MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 155

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Shanks betrayed Chenos at a critical time, but now that Chenos was besieged by the Whitebeard Pirates, he rushed over as soon as possible. What was he going to do?

Do you really think that the Varys Pirates are empty?

Thinking of this, Hancock also burst out with domineering arrogance, and these tyrannical arrogance turned into purple lightning bolts that slammed into Shanks' black lightning.

The two domineering arrogances collided with each other in the air, forming an evenly matched appearance, and no one could collide with the other.

But after seeing this scene, Hancock's face became ugly.

Because Shanks' people hadn't appeared yet, his tyrannical arrogance rushed over from such a long distance, and he could actually resist her outburst of tyrannical arrogance.

If Shanks came to her, her domineering arrogance would probably be washed away by Shanks' domineering!

At this time, after the two domineering arrogances collided with each other, no one could do anything about the other, and finally a dazzling white light was emitted, which turned into an extremely strong shock wave and charged towards the air.

Looking at Hancock's somewhat ugly face, Chenos smiled and scratched Hancock's nose.

"You, you have been lazy recently. The level of domineering and domineering has been stagnant for a long time. You have to work harder in the future. Otherwise, you will lose to Liu Ji, don't come and cry at me!"

Listening to Chenos' words, and looking at Liu Ji, who was showing great power in the distance, one person against the entire Whitebeard Pirates, a strong sense of crisis suddenly appeared in Hancock's heart.

"Chenos, after this incident, you can teach me how to use the tyrannical arrogance. Damn, how can I lose to that **** Liu Ji!"

Chenos rubbed the hair on Hancock's head and said dotingly, "Okay!"

"However, I have to go and see what Shanks intends to do when he comes here this time?"

Just as Chenos was about to leave, Hancock hurriedly blocked in front of Chenos, "Your injury is not healed yet, this time you don't come forward, I'll go and block Shanks and the others for you!"

"You can't stop it, silly girl, don't worry, my injury will be healed long ago!"

As he said that, Chenos flew in the direction Shanks was rushing towards.

Seeing this, Hancock quickly followed, she was a little worried that Chenos was trying to be brave.

At this moment, Marco's undead thistle has been broken by Liu Ji's anthropomorphic mist, and several anthropomorphic mists are rushing towards Marco.

With an infected captain, Marco retreated sharply and quickly avoided Liu Ji's anthropomorphic mist attack.

As a phantom beast with phoenix devil fruit ability, Marco is extremely fast. Perhaps the speed of the fog is very fast for ordinary people, but in front of Marco, it is not enough to see.

In the face of Marco who escaped, Liu Ji was not in a hurry.

Because Marco can escape, but the captains and captains who are infected cannot escape.

And because these infected people have now become the source of infection, others do not dare to rescue them rashly. Once they rescue those infected people, they may also be infected.

At that time, Marko's burden will be getting bigger and bigger. Once Marko can't support it, those infected captains and captains will only have a dead end.

Liu Ji controlled the gray fog, surrounded a dozen infected people who were unable to move quickly, and then stood leisurely in front of the fog and looked at Marko.

"Marko, now give you a choice, are you willing to trade your life for the lives of these people?"

"If you want, I will remove the virus from these people and just catch you alone!"

Chapter 310 Give me a face

After those captains and captains saw Marco's tangled appearance, they immediately became anxious.

They're not worried that Marko won't save them, on the contrary, they're worried that Marko sacrificed himself to save them!

"Marko, get out of my way, I don't need you to save me yet!"

"Marko, if you dare to come here, I will die to show you!"

"Marco, we came here this time, and we didn't plan to go back alive!"

"Marko, instead of thinking about sacrificing yourself to save us, it's better to think about how to break through this witch's ability and kill her as well as we can be saved!!"

After hearing the words of those friends, Marko's head also lowered. At this time, his heart seemed very entangled, and he didn't know how to make a choice.

If he chooses to save, he must sacrifice himself, and Liu Ji will let go of these captains and captains even if he is honest, and the fruit ability will be released.

As the ship doctor of the Whitebeard Pirates, once he is sacrificed, no one can help them suppress the virus after they are infected with these viruses. At that time, Liu Ji can slaughter them unscrupulously.

But choosing not to save them would mean letting these captains and captains die.

He... can't do anything about asking his partner to die!

"Shut up for me, Lao Tzu, but your ship doctor!"

"Saving your life is what I should do!!"

