MTL - I Really Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 1724 Unexpected Supreme Fall!

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Latest website: Yang Fan glanced down at the cat and pig, and nodded gently, knowing that the pet beast who has worked hard in cultivation is still worthy of praise.

Since they like cultivation so much, let them stay in the Black Wind Valley for the time being. Anyway, with so many chances of spiritual rain, it is not bad for the two Elementary Demon Kings to absorb and refine.

"Girl Zhu, Ye Lao, Ling Tian..."

"You guys get ready. Our next stop is Ten Thousand Demon Mountain and Eagle Sorrow. The demon cubs in the two great demon clan holy sites are dead or alive, but the two supreme strangers are better captured alive."

Yang Fan began to give instructions for the next action.

While destroying the sacred places of Ten Thousand Demons Mountain and Yingsorrow River, at the same time capture the two Supreme Foreigners who came with Elsa alive.

As long as he thought that he could create two more places of supreme fall, and two more chances to obtain the rules of the road, Yang Fan's heart became a little excited.

This is an opportunity that the enemy sent to the door. If you don't take it back and claim it for yourself, you will be sorry for yourself at all.

"Yes, Master!"

Many supreme disciples nodded at the same time, and their voices also recovered some confidence.

With so many supreme realms, it may be a bit awkward to deal with a sixth-level supreme alien, but it should be no problem to deal with a fifth-level supreme alien and a third-level supreme alien.

Da Hei, Xiao Hua, and other supreme pet beasts are also the same. They all sighed in their hearts, wanting to make up for the losses that they had just suffered from the sixth-level supreme aliens. come back.

Even if they are bullying too much, even if they are bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, they at least have to vent the bad breath in their chest first, and then talk about it first.

"And me and me!"

At this moment, the little blue dragon suddenly flung his tail and flashed in front of Yang Fan, and said with great interest:

"Bring the deity with you. The deity knows that there is a secret realm of spiritual veins in Yingshoujian, and there may be members of the deity in it."

"With the deity, you can help young friend Yang Fan persuade that tribe, so that young friend can have another trading partner!"

Yang Fan raised his head and glanced at the little blue dragon, feeling that this girl suddenly became so excited and proactive, afraid that there is nothing else to do. Could it be that there is something hidden in the secret realm of spiritual veins next?

"Alright." Yang Fan nodded slightly, then stretched out his right hand, and said quietly to the little blue dragon: "But I have to settle the account for the two Xiaguang baptisms just now!"

The little blue dragon pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction, and muttered: "It's really not a touch of affection. Just now the deity has already given out 13 drops of the origin of the spiritual veins, and now it is even with the deity that the Xiaguang baptism is twice. Really..."

Although he was dissatisfied with his mouth, the little blue dragon finally obediently cut out two drops of spiritual vein origin from his body, and handed them to Yang Fan honestly.

Staying with the green hills, I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood, anyway, as long as you keep following Yang Fan, it will definitely make up for these losses, and even make a lot of money.

"Okay, without further ado, let's go now while those two Supreme Foreigners have not left Wan Yao Mountain and Ying Sorrow River!"

Yang Fan waved his hand and ordered:

"Girl Zhu took Ye Lao, Ling Tian and the others to the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain to encircle the mountain, destroy the demon, and kill the enemy. Don't let a demon beast go out!"

"Dahei and Xiaohua will go with me to the Eagle Sorrow Stream. After the Eagle Sorrow Stream is destroyed, I will take them to Wanya Mountain to meet you!"

Yang Fan took the initiative to take the eagle sorrow where the fifth-level supreme alien was located. He has the seventh-level supreme spirit treasure, the half-worn sixth-level supreme puppet, and Dahei, the fifth-level supreme swallowing sky. Beast, it shouldn't be difficult to destroy that fifth-level supreme alien.

"Yes, Master!"

The five supreme disciples answered at the same time, not at all worried about Yang Fan's personal safety.

After all, Yang Fan had used actual combat more than once to prove to them that even the cultivation realm of the pinnacle emperor realm can burst out of extraordinary strength not weaker than the sixth-level supreme realm.

If you really want to fight alone and fight life and death, these supreme disciples are afraid that they will be the opponent of Master Yang Fan.

Therefore, instead of worrying about Yang Fan's personal safety, they might as well think more about how to better cooperate when facing the third-level supreme alien.

"Master! Brother Fan! What about me?"

Seeing this group of people leaving again, An Sheng was immediately anxious, grabbing Yang Fan's sleeves, or pitying:

"Master, take me with you too, I also want to go hunting monsters and killing enemies, and I want to participate in actual combat, you can't always put me here as a nanny!"

"You?" Yang Fan glanced at An Sheng, who was already at the second-level supreme realm, nodded lightly, and said: "Well, then you should also follow Ye Lao and the others, remember not to be as rash as last time. Otherwise, it's not as simple as being a nanny!"

Heifenggu has the god-level phantom array protection that Zhu Zhiyao personally deployed. Yang Fan has left a spore clone to preside over the control formation just in case, unless he encounters the supreme and strongest who has a cultivation base far superior to Zhu Zhiyao. Otherwise, it is even much safer than the Federal Central City.

