MTL - I’m Real Wine-Chapter 36

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"What are you kidding me? I stayed outside and never came home. Didn't you guys come back with me?" Shatian Caixia said.

"Because you only went out after killing your husband, I think you probably calculated the time, so you deliberately found a Maori office far away from your home, obviously there is a place ten minutes away from your home. Another firm."

"Mr. Iwamoto isn't lying either, he did hear the sound of the vase breaking and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. But I think that was probably the sound that Taguchi-san made to help you cover up, this house. The sound insulation effect is not good in the first place, and after hearing the sound and seeing the scene of the Japanese room, it is natural to think that the sound is coming from the Japanese room."

"During the time we came here, because Mr. Iwamoto has been waiting here, Miss Taguchi should not be able to dispose of the debris. I think it is probably a vase or glass. Just go up and take a look. I can find it. Miss Sunada, do you want to let Miss Taguchi who helped you take the blame for you?"

Conan came out from the side: "Miss Taguchi's house is broken, I just wanted to go to the toilet. But you all blocked the door, I went to Miss Taguchi's house to borrow the toilet, and saw that Miss Taguchi's house was broken. I picked up a fragment of the exact same vase." Conan took out the broken ceramic fragment wrapped in a handkerchief, "Here, this is it."

"I did kill him." Shatian Caixia knelt down forcefully on the ground, her voice suddenly became louder, "But I don't regret doing it at all, he is a scumbag."

Shatian Yuto was married to Shatian's family. Shatian Caixia's family was good. At the beginning, they lived a happy life. With the support of his father-in-law, Shatian Yuto's work was also very smooth.

Things got worse after Ayaka Sunada's father died, and Yuto Sunada took over the company of the Sunada family after his father-in-law passed away.

But he does not have the excellent management ability like his father-in-law, and the company has been going downhill in his hands.

It was at that time that Yuto Sunada started abusing his wife. He often came back late after socializing. After returning, he lost his temper at his wife, saying things like "Why do you compare me to your father?"

Later, Iwamoto recommended an investment project to Sunada, and Sunada was very optimistic about that project, and sold all their property and invested in it. They also sold their house at that time and moved to the current house.

At the beginning of the project, the profits were good, and Yuto Sunada briefly changed back to the good husband he used to be. He apologized to Ayaka Sunada, saying that the pressure from the company was too great before, and I begged Ayaka Sunada to forgive him.

But the good times didn't last long. The project quickly exploded, and Sha Tian lost even his underwear. He began to drink heavily all day again, and the domestic violence became more and more intensified.

Miss Taguchi often hears the quarrel between their husband and wife, and occasionally helps Shatian Ayaka. Under her persuasion, Shatian Ayaka decides to divorce Shatian Yuto.

However, when Yuto Sunada heard the news, he refused to get divorced, and he beat Sunada Ayaka even more fiercely.

He also threatened Sunada Ayaka's cat, threatening that if Sunada Ayaka wanted to get a divorce, he would kill the cat first and then kill her. Anyway, he has nothing left, and there is no point in living in the world.

Sunada Caixia was worried that he would do something too much again, so she had to promise him not to divorce.

However, when I came home today, the cat that had accompanied Sunada Ayaka since school disappeared from the house.

Yuto Sunada proudly placed the cat's body in front of Ayaka Sunada: "I strangled her to death, don't you want to divorce me? If you divorce me, you will end up with her."

Sunada Ayaka collapsed completely, took the vase next to her and smashed it on Sunada Yuto's head.

Upstairs, Miss Taguchi heard the movement below and thought it was Yuto Sunada hitting someone again. When he got down, he saw Yuto Sunada who was lying on the ground and Ayaka Sunada who was overwhelmed with fright.

She remembered hearing Sunada Yuto call a friend to say that she had an appointment in the afternoon. So he gave Sunada Ayaka an idea and asked her to go out to give herself an alibi, while she paid attention to the situation at home, disguising the scene as an attempted robbery and being killed.

Miss Taguchi helped Ayaka Sanda who was kneeling on the ground: "It's not worth it to cry for that kind of person."

When the police officer Mumu arrived, the case had been completely solved, and Ayaka Sunada also confessed to her crime, and the group left the scene of the crime with a heavy heart.

"It's not easy for the squad leader. He should encounter many cases like this." Hagihara said to Matsuda while driving on the way back.

When I went back, Hagihara's car could not fit so many people. And they didn't get along with Mouri. In the end, Kogoro, Xiaolan, and Conan took a taxi back, and Hagi Principle took Matsuda and Orikasa home.

"Oorikasa doesn't seem to be in high spirits. Are you scared? You, Conan and Miss Mouri shouldn't follow. These things must be handled by adults." Hagihara frowned.

"I'm twenty-one." Orikasa Yuyoshi emphasized that three years ago, he could still be said to be a minor. But now, no matter how you count yourself, you are an adult, not a child.

"Is there a difference?" Matsuda Zhen asked.

In their eyes, there may be no difference, after all, they are all about to run for the third at twenty-nine.

But Orikasa's trance wasn't because of the case.

After encountering Conan and the case, the update of the comics is almost a certainty. Moreover, the update three years ago stopped in the review of the bombing case at Didan High School, so it was natural to lead to the appearance of a new character like him.

