MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 462 unthinkable hypothesis

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  Chapter 462 The assumption that I dare not think deeply

  As soon as the man said this, not to mention Lin Suisui, even Mo Enze, who heard the news from the side, couldn't hold on, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

WTF? !

  Cousin? !

"You've got the wrong person." Lin Suisui took a look at the man, and probably understood what he wanted to do. She calmly winked at Lu Ze who was about to come over, and then continued: " I know what you want to say, before you speak, I want to tell a joke, and I just remembered it at this moment."

   Ignoring the slightly changed expression of the man, Lin Suisui lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then continued to speak without changing her expression: "Before, I heard a story told by a traveler who came over from Daxia.

  He said that although there are outstanding people in Daxia, there are also many people who are vicious and vicious, and they will do anything to make money.

   Among them, their targets often focus on those boudoir girls who are not deeply involved in the world.

  The women in the boudoir are not deeply involved in the world, and they are mostly loved and raised by the elders in the family. They are pure and soft, innocent and ignorant of the dangers of the world.

  The usual method they used was to arrange for the man to come in front of the woman and directly call the woman a cousin or a fiancée whom the elders of the family had made a marriage contract in the early years.

He kept talking about how many wrong things he had done, asking his cousin to forgive him, and then people around him took the opportunity to gather around and explained to the surrounding people that this woman either had a marriage contract with this man first, or It is said that the cousin and the cousin eloped and fled, and in the end they dragged the woman away.

  With those absurd explanations before, most passers-by will not come forward to participate in blocking, so those villains will often succeed after they make a move.

  Most of those women were eventually sold by those villains far away for money. At first I thought this kind of thing was just a legend, but I didn’t expect that I would encounter it once now.

   Do you think it is ridiculous? "

  Lin Suisui's speech was not fast, and it sounded like he was speaking eloquently. But it was such a calm attitude that made the faces of the man who stopped her and the people around him change at the same time.

   I have to say, this story is really **** familiar!

  They really had this plan in mind, and they wanted to take advantage of the other party's unpreparedness and destroy Lin Suisui, the 'goddess' first!

  Even if it can't be completely destroyed, it can at least tarnish her reputation a bit.

   After all, how much credibility can a goddess who has 'eloped' with others have?

  However, before this plan could be implemented, it was directly punctured by the "goddess" in front of her.

  How did they continue to sing this scene?

   "I think, 'Goddess', you have misunderstood. My friend just saw that you are somewhat similar to his cousin, but he didn't mean that you are his cousin."

   Just when the scene was in an embarrassing situation, someone finally came to the rescue.

   This is a man who looks extremely refined and gentle. The elegance of his gestures is like a breeze blowing on his face, and he has the ability to let people put down hostility at a glance.

   Looking at everyone's attitude towards him, his status among this group of people is self-evident.

  Lu Ze didn't wait for Lin Suisui to speak, he had already rushed over a few steps and stopped in front of Lin Suisui very neatly. He met the kind and somewhat apologetic gaze of the man opposite, and said coldly: "Since it is a mistake, can we leave now?"

  The man didn't speak, and Lu Ze didn't intend to continue talking to him, so he left directly protecting Lin Suisui.

"They actually thought of using such a despicable method!" Bai Guo was still afraid for a while when she thought of the long sleep just now. Very easy to spread.

  Lin Suisui stretched out his hand and patted the back of Bai Guo's hand to show comfort, and then said softly: "Actually, it's conceivable, after all, Siam's national strength lies there.

  Have ambitions that are inconsistent with their national strength. If they don't use such indecent means, how can their ideas succeed? "

  Yang Mou, that's impossible!

Even with the strength of the whole country of Siam and united with the southern borders such as South Vietnam, they may not be able to penetrate Daxia's southern border defense line. That's why they will target Beiman, the neighbor to the north of Daxia, in an attempt to unite with Beiman , to launch an attack on Daxia at the same time, so that under the two-front battle, Daxia will no longer be monolithic.

   It's just obvious that their plan this time didn't seem to go as smoothly as expected.

  Maybe it's because I don't know what went wrong, which makes everything look so sloppy and disorderly. And Lu told her more than once that the biggest taboo of superiors when dealing with various emergencies is panic and disorder.

  Once this happens, all the things that were originally planned will gradually deviate from the original appearance and get out of control.

   Just like what happened to Beiman this time, it is said that everything was under the control of Nina's concubine from the beginning, but when did the problem start?

   That naturally started with the escape of King Khan.

  But this thread that disturbs everything is not the foreshadowing that was buried just now, but earlier.

  If they hadn’t returned to the northern border due to the refugee rebellion, hadn’t met King Guhan on the road, and hadn’t had that confrontation, naturally they wouldn’t have trusted them in the future and chose to venture into the customs to seek their cooperation for help.

  Of course, without all of this, King Guhan might be able to gather some strength in Beiman to fight against the royal court with the strength of King Guhan, but it is obvious that King Guhan may not necessarily have the upper hand.

   And when everything stabilized on the northern barbarian side, and the dust finally settled, the northern border of Daxia was still under the rule of the faint-hearted general who suppressed the north, and the consequences...

  Yes, Siam has already attacked the soldiers in the north!

   At that time, who could resist the cavalry of the northern barbarians?

  In the end, the war between the northern border and the southern border started together, what will happen to Daxia? !

  Lin Suisui didn't dare to think deeply about the consequences, she raised her hand slightly inexplicably, and covered her heart that was suddenly constricted, as if she had been hit hard there, and the pain made her feel like she was about to be out of breath.

   "What's the matter?" Lu Ze had sharp eyes, and when he came over, he stretched out his hand and took Lin Suisui into his arms, asking about her situation anxiously and nervously.

"I'm fine, it's just that I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in my heart." Lin Suisui slowed down, raised her eyes slightly to look at Lu Ze, raised her hand to comfort Lu Ze, and said in a low voice: "Just a moment, now It's much better."

   It’s been sunny for a few days, and I’ve been burning for a few days. I feel like my brain is a mess~ ouch, but I think I’m getting better soon, everyone should pay attention to your health!



  (end of this chapter)