MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 113

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Chapter 113

When Su Xiaopei woke up, he felt like he had made a long dream. But she is sober.

She slammed up and quickly determined that she had returned to the modern bedroom. The bed is comfortable Simmons, with a photo of the family portrait on the bed, the air conditioner is running, and there is a slight humming sound. Su Xiaopei quickly jumped out of bed, touched | touched the waist, no injury, no pain, although she felt that her fight with Du Chengming was only one second, but she did return to another world.

Su Xiaopei took his mobile phone, looked at the time and date, turned it over again, looked at the things he was doing today, and then saw the time is still early, and quickly went to take a shower, finally felt that the time difference was slightly reversed. It is. Right now she is eager to do a few things. The first one was very easy, she called the brother.

"Senior brother, I have read the information of Lutong's case. I have some thoughts about Shi Ning. You also know that Lu Tong must not be the only one who controls him. I used the serial case of my father's dereliction of duty to do the tutorial. He must be I was quite satisfied with the completion of the case. We analyzed the murderer at the beginning and thought that he chose the target as a policewoman because of the humiliation and anger that the professional role brought him. He may have a criminal record and was arrested by the policewoman, so we I have checked all the relevant personnel and found no clues. If this criminal tutor Shi Ning is the murderer? He implemented the serial case of murdering the policewoman, then we redraw the portrait of the crime, he has serious psychological problems, and it is extremely prosperous. Sheng’s desire to control, he has the knowledge to ask for worship and respect, so he must have suffered a great setback in the past. The police have found that there are no professors in Shilin’s colleges, but he likes others. And to let others believe that he is indeed a professor, he is in a cultural atmosphere, perhaps a school."

"Well, I have discussed this with the professor."

"So we are looking for a misfortune in childhood. From women, it is very likely that they have been abused from their mothers. Wait, maybe someone has reported to the police, but his problems have not been resolved. No one has helped him. This involves the policewoman. After his mother passed away, he had a good academic record, but perhaps because of some of his faults or resume problems, he did not get the professional results he wanted, which is another one he received. Seriously hit. So he felt that he did not get the treatment he deserved, and he retaliated against the society." Su Xiaopei paused and said: "And he is sick and sick."

The brother on the other end of the phone said: "You even inferred that he died?"

"How long have you not contacted Lu Tong for several years? Is it possible, right? In short, there is no harm in checking it. Brother, my crime portrait is definitely no problem. Find a time, let's go to find Liu Shu. Let's talk. This time, I am sure that my father's case will definitely progress."

Liu Shu refers to the old colleague of Su Xiaopei’s father Su Jian’an, who has been sinking in his hands. He promised to pass Xiao Pei, and in his lifetime, he will surely catch the killing father for Xiao Pei.

Su Xiaopei listened to the phone and the brothers agreed, and the two discussed some details, and then hung up the phone. Su Xiaopei breathed a sigh of relief. Her criminal portrait was based on her understanding of the face-to-face contact with the murderer. Therefore, the brothers were amazed at her affirmation and inferred detail, but she certainly could not say that she had to cross the matter and had to be in reality. The clue condition is used as an inferred explanation. But she thinks that these are really eight|nine. Shi Ning is Du Chengming, and it will never be wrong.

The second important thing she called the hospital. Asked about Cheng Jiangwei's situation, the result is still the same, no improvement. Su Xiaopei put down the phone, but I don’t know if it’s a joy or a worry. Where did Cheng Jiangjun go? She has been arguing in another world for so long, killing her father and her enemies, and he has not seen it.

Su Xiaopei looked at his own hand and thought that he actually killed a person. The feeling of the dagger piercing Du Chengming’s body seems to be still on the hand. The sticky and greasy **** taste is a bit disgusting. Su Xiaopei licked his own hand. It’s really not an easy task to kill people, no matter who they are, no matter what the situation. under.

