MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 938 between the gods

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The huge snake tail seems to be able to crush everything, but everything that blocks it will be crushed mercilessly into powder.

However, the shadow that appeared behind Ye Cheng easily blocked the huge tail.

Not only that, the surrounding Jingjian Ahan no longer attacked Ye Cheng. They all seemed to feel a huge pressure, a pressure from the blood, and they all squatted on the ground, shivering, not daring to move. .

The whole world seemed to be in turmoil.

Another terrifying aura was slowly awakening.

"No, it's impossible, I'm the snake god, the only true god, how can there be a power comparable to me in this world, impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The Zombie was angry, and he seemed to begin to doubt life.

He could feel that the terrifying power didn't seem to have fully recovered, but even so, it was comparable to him.

Once fully recovered, what a terrifying power it would be.

He absolutely does not allow such a powerful force to exist. Once that force is completely awakened, his arrangement for thousands of years will be destroyed.

This is the arrangement of thousands of years, and it is the first time in thousands of years that it has been so successful.

The Bone of the Snake God and the Eyes of the Snake God gathered in one place again, and the Queen of Vigilance was also successfully resurrected, which just happened to be his shelter.

But now, the appearance of the candle dragon really disrupted all his plans.

He never thought that such a powerful force would appear in this world. This is unscientific. It subverts his cognition. In his opinion, he is the only one who has returned from there for thousands of years. True God.

He was supposed to dominate this world, but in the end, an equally powerful force appeared.

Ye Cheng was also secretly startled. The first few dragon-building revivals might not have been real revivals. He also needed to use his body, otherwise, he would be restricted by heaven and earth.

But now it is different, this spiritual world is isolated from the big world, and the candle dragon can truly awaken its own power.

The shadow behind Ye Cheng became clearer and bigger.

It was a snake-shaped creature. The scales on its body were dark red, like molten lava. The double horns on its head further proved that he was not a snake, but a dragon.

The two eyeballs gradually became real.

When he closed his eyes, the surrounding world instantly dimmed, and when he opened his eyes, the whole world became bright again.

He seems to be the embodiment of the rules, controlling all the power and origin of the world.

A look of horror suddenly appeared in the eyes of the snake god, "No, it's impossible, Torch Dragon, how could it be Torch Dragon, aren't you in the world of mountains and seas, how could you come out, no, no, you're not Torch Dragon, Torch Dragon's power , more terrifying than you!"

The snake **** kept exclaiming, as if a mortal had seen something amazing.

"You said, there are other candle dragons?" The candle dragon also seemed a little surprised.

He is a creature born in this world. He exists in ancient Tongjing. He was born from the strange meteorite that accompanied him.

"You really are not a candle dragon, no!" The snake **** seemed to have confirmed something and became calmer. …

Obviously, the candle dragon in the mountain and sea world he mentioned is much more terrifying than the candle dragon at the moment, and it is an existence that makes him fearful.

The body of the candle dragon gradually became larger, and finally it was about the size of the snake god.

The dark red scales seemed to have magma flowing slowly, exuding a terrifying aura.

Ye Cheng was amazed in his heart, this is still seeing the real recovery of the candle dragon with his own eyes. In this spiritual world without any restrictions, the figure of the candle dragon completely manifested in front of him!

"Is this the power of God?" Ye Cheng felt a little excited and yearning in his heart.

His strength has long reached the limit that can be achieved by manpower, but he cannot continue to make great breakthroughs. Now, after seeing the terrifying power of the snake **** and the candle dragon, he really yearns for it.

If manpower can also reach this level, can it be called a god?

"Answer me, are there other candle dragons in this world?" The dull voice of the candle dragon came, "What exactly is the mountain and sea world you speak of?"

"That is the original place where the heavens and the earth were born. There are many terrifying existences there, and the candle dragon is one of them. Compared with that, your strength is too weak!" The snake **** sneered.

As if saying that the candle dragon was so powerful gave him a sense of superiority.

"Oh, there is such a place in the world, which makes people yearn!" There was a look of yearning in Zhulong's eyes.

In this world, like the snake god, he could not leave a certain area. Although he had powerful power, he never had freedom.

The snake **** wants to get rid of that restriction by taking the house to complete an alternative rebirth.

And Zhulong chose to merge with Ye Cheng to get rid of this restriction.

Of course, these all come at a great cost.

Even if the snake **** occupies the body of Queen Jingjue, his power will be greatly reduced, far from being comparable to the peak period.

No matter how Zhulong recovered, it was affected by Ye Cheng's physical potential to a certain extent.

Unless Ye Cheng can keep getting stronger, he will have the chance to keep getting stronger.

But it sounds like that world is obviously different. The power of that world is unlimited and makes people yearn for it.

But the snake **** sneered, "Hehe, you are far from aware of the cruelty and coldness of that world. It is a world without hope, and I escaped from there!"

"Survival of the fittest, only the weak will escape!" Zhulong disdain!

He has his own pride.

Contempt for everything in the world.

The snake **** was furious, "You dare to humiliate me and seek death!"

The huge body slammed into the candle dragon, and this force was enough to destroy the sky and the earth.

If it is outside, I am afraid that the entire Kunlun Mountains may be razed to the ground. This is the horror of the power close to the gods.


The loud noise kept coming, Ye Cheng shouted: "Save the people first!"

Zhulong nodded, his eyes closed, and the whole world instantly turned into In the darkness, Zhulong was the ruler and the only god.

A **** hand instantly grabbed the tail of the snake god, and directly rescued the trapped Queen Jingjue.

"Damn you, this is my realm, I am the master!" The snake **** was furious.

He forced the use of power to restore the light to the world.

The next moment, Queen Jing Jue came to Ye Cheng's side, and a mysterious force sent them away, obviously for fear that the battle between the candle dragon and the snake **** would directly obliterate them.

This is a scene neither the snake **** nor the candle dragon wants to see. After all, these two people are very important to them, and it is the guarantee that they can continue to exist in the world.

So, neither of them can die.

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