MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 110

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Chapter 110

冉 泽 奔 奔 back to the 庵 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The disciples of the Mingxiu School have gathered together, together with the abbot and others, to tell the story of the robbery of the temple to Qin Dezheng and Gu Xing.

Seeing that it was not Zeben, Qin De was busy welcoming the past. "All the insides and the outside have searched all over, and there is no trace of Su."

"Under the underground dark road?"

Gu Xing busy said: "The talent has gone down a circle, there is no one hiding below." Mingxiu people nodded in the side, they went down to view.

Yan Fei Ze frowned and asked the abbot: "Teacher, can there be other hiding places in this?"

The abbot shook his head: "No. And this time, according to the girl's instructions, I locked all the underground passages, no one can hide inside. Before I led the official and the women, they went on a round trip. The doors are well locked and there are no one inside."

Qin Dezheng said: "There have been carefully searched here, even the bottom of the Buddha's table, the bottom of the bed in the various cabinets have been searched, it is indeed not seen Su girl. The evil thief will take her out." They also saw the authentic, and there were official officials chasing them along the tunnel, and came back to report to him. Su Xiaopei was robbed and taken out of the tunnel. Qin Dezheng has been rushing to pursue the direction in that direction.

"He is still here, Xiao Pei is still here." Yan Feize is very determined.

At this time, a disciple of the Xuan Qing faction and a catcher ran back and shouted: "Hey heroes." "Qin Daren."

"There is another path down the exit. We have been chasing along the path. It is on the official road. The official road is another trip. It is three roads. The brothers have been chased by three roads, and I don’t know how long they ran. If you get the news, you will report it quickly."

He did not speak, and he saw the path. He also knew that he could connect to the official road. He had already seen this nearby terrain. It is true that he should have run away, but he did not find any traces. He fled with a big living person, and there may be no trace left. And with a person running, in order to be unobtrusive, it is necessary to take a carriage, a big thing like a horse carriage. They had not found it before they patrolled around. Du Chengming also knew that the carriage was easy to be found, and there was no carriage. Good to go. Therefore, the most secure way, he still hides here, waiting for them to pack up and leave, thinking that he has gone far away from all over the place, no one pays attention to this temple, he then took Su Xiaopei.

"I will look down and look at it," he said. The abbot listened and quickly took a bunch of keys out to lead the way, Su Qin, Bai Yulang and others followed. Zhai Feize took a few steps and suddenly turned back. He said to Qin Dezheng and the Xuan Qingpai disciple on the side: "He can't dig into these new tunnels himself. He must find a craftsman. Ask the craftsmen who have worked for Ningfu Temple." Q, Xu can find some clues." He paused and suddenly thought: "Maybe I can't find it. If it is, I am afraid that they are dead."

Qin Dezheng understood the meaning. "I always send people to inquire. I should always find out what is going on. We are all sent to guard the way out. If Su is really still here, she will not be taught to be taken away by the evil thief."

Yan Feize looked around at a circle of people, nodded, and said, "everything is done," and then entered the Buddhist temple with the abbot and others, and walked in from the dark door behind the Buddha statue.

Su Xiaopei was watching Du Chengming’s smile at this time, listening to him once again saying: "This game, I won."

Su Xiaopei blinked and didn't show his voice. "I don't believe it."

"Do not believe?"

"Do you say that you are in your hand?"

Du Chengming laughed, "Xiao Pei, this is what you are wrong. We have a trick, better than strategy, than reading the heart, more accurate than who is holding the weakness. You see, we can not see the situation outside, you say 庵I changed people, and I will rob them. I can't see them, but I still believe. You said that I arranged for people to protect me at Sima Wanru. Although I didn't see them, I believe. Now I am leaving. With a move, why don't you recognize it?" He knocked on the table. "If you don't believe it, then there is no fun."

He smiled and asked Su Xiaopei: "Do you know what happened to Tang Lian?"

Su Xiaopei did not speak. When she was in Ning'an City, she inquired about it. Tang Lian became a monk.

"Jingci Temple. The law is quiet." Du Chengming said, Su Xiaopei looked at him quietly. He continued: "She worked very hard to get rid of the shadows of the past and live the rest of her life. I heard that she is the most hardworking and hard-working son in the temple." Du Chengming said, stood up and walked In the corner of the house, Su Xiaopei’s eyes followed him. There was a wooden box in the corner. Du Chengming opened the wooden box and turned to Su Xiaopei and smiled: "Look, I am really worried that you don't believe it."

