MTL - I’m a Straight Man in BL Love-Chapter 40 thief

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Cheng Yichi's hand stopped while holding the cup. He didn't dare to look at Duan Qingsi, his eyes were misty, and he didn't know where he was looking.

Duan Qingsi rubbed his hair and said nothing.

Cheng Yichi pounded the soy milk in the cup with a straw, and muttered, "You are so kind to me, Brother Qing Si, I feel ashamed."

"However, in fact, what you gave me is much more than what I gave you." Duan Qingsi smiled, "If you really think about it, don't go and think about it. Just be happy, no one will blame you?"

Cheng Yichi was silent and nodded.

Duan Qingsi said: "You can be friends without feeling, don't be so sad." He put on his glasses, and the love in his eyes was much restrained.

Gu Zechen also came downstairs at this time. What he wears today is much more casual than before. Although it is still white, he is wearing a white sweater, jeans, and his hair is not combed again and again, but is fluffy. The floor curled up, and his youthful spirit was revealed as soon as he saw it. When he saw only Duan Qingsi and Cheng Yichi in the restaurant, he first smiled at Duan Qingsi and said hello, "Morning."

Then he asked Cheng Yichi, "Why did you get up so early today and can't sleep?"

Eyes filled with concern.

Cheng Yichi blinked: "A little insomnia, but it's not a big problem."

Gu Zechen carefully looked at his eyes and around his eyes, and found that there was a dark circle around his eyes, but there was no blood in his eyes. Come on, are we still?"

"That's it for today." Cheng Yichi stuffed him with bread and handed him a glass of hot milk, "We have all asked for leave from Dr. Gu, how can we waste this opportunity?"

Gu Zechen took a sip of milk and smiled, red from the neck all the way to the roots of his ears.

The program team asked Gu Zechen to arrange the date. Cheng Yichi felt that he was being moved. He looked at Gu Zechen's outfit today and felt that this person seemed to be changing.

Not really necessary? Ah, he thought.

After Gu Zechen and Cheng Yichi finished eating, they went out. Duan Qingsi looked at them. When he brought them to the door, Cheng Yichi took another look at Duan Qingsi. He smiled and said softly, "Have fun." After the two left, he sat on the sofa and continued to read.

"Are you gone?" Li Yi went downstairs and took a banana, and asked Duan Qingsi aloud.

Duan Qingsi only nodded and did not respond.

Li Yi simply sat next to him and peeled the bananas. Although the live broadcast was on, none of them wore headsets, so the audience in the live broadcast room could only see them both sitting on the sofa, one focused on reading a book. , the other is eating bananas, seemingly casual, but glances at each other from time to time, arguing.

Li Yi suddenly asked, "You seem very generous."

Duan Qingsi turned over a page: "Next time, you can listen to it openly, but you don't have to eavesdrop."

Li Yi didn't care, and said, "I'm afraid my brother won't be at ease."

He asked: "You have a crush on him for so long, and you haven't confessed? Is it because you're afraid that my brother is straight?"

Duan Qingsi finally raised his head and looked directly at him: "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

Li Yi sneered, "You coward."

"I'm the same as you, I'm still young, but this show has provided me with a reasonable platform to pursue my brother. If I didn't have this show, I would have tried my best to pursue it. Even if it fails in the end."

"If you're so calm, why would you say 'no, you want to put pressure on him' and tell him your good feelings at the first meeting."

Duan Qingsi frowned: "I just want him to know what I like."

"So you just want to chase after brother, so don't say anything? It's so high-sounding, it makes brother reject you like you've made a mistake and blame yourself."

Duan Qingsi didn't mean that. He rubbed the walnut in his hand and suddenly said, "Are you angering me?"

"Yes? You want to force me to change my attitude, why..." Duan Qingsi squinted his eyes behind his glasses, "Because you found that Yichi likes this kind of thing, right? So you have a sense of crisis. already?"

Duan Qingsi stood up and said, "Everyone is playing fair now, but in the end, when the result comes out, I don't think there will be anything wrong with it. It's best for Chi to find someone he likes. Before this, I have to make an effort, why can't that person be me?"

"Of course, you have your own way of chasing people, and I don't want to be at ease because of my pursuit."

He passed Li Yi and patted his shoulder: "I'm not the same as you."

Li Yi sat on the sofa with no expression for a long time. Suddenly, he straightened his legs, leaned back, and said with a low smile:

"Of course I'm not the same as you..."

"After all, my brother said that he likes me, that he wants to marry me." He was stunned for a while, then said disappointedly: "But he doesn't seem to remember."

Cheng Yichi asked Gu Zechen: "Where are we going? How do we go?" He didn't ask directly where to go?

Gu Zechen said, "Can I take your car?"

