MTL - If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?-Chapter 26 Drunk wood

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Zhong Yuan’s appearance is deceptive, and he is a superman who can hook up people. So after a while, our female squad leader in high school sat next to him and chatted with him. The two of them said that they were still looking at me from time to time, and it was unfavorable for me to pick up the dishes.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, the female squad leader took the clock and went to our table and said to the teachers: "This is Muer’s classmate Zhong Yuan, who came with Muel today."

I took a slobber in silence, and the ghost came with him ==

Zhong Yuan respectfully bowed his body and said hello. As it turns out, no one will reject a dogleg. At this point, our old lady of the class teacher looked up and down for a while, and even asked the waiter to add a chair next to her and pull the bell to sit down. So my "successful student" was successfully squeezed aside.

I whispered to Zhong Yuan in dissatisfaction: "How come you?"

Zhong Yuan smiled and said, "boring, come and join in the fun."

Khan, you are coming to add chaos. I asked again, "How did you come? I didn't see you in the car."

Zhong Yuan: "Let a car."

I suddenly remembered. When we came, the bus was followed by a red minivan. When our car stopped, it also stopped. When our car left, it followed. I was still with Zhang. Asahi joked, saying that the bus in this year has been developed, and there is a small face to follow the escort, I did not expect it to be a ghost.

It’s a pity that Zhong Yuan is not a spy.>_<

I looked around and found that most people's eyes were looking in our direction. The sad reminder is what their eyes are.

In other words, I and Zhong Yuan were misunderstood by others. The key point is that I don't want to explain it under such circumstances. Since everyone has said nothing, I will explain it, that is, "there is no silver in this place." And if I don't explain it, I feel awkward.

Forget it, anyway, we have misunderstood us a lot, and don't care more than one classmate.

So I ate vegetables openly. The class teacher came to the interest, took Zhong Yuan and asked the long question to ask Dong to ask the West. He also said a bunch of polite words such as "Mul is at school because of your care." I ate while eating, taking care of a hair, and my mother is every day. He was oppressed!

In the class reunion, the most indispensable item is drinking. In general, I am definitely the first to get drunk. Not because I love to drink, but because of my amount of alcohol, I can’t take it. Ordinary cups, if you drink a cup, you will be dizzy. If you drink two glasses, you will become dull. If you drink again, your brain will strike. You can only hear others, but you can't think. Therefore, when I am having dinner with others, I usually don't drink alcohol. But now it’s a class reunion. Everyone sees it once or twice a year. If you still have a swearing swearing, it seems a bit too much. What's more, even if you don't drink with your classmates, the teacher's wine is always respectful, not only respectful, but also "you are free to do it"...

I took a glass of wine and looked at Zhongyuan, who was talking and laughing. I suddenly became angry and daring from my heart. Well, Zhongyuan, you sent it to yourself, don’t blame me for not seeing it. So I handed the glass to Zhong Yuan. "You give me a drink."

Zhong Yuan was also unambiguous. He took the wine glass and drank it. After drinking it, he raised his eyebrows and looked at me. By the way, he pointed out the tip of his tongue and rubbed the wine on his lips. His eyes were a little blurred, his lips were wet. With the luster, how do you look like how enchanting?

I coughed and whispered to him: "Or, can you stop me?"

Zhong Yuan bent his lips and smiled. "Why am I helping you stop the wine?"

I bite my teeth and said with a distressed heart: "How about your two-day room and board?"

Zhong Yuan smiled and said: "Not so good, am I so lacking money?"

I am a little bit fried, "What do you say?"

Zhong Yuan’s side turned to look at the class teacher’s mobile phone. “I like that.”

I shook my fist and said with a sad heart: "Big brother, you are extortion, her mobile phone is very expensive..."

"Mobile chain," Zhong Yuan interrupted me. "Her mobile phone chain seems to be a cross stitch."

I carefully looked at the class teacher's mobile phone chain. It is true that Zhong Yuan’s eyes are really not covered. So I patted him on the shoulder generously. "Okay, I will embroider one for you."

Zhong Yuan is like a mentally handicapped child. "I want a big one."

