MTL - I Quit Being The Devoted Supporting Male Character-Chapter 9 Affectionate male supporting role in Gu Zaoba Zongwen 9

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  Chapter 9 The Affectionate Male Match 9

   Before the resignation letter was approved, Gu Jingyu started to pack up the things in the company.

   Most of these things are from the original male partner. As a well-known designer, he has quite a lot of things.

  The people in the design department watched the people who came in and out of their office, and moved out the things that belonged to him bit by bit.

   The people around looked blank and asked Secretary Su next to him what was going on, but Secretary Su was also stunned.

   Just in time, the head of the design department is rushing over. It seems that he has just got off the plane, and only his personal secretary is behind him.

   "Xiao Gu, what are you doing? I haven't agreed yet, so you started packing. Are you really willing to be a teacher?"

   That's right, the head of the design department is the teacher of the original male partner Gu Jingyu, or the kind of teacher who has been a serious teacher.

   The worry and eagerness in the eyes of the old man in front of him were not fake. It could be seen that he had great expectations for Gu Jingyu.

   "Teacher, I have my own thoughts, and I feel a little tired and want to rest for a while."

  Gu Jingyu is ill, he knows this very well, he has emotional deficit disorder.

In the original world, this disease could make him have no sympathy and survive better, but in this peaceful world, a self who can calmly analyze everything and kill people without blinking is not suitable for this Work.

  Design is a job that requires a lot of emotion. As a person with emotional deficit disorder, he can easily analyze the psychology of everyone, but without empathy, he cannot make warm designs.

   He can stir up trouble in the mall, but this small design cannot do it himself.

   "Really?" The minister looked suspiciously at the student he valued the most. He didn't know if he didn't see it, and his heart jumped when he saw him.

   A designer doesn't say anything in his eyes, but he is full of emotion for what he loves, but Gu Jingyu's eyes are only blank and empty.

   The time he has seen eyes like this in his life is still on a dead person.

   "Xiao Gu, what's wrong with you, did something happen?" The minister quickly took Gu Jingyu's hand.

   is warm, and sighed inwardly.

   "Come with me." The minister took Gu Jingyu to his office, and the two sat opposite each other.


  No one spoke, but Gu Jingyu didn't feel any discomfort, just looked curiously at the old man who looked at him with complicated eyes.

   "You are not him, are you?"

   Gu Jingyu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this old man to see through him so easily.

   "You are not him, Xiao Gu is the one I have seen since childhood. He has a passion for design, which is completely different from you."

  Gu Jingyu pursed his lips and said, "How did you see it?"

   This is to admit that you are not yourself.

"Eyes, your eyes are different from Xiao Gu's. I can feel that Xiao Gu is full of emotion when he looks at me, but when you look at me, it's like you're looking at a stone." Gu Jingyu has nothing to say. I don't understand what emotion is.

   "Who are you and why are you in Xiao Gu's body? He is. Yes. Yes."

   The old man couldn't say that word, but he already had a hunch in his heart.

   "I don't know, I will be here as soon as I wake up, he should not be dead" He felt that the soul of this body is not dead, but he just doesn't know where it went. Maybe only the so-called Time and Space Administration will know about this issue.

   "If you don't die. If you don't die, you will resign and report. I will approve it. You can do whatever you want." He didn't know how to deal with this stranger occupying his disciple's body.

   As soon as he saw him, he would think that this body was the soul of a stranger, and his heart felt uncomfortable.

   It's better not to see it.

  Gu Jingyu returned to his office, which was already empty.

   The things that originally belonged to Gu Jingyu have been emptied.

   With the approval of the resignation report, many people in the design department knew the news of Mr. Gu's resignation.

   Everyone talked a lot, thinking that it was the previous incident between President Gu and Song Ningxuan that made President Gu think of resigning.

   After all, how much Gu Jingyu favored Song Ningxuan before, everyone could see that the change in this period of time could not reverse everyone's impression at all.

  The heroine also knew the news, and the people in the design department also thought the same, and was overjoyed: Sure enough, Big Brother Gu was duplicitous.

   I feel much better.

   Packed a porridge from outside and brought it to the hospital. It was a coincidence that he met Ou Lingtian, the chairman of Ou Xiuyuan, who came to visit Ou Xiuyuan.

   glanced at Song Ningxuan lightly, thinking that it was a little lover raised by her son, and she didn't have too much emotion for her.

   After all, it is normal for people like them to keep a few little lovers behind their backs.

  Song Ningxuan helped Ou Xiuyuan avoid this incident in the original plot, so although Ou Lingtian was not very satisfied with Song Ningxuan's girlfriend, he passed it for Ou Xiuyuan's liking.

   "I've helped you suppress this matter, but in the second half of the year, you have to make an achievement that can make the directors shut up, or else you won't be the president next year."

  Ou Xiuyuan was sitting on the hospital bed, his face was not very good, after all, he was reprimanded by his father when he was so old, it was a bit humiliating to say that.

   "Then you have been recovering well recently, and you should also pay attention to the company's affairs." Ou Lingtian was about to leave when he suddenly turned around: "If you raise Xiaoqing'er, just raise Xiaoqing'er, so don't bring it to the company."

   Song Ningxuan was about to say something when she heard him say that.

   But seeing Ou Xiuyuan winking at him next to him, he didn't speak for a moment, just looked at Ou Xiuyuan with grievance and firmness.

  Ou Lingtian finished speaking and left after the incident, without caring about his son's injury at all.

   "Mr. Ou, I am not."

   Ou Xiuyuan waved his hand, did you bring the food?

  I am used to issuing orders at a high position, so how can I care about what others think.

   On the side of the male and female protagonists, the relationship seems to have encountered a bottleneck.

   is also right, without the male supporting role as a catalyst, how could the male protagonist pay more attention to the female protagonist because of the competition.

   Gu Jingyu encountered a problem after resigning, and now he doesn't know where to go.

  To talk about Gu Jingyu, his family is in a rural area, the village is very poor, and sometimes even eating is a problem.

   It was in such a village that Gu Jingyu was admitted to the School of Design with excellent grades and became the only college student in the village.

   As for why I haven't gone back for so many years, there is no trace of this memory in my memory at all.

   Maybe the original Gu Jingyu didn't want him to know, so he hid this memory.

   (end of this chapter)