MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 91 Over-the-top red superstar 22

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"There's no need for you to marry that crippled man in revenge for me."

"Even if he can stand up now, he will still be disabled walking on crutches for the rest of his life. He will never be able to hug you like a normal person."

"Did he force you to marry him? He's a devil. You must be scared around him now, right? Don't worry, I will definitely save you from him."

As soon as Sang Jiuchi came to the backyard, he was dragged into the corner by Yun Yi and talked a lot to himself.

Yun Yi's eyes blazed around Sang Jiuchi's body, staring at the faint red marks.

"You let him touch you? Don't you have a cleanliness addiction? He forced you, didn't you?"

Yesterday they were assigned to different operating rooms, but went on the same road.

He had already seen what was wrong with Sang Jiuchi, and he wore a silk scarf for the first time yesterday, just to cover up the evidence of the crime.

Yun Yi's fists were clenched tightly, one hand was against the wall, and the other hand grabbed Sang Jiuchi's two wrists and clasped them against the wall, "Aren't you the most unbearable person to touch you? Why did you that night? Don't resist? Why don't you ask for help, I will rescue you as long as you call it out! Or are you actually enjoying it? Oh, it seems that I was too good to you before. It turns out that you like others to use force."

The man I cherished and never touched for two years was actually slept by the man I hated the most.

Unspeakable hatred rose from his lower abdomen. He stared at Sang Jiuchi, his eyes mixed with mixed emotions of hatred and love, "Why is it him! Damn!"

Sang Jiuchi leaned against the wall and watched Yun Yi go mad indifferently.

Yun Yi vented a bit, and finally looked at Sang Jiuchi's indifferent gaze, with surprise flashing in his eyes: "No way, you're in love with him? You can't love him, he's a devil!"

Sang Jiuchi sneered: "Why do you call him a devil? After I married him, he has always been good to me, but it is you who keep saying that you love me, but keep sucking blood from me. You debuted because of me, you It’s also because of me that I became popular. But not only did you not know how to repay your gratitude, but you also stole my resources again and again and threw me resources that you didn’t like.”

"Every time I see a resource first, you will make trouble with it. If it's a resource you like, you can grab it, or you're going to mess with me. Do you think I don't know? Why do it? Don't Tell me it's just an accidental resource conflict. It may be once or twice, and it must be deliberate. And your methods of robbing resources make me feel sick. "

Yun Yi's body froze slightly, "So you all know."

Sang Jiuchi: "Of course I know, and I'm not stupid. But I have tolerated you time and time again, just because you were my boyfriend at the time."

Yun Yi was stuck in his throat, he swallowed hard, and explained dryly: "At that time, I was just a little transparent, and you were already very popular. Everyone was saying that I was with you for the sake of superiority, I think Catch up with you, but the gap between me and you is too far. I was really obsessed at the time, I was just afraid that the distance between the two of us would only get further and further if you continued to be so popular, so I did that. Jiuchi , I was wrong in the past, but I really just love you."

"Haha," Sang Jiuchi laughed twice, "you love me, so you want to destroy me, your love is terrible. I ask you again, don't you love me? Then tell me, you say you love me , but let me know on Weibo that I was broken up, is this your love?"

Yun Yi was speechless for a while.

Sang Jiuchi looked at Yun Yi with contempt, and his eyes were full of contempt: "Yun Yi, I have done my utmost to you. I didn't say anything when you robbed me of resources, and I didn't say anything bad about you when you cheated."

Yun Yi saw Sang Jiuchi's eyes and breathed tightly.

The eyes Sang Jiuchi looked at him were sometimes indifferent, sometimes approving, and sometimes disappointed, but never despised.

He has done so much to get the status he is now, and Sang Jiuchi cannot despise him.

Yun Yi subconsciously took away the hand supporting the wall and covered Sang Jiuchi's eyes.

Yun Yi said bluntly: "I did it all for you! Do you know what I have paid for success?! Anyone can despise me, but you can't, I sold my body for resources to chase you, I want to be popular Ah. But after I became popular, I realized that no matter how popular I am, I am just a puppet thrown into the entertainment circle by the capital circle. Only when I enter the market of the capital circle from the puppet can I be considered a real success!"

"I love you all the time, I just need Huo Ling. When I and Huo Ling get married, I will be able to get the support of the Huo family. Although my father wants to pass on the Yun family to me, the old members of the Yun family's board of directors do not. If you don't want to let go, you have to look for the crippled Yun Yan. Only with the support of the Huo family can I gain a firm foothold in the Yun family, do you know that!"

"You wait for me for five years, will it be five years? I will save you from Yun Yan in five years."

"Yunyan, that beast, he's a rude thing. He was jealous of me, and I took you away for revenge! He didn't like you at all, he just tortured me! Sang Jiuchi, I love you , I want you!...Ah!"