With that said, Marko flew to Liu Ji and said to Liu Ji, "I, choose me to exchange them!"

After seeing that Marko really chose to trade his own life for the lives of his partners, he was immediately excited.

She immediately controlled the fog to surround Marko, and then directly released the fruit ability of those captains and captains.

It's just that the damage caused by the diseased fruit is not something that they can recover after the fruit's ability is removed. The virus infected by them is still eroding them.

The good news for them is that without the continuous invasion of diseased fruits, the symptoms of those people finally began to recover slowly under Marko's green inflammation!

It's just that none of the captains and captains who were released were happy because they were safe, but Marco was in danger.

And Marco is also the strongest among them. If Marco is dead, they have no hope of killing Chenos. No, now they can't even deal with the little-known Liu Ji next to Chenos. Not to mention dealing with Chenos.

If they can't kill Chenos now, when Chenos recovers, the situation will be reversed, and Chenos will come to hunt them down.

Unless... after this battle, they will go into incognito directly, hide in the general public, and become ordinary people.

However, for these captains and captains who are in their prime, it is better to kill them!

So they started struggling to get up and walked towards the gray fog that surrounded Marko. Even if they were going to die, they would die with Marko, and it would be a lifelong brother!

Marco, who was surrounded by gray fog, also sensed the whereabouts of those captains and captains, and could not help but shouted anxiously.

"Let's go, we have no chance to kill Chenos, get out of here while there is still fighting power!"

"If you want to avenge your father, and you want to avenge me, join Shanks' pirate group, don't come here and die in vain!"

Several people looked at each other and said to Marko: "We will only join one pirate group in our life, and that pirate group is called - Whitebeard!"

After speaking, several people ignored their injuries and rushed towards the encirclement again.

After hearing the words of those people, the captains and captains of the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates also laughed, took up their weapons, and rushed towards the fog that surrounded Marko!

Looking at the captain and captain of the Whitebeard Pirates who rushed over, Liu Ji tilted her head and said to Marco: "I have fulfilled my promise. Since they are coming to die, then I will be welcome!"

Saying that, Liu Ji controlled the gray mist to wrap around Marko, and at the same time controlled the mist, forming countless anthropomorphic mists, and greeted those captains and captains.

However, Marco, who originally had a will to die, was once again ignited by his partners. A raging flame ignited on his body, and he scorched towards the mist.


At this time, Liu Ji was sitting in the air, like a disease, watching Marco and the people of the Whitebeard Pirates struggling to death, as if admiring the most wonderful artwork.

Liu Ji's words were not wrong. Marco's flames were not real flames, but flames with extremely strong vitality. These flames not only couldn't burn those gray mists, but would instead encourage them.

The more flames burned on Marko, the faster these gray mists grew.

It can be said that Liu Ji Tianke Marko!

The captains and captains of the Whitebeard Pirates also fell into a hard battle. They all estimated that they had little effect on those anthropomorphic weapons, and those anthropomorphic fogs were extremely lethal to them, making these brave and good at fighting in the new world. The pirates, who can be called No. 1 characters, played extremely aggrieved.

In the Whitebeard Pirates, the Whitebeard who can kill these gray mists with one punch is already dead, and the fruit-burning ability Ace who can burn these gray mists with one fire has not yet gone to sea. It can be said that now white In the Beard Pirates, no one can restrain Liu Ji.

At this time, Foil Bista frantically swung the two swords in his hand. His attack was still useful to these gray mists, and every air slash could destroy a part of the gray mist.

But these gray mists seem to be endless. He has just eliminated some of them, and more gray mists will come towards him.

Whether it is Marko or these captains and captains, they have fallen into a desperate situation.

Death seems to be only a matter of time!

Just when the people of the Whitebeard Pirates fell into despair, a black air blade with a height of thousands of meters shot into the sky and slashed towards the gray mist.

After the black air blade crossed the sky, where the black blade passed, all the gray mist was cut into the air with one sword, making the gray sky clear again.

And this knife also directly cut a hole in the gray mist that wrapped Marko, allowing Marko, who was about to be eroded by the gray mist, to take the opportunity to escape from the hole.

Immediately following this slash, there was an extremely terrifying domineering arrogance, and this terrifying arrogance charged towards Liu Ji's gray mist, directly dispelling those gray mists.

At this time, this domineering master appeared and stood in front of the Whitebeard Pirates, and said solemnly to Chenos who had appeared beside Liu Ji: "Chenos, give me a face, they treat you There are no more threats, let me take them away!"

