MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 60 Campus Heartthrob Crematorium 17

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In the silent corridor, the cold wind poured in from the stairs.

There are voice-activated lights in the corridor, and in the dark corridor, a red fire can be seen beating in the distance.

Zhou Ruoqing had been standing here for more than an hour, with cigarette butts scattered under his feet.

He is the president of the student union and usually cares about his image the most. He can smoke, but he never smokes outside. Since he was worried about Sang Jiuchi, he has been smoking more and more frequently recently.

Zhou Ruoqing looked at the time on his phone, it was 22:30.

It was already ten thirty in the evening, and Sang Jiuchi still hadn't come back.

I heard that he has been fooling around with that stinky boy named Chi Ye every day, and even the school forums have pictures of the two of them.

He clearly keeps a distance when he communicates with him, and he even talks and laughs with Chi Ye, and he is so close!

Zhou Ruoqing felt that his chest was congested, he took another breath of cigarette, and exhaled the lingering smoke from his mouth and nose.

White smoke enveloped his gloomy face, making his expression darker.

Zhou Ruoqing looked down through the window. Twos and threes of people passed by, but none of them went inside.

He leaned all his weight against the wall and began to recall the results of yesterday's examination.

Out of shame, he even went into full armor.

Hats, eyes, masks, coats that are not too worn.

The doctor was an old doctor, looking at him with a bit of sympathy in his eyes.

"Hey, kid, you're a little sick."

"It's dysfunctional impotence," the old Chinese doctor didn't understand, he pointed to his head and then to his bottom, "meaning your body thinks of a reaction, but your brain doesn't allow it to react. This is the most difficult condition to treat.”

Zhou Ruoqing was a little panicked, but calmed down quickly, and even asked the cause, "How did I get this? I'm obviously very... healthy."

Old Chinese medicine doctor: "How old did you start?"

Zhou Ruoqing was a little ashamed, but answered truthfully: "21 years old, just a few months ago."

The old Chinese doctor, "How many days a week? How many times a day?"

Zhou Ruoqing: "Sometimes two days a week, sometimes five or six days a week."

When I go to school, I will be less, and when I am on vacation, I will be tired of being together every day.

Zhou Ruoqing thought for a while, "One day ... many times, I can't count them."

The old Chinese medicine doctor said, "Hey, I don't know how to control my body, and I've ruined my body. You need to take care of it slowly. I'll give you some traditional Chinese medicine first, so you can take care of it. Fortunately, you are young, and you can recover in a few years."

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Zhou Ruoqing let out another breath of smoke.

He had never been so suffocated in his life.


He was only 21 years old, and he had this kind of man's disease.

The rich aroma diluted the smell of the cigarette and rushed into Zhou Ruoqing's nose. Zhou Ruoqing was in a trance for a moment, then he smoked hard again, trying to suppress the strange aroma through the smell of tobacco.

He knew that Lin Fu could not be blamed for his illness, but how could he not blame him?

Before meeting Lin Fu, he would at most have some reverie about the carcass. After meeting Lin Fu, he seemed to be crazy.

He never thought that he would be generous enough to be a quarter, but he was, and he never tired of it. He was always on call.

But what did such shameless sacrifice get in return?

There was nothing but the pain of the man.

Now when he thinks of Lin Fu, his head hurts, not because he misses him, but because he is tired and crooked.

Like eating too many delicacies from mountains and seas, no matter how good they are, not only will they not make him greedy, but it will also make him a little sick.

Zhou Ruoqing leaned against the wall and looked at the two dark rooms in front of him. The doors were closed, and one or two were missing.

He didn't know whether he came here to see Lin Fu or Sang Jiuchi.

Both were men who made him have special emotions, but the thought of one would make his skull swell, and the thought of the other would make his chest throb.

Zhou Ruoqing heard a familiar laugh, he squinted and looked down the window, and saw two familiar figures walking up.

It didn't take long for footsteps to be heard at the entrance of the stairs, and along with the footsteps, the dark stairs also lit up.

There were two boys approaching, the short one was wearing a thick hat and was tightly wrapped. The tall one was slightly burly, with a bit of evil on his handsome face.

Seeing Zhou Ruoqing, both of them were stunned, "Big brother."

"Fourth." Zhou Ruoqing called out, "Why did you come back so late?"

