MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 9 5 times faster training speed

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Since taking over this body, this is the first time that Lu Ge has truly hunted monsters alone.

From walking on thin ice at the beginning to being cautious now.

Lu Ge felt that he couldn't be too careful.

After all, there is only one life.

He had to cherish the opportunity that came so hard.

However, there was always a question in Lu Ge's mind.

Since he can transfer his soul, he can directly take over other split bodies.

So if his life is in danger, can he directly transfer his soul to the split body?

Wouldn't he live forever if he could?

When you have a chance, you have to ask the old bull bee.

Get rid of distracting thoughts in your mind, and continue hunting.

In an environment where most of the beast-level monsters were around, a Psychiatrist with seven series of throwing knives was almost invincible.

The hunting efficiency is also extremely high.

One monster after another died under his throwing knife.

As long as he is staring at him, there is no possibility of escape.

In two hours, Lu Ge hunted down sixty or seventy beast-level monsters.


Among the beast-level monsters, it is almost like destroying the dead.

But there are accidents everywhere in the wilderness area, and Lu Ge is still in trouble.

A two-tailed tiger cat at the level of a beast general was consumed with him.

The two-tailed tiger cat was extremely fast, turning into afterimages, chasing Lu Ge crazily.

Lu Ge flew low, and Levi's flying agility finally showed its power.

The figure is erratic, elusive.

The two-tailed tiger cat couldn't catch Lu Ge, and Lu Ge's throwing knife couldn't hit the two-tailed tiger cat.

Lu Ge is only a junior warrior-level psycho-psychiatrist, and his throwing knives are not fast enough.

The reaction speed of the beast general-level two-tailed tiger cat is too abnormal.

The two sides fell into a stalemate for a while.

Lu Ge was secretly anxious, and had already converted all the energy points earned tonight into split bodies.

There are still three short of one hundred split bodies.

As long as he reaches one hundred split bodies, his level of spiritual master can break through the middle-level fighter.

While delaying time with the two-tailed tiger cat, Lu Ge let the other splinters act.

The gun cannot be used, for fear of attracting the Purple Wing Thunderhawk.

But they can also fight in melee with the blood shadow sword.

On the periphery far away from the central battlefield, many splinters also began to hunt and kill.

After practicing together, they have become quite proficient in mastering the Gale Blade Technique.

Especially in cooperation with each other, the split body has an absolute advantage.

The mind is connected and the clothes are seamless.

The resulting effect must be one plus one greater than two.

Using knives is slightly less efficient than using guns, but the coordination of so many split bodies is still rewarding.

Under the coordinated attack of the split body, one after another, the beast-level monsters fell down.

Power points are increasing.

After more than ten minutes, I finally got the amount to exchange for three split bodies.


Lu Ge let out a low growl.

Three split bodies stepped out, and the number of split bodies finally reached one hundred.

The moment the quantity reaches the standard.

The spiritual energy in his sea of ​​consciousness buzzed, and his mental power broke through.

Officially became a mid-level warrior-level psychiatrist.

The effect was obvious, and the speed of the two throwing knives increased by a large amount in an instant.


A flying knife pierced the head of the two-tailed tiger cat, and blood spattered.

The two-tailed tiger cat screamed, and the body fell.

Lu Ge finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally killed this difficult guy.

Beast generals are beast generals, with fast speed and abnormal reactions.

If it weren't for his Psychiatrist level breakthrough, it would not be possible.

The payoff is also huge.

This two-tailed tiger cat directly provided Lu Ge with 50,000 points of energy.

Not only that, the material of the beast general level is comparable to that of the beast soldier level.

The material of the two-tailed tiger cat is worth at least 13 million.

It is undoubtedly good news for Lu Ge, who is about to run out of savings.


Seeing a large number of energy points, Lu Ge directly exchanged for more than a dozen high-level warrior-level splits.

This makes the number of his split bodies close to one hundred and two.

The target task has been completed.

Lu Ge showed a smile.

With his current hunting speed, the number of split bodies will soon exceed one thousand, or even ten thousand.

If it exceeds 10,000, he can reach the level of a junior warrior-level psychiatrist.

