn't hold on any longer. Since the tenth day, they had been working in the main control room for five days.

Although Prison Qi asked them to take turns to rest, it was only two weeks, and they slept for about ten weeks in five days, almost dying suddenly...