MTL - I Try To Become An Immortal Through Mortal Science-Chapter 17 The lore under the evil spirit of the earth

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  Chapter 17 The lore under the evil spirit of the earth

  The earth's evil turbidity is not only aimed at Luo Hong alone, except for the three brothers Xiexiu whose situation is unknown in the black air, Yu Guang and Li Mingjing have been greatly affected.

  The magic weapon they sacrificed was the same as the spirit turtle shield. It lost all spirituality in an instant and fell to the ground like a mortal thing.

  Lin Mingjing's flying sword plunged down obliquely, almost piercing himself to death.

  Yu Ying was even more unlucky. The diamond bell smashed into the ground several inches and turned into a cage to trap him.

   Luo Hong couldn't complain about Yu Ying's unreliability.

  He was extremely shocked at the moment, but it wasn't because of the appearance of the earth's evil spirit.

  The real reason is that Luo Hong found that all the spiritual energy in her meridians to maintain inner pressure has escaped!

   This is also why he suddenly felt his body sink even though he didn't have much flesh on his body.

  Usually, the aura in these meridians will play a magical role in lightening the body. Now that the aura is gone, the weight that was forgotten by the brain will naturally come back.

Under normal circumstances, the internal spiritual pressure in the cultivator's body is only affected by the external spiritual pressure, but the meridians of the immortal cultivator have a certain protective effect on the internal spiritual pressure, so even if the external spiritual pressure is 0, the internal spiritual pressure of the immortal cultivator will also be affected. Maintain at least 1 or more, the specific amount depends on the cultivation base.

  However, at this time, Luo Hong's meridians were empty, as if they had been sucked by a vacuum machine, leaving no aura left!

  The only explanation is that the external spiritual pressure around Luo Hong is negative at this time, and it is very negative!

  Obviously, this is due to the influence of the evil spirit of the earth.

  The same is true for the loss of control of the magic weapon, their aura has also been emptied, and they cannot respond to the magic power of the immortal cultivator.

  Without the magic weapon, the only fighting methods available to cultivators are casting spells and using talismans.

  Luo Hong tried to use the water bullet technique, and he immediately felt that the magic power was transformed into spiritual energy in the meridians, and more than half of it was released at the moment, so that the water bullet technique he used so proficiently failed to cast the spell.

  However, this also shows that as long as the mana output is increased, the immortal cultivator can still use spells even under negative external spiritual pressure, but it will consume a lot of mana.

   "It seems to be a success. Liu Jing has already fallen into the evil gathering formation, and will be absorbed by the blood old ghost within a day at most."

  Li Mingjing knew the overall plan of the evil cultivator of the foundation. He rebelled against Huangfeng Valley this time because he could not bear the torture of waiting for death every day, so he decided to use the same method to sacrifice blood to the immortal cultivators of the same level to continue their lives.

  The Li family sisters, Yu Guang and Luo Hong are all blood sacrifices that he fancy.

  No matter how Li Mingjing and the old blood ghost came into contact, Li Mingjing has completely fallen into evil ways at this time, with a sinister smile on his wrinkled face, looking at Luo Hong like offerings on the altar.

   "Stop struggling, once Liu Jing dies, how can you be opponents of evil cultivators in the foundation establishment period. Give up now, at least you can die less painfully."

   "Junior brother Luo, is he telling the truth? Uncle Liu, he"

  Yu Ying in the King Kong Bell has already believed Li Mingjing's threats. After all, if there were no evil cultivators in the foundation-building period, Li Mingjing would not have the guts to betray them.

  The scene of the Earth Sha's eruption was so terrifying, and he himself felt how restrained the earth's evil spirit was on the orthodox immortal cultivators, so his confidence in Liu Jing was naturally greatly reduced.

  Luo Hong didn't reply, he was completely opposite to Yu Ying's thoughts, his confidence in Liu Jing increased instead of diminished.

   It can be refined within a day at most. Believe it or not, at most half a moment, a real treasure-changing fire bird will soar into the sky.

  However, there was Li Mingjing's counterattack, this time Liu Jing probably did not need to use the real treasure to counterattack.

  Because my main influence in this whole matter is to help Liu Jing find the clue that Wushan is Xiangshan.

  But since Li Mingjing is a traitor, even without me, he would still come up with this clue at the right time, so the timeline has not changed enough to change the final outcome.

   Liu Jing doesn't need to worry, Luo Hong has also initially adapted to the environment of negative spiritual pressure, and he will not give Li Mingjing another chance to delay.

  As he rushed straight to Li Mingjing, he kept arousing the best water bomb talisman.

   Facing Luo Hong's fierce attack, Li Mingjing's face turned ashen. His physical body was old, and without the support of the aura in his meridians, it was actually a bit difficult to stand up.

  He originally wanted to scare Luo Hong with Liu Jing's death, but it had the opposite effect, forcing him to launch a desperate offensive.

   "Bastard, is this kid Liu Jing's illegitimate son!"

  Li Mingjing put a protective talisman on himself cursingly, and was about to cast a spell to attack, but unexpectedly, the aura shield he had just installed showed signs of failure under the bombardment of water bombs.

   "Impossible, the golden light talisman I specially prepared is an elementary and middle-level talisman, how could it not withstand a few water bombs!"

  However, this is the fact, Li Mingjing had no choice but to stop casting spells, and then took out a golden light talisman to activate, otherwise, even if it was just a low-level water bomb technique, hitting his body would seriously injure him.

  The newly replaced Golden Light Talisman was even worse. Just now Li Mingjing could at least recite two incantations, but this time he had to replace it again before he could speak.

  Li Mingjing suddenly realized that something was wrong. If he was so passive, if he used up all the talismans before that kid, wouldn't he at least suffer a bullet!

   No way, find a way to interrupt that kid's offensive.

"Junior Brother Luo, I don't listen to the old man's kind words to persuade you. After the evil foundation establishment cultivator finishes Liu Jing, I will definitely let him torture your soul. Hmph, the feeling of being tortured is the greatest feeling in the world. s pain!"

   "You are interested in Xiao Qing, right? The old man told you that he has already been blood sacrificed by the old blood ghost, and his blood has been drained from his whole body. His death is so horrible!"

   "Boy surnamed Luo, don't deceive people too much! Do you really think that the talisman possessed by the old man will not be as good as you, a junior in the middle of Qi refining!"

  Facing Li Mingjing's verbal offensive, Luo Hong never thought of using trash talk back. This old guy is cunning and cunning, far from being comparable to that violent evil cultivator.

  So the best response is to respond with silence. No matter what he says, Luo Hong will not slow down the action of firing the water bomb talisman, so that Li Mingjing finally becomes furious.

   To Luo Hong's ears, this was the cry of a defeated dog.

  Before Li Mingjing's last protective talisman was breached, he jumped over the wall in a hurry, ignoring the flying water bombs, and wanted to forcibly cast a spell.

   As a result, he was hit in the chest by two water bombs!

   After Li Mingjing vomited blood and flew out, he lay on the ground shivering from the cold, as if he had lost his combat power.

  Ke Luohong was still worried, kept his distance, and continued to activate the water bomb talisman, bombarding it wildly!

   He barely stopped until the ground on which Li Mingjing was lying was lifted three feet away, and the surrounding area was frozen into white ground.

  (end of this chapter)