Su Xiaopei walked over and saw the people who were shackled in the chest when they had not arrived. Wearing a gray coat, bare head, there are scars on the face that have been hit, eyes closed and not moving. Su Xiaopei’s eyes were hot and he rushed over: “Tang girl.”

It is indeed Tang Lian, like the dead Tang Lian.

Su Xiaopei reached out to touch the neck vein of Tang Lian, Du Chengming said: "She is alive, can't die." If he is dead, what else does he use to make chips? He is not stupid.

Su Xiaopei pulled Tang Lian up and Du Chengming did not stop her. He watched her hold Tang Lian and let Tang Lian stretch his body and sit against the box. Du Chengming sat back in the chair and watched Su Xiaobica look at Tang Lian's injury. He said: "No major injuries, don't worry, just put some medicine, so that she can be quiet."

Su Xiaopei turned his head and glared at him. Du Chengming laughed again and smiled. He said, "She is the first person you met here, and the first person you helped. This girl is grateful to you." When my people went to look for her, she heard that Luo Ping had escaped and wanted to harm you. She needed help to identify and set up a trap to lead Luo Ping. You need her help very much. She agreed without hesitation and immediately got on the road. This girl, who is safe and careless, is willing to help you. It is really affectionate."

Su Xiaopei closed her eyes and she knew Du Chengming’s intention. He said that it was to emphasize that Tang Lian was not thin to her, but she was only caught. If she is disregarding the life and death of Tang Lian, it would be too embarrassing. Su Xiaopei opened her eyes and looked at the injury on Tanglian's face. Her neck also had traces of bedding. I thought it was a lot of suffering in Du Chengming's hand.

"You talk about it, what do you want?" Su Xiaopei's voice is calm.

"You are struggling and noisy, it’s good to go with me. You see, it’s easy to do, isn’t it?”

"Where are you going?"

"Go to a quiet and no one knows." Du Chengming looked at Su Xiaopei. "I know that after this incident, I will find a search for the land at the end of the world, but don't worry, I have come here for more than a decade, and I have a lot of connections. There are also some hidden secrets, and there are a lot of money and silver. You can’t live with me, we can live in seclusion for a while, and when I pack him up, I can go back to be my catcher. And you, Su Xiaopei I will be careful not to kill you, but I also hope that your endurance and psychological endurance are strong enough, don't be so scared and scared to death. Give me some time to confirm from you whether there is any death and resurrection. Things."

"It sounds very bad." Su Xiaopei cold face, flat plate authentic: "Do you think you can hide? The strong man will not let you go, not your trap, he also has many friends, they will help him. ”

"Help him? Help him to chase a person who has no evidence at all to prove that he is guilty?" Du Chengming said that he has to laugh again. "The rivers and lakes are not so mad, there is no evidence, how can others help?" He can only do it himself, quietly, otherwise, there will be someone who will justice and condemn him for innocent, cold and bloody. At that time, I don’t know who is killing anyone. The assassination, revenge, and self-righteousness in the rivers and lakes There are so many reasonable people, who knows who killed Murphy in the end, or he may not know who has been slandered, or he may only provoke martial arts by his own suspicion, in short, if he Unfortunately, no matter how long, everyone will forget him. There are no relatives around him, no friends at the same door, friends, this relationship is too weak, he will be forgotten, everyone will talk about talking after dinner, oh, remember that year冉非泽, I do not know why I lost my heart and madness, causing the turmoil of the rivers and lakes." Du Chengming said this, spread the hands. "And you, if you can still live, you will stay in the prison I prepared for you. But I have no patience, maybe I can't think of any fun experiments, I don't want to leave you, so you'd better be fun. It’s best to tell me all that I want to know so that you can suffer less.”

"The strong man will screw your head down to feed the pig."

"After he received your broken finger? Or after receiving your leg?" Du Chengming said: "In fact, I also want to see how much he can bear. I originally wanted to do this. With Luo Linger’s suicide note teaches him that you are indeed dead, and then fakes your residual limbs and sees how he will perform. If his performance teaches me to be satisfied, I will take people to play with him. play."