Cheng Yichi readily agreed and asked him to get in the car. As soon as he got in the car, Gu Zechen sighed, "It's very fragrant."

"Yes? This." Cheng Yichi smiled and took out the dried flowers and the flower bag he had put before, and handed it to him, "Wen Wen?"

Gu Zechen held the flower bag and smelled it again: "Really? It's very fragrant."

"Should this be Gardenia? Or Jasmine?" Cheng Yichi thought back for a while, "Don't remember Daqing."

"If you like it, I'll give it to you."

Gu Zechen didn't refuse, and directly put the flower bag cherished: "Thank you, I like it very much."

Cheng Yichi said, "No, I should have given you a new one, and it's not worth a lot of money, but unfortunately I don't remember what was in it. I'll give it to you and the rest of the hut when I buy it next time."

Gu Zechen's inner joy just retreated a little, but he still cherished the little flower bag in his hand.

He said, "I'm navigating, you follow the navigator? That's it, okay?"

"Surprise?" Cheng Yichi laughed.

"En." Gu Zechen rolled his eyes and smiled gently, "Are you looking forward to it?"

"Of course!" Cheng Yichi started the engine and said, "fasten your seat belt, we're going."

All the way, all the way, until—

amusement park.

In the parking lot of the amusement park, Cheng Yichi was still a little confused. He finally understood why Gu Zechen was dressed like this today. Why?

"I don't know if you like it or not." Gu Zechen lowered his eyes slightly, his neck turned red again behind his ears, "I have no interest. I checked the Internet and found that netizens recommend this place..."

Young couple's? Dating location? Cheng Yichi thought: It is indeed a good place. Weird?.

He said: "I haven't been here for a long time, and I feel very nostalgic."

Gu Zechen immediately became happy: "That's good."

They only brought one cameraman behind them, and they didn't start the live broadcast. Gu Zechen was not willing to share this date with the audience and the group of people in the hut, but the two of them are conspicuous? They are tall, tall, and have good temperament , even wearing a mask gives a sense of familiarity, not to mention that Cheng Yichi's fans can recognize even a strand of his hair.

"It seems to be recognized." Cheng Yichi tugged at Gu Zechen's sleeve and smiled bitterly, "What should I do?"

Gu Zechen glanced around, frowned, blocked Cheng Yichi behind him without a trace, and said in a low voice, "Let's go quickly."

"It's okay," Cheng Yichi quickly came up with a countermeasure, "don't we admit that they can't do anything, right?"

Gu Zechen smiled and said, "Yes." Turning his head, he seriously asked the cameraman to stay away.

Cameraman: …Do you want me to shoot only two points?

But he couldn't do anything wrong. The wishes of the guests always came first, so he had to step back silently.

When passers-by saw that the cameraman moved away, Cheng Yichi was blocked too tightly by Gu Zechen again, and he was puzzled for a while, but he didn't pay too much attention.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, Gu Zechen grabbed Cheng Yichi's shoulder and said, "Where do you want to go first?"

"Roller coaster." Cheng Yichi narrowed his eyes deliberately to frighten him.

Gu Zechen had no choice but to smile: "Okay."

They came to the long line of the roller coaster first. Cheng Yichi was quite excited. He pointed to the screaming person on the roller coaster and said, "I haven't been here for a long time! A roller coaster and a pirate ship?!" His eyes were bright, full of anticipation.

Gu Zechen wasn't afraid of heights, but he was a little afraid of ghosts. He was glad that Cheng Yichi didn't choose the haunted house first. He took his arm and said, "Will you cry when you go up?"

"Of course!" Through the mask, Gu Zechen could feel Cheng Yichi's excitement, a bit sharper than usual. The voice came from behind the mask, "No? It's called a roller coaster?" He said. It's that kind of stimulation, that kind of venting his emotions, he likes it so much!

Gu Zechen thought: This time really? It's the right time.

The queue was very long, but Gu Zechen looked at Cheng Yichi, who was jumping with excitement, and didn't feel tired in the queue. He laughed and said, "Why are you so excited??"

Cheng Yichi was a little aggrieved: "I haven't been here since the college entrance examination. After my debut, I got a little famous, so I won't come again."

"No? Can you book a room?"

"The private room is too expensive." Cheng Yichi gestured a big circle, "and it's not worth it. What's wrong with so much money? Good?"

Gu Zechen thought to himself: Still a little money fan.

Finally, it was the two of them's turn. This is a seat belt that gets stuck automatically. If you don't, don't worry, there is still a belt on your body. Gu Zechen asked Cheng Yichi: "Do you want to fasten it?"

Cheng Yichi nodded hurriedly, safety? First?