The real name of the fourth eldest is Wang Bo, and his family is in the tourism export hair trade business. He has some business dealings with their family, and he is also the one who has the best relationship with him.

The fourth Wang Bai immediately laughed when he saw Zhou Ruoqing, "I just came back after going out for dinner. Brother, why did you wait and don't call Su Fu? It's freezing, right?"

Zhou Ruoqing was silent.

I thought to myself, I didn't come to find Lin Fu, why should I call him.

Suddenly startled by his own voice, didn't he come to look for Lin Fu? Then he came to find Sang Jiuchi?

Zhou Ruoqing frowned and looked at Sang Jiuchi's room, the lock was still hanging outside, why didn't Sang Jiuchi come back so late?

Lin Fu was still thinking about finding time to find Zhou Ruoqing, but he didn't expect Zhou Ruoqing to come to the door himself, so he quickly took two steps forward and picked up Zhou Ruoqing's hand, "Brother, go in and sit, it's too cold outside."

Zhou Ruoqing pulled out his hand without a trace, and glanced at Sang Jiuchi's room again, "Where is Sang Jiuchi?"

The fourth elder Wang Bo laughed, "Big brother, you still miss him. Don't worry, my brother knows that you have been wronged by him, so I will avenge my brother."


Zhou Ruoqing was stunned suddenly, and his tone became severe, "What did you do to him?"

The lights in the corridor flickered and Wang Bo couldn't see Zhou Ruoqing's eyes. He hugged Lin Fu tightly in his arms with nostalgia, and kissed Lin Fu's fair face before saying, "I didn't find those little **** that day. In the end, it was useless. Today I asked them to block Sang Jiuchi, and take some interesting photos by the way, to ensure that he will be ruined. Then you will take those photos to him and see if he will be so tough. "

Zhou Ruoqing rushed up with a single stride, grabbed Wang Bo's neckline fiercely, and asked word by word, "Where is Sang Jiuchi now?!"

Wang Bo was taken aback by Zhou Ruoqing. He had never seen Zhou Ruoqing like this before, so he swallowed and said, "It should be in the small park near the school now."

"Why did he go to the small park?" Zhou Ruoqing continued to press.

Wang Bo said with a guilty conscience, "I asked those little gangsters to send him a message, and they threatened him to go there because they knew he had skin thirst."

Zhou Ruoqing was shocked and looked at Wang Bo in disbelief, "Skin hunger and thirst? Sang Jiuchi?"

"Yeah," Wang Bo laughed dryly, "You don't know yet, bro, that little **** in Sang Jiuchi has skin thirst, don't look at his pretentious appearance every day, in fact, he is greedy for men. I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die by now."

In Zhou Ruoqing's heart, a nameless fire rose up.

Once, he was one of them.

As soon as he sat there, he began to wantonly belittle and insult Sang Jiuchi. Not only did he not feel that this behavior was shameful, but he felt a sense of pleasure from the superior.

What did they say about Sang Jiuchi at that time?

Poor ghosts, goblins, bitches, pretentious.

They even jokingly placed bets and chips in that situation, dragging someone who had nothing to do with them into an absurd game.

They just find it funny.

But now that he heard the other party insult Sang Jiuchi, his inner anger was violent.

Wang Bo was still laughing, and Lin Fu in his arms also let out a light laugh.

Is this his good brother? Jokes with other people's secrets and tramples other people's dignity in the dirt at will.

Who doesn't have a hidden illness? He is also impotent.

Thinking of impotence, Zhou Ruoqing couldn't help but glared at Lin Fu again.

It turned out that Sang Jiuchi had skin hunger, no wonder he didn't want to be close to him.

It's not that he doesn't like himself, it's just that he is afraid of getting sick!

For a moment, Zhou Ruoqing's mood switched back and forth between good and bad. After a few seconds, he looked at Wang Bo again, "How did you know that he has skin thirst?"

Wang Bo looked down at Lin Fu, Lin Fu restrained his smile, and said timidly, "I know his high school classmates, and his high school classmates told me that he used to get sick in high school."

Zhou Ruoqing looked at Lin Fu coldly, as if he didn't know the well-behaved boy in front of him, "So you clearly knew that he was protecting this disease to death, but you still casually told the secret to those few gangsters with no lower limit? And then asked the punk to ask him out?! Do you know what will happen to them?!"

