MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

"After that, what happened?"

"After his recovery, his family was overworked. He said that he was seriously ill. His wife took care of a young man and took care of him. This was dragged down. He was very sad and buried in his maiden. On the day of the public announcement, he will not be embarrassed in this life."

Su Xiaopei nodded, it was really good, there was no flaw. His wife is also too dead.

"When his wife died, her daughter was twelve or fourteen years old, and he married his daughter. Now his grandson is eleven. He is busy with his official duties, and he is not close to his parents and daughters. He has few contacts with his family. The loya, the ordinary people who deal with each other are all under the same squad and the criminals. The people in Pingzhou City know that the big man in the city is just right, the iron-faced selflessness, any who wants to find him to discuss personal relationships, In the end, the reputation is very good."

"And he has the opportunity to be promoted to power, he has given up, only willing to be a headhunter, the peace of the city of Baopingzhou, everyone in the city praises, is it?"

Yan Lidong nodded again and again: "The girl's iron mouth is straight, it is really correct. The city officials of Pingzhou City have changed three. Only his position has not been moved. There are rumors that the court has read him to solve the case. Let him be promoted and transferred, he was rejected. There is him, this Pingzhou City is indeed a stable and stable, not even a big blind, even Wuzhen is not good at this, but well water does not make river water, rarely have peace Zhoucheng City has a headache."

"Until now." Su Xiaopei frowned, until she appeared, this peace is gone. She remembered the two innocent girls who were killed, and my heart suddenly became depressed.

Yan Lidong said that there is nothing too important to say, only Cao Hedong and Gu Kang Restaurant did not find any big news when they ate wine. The people in the restaurant also couldn’t tell anyone who came in and out, and his brother didn’t ask much. When the words came to Su Xiaopei, she couldn’t sit still. The mess in her mind was all the eccentric crossing time of Du Chengming.

She entered the inner room, grinds and writes, and draws two lines on the paper. One is modern time and the other is time here. The time at the two ends is not corresponding. This she understands when she is in the exquisite, but this time span is bigger than she imagined. Cheng Jiangyan crossed the month before her, but jumped to 14 years ago. The change of personality, indifference, cruelty, and super-control, but a good career provided him with cover. He urgently needs to get the recognition of the world. The achievements in the officialdom can't satisfy him. Those are pediatrics. He wants to be out of his career. Those things are not exciting enough for him. He likes the feeling of the leader. He likes others to follow his guidance and succumbs to In the inner evil, he likes to induce the evil of others and control the feelings of others.

The ink on the tip of Su Xiaopei dripped on the paper and fainted a black spot. Su Xiaopei feels that the pressure in his heart is as strong as that black spot. She stared at the black spot and couldn't find a clue. If she was in modern times, she could submit the criminal portrait of the criminal to the police. The police will have scientific means to find out the clues of the female corpse, fingerprints, dna, surveillance video, and The suspects can be arrested and interrogated, and their psychological defenses can be broken to let them explain the truth. But here, she only has a criminal portrait of the criminal, she infers who he is, but she can't help him.

I was in a daze, and the door was tapped twice. Su Xiaopei looked up and saw that it was 冉非泽. She looked outside the house and Li Dongdong had already left.

冉非泽 walked in, looked down at the paper on her desk, two horizontal lines, a few points above, another short line connecting the two horizontal lines, and a diagonal long line also two horizontal The line is connected.

"What?" he asked.

"This is the time I came over. This is the time that Cheng Jiangyan came over." Su Xiaopei pointed at the map to explain.

冉非泽 nodded and dragged the chair to sit next to her. "You didn't expect him to be ahead of you for a while, but it has been so long."

"I think I have to go back and ask."

"What are you asking?"

"Ask me what is going on in the end, what time is it that they don't control it? Then what if he is in the future? For example, if it is fifty years later than me, what should I do? There is nothing else that has not been told. There is also information about Cheng Jiangjun. Am I missing something? He is an engineer, a businessman, even if his personality changes, how is his psychological control applied so well? In the previously collected information, I have not heard that he has expertise in this area. In fact, he prefers to develop and create, manage and control him as a partner to him..." She said, closing her mouth Because she saw that the face of Yan Feize was very bad.