"Go! Thank you, Master!"

An Sheng nodded vigorously, then quickly stood among Ye Wentian's group of people.

After that, Yang Fan raised his right hand falsely and was about to cut through the space, opening up the spatial passage to Yingshoujian, but suddenly felt that the regular avenue in the void above his head suddenly boiled, and the direction of Yingshoujian was blood clouds gathering and gloomy. .

"this is……"

The expressions of Yang Fan and others have all changed. This is not the first time they have encountered such a situation. It can be said that they are too familiar with them.

The vision of heaven and earth is condensing, this is the death of another strong man with the supreme realm!

Sure enough, after only a moment, the voice of the great avenue in the void rose brightly in their sea of ​​knowledge:

"The supreme dies, the world is in sorrow!"

"The rainy days will come back to feed the world and everything!"

"The rules are shaking, and the great opportunities are present!"

With the sound of the great avenue, Yang Fan's ears began to have corresponding system prompts ringing again and again:

"Affected by the opportunity presented by the Great Dao, you have a sense of understanding. You successfully comprehend and capture the power of a brand new Dao rule. The power of Tianyan rule is +1, the spiritual power is +1000, and the spiritual will +1000."

"Ding! Your apprentice Zhu Zhiyao is affected by the opportunity presented by the Dao. He has a sense of understanding and successfully comprehended and captured the power of a new Dao rule. The power of the rule of life is +1, and the martial arts contribution percentage bonus is successfully stimulated. , You automatically get 100% of the practice experience bonus of apprentice Zhu Zhiyao, and the power of life rules +1."

"Ding! Your apprentice, Sang Duo Duo, was affected by the opportunity presented by the Dao. He had a sense of understanding. He successfully comprehended and captured the power of a brand new Dao rules. The power of breaking the rules was +1, and the martial art contribution percentage bonus was successfully completed. excitation……"

"Ding! Your apprentice An Sheng was affected by the opportunity presented by the Great Dao, and he has an understanding..."


Ding ding ding ding!

In Yang Fan's sea of ​​knowledge, the power of the new Dao rules comprehended by his disciples was constantly pouring in, and his Dao power was quickly replenished and accumulated, and soon, his body began to slowly shine with the light of the Dao.

With a move, Yang Fan forcibly covered the light of the avenue.

It's not that he doesn't want to show up in front of his disciples, and by the way, he can earn a little more martial arts experience.

But the same kind of limelight became too stinky, and every time the Supreme fell, he could get the power of over a thousand Dao rules. It was a bit too unreasonable and too shocking.

Yang Fan didn't want to expose what he could learn from these disciples. In that case, the greatest secrets of his body might be discovered by others, which is a scene Yang Fan absolutely does not want to see.

"Master, the supreme foreigner on Yingshoujian seems to have died!"

Zhu Zhiyao's divine mind leaned towards the sorrowful eagle, and immediately caught a trace of the unique spirit of the alien race.

However, when it wanted to go deep into the Yingshoujian Holy Land, it found that the regular barrier outside the Yingshoujian Mountain Gate directly blocked its divine mind from the outside, unable to see the slightest message inside.

Then, Zhu Zhiyao quickly distracted and explored another demon holy land. In the same way, the same situation appeared outside the gate of Wan Yao Mountain.

The imperial rule barrier that was originally vulnerable to Zhu Zhiyao's eyes has now all evolved into the supreme rule barrier, and the defensive ability is completely beyond Zhu Zhiyao's cognition.

"Master, there seems to be something abnormal on Wan Yao Mountain..."

Before Zhu Zhiyao's words fell, blood clouds began to converge in the direction of Wanyao Mountain. Then, the same voice of the Great Dao revived:

"The supreme dies, the world is in sorrow!"

"The rainy days will come back to feed the world and everything!"

"The rules are shaking, and the great opportunities are present!"

Another supreme state died!

Just as suddenly as it was just now, suddenly there was no time to prepare Yang Fan and the others who were preparing to catch the two supreme strangers alive.

The great opportunity reappears, UU Reading has just experienced a wave of rain-like experience of Yang Fan, and once again experienced the baptism of the rain of rules.

"Ding! Your apprentice Wang Zhe was affected by the opportunity presented by the Dao. He had a sense of understanding. He successfully comprehended and captured the power of a brand new Dao rule. The power of the violent rule was +1, and the sect contribution percentage bonus was successfully stimulated... …"

"Ding! Your apprentice Zhuge Xincheng was affected by the opportunity presented by the Dao Dao, and he has an understanding..."


In Yang Fan's knowledge of the sea, the avenue rules that he has understood are rapidly accumulating to completion, but there are fewer and fewer new avenue rules.

The great opportunities brought about by the two successive deaths of the Supreme have brought him only six brand-new great rules.

At this point, the total number of avenue rules that Yang Fan has understood has reached 78, of which there are already 61 avenue rules for perfection!

He is only one step away from comprehending all the eighty-one road rules and accumulating them to perfection!