I don't know if Du Chengming is dead. If he is dead, will he also come back like himself? The strong man, he will see it sad to see her fall off the cliff. Su Xiaopei thought that this was very sad. In fact, the most anxious thing she wants to do is to find the old 2238 and talk about it. There are too many questions that need him to answer. She really needs his help. She wants to go back. She wants to tell the strong man that she is very good. Nothing. She also promised to marry him.

However, she did not have an old phone call, she could not contact him. Su Xiaopei sighed and warned that she had to be patient. Every time she came back, she would not be able to see the old 2238, and this time it will be very fast.

But this time it was not too fast. Until the evening, Su Xiaopei had already done everything. He had seen Liu Shu, had seen his mother, and had waited for a long time in his house before he saw No. 2238.

This time, I always pressed the doorbell and came to the door.

He is dejected and has no spirit. Originally, Su Xiaopei had to ask him if he had a stomach. He also tried to explain his experience in the world and the problems he encountered. He saw that he looked like this and suddenly he was wiped out by more than half. Is it really appropriate to use the expression to see customers in the service industry?

The old man entered the door and sighed first. He sighed and said: "Su Xiaopei, this matter of yours is really difficult."

"Yeah." Su Xiaopei was very alert.

"How are you so cold? This is a matter of your life, and it is related to the happiness of your life. You also give yourself some strength." The old man, No. 2238, hates iron and does not become steel.

Su Xiaopei did not speak.

Month 2238 sighed again. He received a system prompting Su Xiaopei to come back early today, but Cheng Jiangyi still had no news. He used all the methods to check the status of the mission, and found that as before, Su Xiaopei came back alone, and Cheng Jiangyan did not have a trace. He felt that the situation was very wrong. It was obvious that there was a system that showed that they had to come back together, but the card was not executed. This shows that Su Xiaopei found him, but he did not know where the bug was, but now why is there no news in the system?

"Have you found Cheng Jiang?"

"I fell in love with others."

Two people speak at the same time, and then the reaction to the other party is completely different. Su Xiaopei was very calm and shook his head at the 2238. The Moon 2238 is a stagnation.

"You, what are you talking about?"

"I fell in love with others."

Month 2238 continues to stay, isn't it, how can this happen? So this is why the system is stuck? She is not dragged by the red line, falling in love with others?

"Who?" The question of the stupidity is that he should not know, but he still has to ask, how is this happening? Let her cross the past is to find Cheng Jiangyan, not let her change her heart to fall in love with others. Wait, you can't use the word change, she didn't know Cheng Jiangyi before. But this is not right, it is too wrong.

"His name is Fei Ze, a very kind and very responsible man. He is very good to me..."

"Wait, wait." The old man 2238 took out a small book to take notes. "What is his name? Which three words?" Write down and ask: "What occupation is he?"

"Well..." I barely count as a blacksmith?

"Is it so long? Unemployed? Unemployed?" The old man is worried, no, Comrade Su Xiaopei, you are not the eye above the top, quite picky? How did you go there without asking for it?

"In short, he is very good." The old man’s expression of dissatisfaction with Fei Ze was so unhappy that Su Xiaopei did not want to tell him.

"Okay." The old man sighed again at 2238. "What about Cheng Jiang? What happened to you? Right, why are you dead?"

"Cheng Jiangxi? I ​​have never seen him. There is no clue at all."

"Don't you say that he has given you a letter? It's just that when you come back, you can meet him almost. How can you say that there is no clue at all?"

"The man is not him, another passer, a criminal with psychological problems."

This month, the old man not only stayed, but his chin almost fell. "Is there another traverser?!" The voice almost slammed the roof.

Su Xiaopei resisted not to lick his ears. "Yes, another traverser, not Cheng Jiangyan. And he has been through for 14 years. According to my speculation, he should be sick and dead here, probably two or three years ago. thing."

The old man, No. 2238, opened his mouth and did not know how to respond. "How is it possible, another traverser?"

Su Xiaopei frowned. "How many times do you want to repeat?"

"Wait, wait." The old man turned around in the house. "I will sort it out. This is not the case: You didn't find Cheng Jiangyi, you fell in love with someone else. You met another passer, or a criminal. He died here two or three years ago, and then passed through the past. Fourteen years?"