He was just hesitating whether to test the comics again, to see how far the comics could show the world.

He wanted to give it a try. After contacting Jinjiu, would the manga reveal his identity to the audience on the manga side.

If you only let the audience know, it probably won't have much impact on your own life.

Yuyoshi Orikasa did what he said, took out his mobile phone and started sending an email to Gin, but after he transferred to Gin from Scotland, he seldom contacted Gin again, and it took a long time to find a suitable topic.

[How is the progress of the handed over software? 】

Two years ago, Orikasa suspended the development of the software, although he knew that it was probably handed over to Itakura for the next development.

But on the surface, he still pretended to know nothing about it, and the communication should be left to others.

Gin was probably not on the mission, and the message replied quickly, "Belmode is coming back to deal with this matter recently, you should contact her."

After a while, Gin sent another message, "When the time comes, you will pick up Belmod, and do the handover by the way."

Belmod is coming back? Is the plot moving so fast? According to this timeline, isn't Shirley about to defect?

He slowly typed out the word "Shirley" on his mobile phone, and then deleted it again. Forget it, what does it matter to him whether Sulli defected or not?

【What about Bourbon? Will we come back together? 】

In the end, Orikasa just asked Gin.

[Bourbon remains there for the time being. 】

Matsuda Jinpei glanced back casually, saw Orikasa staring at the phone screen again, and said casually, "Don't look at your phone in the car, it's not good for your eyes."

"Oh." Orikasa responded and slowly put away the phone.

He actually doesn't want to pick up Belmod, how old is he, does he still need someone to pick him up when he goes back to the country?

And since getting to know liqueur, Orikasa doesn't really want to deal with the female members of the organization.

Although I know intellectually that a character like liqueur is a minority in the organization, it still leaves a shallow psychological shadow in the end.

Probably this is the fear of the well rope after being bitten by a snake for ten years.

If only there was an excuse for the liqueur to pick up Belmode.

Anyway, Liqueur is still at the cybersecurity countermeasures headquarters, and she has some understanding of her work, so it is just right for her to connect with Belmode.

But it's not in a hurry now. The fact that Huiyuan hasn't appeared means that Belmod won't be back for a while, and he has plenty of time to make excuses for himself.

After returning home, Yuyoshi Orikasa couldn't wait to open the manga to check the update. As expected, the comics that had not been moving for three years were updated again, which is exactly what happened today.

Orikasa skipped the description of the case and went to the last part. In the last part of the manga, Gin is holding a mobile phone. On the screen of the mobile phone is a text message sent to Orikasa: [You go to pick up Belmode], even the content not fully presented.

Then there was only a black shadow of a hand holding a mobile phone, replying with the words "understood", and he couldn't even tell whether it was a man or a woman.

The entire manga doesn't reveal Orikasa's identity at all, and the last part only seems to herald Belmode's upcoming debut.

Orikasa Yuyoshi smiled slightly, and sure enough, the comics only selectively presented what happened in their world, and they would choose a more dramatic and interesting way to present them to the audience there.

At present, it seems that there is no plan to reveal their identity to the audience, so can we use this to do a wave of things next?

After three years of peace, Yuyoshi Orikasa finally decided to act again.

The comment section for comics is as lively as ever.

[The teacher who teaches Xiaolan? Similar to Teacher Judy? Will it be the main character? 】

[Good guy, what's the situation, why did you suddenly call out Conan's identity, it scared me to death]

[The identity of Po Conan has not been added to the underworld filter, it is rare, is it another member of the red party? 】

[Wow, the little cutie from the previous chapter, is it really going to become a resident character?]

In the comics, when Matsuda mentioned that Orikasa picked up Conan, he added a few scene memories. It was at the door of Hagihara's house. Matsuda opened the door. Outside the door, Orikasa held Conan from his armpit and raised Conan to the level of Matsuda's line of sight. , told Matsuda that he had picked up a child outside.

[This is probably the easiest person to know Conan's identity. He doesn't even need reasoning, he directly witnesses the new transformation of Conan.]

[It is so easy to accept the setting of the big change of living people, I feel that this new character is not simple]

[Don't you think that this little brother Orikasa is holding Conan very much like a big cat carrying a kitten and going home]

[And the way he looked at Matsuda was very innocent, just like a cat who went home after skinning outside]

[What's wrong with the kitty, he just picked up a kid and came back]

[You are all paying attention to this new character, is no one paying attention to the main line? Sister Bei, Sister Bei is going to appear]

[Probably... everyone is immune, it's almost time for Sister Bei to choose one of the three]

[Compared to this, I think Hagihara's reasoning is more interesting. Sure enough, the police academy team came out with trump cards, and Hagihara seems to have found out that Xiao Ke was wrong]

[Fortunately, with Hagihara and Matsuda here, Mouri's neck was spared the trouble]

[Xiao Kezhen will stop acting when he encounters reasoning. If Orikasa stopped him, this wave would have exploded in front of Hagihara]

[Speaking of which, Xiao Ke has always been reckless]

Orikasa Yuyoshi closed the manga, raised his hand to cover his eyes, was he going to be mistaken for the red party? Seems to be interesting too.