MTL - Immortal-v14 Chapter 75 Gaze

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Underworld, Huanggu territory! In the hall on the top of the magic mountain.

Gu Yongheng took the group of demons to watch the scene reflected by the dark air in the center of the hall, Jianao fighting a thousand ancestors alone, violent killing, the flesh of the sky, and a twitch of demon faces watching.

"Jian Xiu? The sword Xiu Tiantian is nothing like this!" A demon said extremely complicatedly.

"Sword array? Is there such a sword array in Daqian World?" Gu Yongheng asked in a deep voice. Said to look at Zhuangzi.

Zhuangzi shook his head and said, "The world's first sword formation in Daqian was originally the Xianxian Sword Formation, but the subordinates found that the Xianxian Sword Formation may not be able to compare with him."

"Then it is the first sword array?" Gu Yongheng said.

"It should be!" Zhuangzi nodded.

"This sword repair is too scary. Kendo is so strong, maybe only Wang can easily suppress him!" A devil frowned.

"One thousand ancestors, we made them at a great cost. They were the ones who caused them to hit the Qianqian alliance, but this group of people was so powerful. One sword repair wiped out the ancestors!" Another demon His face was ugly.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" ...... …………

Suddenly, a gust of wind was blowing in the hall.

"Huh?" The demons were slightly different.

Plenty of black gas poured into the hall, looming black gas, all in the form of demons.

"Wang, we are defeated!"

"Wang! I wait ..."

There was a cry of demon weeping in the dark air, and it sounded as if it were about to cry.

"Failed?" A demon's eyes glared in the hall.

"No, you went to Dasao, he went to Da Qin, and also went to the Dahe? Isn't it. Are you all defeated?" A demon wondered.

Heavy black knees before the ancient eternity: "Beg from the king!"

"I beg your king!" Respected the black air masses.

Gu Yongheng took a deep breath and said, "What's going on?"

"Dasao has done ambush a long time ago. There are strong peaks. No, it should be returned from Tianwaitian, otherwise it is not so strong, it must be from Tianwaitian!" A black air group called immediately.

"Yes, we wouldn't be defeated if it weren't for the return of Heaven and Earth, Wang. You must avenge us!"

"The same is true of the Daqin we went to. How could they defeat us if they weren't from heaven and earth? Poorly, some of us will be completely wiped out, and only us can escape!"

A group of black air masses kept guessing. Perhaps only this explanation can make up for the ignorance of the demons.

Gu Yongheng took a deep breath and said, "Are people here?"

"I beg your king!" The black air mass bowed again.

Nodded his head, Gu Yongheng said, "I don't have time to shape body for you now. Go to Wang Chi's body."

"But I'm waiting for only the spirit god, how can I condense myself?" A dark shadow worried.

"Under heaven, I will give you the power of days. Use the power of days to mobilize the power of heaven. In Wangchi, shape your body!" Gu Yongheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Jun Tianxia answered immediately.

After all, Gu Yongheng explored a little King of the World, and suddenly, the Quartet's countless yellow breath went straight into the body of King.

"Thank you!" Jun Tianxia said excitedly.

"Go!" Gu Yongheng said in a deep voice.


A group of dark shadows came out of the hall with the reincarnation saint king.

"King. For the first time, King of the World assisted me in shaping the eternal demons. I'm afraid there will be a difference. I'll wait for a while to give pointers!" A demon said.

Gu Yongheng naturally understood what he meant, what he meant, to monitor the king.

"Well, you go!" Gu Yong nodded tacitly.

It is another ten demons out of the hall.

In the hall. Gu Yongheng once again looked at the image in the center of the hall.

Inside, Jian Ao beheaded a thousand ancestors and reunited with Zhong Shan and his party. At the same time, he flew straight again towards the magic mountain.

Ancient eternity is gloomy.

"This endless imagination. Why can't you stop them? They don't seem to be imaged at all!" Said a devil with an ugly face.

"My two hundred eternal demons are all destroyed, a thousand ancestors are all destroyed, and the people outside the sky are involved, Wang ........." a demon worried.

"Anyway! My King is ready." Gu Yongchang said lightly.

"Yes!" The demons nodded, feeling calm.

"Gu Xuanji, you used to be in the halls of the five senses, what do you think of it?" Gu Yongheng asked faintly.

Gu Xuanji immediately said: "This is not a magic array, but a feng shui array, and it is extremely high-end, and its subordinates cannot understand it!"

"Wang, what is this feng shui array?" A demon explained.

Gu Yongheng looked at another green demon, who stepped out.

"This time, stare!" The green devil laughed.

"Green old ghost, what do you say? Ningshen? You say this is the Ningshen array?" The previous demon did not believe.

"Yes!" Green Lao Gui smiled and nodded.

"Hiss ~~~~~~!" Demon inhaled for a while.

"Condensation? The formation method that the surpasser in my world set up that year. I heard that he was surpassed in that year. This array of contributions was indispensable. You are so powerful?" The previous devil was surprised.