"Yes." Su Xiaopei's answer is quick and quick.

"But these two things are impossible." The old man 2238 was just finished, and Su Xiaopei’s eyes were changed: "I mean, even if it is possible, the probability must be very low and very low." Very low..." He jumped up: "No, I have to go back and check what is going on. It's not right, it's not right."

"Wait." Su Xiaopei stopped the old man. "When can I go over?"

No. 2238: "Are you addicted? Are you not willing to go before?"

"I haven't finished a lot of things. I promised that I would definitely go back, I can't miss the appointment. There is a friend of mine. When I left, she was still alive and dead, I have to go back and see her. Also, that crossing The criminals of the past, I rolled down the cliff with him, I don’t know if he died, can’t let him harm others. And if he died, would he wear it with me?”

"Wait." The old man did not care about her "so-like" words. He said, "How could he wear it back? Did he not die? If he has no body here, he will It's impossible to come back, and the body is not looking for it. It's all one-to-one. Wait, I told you that it's useless. He shouldn't go through it at all, and the time span can be so long, it can be different. I don’t really know more than a dozen. I haven’t mentioned it in the system log. I have to go back and check it out and tell you things.”

"Check how another person crosses the past? Is this also yours? You are still close to me, when can I go back? I am in a hurry."

"I am not looking for another passer, but his way of crossing is not the kind in my system log. That is to say, the previous cognition is misunderstood. If he can cross the span for more than ten years, then what does Cheng Jiangjun do? If he It’s not in an era with you, then of course you can’t find him. I’ll check it out and see what went wrong.”

"Wait, now the focus for me is not Cheng Jiangyi, I don't care about him, I care about Fei Ze. When will I let me go?"

Moonlight 2238 stared at Su Xiaopei and looked at it for a while. He asked her: "Su Xiaopei, do you know that you and the non-Zhe Ze are two worlds? You can't be together, there is no result."

Su Xiaopei sighed. "I know, but do you know that even if there is no result, you will be willing to make a commitment to each other."

The old man is silent. He is the old man, he is managing the feelings, he wants him to know that feeling.

"I and he, we all know that it won't last long. But we said it, how long it will take. 2238, I haven't found Cheng Jiangyi yet, I should still be able to pass, right? When I left, it was Dead in front of him, I can't let his last impression be like I died like this. I can't stand this, please let me go. Let me go back."

The old man couldn’t speak. He couldn’t tell him that Su Xiaopei’s quest for the quest for Lang had ended and failed, but it was over. So he will be anxious to find the progress and status of the entire task one day to find out where there are problems. But he did not find it. But now he has new clues, he has to look for it again.

"It’s the same as last time, right? I’ll wait for you to shape, then you can go over. Right? I need to see him again, really.”

The moon suddenly felt very sad. This is the first time he saw Su Xiaopei so eager to say that a man, he is an old man, he hopes everyone can get love, but why do people get love but teach him sad? Su Xiaopei, why do you fall in love with others, how are you, how can I help you? The two worlds, even if they are old, can’t do anything about it.

"I, I will go back and check it again. I found it, I will inform you right away."

Lunar 2238 almost escaped Su Xiaopei’s house. He stood at the elevator and looked back and saw Su Xiaopei looking at him at the door. It was the look of expectation and entrustment. He had seen her several times. She never showed such expression to him. She did not trust him. He felt that he was not reliable, he knew. She even asked him if he wanted to make a complaint call. If the complaint really made their love last a happy life, he would really let them complain.

He is an old man, and he really hopes that people can be happy.

The elevator came, and the old man, No. 2238, walked in. Looking at Su Xiaopei’s door again, she has already entered the house. He closed the elevator door, but could not stop the expression of Su Xiaopei in his mind. She was the hardest case he had ever encountered, but he did not give up her. It is even harder now, and he does not want to give up. He has to check it out, there must be something wrong.

He is a hard-working old man, and he does his best. Although some people don't believe it, he really is. 2k novel reading network