MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 167

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Let me ask you a question, when Kaido has gained enough benefits through Wano Kingdom to cultivate the legion he wants and torture all the warriors of Wano Kingdom to death.

Why does he still give you rights? Give you a portion of the benefits for you to enjoy?

If he kills you, doesn't he take your interests as his own?

By cooperating with us, you can have an extra guarantee. Even if something happens that Kaido wants to occupy your interests in the future, you will still have a backer to look for, and you won't be caught by Kaido to death! "

The black charcoal snake frowned and did not speak, as if hesitating.

The man continued: "We know that there are people from the World Government behind you, and we know that you have also cooperated with them for many years..."

The black charcoal snake suddenly turned to look at the man behind him, but he only saw a man in black with a clown face.

"...And what we want is to let you monitor the movements of Kaido and the World Government. Once they have any action, you can tell us the information, and you don't need to pay anything extra.

How about it? With some simple information, you can obtain the protection of the strongest person in the world, which is very cost-effective! "

The black charcoal snake stared at the clown mask man and said, "How can I trust you? How do I know if you are sent by other forces to deceive me?"

The clown man handed a small box to the black charcoal snake, and after opening the box, a phone bug was revealed.

"This is the phone bug of Lord Chenos. You can directly contact Lord Chenos through this phone bug. Chenos will be ready to set sail and leave later. You can call him to test to see if the Lord North answered.

Of course, when you're not in a hurry, don't make phone calls. Lord Chenos doesn't like people arguing with him. He will contact him when he is in a hurry. Usually, you can contact me. There is a note inside the box with my contact information on it. "

The black charcoal snake looked down at the phone bug in his hand and the note in the box. He was about to look up to say something to the clown mask man, but only when he looked up did he realize that the other party had disappeared.

The people around also seemed to be able to hear the movement in the sedan chair.

"Lord Orochi, what happened?"

Black Charcoal Snake hid the box in his hand in his sleeve, and said calmly to his subordinates: "It's nothing, turn around and go back, let's go to the pier to send Chenos!"

After they left, two figures came out of the darkness.

The two nodded to each other, held hands together, and disappeared directly.

When the two of them appeared again, they were already on Chenos' pirate ship.

After Chenos sensed the breath of the two, he stood on the bow waiting for something, and after a while, the phone worm rang.

"Is it the charcoal serpent? I'm Chenos!"

"Lord Chenos, the Black Charcoal Family is happy to serve you!"

"Well, there will be work in the future. If you are in a hurry, call me directly, and I will come to help you!"

After that, Chenos waved in the direction of Kaido and the Black Charcoal Orochi, then turned and went back to the captain's room.

Looking at the two kneeling on the ground, Chenos reached out and helped them up.

"Thank you for your hard work, Rosannadi, Absalom, give you a week's vacation!"

The two suddenly became excited, but the excitement was different. Absalom's vacation was because he could enjoy it, while Ronandi was because he could be in touch with Luo again for a while!

During this period of time, Chenos conducted special training for Rosannadi. In order to meet with Luo and to regain his freedom, Rosannadi's strength improved very quickly, and soon he met Chenos' requirements and possessed Strong assassination ability and the ability to spy on news.

Chenos didn't breach the contract either. When Rosannadi completed the task, he would let Rosenandi teach Luo for a while.

In fact, it wasn't just Roxandi, Chenos arranged many teachers for Luo, such as the members of the Varese Pirates, several of whom taught Luo to grow up.

Even Chenos himself often went to teach Luo during this time.

Chenos went to teach Luo personally, which also made Roxandi very worried. Chenos is now the strongest in the world, but he is willing to teach Luo in person. He must be trying to gain the ability of Luo's devil fruit and let Luo be for him. Perform ageless surgery.

He absolutely can't let this happen!

Chapter 338 Luo Wants to Revenge the World Government

On Sphinx Island, a little boy was wielding a sword, constantly slashing towards the stake in front of him.

The one-meter-thick wooden stake was chopped in half by the little boy's constant hacking.

"Yo **** ho ho, Luo, today is not bad, it only took one hundred and seventy-five strokes to split the stake."