Yun Yi said more and more vigorously, his eyes became scarlet and terrifying because of excitement, he was like a poisoned vulture, only greed and desire remained in his eyes.

Just when he let himself swear at Yun Yan, who was scolding Zheng Hai, his mouth also wanted to kiss Sang Jiuchi's neck under the trend of desire.

Seeing that Yun Yi's lips were about to touch Sang Jiuchi's shoulder, Sang Jiuchi suddenly stepped out.

His legs were as fast as lightning, and he directly kicked Yun Yi's sternum, knocking Yun Yi to the ground.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes were already stained with blood red. Unlike Yun Yi's greed and madness, Sang Jiuchi's red color contained murderous intent and ferocity.

With a kick, Sang Jiuchi still didn't relieve his hatred.

He pulled Yun Yi by the neckline and pulled Yun Yi up from the ground, pushing him hard against the wall.

The next second, the fist smashed heavily towards Yun Yi's face.

Yun Yi screamed in fright, his expression twisted into a ball, revealing his ugliness.

However, his fist stopped abruptly when he was only a few centimeters away from Yun Yi, Sang Jiuchi let go of Yun Yi, and Yun Yi immediately slid to the ground like a dead dog.

Sang Jiuchi sneered, he lifted his left foot and stepped on the wall beside Yun Yi.

With his left arm on his left leg, Sang Jiuchi leaned over and looked down at the frightened Yun Yi, "Yun Yi, you are not as good as a single hair of Yun Yan."

"Even if Yunyan's legs are paralyzed, he is still a man of the sky. He bravely faced his pain, accepted everything calmly, and never gave up even when he was at a low point."

"And you, you do everything you can for success. You say that even if you become popular, you are just a puppet in the capital circle. That's because your success is disgraceful. Your feet are on the tip of a knife, how can you have dignity and harmony? What can you say about yourself? Instead of blaming others, you might as well reflect on what you have done all these years."

"No matter how glamorous you look, you still look like a timid ghost in your bones. You almost **** when you were scared by my fist. Is it ridiculous? I don't even bother to beat you when you look like this."

"Yun Yi, it's your business if you want to succeed by unscrupulous means, but don't use others as a shield. You are addicted to desire, but you use me as your excuse, how shameless are you?"

"The kick you just kicked was for my husband. He is many times stronger than you. The two of you are like clouds and mud, and you don't even deserve to mention him. Let me hear you insulting him again, not now. Boxing is as simple as that."

Sang Jiuchi threw a bunch of words viciously and left without looking back.

Half an hour later, Yun Yi and Huo Ling left in a hurry.

Huo Ling's face was not very good when he left. Half of Yun Yi's face was red, and the five palms were clearly marked.

In a corner where no one noticed, Yun Yan looked at Yun Yi with a stern killing intent in his eyes.

After Yun Yi left, the program team did not invite anyone else.

After Yun Yi left, the feeling of incompatibility that had been lingering around several people also disappeared. In the next few days, the four pairs of people each showed their own family relationship patterns, and completed one task after another in a very happy and tacit understanding.

A week after their tour ended, the show crew began airing the first episode.

Because of the previous live broadcast, this time the variety show has become a topic of conversation. The show that was about to die has come back to life, and the popularity is even higher than that of the first season.

While hitting Sang Jiuchi and Yun Yantang, the audience also noticed the obvious slap print on Yun Yi's face when he exited and left.

【Who hit this slap? Is that Holling? Good guy, the rich and powerful daughter is really fierce. 】

[It's so weird. Sang Jiuchi and Yun Yi actually participated in two programs at the same time, the first program Sang Jiuchi retired first, and the second program was Yun Yi withdrew. 】

[Why did Huo Ling fight Yun Yi? Although they seem to have a normal relationship, they haven't reached the point where they meet each other? 】

As soon as the show aired, the topic of #yunyislap# rushed to the hot search.

There are different opinions on the source of the slap on the Internet, but one theory stands out from many speculations and has become the most recognized statement by netizens.

The netizen listed several micro-expressions and logical analysis, and finally summed it up.

The reason for the slap was that Huo Ling found out that Yun Yi was cheating, and the object of the cheating was not someone else, but his old friend.

This netizen didn't know where to get a photo of Yun Yi pulling Sang Jiuchi to the corner of the backyard.

After the article, netizens seem to have seen it with their own eyes, saying that Huo Ling caught the **** on the spot and slapped Yun Yi severely, forcing Yun Yi to retire from the competition.

As soon as the photo was exposed, there was an uproar on the Internet.

Sang Jiuchi has just started to become popular because of the "genius" personality, but with the exposure of this photo, his newly established popularity was immediately in jeopardy.

But it didn't take long for the news to be sent out. Two hours later, the news was not very hot, and the platform sent out the shooting tidbits like a mockery.