"These are all right, you can talk about it, how are you going to go back?"

Su Xiaopei shut up completely, how can she go back, and if she came and went freely, she would not be embarrassed.

"Don't you say that you went back when you died? How come, are you going to kill yourself? Just because the animal of his mother has been coming earlier than you for more than ten years?" Uncertain face is unhappy, "You talk about it, plan how A method of death, what kind of weapon is needed, I will cast it for you. Is it necessary for me to guard your body and verify that your body will disappear in time, or that there will be black and white without a common chain to drag it away? ......"

"Black and white impermanence is not a lock-up soul?" Su Xiaopei whispered, although she did not read a lot of free books, but this kind of legend that can be regarded as "common sense" she still knows.

When she was not a woman, she immediately shut up, and thought about it again: "I just said, how can I really go back? Nobody wants to die? Is it terrible to die, or scare me if I did not pay the words?" How can I be afraid of being like that? Right!" Pouting, then slap the flattering: "I can be small, and I have a strong man. I am really afraid of death, I am afraid to die. I am a normal person."

"Is this normal and the girl can touch the side?" Yan Fei Ze does not eat her set, spoiled will not, give her a look.

So fierce. If it is not normal, it will not be normal. Su Xiaopei turned his head and gave up to appease the strong man.

"If you are dead, I will interrupt your leg." He is not evil, she ignores him, he is more angry. Also said that she is a normal girl, is a normal girl like this? Normal girl should come over and hold his arm at this time | channel "Do not worry, slaves will not dare" and so on. Yan Fei Ze thought about it, and he was disgusted, and he was not used to it. He coughed and was disgusted by himself.

Turned to look at Su Xiaopei, she stared at the paper, he took the pen, drew a circle on the paper, and painted two more points.

"What?" Su Xiaopei asked.

"This is you and me." He ordered the two points.

"This is Wuzhen." He refers to the circle. "This is the land of Pingzhou City, the land of Du Chengming. We are here, within his sphere of influence, his helper, we only know one, I don't know the second. Moreover, your concerns are correct, He wants to show you the murder."

"So, we should go out." Su Xiaopei understands what he means.

冉非泽 nodded: "You are sick, I am sick, my heart is difficult to treat, I want to take you back to Ning'an City, where you are familiar, there are friends, stronger than this fight, it is a good rest. local."

“It’s reasonable.”

"It doesn't have to be embarrassing. It is clear to all of them that Qin Chengtou Du Chengming said that Du Chengming really scared you away. It is estimated that he will not kill again at the moment. You are gone, who will he kill?"

"He will still have a back."

"Let's talk about it at that time. Let's go back to Ning'an City, check it out from Luo Linger, and check it out from the traits of Ning'an City House. In this way, taking Du Chengming's control, things will be better. Du Juming got two The pile of blood is now so sleepy that he can't get away from it. This is our time."

Su Xiaopei felt reasonable, and the messy brain suddenly went smoothly. She was crossed and did not cross, and the time was long and short-framed, and the non-Ze Ze viewers were clear, he was right. "Only Du Chengming's group knows that I am dead and resurrected. Unrelated people think that I was robbed. There is also a stone town in which Luo Ping is not far from Ning'an City. It is two directions from this Wuzhen. He said that the person who taught him was easy to say, saying that the person did not have much confidence in himself. He just had the same kind of learning. He wanted to use Du Chengming’s set for his own use and picked up a training that he thought was good. Therefore, it is more convenient to check the person and go to Ning'an City. Du Chengming is trapped here, even if the accomplices are going to report to him, his processing time will not be too fast.

"What I said is that the girl hastened to stay in bed. I will be able to cast the weapon today and tomorrow, and then I will say goodbye to Du Chengming and various friends."