Brook, who was drinking coffee, smiled and praised Luo, but Luo didn't seem to appreciate it, and complained to Brook: "Head of the skeleton, you don't need to count so clearly, I know that the number of hacks today is more than Yesterday, I will practice hard!"

"Not bad, I actually knew that I was speaking the opposite, so let's start the actual combat teaching!"

Brook walked towards Luo with the coffee in one hand and crutches in the other.

Seeing this, Luo reluctantly raised his sword with his weak hands and rushed towards Brook. He knew that this was not a practical teaching at all, it was just a punishment for him.

However, this kind of punishment also has an advantage. As long as you can follow all of Brook's moves, you will not be hit by Brook.

Luo grabbed a handful of stones from the ground and threw them towards Brook, intending to block Brook's sight. Brook took a sip of coffee without hesitation, raised the crutches in his hand, and swept away all the stones that could attack him. .

At this moment, Luo opened his mouth with one hand and shouted, "ROOM!"

An energy field spread rapidly, wrapping the two of them in it.

Brook didn't care, still drinking coffee while walking towards Luo, but in the next second, Luo's figure suddenly appeared behind Brook, raised his sword and slashed towards Brook's head.

Seeing Luo suddenly disappear in front of him and suddenly appear behind him to attack him, Brook was still very calm, and threw the crutches in his hand to block Luo's attack.

Luo's figure disappeared again, came to Brook's feet, aimed at Brook's flank with the tip of the knife, and stabbed it hard.

Just with a slight twist of Brook's wrist, the crutches that had been blocking his head turned back very quickly, and threw it directly on Luo's sword, almost knocking Luo's sword flying out.

"ROOM · Baton!"

Within the range of the aura package, everything flew up, including Brook.

At this time, Brook got serious, threw away the coffee cup in his hand, and looked at Luo with a cane. Then Brook's footsteps broke through Luo's aura control and appeared directly behind Luo.

And Luo also flew high, he was hit in the abdomen by Brook in the front, and his little face was wrinkled together in pain.

"Yo hoo hoo hoo, not bad, not bad, the more you use your fruit ability, the more skilled you are, but unfortunately, you are still young and your strength is not enough. When you grow up, I will not be your opponent!"

Luo, who fell on the grass, was gasping for breath. The ability of the surgical fruit was very practical and powerful, but for him now, it was too exhausting.

And it is still used after he has finished training, there is no way to fully exert the fruit ability.

"The head of the skeleton, can you do actual combat training before training next time? After training, I don't have the strength to fight at all!"

"No, it is to use the fruit ability when you are about to lose strength, so that you can train you to use the fruit ability in the extreme state, so that you can defeat the enemy even when you are almost exhausted.

You did a good job this time, so I just hit you once.

When will you be able to avoid all my attacks or attack me when you are almost out of strength, you will not need to do this training! "

At this moment, there was a burst of applause in the distance, and Luo saw a smile on his originally bitter face.

"The clown's house, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

The Joker is the one who treats him the best and gentlest among all the teachers. Every time he is with him, Luo is very happy, which makes him like this teacher the most.

It's a pity that every time this teacher came to him for a short time, and left for a long time, he couldn't get along with this clown's family for a long time.

"Brook, change me to be Luo's teacher!"

"Yo **** ho ho, Mr. Clown, then you have to be careful recently, Luo has been a little rebellious recently, and it's giving me a headache!"


The clown looked at Luo, and Luo suddenly got up from the ground and shouted at Brook: "I don't have it, I just want to get some outside intelligence, I want to know the news of the world government!"

The clown froze for a moment. He first calmed Luo's emotions, and then asked Luo gently: "Why do you want to know about the World Government? If I knew the situation, maybe I could tell you some information about the World Government! "

"I... I want to avenge a person. This person is my great benefactor. Without him, I would have died long ago!"

The clown, also known as Ronandi, sighed deeply in his heart, and the thing he was most worried about still happened.

He knew that the bureau set up by Chenos was to make Luo a capable person of the fruit of the operation, and then framed his death on the World Government, making Luo hate the World Government.

And the person most likely to defeat the World Government in this world is Chenos.

As long as Chenos guides him well, it is very likely that Luo will give Chenos an ageless operation in the future!

