MTL - I Was a Group Pet In 80-Chapter 13 Wu Jianhua

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  Chapter 13 Wu Jianhua

  Wu Yue was surprised to hear that, no wonder Li Guihua didn't look like the headmaster's wife at all.

   It turned out that Zhou Jianwei had an aunt married to Li Guihua’s village. Zhou Jianwei’s father, Zhou Qijun, would visit his sister from time to time when he was young.

  She guarded the river where Zhou Qijun must go, and when she saw Zhou Qijun, she jumped into the water and pretended to drown.

  What a low IQ drama, anyone with a discerning eye can see it, but when Zhou Qijun saw someone calling for help, he jumped down without saying a word, and rescued the person.

  In the end, Li Guihua said that she had been hugged by others, and she wanted to marry Zhou Qijun, saying that if the Zhou family didn't marry, she would jump into the river to die, and even pretended to jump into the river, but was dragged back in the end.

  Li Guihua is famous in the village for being unreasonable. The Zhou family didn't want to marry Li Guihua at first, but Li Guihua couldn't do anything about it, and Li Guihua grew up well when she was young, so Zhou Qijun finally married Li Guihua.

   At that time, this incident was a hot topic, and everyone in the village knew about it.

  The two chatted about Zhou's family affairs for a while before going home separately.

  Wu Yue didn't expect that she would be surrounded by people as soon as she arrived in the compound. Looking at the gossiping eyes of the women in the compound, Wu Yue felt uncomfortable and couldn't help speeding up her steps.

  While passing by those people, I faintly heard them saying something like "That girl from Lao Wu's family is really not stupid... the money spent before the baby is well is not wronged..." and so on.

  After returning home, Wu Yue simply tidied herself up. She didn't intend to tell Zhang Chunlan about the fight with Li Guihua.

  Two days passed like this. Wu Yue didn't expect Wu Jianhua to come back suddenly. She thought it would take more than ten days for Wu Jianhua to receive the letter and come back.


  Wu Jianhua looked at Wu Yue standing in front of him, his eyes were clear and bright, and he was no longer as dull and stupid as before. Without too many words, he already understood that his daughter is really not stupid.

  Wu Jianhua's eye circles were red, and his voice was a little choked up: "Dad knew you would get better."

He borrowed money for his daughter to see a doctor, so many relatives and friends persuaded him to give up, saying that Wu Yue's bad health after so many years probably won't get better, Wu Xing is getting bigger and bigger, and he spends money on Wu Yue, where will Wu Xing find money in the future? Marry a wife?

   When he couldn't borrow money, he didn't waver, but as long as he thought of his daughter's appearance when she was a child, he couldn't be reconciled to her daughter being so stupid.

  Especially thinking about the reason why she was so stupid, Wu Jianhua felt even more uncomfortable.

  Seeing Wu Jianhua like this, Wu Yue's eyes were sore, and she threw herself into his arms: "Dad, I'm not stupid anymore, and I won't be stupid again in the future."

  Wu Jianhua had recovered from the excitement, and he patted Wu Yue's shoulder with his trembling hand: "Dad knows, let's go into the room and talk.".

  Wu Yue led Wu Jianhua into the house and went to pour boiling water for him. During this period, his eyes never left Wu Yue.

Thousands of times in his dreams he dreamed of Wu Yue chasing after him and calling him Dad when he was a child, countless times he dreamed that Wu Yue was no longer a fool, and now everything in the dream came true, but he felt a little unreal, It seemed the next moment it would turn into a dream again.

  (end of this chapter)