"Would you like to go tonight?"

"Nature." He was very anxious, and quickly let her have a self-defense thing to be practical.

"Can't I follow?"

"No, you are seriously ill." He is also very reluctant, so that others are always better than they are.

"Then you still take eighteen?"

"Someone helps me to be faster, and 18 has two hands. It is a good seed."

"Do you make it hard for people to work hard, is it right?"

"He only took advantage of it." No teacher did not give tea, did not give money, and learned the skills.

"Don't break the eighteen belts." She is sincere.

"Where is the girl's heart, how can she not hang on to others?" She did not know how to please men. No, it would be good to ask him, and others would not care.

"Others are also worried."

"What's the matter?" How good is the step he gave her. At this time, the clever girl should answer "He is worried that you are tired".

"The strong man." Su Xiaopei suddenly smiled and said to him: "The strong man did not bother me any more?"


"That Du Chengming heard that we have to go, I will come back to visit me again. The strong man will not pick me up to drink medicine at that time?" She blinked. "We ugly said that in front, the strong man can't do this to me." Acting, they found the doctor to prescribe medicine, and every day was fried, but she did not drink. This is not because she is not happy, she will revenge her. If Du Chengming stares, she has to drink the medicine before she dies. Thinking of the bitterness and stench of Chinese medicine, her face was twisted.

When she was not her, she looked at her eyes and grasped her hand. The voice was so soft that it could drip: "Heart and heart, if you treat me tenderly, I will be considerate."

What? Su Xiaopei shuddered, and Mr. Zhuang Shi was in the upper body.

冉非泽一正正正, quite innocent: "That day you ask your hometown to express your closeness. If you use this, how can you say it?

Su Xiaopei shook his arm and slammed it with force: "My goose bumps are all up, and the strong man will not do this next time."

"Chicken?" What's new?

How can this be explained? Su Xiaopei squatted for a long time, trying to brew, but succeeded in using Jiao | sound squeezed out: "The slaves are straight and strong, strong men."

She was not licking her, groaning, but the smile was too stretched, and a finger poked her head: "Naughty."

Su Xiaopei is serious: "In short, I can't take the opportunity to take revenge for me."

Mr. Strong nodded, in fact, he was willing to give up, did not think about it, his girl does not like to drink medicine, he knows, drinking spit is not him to clean up, spit is not he is distressed, this no conscience I thought about it. It’s too much doubt, how can I doubt him?

"You can't say anything more."

He couldn't help but smile again. "So, what about the sharp heart?"

"The slaves don't like to hear." The slave's face is serious.

"Okay, okay." The strong man deserved to be reluctant. "It’s just that the little lady said so, and it is answered."

He pretended to be a toned, and Su Xiaopei also laughed and reached for him: "I hate it."

Oops, oh, his girl spoiled is annoying, this spoiled, makes people comfortable.

Can't help but lick her head: "Heart and liver."

"Hey." Her goose bumps are getting up again.

He laughed and pulled over and licked her lips: "harmful, sharp-hearted."

"Hate." Beat him hard.

Oops, so comfortable, so comfortable, he wants to bring her in her arms. Why does her hometown say hello to "harm"? If anyone wants to harm his girl, he will not let it go.

Two days later, Zhai Feize gave a speech to the various factions and Du Chengming according to the planned rhetoric. He would bring Su Xiaopei back to Ning'an City to raise the disease. Du Chengming really came to visit Su Xiaopei. Su Xiaopei's face is still pale, and the old doctor also said that her inner depression is difficult to disperse.

No one blocked them because there was no reason not to let them go. The friends from various factions sent some gifts, and they used the pastimes to keep them on the road. Qin Dezheng took Bai Yulang and Liu Xiang also with them. They are Ning'an City after all. The murder case is related to Su Xiaopei. Du Chengming suggested that they should follow suit. The case here is handled by Pingzhou City. Trial.

"There will be a period later." When he left, Du Chengming sent them, so he said to Su Xiaopei. 2k novel reading network