We must find a way to eliminate Luo's hatred of the World Government, and we must not let Luo fall into the whirlpool of hatred and be used by Chenos.

He was about to speak, but looking at Brook who was looking at him with a smile, he held back what he wanted to say to Luo.

"Take the World Government as your enemy. The World Government is a very powerful and terrifying existence. If you want to use the World Government as a target, then you have to practice hard and become stronger.

Well, if you can complete my training, I will tell you some information about the world government!

How about it? Luo, is this condition acceptable? "

Luo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted: "The clown is in charge, I will definitely finish your training!"

But at this time Brook said hesitantly: "Mr. Clown, is this because you asked the captain about this matter? If the captain knows that you have disclosed the information of the World Government to Luo, it is estimated that you will also be punished by the captain!"

The clown leaned into Brook's ear and said, "Don't worry, I will only tell Luo some basic information that the outside world knows, some secret things about the world government, I will not tell Luo!"

Brook looked into Luo's longing eyes, and felt that it would not matter even if he told Luo some information about the World Government, so he nodded to the clown!

Chapter 339 Chenos, you **** is so bad

After Brook saw the clown coming, he didn't stay long and left the island.

The entire Varys Pirates have been busy recently, and he doesn't have much time to rest. He has to form his soul band. He promised Tezzolo, and he will perform in Tezzolo's Golden City later.

After Brooke left, the clown did not take Luo to start training immediately, but took Luo to a hut to help Luo with a restorative massage.


"The clown's house, you... you lighten up~"

Luo moans kept coming from the cabin. Although he knew that under the massage of the clown, he would soon be able to remove the accumulation of lactic acid and eliminate the soreness on his body, but he still couldn't bear the sour feeling during the massage.

The clown ignored Luo's moan and forcibly finished a massage before letting Luo go.

During the massage period, the clown has also been paying attention to the surrounding situation. Although he did not sense that there is surveillance around him, he was still very cautious.

"Turn over, and I'll give you a massage too!"

Luo: "???"

Massage the front?

Where can I get a massage on the front?

Clown-headed doesn't...

is a woman?

Although Luo was thinking wildly and hesitating in his actions, he still obeyed the clown's words and turned over.

At this time, the mask on the clown's face fell off, revealing part of his face.

But this part of his face was revealed, but Luo's eyes widened, he looked at the clown in disbelief, and was even shocked to the extent that he was speechless.

"Luo, I'm... Corazon!"

"Cora... Mr. Cora?"

" is this possible, who are you, if you are Mr. Clown, please don't make such a joke, Mr. Cora is my benefactor and the most important person to me, he has died in in front of me!"

"Trafalgar D. Vatier Rowe, this is the real name you told me in the family. At that time, I pulled you into the alley and told you not to tell anyone. It should be only the two of us. Do you know personally?"

After Corazon finished speaking, he picked up a ceramic medicine bottle from the room and slammed it to the ground, but the shattered medicine bottle made no sound.

"This is my fruit ability that is useless except sleeping, do you remember?"

Seeing Corazon revealing the secret that only he and Mr. Cora knew, and watching Corazon use the fruit ability that Mr. Cora possessed, Luo's eyes widened, and tears could not stop flowing from his eyes. come out.

"Mr. Cora, you... are you really Mr. Cora?"

At this time, Corazon pulled up his clothes again, revealing a scar on his abdomen. He smiled and said to Luo, "This is the gift you gave me when we first met..."

Before Corazon could finish speaking, Luo rushed towards Corazon, crying and shouting at Corazon: "Enough, Mr. Cora, enough, I believe in you, Not dead, it's really good!"

Corazon's eyes also dimmed, and he hugged Luo in his arms.

"I'm also very happy to see that you have finally gotten rid of the lead disease and can live a healthy life!"

After the two hugged each other for a long time, Luo Cai suddenly remembered and asked Corazon, "But when I saw you... you died in front of me?

What exactly is going on? "

After hearing Luo's question, Corazon's face also became ugly.

"All of this is Chenos' conspiracy, you should know how precious the fruit of surgery you eat is, it is a fruit that can cure all diseases, and can even perform an incredible operation - an operation of agelessness!