MTL - I’m in Hollywood-Chapter 1106 Be wary of fireflies

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Introducing the two ladies, Anthony Arnault naturally turned his attention to Paul Roland.

Paul Roland’s eyes were directed at Carmen Kass, with vigilance and inquiries in his eyes. He did not expect that he just left for a while, Carmen Kass knew the son of Lu Wei Xuan Xuan, if it was before, he would definitely be happy. But now, if Carmen Kass gives birth to something that shouldn't be there, it is definitely a disaster for him.

God knows that wm has just passed a disaster.

Feeling Paul Roland's gaze, Carmen Kess faintly narrowed her neck, but could not explain anything on this occasion.

Delfina Arnault, who came with Paul Roland, looked at his brother and solemnly introduced himself to Carmen Kass, but he just thought it was a little funny.

Of course, she would not fall in the face of her own brother in front of outsiders, but gently raised her hand to Paul Roland and introduced to Anthony Arnold: "This is Mr. Roland, he is the agent of Miss Case. Boss, it’s a coincidence that you and Miss Kathy have met again."

Anthony Arnault remembered that Carmen Kass had just said that she was waiting for her own boss, and contacted the current situation, and immediately understood the ins and outs of the matter, and her face once again gave birth to a sly expression.

Hearing Delfina Arnault introduced himself, Paul Roland took back the eyes of Carmen Kass, smiled and shook hands with Anthony Arnault, although he could not help but immediately take Carmen Kass back to New York. But I also know that it is definitely not rude at this time.

I was just ridiculed by a pair of lilies. At this time, I went out again. Anthony Arno’s heart was somewhat irritated, but she didn’t bother to stay. She chatted with everyone and then turned away.

After Anthony Arnold left, Paul Roland relaxed and took Carmen Kass and Delfina Arnault and Calis Baker to find a seat and began to discuss Carmen Kass's endorsement of Dior. Really my 'perfume thing.

Although, as Giselle said, the 'True Me' perfume is just a new fragrance line, the outlook is not clear. But this is, after all, the first project that Delfina Arno took over after entering the family business. In order to ensure success as much as possible, Dior has spared no effort in investing in this product.

With the contract of the Secret Angel spokesperson, Carmen Kass is destined to become one of the fastest supermodels in the fashion industry in the next few years. Together with the image temperament, it is very suitable for the positioning of 'True Me' perfume. Negotiated the initial cooperation intention.

After the matter was over, Delfina Arnault and Calis Baker left to go to the other guests, Carmen Kass whispered to Paul Roland this time: "Or, I, push this endorsement well. It is."

When Paul Roland heard Carmen Kass’s words, he squatted and shook his head and smiled: “No need, Carmen, you just need to know what you are doing. Yes, you are not saying to Mr. Williams in the afternoon. Say thank you, I thought about it, the weekend is the Oscar awards ceremony, this is more difficult, but I will try to see if you can get an invitation to the Vanity Fair party, so you have reason to go to Los Angeles. ""

Carmen Kays flashed his eyes and lowered his head slightly. He whispered, "What about him?"

"Mr. Williams's mind, I don't know, so you can go straight." Paul Roland guessed her doubts, explained the sentence, and smiled again: "Speak up, today in North America. The media on the side is very lively, you can buy a newspaper tomorrow morning."

It turned out that he did not say that he would take the initiative to see himself.

Some lost, I heard the words behind Paul Roland, and I felt that I had to write inexplicably and looked up.

Paul Roland nodded: "Of course it is about Mr. Williams."


Paris is already the night, and North America is still in the daytime, regardless of the east or west coast.

Today's North American media is really lively, because the new year's Forbes Global Rich List has finally been officially announced. Moreover, I don't know if it is to catch up with the trend. The Forbes Group also chose to publish the 1999 Forbes Rich List for the first time through the Internet situation.

Prior to this, a large number of media have made predictions on this year's list, but the authority that has been formed for a long time has made North America's eyes, both public and media, focused on the data provided by Forbes.

There is hardly any suspense, and Eric's name is still high in the top position of the list.

There is also not much suspense, and Eric became the first super-rich to break through $300 billion in personal wealth.

$315.5 billion.

This is the exact number that Forbes finally announced.

Among them, Forbes magazine's valuation of the Firefly Group has increased by only 20 billion US dollars to 120 billion US dollars last year. Eric has gained 88.5 billion US dollars by holding 73.7% of the Firefly Group.

In addition, the rest of Eric's net worth is basically from the technology stock company under the firefly investment, but this asset is worth more than 200 billion US dollars.

Moreover, this time Eric’s personal $310.5 billion in net worth exceeded the sum of the other ten of the Forbes rich list.

Although due to the overall recovery of the North American and even the world economy, the assets of most of the richest people on the Forbes list have seen a significant increase this year, but after Eric, the second to the tenth of the nine richest people It is only 245 billion US dollars, which is completely behind the scale of Eric’s 70 billion US dollars.

Last year, Eric’s personal assets of $136.7 billion have made the world look at it. This year, more than 300 billion US dollars of wealth has completely lost many people's imagination. Most ordinary people have no way of understanding what it means to have more than 300 billion US dollars in wealth.

However, in this awkwardness, there is naturally no lack of awareness or self-consciousness.