Chapter 311 Now, can I take them away?

Chenos looked at Shanks coldly.

"Shanks, do you think you have a lot of face? Why should I give you face?"

As Chenos spoke, he released the domineering arrogance on his body and pressed towards Shanks.

A pure black tyrannical arrogance charged towards Shanks at a high speed, and the tyrannical arrogance on Shanks also rose rapidly, and collided with Chenos' tyrannical arrogance.

The domineering domineering of the two of them is extremely powerful. Compared with the domineering domineering collision between Hancock and Shanks just a few dozen nautical miles away, the domineering domineering just now is like a child playing a house.

After the two men's overlords collided with each other, several terrifying tornadoes were formed directly in the air. These tornadoes raged towards the surrounding sea, like a doomsday natural disaster.

Not only that, the dark cloud that was originally above the head was also directly washed away and disappeared without a trace at the moment when the two overlords collided with domineering colors.

The people around felt the domineering power of these two horrors at close range, and they became a little uneasy, and there was an uncontrollable desire to surrender and worship in their hearts.

At this time, Shanks' face also became ugly, because he could clearly feel that the domineering look on Chenos' body had grown stronger again, which was stronger than the last time when Chenos and Whitebeard fought.

Originally, he was proud of the level of domineering and domineering, but now he can't suppress Chenos a little, and he even has to be suppressed by Chenos in a hurry.

This also shows that after the battle with Whitebeard, Chenos' belief in the inner king has also become stronger, and the belief in people's heart will always become stronger with continuous victory.

Perhaps after a while, his domineering arrogance will be lost to Chenos.

"Shanks, the first person who betrayed me was you, you abandoned me when I challenged Whitebeard, and even planned to join hands with Whitebeard to kill me!

At that time, I gave you face, because in the previous alliance game, I did not pursue the fault of your betrayal of me.

Now, even when I was injured, the Whitebeard Pirates came to seek revenge and besieged me.

But you jumped out and said to me boldly, let me give you a face and let them go?

Hehe, do you really think that the emperor of the sea has no temper?

You have been in the new world for so long, you should know the rules of the new century, right? Anyone who provokes the emperor at sea must pay the price! "

Chenos said, tore off the bandage tied on his chest, exposing his intact chest, and then looked at Marco's group of people with a mocking look.

Originally intended to take advantage of Chenos' injury, Marko and the others who killed Chenos were suddenly dumbfounded.

Now they finally understand that the huge wound that appeared inexplicably on Joz just now is very likely that Chenos rebounded his wound and applied it to Joz.

And now Chenos is unscathed and at his peak.

If that's the case, there's no point for them to fight, because they can't beat Chenos at his peak.

No, it should be said that they can't even beat Liu Ji next to Chenos. If they add another Chenos who is in full state, there is only one end that awaits them, and that is to be completely destroyed.

Now that Marco looks back on it, he suddenly realizes that Chenos had been standing beside him just now watching them and Liu Ji fight, not because Chenos was injured and couldn't fight, but because Chenos thought that to deal with them, send a Liu Ji is enough, there is no need for him to do it himself!

It wasn't until Shanks, who was at the same level as Chenos, appeared, that Chenos moved and appeared beside Liu Ji!

Marco smiled wryly. They thought that the battle was so powerful that they would definitely be able to eliminate Chenos. In fact, in Chenos' eyes, it was just a joke.

And now whether they can survive or not, it all depends on whether Chenos is willing to give Shanks face!

At the same time, Shanks was also in distress.

Because what Chenos said was not wrong, since Chenos came to the new world, he was the first to betray Chenos.

And now, it's not wrong for the Whitebeard Pirates to come to avenge Whitebeard, and it's not wrong for Chenos to fight back against the Whitebeard Pirates. No matter who lives or dies on both sides, no one will blame the other party.

But now that he is intervening, the wrong person is him, he has no morals at all, and it can even be said that Chenos is a little disgusting.

Under such circumstances, Chenos really didn't need to give him any face.

Shanks lowered his head and asked Chenos, "Chenos, I know the rules, what price do you want?"

Chenos glanced at the phoenix Marco of the Whitebeard Pirates, Diamond Joze and Bista Bista are rare talents. If possible, Chenos would also like to bring them all under his command and let him The pirate group became more powerful.

But Chenos also knows that this is unrealistic!

Because, he killed Whitebeard!

Since there is no way to bring them under his command, then he doesn't mind punishing them to death!