MTL - I’m Against the World-Chapter 14 For the life of a dog, the last bowl of noodle soup lay eggs...

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Mr. Yang can’t give up her blessings, can’t give up her home, can’t give up old Yin in the cemetery outside the town, can’t give up her pickle business for 40 years, and can’t give up her life Seventy years of this land.

"You should go to work and go to school, don't worry about me, I can't move and ask you to wait on me, I have legs and feet, what are you going to do in the city."

The old lady is quite stubborn: "Besides, I have Laifu to accompany me. Don't think that we are a beast. It can also take care of me. Don't worry, don't worry about me."

Yin Yiming and his father are both only sons, the Yin family's daughter-in-law is a foreigner, and the old man Yin has a younger brother, but he also moved to a big city with his son early. There are no close relatives in the town.

Mr. Yang's own brothers and sisters are almost dead, but there are several nieces and nephews from her parents' family, but the nephews and nieces are also getting older, and each has his own group of children and grandchildren to take care of, She also can't take care of her old aunt who has been married for many years.

Someone will know how the Yin family's son can be at ease.

However, he and his daughter-in-law were both frayed, and many relatives were brought in as lobbyists, but all of them were of no use. Follow your son to the city.

The Yin family's son had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​letting the old lady go to the city, and discussed with Mrs. Yang to hire a nanny to take care of her.

Mr. Yang was not happy: "I'm not an old waste who can't do anything. Why should I hire someone at home? I'm so embarrassed."

The son of the Yin family insisted, the mother and son quarreled for a long time, and finally each took a step back, and it was negotiated that the hired person would not live in the house, and only come to clean the house every two days, wash and rinse. .

The life of Mrs. Yang was arranged, and the younger generation of the Yin family left the town again. Mrs. Yang was getting older every day, and the wrinkles on her face were deep. I'm hunched over. When I'm cooking, I forgot to add salt or I forgot to turn off the gas.

Qin Yilan couldn't worry about it, for fear that something would happen to the old lady, she followed her all the time, and no longer had time to go back to the village to perform in front of Li Baoshan's house and shed tears in the wind.

The villagers haven't seen Dahei for a long time and come back to the village to cry to the master to give gifts. When chatting and knocking their teeth, they all have their own guesses: "I haven't seen Dahei for a long time and come back to send the mouse, isn't this dog dead? "

"Isn't it? I haven't seen it for a long time. Originally it had to come back once or twice a month, right? I haven't seen it for two or three months."

"I guess it's dead, the old dog, how can I calculate that it has been alive for almost twenty years?"

"Enough, our children were thirteen years old when they fell into the reservoir, and Da Hei was just over two years old. Now our children are in their thirties, and Da Hei has to be ten if not twenty. Eight|nine."

"My family raised two dogs before and after, but they died in 12 or 3 years. Dahei has lived for so many years? It's very rare."

"The fact that Dahei can live to this age is due to the care of his later masters. You can see his oily and smooth fur, and his fat body that trembles when he walks. It's almost impossible to keep it in that state. Your dog is still fighting for food with pigs, can it compare with Da Hei? It wants to live a few more years, and it has to have this life. "

"You see what you said, the dog eats a little bit in my house, but he has never been beaten or scolded every day, and I don't kill him to eat meat, let it go smoothly When Dangdang lives to the end of his life, I will treat it better than Li Baoshan's treatment of Dahei, right? I think I am worthy of my conscience."

"Hey~, compared to Li Baoshan's ruthless heart, you are not bad, old man, I've lived a few decades older, and I've seen such a spiritual dog in my life. , although it is a dumb beast, but it has a good understanding of human nature. After more than ten years of raising it, it is not bad with a family member. Li Baoshan can do it, tsk tsk tsk~, it is not an ordinary person."

After all, I couldn't bear to eat it, so I carried it and buried it, how could Li Baoshan be able to do it? Da Hei saved his boy's life."

"No, that person is ruthless, and his heart is really not ordinary. Da Hei was stabbed and ran away. Isn't this God who doesn't want it to die? You just let it go. I got it, hey! Li Baoshan doesn't, wandering around the village and looking for it everywhere, can I become an immortal by eating more than a few kilograms of meat? There is no one anymore."

"Li Baoshan is very difficult to deal with, because our boy was saved by the big black, I hold him every day, this is incredible, he is used to it, As soon as he got to me, he turned his nostrils to the sky and looked like a savior. Tell me, if his kid had to call my son to the reservoir, my son couldn't fall into the water, right? Besides, It was Da Hei who saved my son and not him, why would he point his nostrils at me?"

"Hey~ I can tell you, Li Baoshan is very sick, balabalabala~~~"


Qin Yilan followed the old lady closely, reminding her to turn off the gas, turn off the TV for her, help her dial the phone, and often cover her with a quilt at night.

She can take care of the old lady's life, but can't take care of the old lady's heart The old lady laughed so many times.

Qin Yilan was very anxious these days, because she smelled something wrong on the old lady, she felt that the old lady was dying, she put the mobile phone on Mrs. Yang's knee and dialed Got through the phone of the Yin family's son.

Mr. Yang seems to have sensed it too. The old lady who always stubbornly said that she can do it alone, gave up for the first time and said loudly to the phone: "Son, I miss you and your daughter-in-law. , and my eldest grandson, when will you bring them back to see me?"

The old lady's voice was strangely loud, and the Yin family son didn't think about it much, and comforted the old mother with a smile: "This weekend happens to be the May Day holiday, we will go back as soon as the holiday, and we will be able to do it on Friday night. When I get home, Yiming and I will ask for a few more days of annual leave, so I can spend a few more days with you at home this time?"

"Good! Good!" The old lady was very happy: "I'm waiting for you."

After hanging up the phone, the old lady asked Qin Yilan: "Laifu, they will be home on Friday night as soon as you ring, what day is it today?"

Qin Yilan bit off a page of the calendar on the small table and put it in the old lady's hand. The old lady was happy when she saw it: "It's Wednesday, and I'll call his aunt tomorrow. Clean up the hygiene at home and then dry the quilt, it will be useful when they come back the day after tomorrow."

The nanny whom the son of the Yin family found for the old mother was from the town, a middle-aged woman who loves cleanliness very much. The next morning, Mrs. Yang called her with the help of Qin Yilan. Telephone.

The nanny came to wash, and cleaned the house cleanly.

The nanny eldest sister declined the proposal to help cook dinner, the old lady sent the nanny away to cook herself and made two bowls of noodle soup and eggs.

She put five eggs in Qin Yilan's bowl, and the old lady didn't eat it after the meal, she just rubbed Qin Yilan's dog's head and urged her to eat: "Eat it quickly, when the old man is there I like to buy you eggs to eat, you can eat more today to make him happy."

Qin Yilan barked at the valve of the gas tank that Mrs. Yang forgot to close, and watched the old lady close the valve before she began to eat.

After eating, I licked the basin and followed the old lady to the living room. The old lady picked up the calendar on the table and looked at it: "Today is Thursday, tomorrow's Yiming and his parents came back."

Old Mrs. Yang couldn't wait to see her children and grandchildren for the last time. When Qin Yilan got up in the middle of the night to cover the old lady with the quilt, she found that the old lady's breathing had begun to gradually weaken.

Old Mrs. Yang walked in her sleep and walked very peacefully. Qin Yilan whispered twice in her ear, and the old lady closed her eyes and whispered softly: "Laifu, let's Find the old man..."

When the old lady lost her breath, Qin Yilan pulled the quilt for her, gently rolled it at her feet, and slowly stopped breathing.