MTL - I’m Working As a Renter In An Unfinished Building-Chapter 608 regret it

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  Chapter 608 Regret

   Several people gave money and went back with the small bag of vegetables they picked.

  Today, the old man went to the front again to work with everyone. He ate all three meals in the cafeteria.

  When they were working before, they also saw the old man passing by with a **** on his shoulders. He and the others were smiling and very happy.

  The old man also saw them, just waved to them, and continued chatting with others as if nothing had happened.

  The old man's attitude made them a little speechless.

   Moreover, the old man did not let them follow.

  He said, this is not a dangerous place, there is no need to follow him.

  That’s why they’re free to go to work and then qualify to buy groceries.

   Just looking at the vegetables in the bag, the mood of several people is very complicated.

  Are these the vegetables they have worked so hard to earn? !

  Thinking about it carefully, they earn an average of 200 yuan per person, and there are six people in total, and the total is 1,200 yuan.

   In other words, this vegetable is worth 1,251 catties!

  Feel like they are two hundred and five!

  The mood of several people is very complicated.

  Back to the villa, they stared at the vegetables in the transparent bag, as if they were looking at some enemy.

   "If this doesn't taste good..."

   "It can only be said that it deserves it." Dachun answered blankly.

other people:"…"

   Really deserve it!

  Who told them to just want to buy these vegetables?

   They really struggled for a long time to order this dish!

  I feel tired after thinking about it.

   Several people could not help but lie down on the sofa.

  I did a lot of work today!

  They haven't done these things before, but they are tired.

  Anyway, Song Lao is not around, so they don't have to care about their image.

   "These vegetables are too expensive!" A young bodyguard pulled the bag, looked at the vegetables inside and exclaimed: "I have never eaten such expensive vegetables!"

  Others also nodded, "If it doesn't taste good, why don't we die of anger?!"

   One person opened the bag, pulled out a lettuce leaf from inside, and looked over it curiously, "Why is this so precious?"

   But I have to say, the lettuce leaves are really pretty!

  Green and emerald green, it looks particularly beautiful, without any blemishes on it, just like carefully carved jade.

  As he fiddled with it, a faint sweet fragrance floated into his nose.

  The bodyguard named Fang Qun could not help stuffing this piece of lettuce into his mouth.

  Fang Qun came to his senses after a burst of sweetness exploded in his mouth, and couldn't help but slapped the table, "It's so sweet!"


   Others looked over, "What sweet?"

   "The lettuce leaves are quite sweet!" Fang Qun chewed the lettuce in his mouth, exclaiming, "There is no bitterness, it is delicious!"

   "Lettuce has no bitter taste."

   "No, this lettuce is very delicious!" He said seriously, without stopping the movement of his mouth, "It's delicious!"

   "How delicious can lettuce be?" Dachun frowned, but couldn't help reaching for the bag.

   Soon, he also took out a lettuce leaf from inside.

   Frowning, he took a bite of the lettuce leaf, and was surprised, "It's really sweet!"

   This kind of sweetness is not the sweetness of fruit or sugar, but the sweetness of vegetables, which is very refreshing.

  And this lettuce is tender and juicy, and the taste is very good!

   "Really sweet?"

  Others couldn't help reaching out.

   Soon, everyone was equally surprised, "Not to mention, this is really delicious!"

   "If this lettuce leaf is wrapped with barbecue, it must be good!"

   "I have never eaten such delicious lettuce!"

   Everyone was eating lettuce, when suddenly a voice sounded.

   "It seems that this dish hasn't been washed yet?"

  Everyone: "..."

  Everyone froze, staring blankly at the lettuce in their hands.

  Yeah, the lettuces just got back and they were literally unwashed!

   "It's okay, I think they just watered it just now, it's very clean!" Someone laughed awkwardly.

   "Yes, it must be clean!"

   "It's okay, I don't do anything clean, I don't get sick after eating!"

  Everyone tells themselves so.

   Otherwise, what else can I do?

  Eat everything, you can’t spit it out, right?

   Seeing everyone deceiving themselves and others, Dachun also fell silent.

   Instead, the chef was shocked, "Damn it! You animals, you've eaten up all the lettuce!"

   Such a big lettuce!

  They bought lettuce and rapeseed this time.

  I originally wanted to buy several kinds of vegetables, but it was difficult to buy too many kinds of vegetables in the amount of one catty.

   Now, the lettuce has been eaten, and the rapeseed cannot be eaten raw, but it is still there.

   Others were a little embarrassed, "Isn't this delicious? It didn't stop for a while."

   "Anyway, lettuce can be eaten raw, and there is also **** here!"

  Chef glared at them speechlessly, quickly brought the rapeseed over, and hurried into the kitchen.

   This small handful of rapeseed can't just disappear like this.

   When he entered the kitchen, the others looked at each other.

   "This lettuce... is really delicious! It seems that the ones we ate before are not so good."

   "I almost wanted to grab one and eat it myself!"

   "You beast, luckily you didn't mess around, or I'll kill you!"

   "Oh, I'm just talking, not really doing it."

   "We should have bought all the lettuce just now!"

   "If you want to buy all the lettuce, you don't need to cook it now!"

  Hearing the noise from several people, Dachun frowned.

   "Brother Dachun? What's wrong?"

   "This lettuce..." Dachun's expression was indescribable, hesitant.

  He now a little believes what the old man said, the food here is really delicious!

  It always feels like they are doing something stupid.

"smell good!"

   There was a burst of fragrance in the air, and several people couldn't help sniffling, and didn't have time to pay attention to Dachun.

   "This smell is too delicious!"

   "Go in and have a look!"

   Soon, they rushed into the kitchen and caught the chef who was planning to steal.

   "Brother Qiang! How could you steal it by yourself!"

  Chef was caught, and his face turned green immediately, "What is stealing? I just try the taste!"

  As soon as he fried this dish of rapeseed, he was attracted by the aroma.

  He couldn't restrain himself and wanted to take a bite.

   Before they ate, they rushed in.

   "It's okay, I'll try it for you!"

   "I'm coming too!"

   In the blink of an eye, several people had found chopsticks, and together they picked up the dish of rapeseed.

   Less than half a catty of rapeseed, just a small dish, maybe no two bites per person!

   If you don’t hurry up, you’ll lose everything!

   "Save me a bite!"

  The chef reacted very quickly, and immediately picked up a piece of rapeseed, and stuffed it directly into his mouth without caring about the heat.

   Then, he was so hot that he moaned, but soon turned into admiration, "It's delicious! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo So It's so fragrant and sweet!"

   Rapeseed is a bit sweet, but this rapeseed is very sweet!

   "Sweet, crisp and tender, how can it be so delicious!"

   "Oh my god, Brother Qiang, your craftsmanship is better than before!"

  Others were also so hot that they screamed and praised while eating.

   Even Dachun grabbed a chopstick.

  Looking at the CD, someone sighed and questioned from the bottom of their hearts, "Why didn't we buy a few more catties of vegetables just now?!"

   Since this week, the rain in Guangzhou has not stopped.

   As for me, I have a little physical problem, and I am taking medicine for treatment.

   And then, my mom's... not so good.

   Just hope she can make it through!



  (end of this chapter)