"When you were tortured, no one helped you?" Su Xiaopei suddenly said that the tone was very sympathetic. "Who is violent to you? Your mother? How old were you?"

Du Chengming’s face slammed.

"She has a psychological problem? Is she disregarding your pleading, and no one hears your crying, is it? Or someone helps you find the police. At that time, the police are mostly going to your house to have a look, ask." Just left, is it? This is a more cruel treatment, is it? Single mother with a young child, is the policewoman to deal with this? What is your mother's illness? You are obsessed with psychology, Just because of this? You have been abused since childhood, you have the illusion of sadism, you imagine that you are infinite power, you can play all the people on the palm of your hand, no longer hungry, no one will fight you, no Then you are scared. In turn, you are the one who controls everything. You can torture anyone who abuses others, right?"

Du Chengming jumped up and grabbed Su Xiaopei's neck and pressed her to the wall.

"You guess, will I pinch your neck with excitement?"

"I guess no. You don't want to kill me." Su Xiaopei stared at his eyes calmly. His breath was so close to her that she could make her feel his breath, but she didn't struggle to escape, she Looking straight at him, she knew she couldn't show a trace of cowardice. Tang Lian is now in her hands. She has to wait for Fei Ze to find her. She wants to save Tang Lian.

"The policewomen are killing you?" she asked, and she saw Du Chengming's eyes sparkling with excitement.

"My father is also killing you?" God knows that her heart is jumping wildly, her palms are sweating, but her voice is still trying to calm down.

Du Chengming was even more excited. She was slightly open, her pupils were enlarged, and his palms were hard. She suddenly felt that she could not breathe. He smiled and said: "I have seen a lot of the victims' families, but you are the most special one. You were only fourteen at that time. I saw you at your father's memorial service, crying into a little tears, I At that time, I still felt bored. Like other women and children, it was annoying. But you didn’t, you actually went to psychology, and the results were amazing. I saw your speech as a student representative. It’s really good, you look very beautiful, you are very confident, cold, like your father. At that time I knew, I should pay attention to you. You will be different from others. You are different. You have been checking your father's case. I have been holding it for so long. It is really a good daughter. You are following me and trying to approach me step by step. I am really touched. There is an invisible between me and you. The tie is tied. But there is always a layer in the middle. You are walking towards me, but you are blocked. I am really anxious. I have been looking for opportunities to let you know me, but unfortunately, only a little bit. But in the end we met here. , Xiao Pei, this is the fate."

Su Xiaopei's face was red, Du Chengming slightly loosened her hand, and she quickly inhales. Du Chengming looked at her and said softly: "Your life is so fragile, it is in my hands."

Su Xiaopei did not respond to this, but asked: "Are you dead in a car accident?"

Du Chengming moved his eyebrows: "Are you killed in a car accident?"

Not a car accident. Su Xiaopei asked again: "Is it killed by your accomplices?"

Du Chengming chuckled: "Everyone, I control very well."

Not being murdered. "Is it sick?"

Du Chengming did not answer, he suddenly turned his head, seems to listen carefully, and then he smiled at Su Xiaopei: "You are really gambling, your strong man came to you. This time is not long before, he really has some efficiency."

Su Xiaopei’s face couldn’t hide his joy, Du Chengming said: “We will gamble again. I bet he can’t find you.”

Su Xiaopei didn't speak. In fact, she couldn't speak because Du Chengming tried to hold her neck. Du Chengming’s voice was low and said: “If you yell and yell, he can hear it outside. But, look down, my feet are stepping on Tang Lian’s neck, I just need to force it. She died. She came for you, Xiaopei. She later knew that she was cheated. She didn’t use her to lure Luo Ping, but to marry you. She couldn’t help but she was beaten. She was really Poor. She has experienced those before, and she has finally entered the Buddhist temple to live a quiet life, but now it is for you."

Su Xiaopei didn't breathe and tightened his mouth. Du Chengming smiled at her, let go of her, and let go of her completely.

He took a step back and stood next to Tang Lian. His feet are at the head of Tang Lian, and he smiles at Su Xiaopei.