He didn't expect Gu Zechen to turn around when he heard these words, his body completely wrapped around him, the warm breath intertwined with each other, too ambiguous, especially intimate, Cheng Yichi suddenly held his breath and leaned back. Relying on him, Gu Zechen laughed and pulled the safety belt over to fasten it for him.

And then back again?

Cheng Yichi felt that his face was a little hot, but he tilted his head to look at Gu Zechen, and found that this man was all red from neck to face, and his cheeks showed a blush, obviously he was so shy that he came to tease him, Cheng Yichi I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Gu Zechen coughed twice, pretending to be calm, and asked Cheng Yichi what happened.

Cheng Yichi thought it was fun, he swept up and down to measure him, and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I feel a little hot."

Gu Zechen turned around, but his ears turned even redder.

The two girls next to them glanced at them, took their mobile phones, and looked at them again, with excited expressions.

The roller coaster has started!

It started out slowly? The wind was blowing so slowly that even his hair didn't move much, but the speed of the roller coaster gradually increased as it turned around. Cheng Yichi followed the wind and shouted, Gu Zechen clenched the roller coaster in his hand. Holding the pole, his stomach was a little pantothenic, and he wanted to shout it out, but he was not used to it, but his hand was red when he grasped it, and he didn't shout.

Cheng Yichi laughed again after shouting, it seemed really cool, he shouted several times in a row, shouting out all the anguish in his heart.

Gu Zechen listened to Cheng Yichi's voice and felt much better. Biting his lips, Cheng Yichi suddenly held his hand at the highest point. A warm feeling came from the back of his hand. Gu Zechen could clearly hear Cheng Yichi shouting, "Shout out when you feel uncomfortable! Can't others hear it?!"

The roller coaster only stopped for a moment and then quickly fell again. Gu Zechen felt the extreme weightlessness. He thought about Cheng Yichi holding his hand, and finally couldn't hold it any longer and shouted loudly:

"I like you!"

Cheng Yichi: ...I didn't let you call that!

After coming down, both of them were a little dizzy, and walking top-heavy, but they looked at each other and laughed at the thought of shouting together on the roller coaster.

Gu Zechen said, "It's cool." This is the first time he has directly expressed his emotions in this way.

Cheng Yichi rolled his eyes and said, "Right, really? It's great!"

"It feels like shouting out all your troubles, super cool?!"

Gu Zechen's face was a little flushed. Unlike the blushing before, this time he was more excited and excited.

"Let's go next? Where?"

"Go to the haunted house, would you like to?" Cheng Yichi asked slyly.

Gu Zechen should have refused, he is not good at forcing himself, but seeing Cheng Yichi's smile, he suddenly agreed: "Let's go, it should be here."

The two came to the entrance of the haunted house. This haunted house is quite famous, is it? It's a two-story building, and there is a cold wind from the door. Cheng Yichi shuddered, and Gu Zechen asked him, "It's cold? Then we never mind…"

"It's all coming!" Cheng Yichi was excited, "It's okay, let's go in?"

As soon as I entered the first floor, there was a skeleton frame lying on a bed. Gu Zechen was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, and clenched Cheng Yichi's hand tightly.

Cheng Yichi didn't feel scared, but was eager to try it, but Gu Zechen looked like he was really scared. He touched Gu Zechen's back and worried: "How about we go out? Let's stop playing."

"It's okay." Gu Zechen recovered for a while, and said calmly, "Let's continue walking?"

Cheng Yichi looked back and saw that the door at the back had been closed. It shouldn't be okay to retreat now. He thought about it and said, "Just follow me, don't get lost."

Gu Zechen pretended to be calm: "Okay."

"Don't be afraid." Cheng Yichi shook his hand again to comfort him, "It's all fake."

Gu Zechen followed behind him, suddenly feeling as if he wasn't that scared.


They were suddenly chased by a ghost at a fork, Cheng Yichi attracted the ghost's attention, ran to the right, let Gu Zechen hide to the left, and then they were completely lost.

When Cheng Yichi came back to his senses, he realized that he had entered a small, dark room, where not a single ray of light could penetrate. He probed the probe outside, and found that there were still ghosts patrolling the outside, and backed up again, holding his knees and not daring to move.

Suddenly, a man hugged him from behind.

Cheng Yichi was stunned by the shock. Although he knew it was fake, the sudden shock still made him lose his voice.

The man rubbed his head against his neck in the small room, and his hair made him itchy.

"Brother, is it? Me."

Cheng Yichi was startled: Yes, Li Yi.

The author has something to say: I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve! Happy New Year! boo boo ~

Be sure to leave a comment today! There are red packets!

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-2923:27:05~2022-01-3120:58:32~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Yanxiaoyanyan;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles of Rose; 2 bottles of Wulan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!