"As soon as the gods come out, no matter who enters, they will face exactly the same self, the power of numeracy, the formation method of seizing the opportunity of immortality, and the legend of Feng Shui. Even in the strongest world, it is just a legend? How can you? "Said another demon, surprised.

"It was taught to me by Wang!" Green Laogui respectfully said.


All the demons looked towards ancient eternity, and their eyes became more and more worshipped.

"Well, stop talking nonsense, let's get started! This group of people, at least half of them this time!" Gu Yongheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Answered the old green ghost. Anyway, step out of the hall.

When the old green ghost stepped out of the hall, Gu Xuanji's eyes flickered, his fingers trembled very regularly, but this little movement was not found by the demons—

Zhongshan, Xuanyuan, Xun, Lan, Feige, bamboo pole, and Zhongjiu watched Jian Ao beheaded and killed a thousand ancestors, each with different expressions.

"Well, we can go on!" Jian Ao smiled lightly.

"Huh!" The crowd nodded.

Continue towards the magic mountain.

Flying and flying, the sky suddenly turned black.

Everybody stopped.

"Whoo!" "Whoo!" .........

The billowing air billowed. Countless black gas gathers more and more. Everyone's eyes can reach less and less.

"What's going on?" Fat brother was surprised.

Zhong Jiuzi suddenly closed his eyes, and his fingers trembled slightly. The fingers trembled very regularly. If they were really spoken, this regular finger trembled exactly like the ancient mysterious machine in the Magic Mountain Hall.

As if Gu Xuanji trembled his fingers, he passed on some kind of news to Zhong Xizou.

Zhong Shan looked at Zhong Jiu 19: "How?"

Zhongjiu took a deep breath and said, "Someone sent me a message."


"This is the secret method of the ancestors of the Minghe River. It should be the disciples of the Minghe ancestors, lurking in the magic mountain!" Zhongjiu thought for a while.

"Ancient mystery?" Zhong Shan looked.

"It should be him!" Zhong nodded at nineteen.

"What's the news?"

"This array of" Ning Shen ". The strongest world-class Feng Shui array!"

"Oh? What are the characteristics?"

"Identical people will gather!"

"A bit like a beast?"

"No, there should be different, exactly the same beast is subject to the physical constraints, can not reach the height of your father, even if you have magical powers, they are also subject to their own constraints, this time, it may not be so simple!" Zhong Shikui said.

"Well, let's go. Go ahead!" Zhong Shan nodded.

The crowd continued to fly towards the interior.

During the flight, everyone felt. As if countless black gas is converging to a point in the distance, more and more black gas is converging, and at the same time a large amount of dark golden energy is mixed in the black gas.

"Fortune along with feng shui?" Zhongjiu looked surprised at the dark gold energy.

Gradually, the crowd flew closer.

There is a black gas vortex, absorbing endless black gas. Slowly a black figure emerged.

Although the clothes are black, everyone's face is known.

Jian Ao!

A figure exactly like Jian Ao? Even the Qingfeng Long Sword in the hand is exactly the same, the only difference is the color of the clothes, Jianao white, and pseudo sword black.

"Huh?" Jian Ao sank.


The black gas gathered from the four parties. Completely entered into the body of the pseudo-sword.

In the distance, Jian Ao opened his eyes, and in his eyes he shot two extremely powerful lights.

"Huh!" Jian Ao hummed.

With a wave of Qingfeng sword in his hand, a Xeon sword slashed away towards the false sword.

In the distance, Pseudosword Ao is also in the eyes. Qingfeng Long Sword in the hand is also cut.


The two swords collided in the void, and the void exploded countlessly.

Jian Ao's white clothing blowing with a manic breath swayed, and the pseudo sword Ao's black clothing also swayed.

"Oh?" Jian Ao's face sank.

Because of this sword, evenly divided?

In the distance, the fake sword smiled arrogantly, and the sword in his hand stabbed at the ground below.


On the earth, hundreds of millions of thorns sprang up, and they were in the shape of swords.

"Sword array?" Zhong nineteen's face changed.

"His sword is not lost to me?" Jian Ao was also surprised.

A huge sword lotus enveloped from the earth to the crowd.

Zhong Shan and others sank, and were about to shoot.

"Let me come!" Jian Ao cried instantly.

The sword in his hand is facing down.

At the point of the sword, a sword lotus suddenly emerged, which violently collided with the sword lotus below.


The collision of sword array and sword array.


And just at that moment, a sword light suddenly appeared on the side of Jian Ao, and suddenly opened the right hand of Jian Ao's grasping sword, and blood spewed out.

Is it Pseudo-Sword Pride, which actually hurt Sword-Pride in advance?

When Jian Ao broke open, she looked at the fake Jian Ao in surprise.

"Dimensional sword? I've never done it before, how can you?" Jian Ao was surprised.

The fake sword in black smiled proudly: "You will, I will plenary, you can think of it, I can think of it!"

On the side of the clock, Nineteen looked ugly: "How is this possible? An identical beast must also see the opponent's moves before they can be used. In the concentrating battle, this false sword pride can use a sword pride that has not been used? And is it a sword Proud? How can there be such a formation in this world?