Su Xiaopei got the freedom, she could run, she could yell, she heard the voice of someone talking outside, it was the voice of the abbot: "We have all checked the tunnel locks before, they are all well locked. Maybe Tibetan."

Then someone entered the room on the right, followed by the voice of Bai Yulang: "Uncle Shu, there is no one in this room." After a while, someone in the left room said: "There is no one in this house." Then the abbot Voice: "If it is really possible to hide, this is the best place."

"No one here, we will search elsewhere." This is what Bai Yulang said.

Su Xiaopei stood there, she smiled at Du Chengming's smile, she did not yell. She suddenly understood why Du Chengming said that they could not find it. Why they were not found at the house, because the small house they were hiding was separated in two rooms. There is no such room on the map of the secret road, so they can't find it. If she doesn't scream, they will leave, and the strong man will leave. But if she yells, what is the life of Tang Lian?

"Wait." After a while, I heard the voice of 冉非泽. Su Xiaopei’s heart jumped and he said “Wait,” what did he find?

Du Chengming is still smiling, but his pen is a bit stiff. He thought that the people outside would have to leave, but there was still "wait".

Su Xiaopei slowly approached him and asked in a small voice: "Do you still have a way out?"

Du Chengming asked: "What advice do you have?"

"I think you must want to use me as a hostage to kill."

"Xiao Pei. Xiao Pei, are you there?" The outside suddenly heard the scream of Fei Ze.

Du Chengming smiled at Su Xiaopei: "I only have one person and can only take one hostage. I choose Tang Lian."

"She is not as useful as me, the strong man does not care about her." Su Xiaopei's voice is very low, she knows that as long as Du Chengming flies up at this moment, Tang Lian will be dead. And she is looking for an opportunity, just a chance.

"But you will manage, and he listens to you." Du Chengming's voice is also low.

There was no sound outside, Du Chengming glanced at the direction of the wall and whispered: "He is gone." Actually he is not sure, so he is also planning to leave, and there is a secret door on the other side. He wants to take them from the secret door. Places. Can not only bring Su Xiaopei, leaving Tang Lian, she will not cooperate with obedient. He lowered his body and pulled up Tang Lian, but Su Xiaopei hugged her: "Wait, I took such a big risk for her, and my life was caught. How do you prove that she can live? She is dead, Why should I?"

"When I get outside, I only bring you, leave her, and the officials will save her."

"She is unconscious, are you poisoned, she and the robbers, will die at that time?"

"No. I am not sure how long it will take with you, how can I poison her?"

Su Xiaopei stared at Du Chengming and confirmed that he was telling the truth. She said: "I am carrying her with you."

"When are you stupid? Son?"

"I don't run fast, you don't have to worry about me running away."

"Yes, you are carrying people who don't run fast, deliberately delaying the bad things."

"In any case, they have already left. What are you afraid of, not to say that when the outsiders are withdrawn, will you take me out and shake them out?"

Du Chengming squinted and took a step back. Looking at Su Xiaopei’s pitiful look at Tang Lian, she suddenly sneaked into her hand and secretly held a dagger. He smiled and said: "Do you think you can win me with a dagger?" Unfinished, but felt that there were two huge pains in the chest and abdomen. He was taken aback and looked down subconsciously. Two small dark darts plunged into his body. Taking advantage of his low-haired squatting moment, Su Xiaopei dragged Tang Lian and quickly retreated. He threw Tang Lian behind him and shouted: "Azer, Azer, I am in the wall."

A loud bang, the outer wall was broken, and a figure rushed in and raised his hand to take Du Chengming.

Du Chengming responded to this. He was really careless and too big. Su Xiaopei wouldn’t be martial. He didn’t look at her at all. He didn’t even search for her and there would be no weapons. If she is stabbing him with a dagger, she will be able to defend it when she rushes. His skill is faster than her, but she is actually a sneak attack.

Du Chengming did not pay attention to Fei Ze, and he shot to Su Xiaopei. Under the urgency of the situation, the palm of the hand changed to the table. The table flew to Du Chengming's palm and was crushed. Although it blocked Du Chengming's power, Su Xiaopei was knocked down to the ground. Du Chengming took advantage of this gap and flew in the past to catch it. She lived in Tang Lian, and the sword was placed on her neck. She smiled back and kicked a secret door and took Tang Lian back. 2k novel reading network