So Zhong Yuan began to help me stop the wine.

I have finished the wines of several teachers. I have already been swaying, and my limbs are soft like plasticine, so I have to lie on the table. The ear is full of things like "Mul can't drink, this cup is my behalf" "Oh, Muer has mentioned you, and it is thanks to your care in high school." Unfortunately, my brain is now completely shut down. Can't think about what they are saying. I am now like a monitor without a host, I can hear them, but I can't analyze it.

After a while, someone picked me up from the table, and then I leaned on something that was a bit soft and a bit hard. The thing was still together, my shoulders were caught, and it was a little tight. I looked up and opened my eyes openly. I saw a chin, very white, and the arc was beautiful. My hand lifted up uncontrollably and touched this beautiful chin. There was a burst of laughter around, as if someone said, "Mul is drunk like this and can sing people." Others said, "Zhong Yuan, don't sneak a smirk, this cup must be drunk..."

I heard a "squeaky" liquid slipping into the esophagus, and then my hand was pulled down and squatted tightly.

I slept in the arms of this person for a while and was later woken up. It seems that someone is talking about singing K, and it seems that someone is saying no. I opened my eyes in confusion and saw a glass of wine on the table. There was an inexplicable impulse in my head, so I grabbed the glass of wine and drank it.

Before I finished drinking, the wine in my hand was suddenly taken away. I was dissatisfied. I chased the glass and grabbed it. I shouted "Give me wine."

However, no one gave me wine. My body suddenly left the ground, someone was holding me and said in my ear: "Wood, let's go back."

I don't know what this sentence means, I just want to drink.

I was taken out and walked away from the table. I am not willing, screaming, "Let me down, you let me down, I am going, you are bullying me, you..." I said, tears flowed out, so I burst into tears.

Someone sighed softly at the ear, and then my feet stood on the ground. I want to go back to drinking, but my shoulders are circled, my arms are pulled, and I completely lose my freedom. I had to squat and be dragged away.

I saw a little **** the side of the road, turning around a woman, talking about her mother, I want this mother, I want that. So I suddenly broke away from the people around me, rushed over and pointed at the little girl and said loudly: "You have a mother, you are amazing, you? Ah?!"

The little girl cried aloud, then I was dragged into a car.

I was kneeling in the arms of a person, and the tears flowed down again. I said, "Is it great to have a mother? I tell you, I also have a mother. My dad said, I can use him as a mother!"

Someone patted me on the back and whispered something. His voice is very gentle, like a fine spring.

I said again: "The ideal of my life is to let my dad live a good life. I have been dragging him for nearly two decades. He has broken my heart for me. I want to make a difference, let all the people in our village envy him. I want him to know that he has picked up a potential stock. Mom, Laozi is obviously a potential stock, why should I throw it away? If you don't want me, don't give birth to me..."

I was squatting in the man's arms, and by the way I shed tears on his clothes. I cried and said, "I must let my dad live happily, sure..."


Woke up the next morning, my headache is dying. Think about what happened yesterday. I only remember that Zhongyuan helped me stop the wine. I could flash some pictures in my mind, but it was very messy and could not even be a line. I am gimmick, I don’t think about it anymore, but it’s just a group of drunks.

I got up from the bed, ready to wear clothes, and yesterday I took off my clothes and left only the pants. Wait a minute, it’s not right!

I saw the clothes I wore yesterday, and they were stacked neatly on the bedside.

The clothes I took off when I slept off would never be stacked, just just squatting to the side. Even if I was drunk last night, I wouldn’t fold my clothes, and it’s still so neat. That is to say, if there is no psychic incident, then someone must have entered my room, and also helped me put the clothes on top. If the situation is worse, I can't handle my clothes. >_<

Who is that? In addition to me, there are two people in the family, my dad will never enter my room, then Zhong Yuan...

I started sweating on my forehead. If you just fold the clothes, you can forget it. There is a me in the key bed wearing only a pair of underwear. Heaven, my innocence...

I hurriedly put on my clothes and shouted out of the room. "Zhong Yuan, I have something to ask you!"