He paused for a while, then suddenly understood, gritted his teeth and said: "You know, you not only know, but also let them take pictures! Lin Fu, why are you so insidious?! And you Wang Bo, hurry up and call them to stop, you guys It's a crime, you're going to jail, do you know?!"

Wang Bo didn't take it seriously, "Brother, what are you talking about. Those gangsters are very tight-lipped and won't confess to us. Besides, I just told them that Sang Jiuchi has skin hunger and thirst, and I said the others. what?"

Zhou Ruoqing was about to explode with anger, grabbed Wang Bo by the neckline, pressed him against the wall, his eyes were cold, and he said word by word, "I! Let! You! Give! They! Call! Call! Stop! Stop!"

Wang Bo was also angry, "I just didn't fight, and what I told was true, you were hooked by the little goblin Sang Jiuchi! He has that disease, it's disgusting to death, you really like him. what?"

Seeing his delay in calling, Zhou Ruoqing stubbornly said, "Wang Bo, wait for me, the Wang family will never have a good time in the mall recently!"

Wang Bo's eyes widened, and he shouted at Zhou Ruoqing's back in disbelief, "Brother, you are blackmailing me for a bitch!"

Zhou Ruoqing paused slightly when he heard this, then turned to look at the two of them, "Oh, Wang Bo, the biggest **** is right next to you, where are you going to find it."

Lin Fu's face turned pale.

After Zhou Ruoqing said this, he left without looking back.

After he ran downstairs, he rode a shared bicycle from downstairs and started to ride outside the school frantically. He didn't know if he could catch up, but at least he must. No matter whether there was an accident in Sang Jiuchi, he would He held it tightly in his arms and never let go this time!

The biting cold wind slashed his face like a knife, but he didn't feel cold at all. The car under his feet was pedaling hard, and he just wanted to go faster and faster.

A few minutes later, he came to the small park.

The harsh sound of sirens cut through the sky, and the red and blue police lights beat in the dark. Next to the police car, there is also an ambulance, and several medical staff are carrying a stretcher to the ambulance.

Zhou Ruoqing was shocked, did something happen to Sang Jiuchi?

He quickly threw the car to the ground and stumbled towards it. While running, he shouted, "Sang Jiuchi, Sang Jiuchi, are you alright?!"

A policeman came to stop him, Zhou Ruoqing quickly took out his student ID card from his pocket, pointed at the stretcher and said, "I'm a student of Art University, that person is my classmate, I know him, let me go!"

The policeman's expression was a little subtle: "Are you sure you know him?"

Zhou Ruoqing nodded vigorously, "I know him. He is my friend. Is he seriously injured? I want to take care of him."

The police looked at each other and made room for him.

Zhou Ruoqing rushed up immediately, but was stunned when he saw the unfamiliar person on the stretcher, "Who is this?"

The policeman wanted to laugh, "Didn't you say you knew him?"

Zhou Ruoqing was a little embarrassed, his eyes swept around the noisy space, and settled on one place.

Next to the policeman, a thin and slender boy was standing steadily. He was covered with a blanket. Although his hair was a little messy, he looked good.

It's Sang Jiuchi! He is fine!

Zhou Ruoqing's eyes lit up, and he walked over excitedly in three steps, "Sang Jiuchi, that's great, you're fine!"

As he said that, he was about to reach out and hug Sang Jiuchi.

A tall and vigorous body suddenly stood in front of Sang Jiuchi. Zhou Ruoqing looked up and his eyes calmed down. It was Chiye.

Why is he here?

Another stretcher was carried out from the park. After three stretchers were carried in a row, the police gave Sang Jiuchi a thumbs up, "You are really good, it's a pity not to go to the police academy with your skills."

Sang Jiuchi smiled slightly: "They want to murder me, I'm just defending myself."

At the school, Wang Bo felt a little guilty, "Speak up, or else I'll give those little gangsters a call, but don't make any real trouble."

Lin Fu thought about it and nodded.

He was also a little scared.

Wang Bo picked up the phone and dialed it. After a few seconds, the call was connected. Wang Bo hurriedly said, "Brother, let's forget about it. I won't lose any money, but don't move."

On the other end of the phone, a majestic voice sounded, "It seems that you are the main culprit in this murder."

Only then did Wang Bo realize that the voice on the other end of the phone seemed to be very noisy, not only human voices, but also sirens.

Wang Bo looked at Lin Fu in horror.

murder? ! He didn't!

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