"I was deeply scared after investigating in detail the huge corporate assets controlled by the firefly system. Because, I seem to see a scene more terrifying than the Rockefeller family's joint oil company controlling the federal energy industry. If not Steve. · The Case team led the departure of AOL, and the Firefly system will almost certainly create a complete Internet industry interest chain. This interest chain involves the entire set of equipment manufacturers, service providers and content providers in the Internet industry, and Cisco, AOL, or Yahoo! are among the best in the Internet industry. Yahoo! Networks has controlled more than 70% of North America’s most important portal platform."

"Although the departure of AOL has made the Internet industry chain elaborately created by the Firefly system hit hard, it has not hindered the crazy expansion of the Firefly system. The e-commerce platform Amazon, which also has the largest market share in North America, is the most important of these. Illustration."

"At the same time, after the acquisition of Sony's film business, the Firefly system has also controlled four of the seven major Hollywood film companies, the crazy encroachment of Hollywood media resources, and the four major movie companies controlled by the Firefly system have become more and more More movie market share. Just last year, in the US$7 billion local box office in North America, the Firefly Group, the MGM Group, and the Fox Group of the Firefly System divided more than $4.5 billion in box office, with a market share of nearly 65%. I want to see that once the famous series of Columbia Pictures, such as "Black Man", is revived, the entire firefly system will also gain a near-monopoly market advantage in Hollywood."

"If you think that the strength of the firefly system is limited to these two aspects, then it is a big mistake."

“In the course of the research, the author also found that although Eric Williams’ failure of the entire field of the Internet industry due to the departure of AOL, the true young man who is like an alien visitor is Quietly laying out a fine layout for another important area of ​​technology, this is the mobile communications industry, and, in the process, the forward-looking vision of Eric Williams, even the author himself can not help but be amazed."

"Seven years ago, digital communication technology was just emerging, and Eric Williams spent huge sums of money to buy a 51% stake in the mobile communications division of the Nokia Group of Finland, achieving absolute control over the mobile communications equipment manufacturer. The firefly investment paid only $420 million for the 51% stake. Seven years later, Nokia Group grew to become the world's largest mobile communications device and handset manufacturer with a market capitalization of more than $60 billion."

"Close, five years ago, Eric Williams once again took control of another company that was still very unremarkable at the time, Qualcomm."

"This investment is coming in the same way as the author."

"Because, when the world's major communication equipment manufacturers are still madly fighting for the second generation of digital communication technology patents, Qualcomm has unwittingly controlled thousands of third-generation digital communication technology patents, forming a The whole mobile communication industry wants patent barriers that cannot be crossed in the first step. Here, if you are interested in reading, you can explore the difference between Qualcomm cdma technology and second-generation fdma technology, and you can understand that the author has never said anything. Exaggerated, and the entire mobile communications industry is clearly 'awakening'. At the same time, according to the data provided by the Forbes list, last year, Qualcomm's market value was only 5.76 billion US dollars, but only a year, Qualcomm In the course of this Forbes magazine, the market value has soared to $28.6 billion."

"Finally, the Firefly system also entered the sprint group, one of the three major telecom operators. Although the sprint is the weakest among the at-t, verizon and sprint, we can easily find out that the mobile communication license auction process. In the sprint, the number of photos taken by the sprint is more than the sum of the two companies at-t and verizon. If Eric Williams is considered for the mobile communication industry, then if the firefly investment is sprint, then It seems reasonable. At present, the market value of the sprint group also reached 56 billion US dollars, compared with three years ago, the increase exceeded 500%, no doubt, Eric Williams once again pressed the bet, or, I even think Eric Williams is not betting at all, he seems to be able to see the future."

"So, let's look back, Nokia, mobile communication equipment manufacturers; Qualcomm, mobile communication technology developers; sprint, mobile communication network operators. The combination of the three, with Eric Williams on the Internet industry Cisco, the United States The layout patterns of online and Yahoo’s Big Three are similar.”

“Although the Nasdaq market already has a very serious bubble component, it is almost a company of all people. This market has completely separated from the economic fundamentals and become a paradise for speculators. But I have to Recognizing that the Internet, mobile communications, electronics industry, this new series of technology industries will undoubtedly become the new economic world in the new century as completely as the oil industry in the early 20th century. Therefore, I have to remind the federal government. We have reached the point where we must be absolutely vigilant that this horrible firefly will continue to expand. Otherwise, in the next 100 years, the entire North America, and the whole world, will be enveloped in the shadow of this firefly."

In the following days, with the announcement of the Forbes list, in a series of media articles on Eric’s personal discussions, the Washington Post’s special commentator Howard Glassman’s report is undoubtedly One of the most resounding ones.

Even after Eric himself saw this article, he had to marvel at Howard Glassman's deep analysis of the firefly system industry layout.

But after being amazed, approaching is a troublesome headache.

Although most people can't imagine what it means to be worth $300 billion, the hatred of ordinary people is almost the same emotion that the world will never disappear. At the same time, because of the fear of monopolistic oligopoly, with Huasheng The publication of this article in the Post, more articles about calling on the federal government to limit the expansion of the firefly system will also be released.

Eric gradually discovered that the accumulation of wealth is indeed not a difficult thing for him. Perhaps, for a long time in the future, how to protect the wealth that he already has is a scene for him. The real test.

Of course, this storm has not only put pressure on the firefly system. Due to this article in the Washington Post, all listed companies involved in the entire firefly system have seen a very significant rise in stock prices. Starting from March 15th, as of the end of March 19 trading day, in just one week, driven by the overall rise of firefly system technology stocks, the Nasdaq index also officially broke through the 3000 mark.