In this tidbit, in the last few minutes, the whole truth at that time was restored.

No one expected that the show team would end up in person and directly rub the rotten guy Yun Yi on the ground for the sake of Sang Jiuchi.

The truth was exposed in front of the public, and everyone was in an uproar.

Because of a photo and a piece of speculation, I started to get angry at Sang Jiuchi, who had already gone to delete Weibo secretly, with a burning face while deleting.

Who would have thought that Yun Yi would be such a rotten person!

Not only did he **** up Sang Jiuchi's original resources like a vampire, but he also pushed all the faults on Sang Jiuchi.

Yun Yi also personally admitted the cheating, that is to say, Sang Jiuchi forcibly carried the long-term Internet violence on Yun Yi's behalf!

However, Yun Yi, who really deserved to be scolded, hid well behind the Internet and was not hurt at all.

A good person like Sang Jiuchi, who carried all the infamy on his back, never said a single bad word about Yun Yi from the beginning to the end.

Yun Yi is a son of a bitch! How could he be worthy of Sang Jiuchi's love? !

Netizens who learned the truth quickly shifted the flames of war and ran under Yun Yi and began to scold him.

Director Yang watched the intensifying scolding on the Internet and shook his head silently.

If it wasn't for a strong enough backstage behind them, they wouldn't dare to defend Sang Jiuchi so blatantly. A week before the start of this variety show, Yun Yan bought the exclusive naming rights and even had the privilege of selecting and editing.

What Yun Yi did to Sang Jiuchi in the villa seemed to have angered Yun Yan, and Yun Yan was trying to kill Yun Yi.

All of Yun Yi's characters collapsed, and he became an actor who was madly boycotted by the whole network.

From then on, he could no longer make any achievements in the entertainment industry.

Yun Yi's manager was also panicked. He looked down at the contracts he had just signed for Yun Yi, and his back molars creaked.

He's been tricked!

Since half a month ago, several big companies have come to look for Yun Yi as an endorsement. Each endorsement fee is as high as eight figures, and the high income is also burdened with sky-high compensation.

There is only one requirement in the contract, that is, Yunyi needs to maintain a good reputation during the cooperation. Once there is a problem with Yunyi's reputation, it will be counted as a breach of contract.

Yun Yi's manager was used to whitewashing, and Yun Yi's so many blackmails were settled by himself. His overconfidence in himself made him sign the contract without thinking.

But what he didn't expect was that Yun Yi's character design collapsed so completely this time.

With the collapse of Yunyi's personality, these partners came to the brokerage company with the contract for compensation.

Because they couldn't get the money, these companies immediately took the brokerage company to court.

This brokerage company is not big, there are not many artists signed, the only one who can take a shot is Yun Yi.

There were only three brokers. Back then, Yunyi's manager gave up Sang Jiuchi for Yunyi's sake. Now he is looking at the court subpoenas for sky-high compensation payments, as well as the topic Top.1 and expectations in the video. Sang Jiuchi, whose value is Top.1, has regretted his bowels.

How could he have been blinded by lard in the first place, and insisted on letting them accompany the big boss?

It's a good business, isn't it? !

He actually gave up a pearl for a fish eye. Sang Jiuchi's character is the unbreakable and impeccable person in the entertainment industry.

The broker borrowed money everywhere to repay the money, but I don't know if he was targeted. He couldn't borrow money from anyone.

Later, when the court time came, the court ruled that the brokerage company lost the case, because there was no liquidity to pay off, the court ruled that the economic company should be sealed up and property liquidated, and the payment should be given priority through auction.

This small economic workshop started because of the signing of the young Sang Jiuchi, and later, relying on Yun Yi's popularity, it quickly doubled the capital.

But in the end, the brokerage company was beaten back to its original shape because of Yunyi.

The Yun family was not much better. After seeing that Yun Yan was able to stand up, Yun Yi's mother called Yun Yi back for the first time out of fear.

She also contributed to the death of Yunyan's mother.

She saw the scene when Yun Yan and Yun Yi first met, and at the same time she saw the crazy killing intent and ferocity in Yun Yan's eyes.

She didn't know whether Yun Yan knew the truth or not, but she was afraid that Yun Yan would go crazy and strangle her son.

Yun Yi is the only capital she has in the Yun family. If Yun Yi is gone, Father Yun will definitely throw himself away like a broken shoe.

He would choose a younger woman and have a healthier baby.

So when I saw Yun Yi and Yun Yan participating in the same variety show on TV, and even when Yun Yan stood up, Yun Yi's mother called Yun Yi back immediately out of fear.

But unexpectedly, Yun Yan's revenge came quickly and ruthlessly.

He is like a wolf cub, or he doesn't look back, he must be looking back for revenge.

She had only been in the Yun family for less than a year, and she watched the buildings of the Yun family collapse bit by bit.