A warlord-level psychiatrist is enough to gain a foothold in the base city of northern Liaoning.

The repeated hunting has made him feel a little tired.

Lu Ge accepted it as soon as he saw it, and returned along the original road.

In the bomb shelter.

Many split bodies are busy in full swing.

They worked overtime in the tunnel of the air-raid shelter to make an ambush.

Many split bodies that have just been exchanged have also joined them.

Lu Ge entered a small room in one of the passages.

Here is his temporary foothold.

The small room was tidy and tidy, and the quilt sent by Ah Da was also laid out.

In addition, there is a wheelchair.

After all, after returning to the base city, he had to rely on a wheelchair for a long time.

The wheelchair is made of the latest alloy, which is light in weight and high in strength.

The design is also ergonomic and comfortable to sit on.

With a flash of light, Lu Ge appeared in the hive base

"Can we activate the five-star formation now?"


A five-star formation emitting blue light lay flat in front of him.

In the very center of the five-star formation, a figure that has shrunk countless times to the size of a thumb is sitting there.

Look carefully, isn't that your own shadow?

The five corners of the five-star formation are also shining with blue light.

"These five horns also have uses?"

The old bull bee replied: "You can arrange the souls of any of your five split bodies in the five corners, and they can also enjoy five times the speed of cultivation."

"Is there such a good thing?"

Lu Ge was overjoyed immediately.

He first put Ada and Yuanyuan's phantom into it.

After all, the two represent different meanings.

The other three places will be randomized, and whoever is lucky will get it.

"How about trying five times the speed of cultivation."

What Lu Ge practiced was a c+ level channeling technique.

This channeling technique is also considered to be the best in the c-level, and it cost more than 30 million when it was bought.

Operation Guidance.

Cosmic energy continuously enters the body, transforms into genetic energy, nourishes and tempers the body.

As soon as he started practicing, Lu Ge noticed the difference.

The speed of gathering cosmic energy around is five times faster.

Not only that, the ability of the cells in the body to accommodate and absorb the original energy of genes has also increased by 5 times.

This increase is comprehensive, and the overall speed is increased by 5 times.

This increase feels particularly obvious.

It's like stepping from a rugged narrow path to a spacious and flat hardened concrete road.

This is just a c-level channeling technique.

After he sells the little thunderbird and the thunderbird eggs, he will have money, and then he can buy a set of s-level channeling skills.

How does it feel to increase the speed of s-level channeling by 5 times?

Lu Ge couldn't wait any longer.


The phone vibrated suddenly, it was the unregistered calling card.

It seems that only Liu Yan knows this number. UU Reading

When Lu Ge picked up the phone, Liu Yan's voice came over.

"Where are you now? Are you safe?"

"I'm still in the wilderness area, it's safe now, what's wrong?"

"Last time you said that it was Xu Jiang from the Xu family who was looking for trouble, right?"

"Have you checked?"

Liu Yan snorted coldly: "After I brought your sister-in-law back, I sent an eyeliner to your house, and I found suspicious people wandering around. I followed the clues and found Xu Jiang easily."

"In addition, the rest of your team are back, and the Hr Alliance reported that you were missing and scattered. I guess they did something to you?"

Lu Ge smiled: "It's really smart, but they didn't succeed. They thought I was dead. Don't accidentally leak the news that I'm alive."

"These bastards!"

Liu Yan was furious: "Send me your location, and I will pick you up."

Lu Ge hesitated for a while: "It's not convenient now, don't worry, I'm safe here, I'll call you when I go back in two days."

Liu Yan was silent for a while.

"Okay then, you can do it yourself."

"By the way, your sister-in-law is by my side. She is very worried about you. Do you want to talk to her?"

Lu Ge froze for a moment.

For this sister-in-law, the original body has quite complicated emotions.

This kid is young and has a lot of trouble.

Lu Ge complained mentally.

After taking over other people's bodies, these are all things he wants to solve.

But these troubles are nothing to the middle-aged uncle whose soul is almost forty years old.

"Okay, give the phone to my sister-in-law."

After a while, a gentle female voice came from the phone: "Little Ge, are you okay?"